Wrap a list of WebElements and present as a single WebElement - htmlelements

I am automating testing of a response web app and have an issue with multiple elements on the page with the same #FindBy selector where only one is visible at a particular screen resolution (in this case a logout button that 'moves' around the screen).
I could just get a list of webelements and click on the first visible, but I was wondering if I could do something smarter using html elements:
Given the following annotation
#FindBy(css = ".logoutButton")
MultiWebElement logoutButton;
When I call this method
Then the MultiWebElement class will iterate over all elements that match the find by and call the click method on the first one that isDisplayed().
Unfortunately the decorator seems to want logoutButton to be of type List which defeats the purpose of creating the new class.
Can I do something like this, or is this outside the current scope?


Drools Business Central Workbench - Test Scenario: List subproperty on object

Is there a way to populate a List property on an object being tested under the "new style" test scenario?
I see some "legacy" test cases which seem to achieve this so am wondering if the new style test scenario handles this.
I added the List model to my test case, which enabled me to expand the sub-property on the object, however there is only one field available there, "empty" (boolean). Is there a way to add an object here? If it makes any difference, the model is an external java dependency.
The reason I wasn't able to add the List of objects was because I didn't explicitly import that object dependency into the test. Once you import it you can follow the steps given in the answer below.
It's definitely possible to manage a List property under the Test Scenario Editor.
Please consider the following example: A Book class with a List<String> property named topics.
Creating a new Test Scenario assets, please select the column where you need to add the List property, and in the right part of the editor select the property expanding the Book class, as shown below:
Pressing Insert Data Ojbect button will assign the selected List property to the selected column:
To fill the data in the List property, please double click on the Insert value cell, in the first scenario data row. A popup will appear. Its aim is to fill data inside a collection
To add a value, please press the Add list value link in the bottom part of the popup. Here, you'll be able to fill a single item on the list
Repeat this step for all the items you need to add to the list. When completed, simply press to Save button
The popup will close and you should see the previously selected data cell filled with a label similar to List(2), the number represents the number of the items in the list.

Unexpected value in the text box by setText() method, even though expected value by getText() method print in console

I am a newbie and currently working on a project to build a Netflix-like desktop app on NetBeans. Users can select movies from a list to watch. I have two basic classes one to get, and the other one to set.
When a user clicks on jButton2('named Izle' on picture), the name of the film and the 'episode no.' passes to the filmIzleniyor class constructor, and then the film starts.
jButton2 SCREEN:
There are two text field on that frame, one shows the name, other shows the 'episode no.'. The program objects have an id attribute, and 1-50 of id's are cinema movies, the others (greater than 50) are TV series. Cinema movies 'episode no.' is 1. If the user selects a TV series, he must enter the 'episode no.' in the box.
filmIzleniyor SCREEN:
The problem is that if user selects a cinema movie (so there's no need to enter the episode no.) everything is OK, but if he selects a TV series then both text boxes on the frame show the first entry all the time. I mean in every attempt after the first attempt both text boxes repeat the first.
As you can see on pictures, I have tried some controls to detect, but nothing.
Print the value taken by getText method in the console shows the true value, but wrong text is written on the frame.
I found a solution that way:
I call the filmIzleniyor(int x, String y) constructor by using new keyword in another button's actionPerformed method, it's the first time to call that constructor in the program. The second time to call, i use the new keyword again then it creates another instance, so that the contents of the text components are loading two times. İt shows the first content in the screen, i dont know why?.

Is it possible to keep selecting an item from a carousel/list?

I am displaying a carousel as discussed in Why is the carousel not showing in the console simulator?. I am now noticing that the end-user can only select once an item from the carousel. When the end-user select another item subsequently, the default fallback intent is triggered.
Is it possible to select multiple items from a carousel?
In my case, the backend service shows the carousel with an output context (named my-carousel) set. The corresponding intent for the actions_intent_OPTION event requires that same context my-carousel as input context (which works as expected for the first selection). When setting the output context my-carousel, I tried several lifespan count values, but without any success.
I don't think there is a way to currently do that the way you tried.
However, you can have another intent trained for keys of carousel (Or use fallback intent) and then process the information this way instead of using actions_intent_OPTION.
But this solution would work only for static data/data matching your database.

GWT Widget not properly set in the DOM

I would like to print a GWT widget which extends Composite. This widget is composed of a grid whose cells are built with a ListDataProvider. When the user clic on a button print, the widget to print is built. Once this is done, I launch the print:
Element element = widgetToPrint.getElement();
String content = element.getInnerHTML();
public static native boolean print(String content)
var mywindow = window.open('', 'Printing', '');
mywindow.document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" href="/public/stylesheets/ToPrintWidget.css" type="text/css" media="all"/></head><body>');
return true;
So, here is my problem:
The window which is opened by this method contains the core of the widget (built by the UI Binder), but some children are missing...
If I look inside the ListDataProvider and its related FlowPanel, the data are consistent, i.e. I've got several item in my list and in the flowPanel.
Consequently, it should be visible on the printing window...
I thought that maybe the problem was related to the method used to print the widget, so I also tried to add this widget into a dialogbox just before launching the print, to see if the widget was properly built... and it was.
So my widget displays well on a dialogbox, but if I try to give its innerHTML to the print method, by using getElement(), some widgets are missing... I've the feeling that the widgets which should have been built when the ListDataProvider changes are not properly set in the DOM... Somehow it works when I add the widget to a regular component, but it doesn't work when I have to give directly its innerHTML...
Do you have any idea ?
Thanks in advance.
Widgets are not just the sum of their elements, and DOM elements are not just the string that they are serialized to. Widgets are the element, and all events sunk to the dom to listen for any changes or interactions by the user. Elements then have callback functions or handlers they invoke when the user interacts with them.
By serializing the element (i.e. invoking getInnerHTML()), you are only reading out the structure of the dom, not the callbacks, and additionally not the styles set by CSS. This probably shouldn't be expected to work correctly, and as your experience is demonstrating, it doesn't.
As this is just a print window you are trying to create, event handling is probably not a concern. You just want the ability to see, but not interact with, the content that would be in that set of widgets. Styles are probably the main problem here then (though your question doesn't specify 'some children are missing' doesn't tell us what is missing, or give us any more clues as to why...) - you are adding one stylesheet in your JSNI code, but CellTable (which I assume you are using since you reference ListDataProvider) needs additional CssResource instances to appear correctly. I'm not sure how you can hijack those to draw in a new window.
Are you only using this to print content, not to let the user directly interact with the data? If so, consider another approach - use a SafeHtmlBuilder to create a giant, properly escaped string of content to draw in the new window.
String content = element.toString();
This will include all hierarchy elements in the node.
Just a reminder, all the GWT handlers will not work, and you have to sink all the events using DOM.
You might want to grab the outer HTML rather than the inner one.
GWT unfortunately has no getOuterHTML, but it's relatively easy to emulate.
If your widget is the only child within an element, then simply get the inner HTML of the parent element (w.getElement().getParentElement().getInnerHTML())
Otherwise, clone your widget's node add it to a newly created parent element, from which you'll be able to get the inner HTML:
DivElement temp = Document.get().createDivElement();
return temp.getInnerHTML();
First thank you for your answers, it helped me to work out this problem.
I've almost solve the problem:
First, I do not use ListDataProvider anymore, because it wasn't clear for me when and how the view was refreshed. Instead I add my widgets by hand, which makes sense since, they are not going to move anyway.
Then, I define the style of my widgets using a common CSS stylesheet. However, in order to do it, I can't rely on CssResource, which was the way I was used to do it with GWT. I think that this comes from the JS method which gets lost by this kind of styles... Instead, I have to specify everything in a static CSS stylesheet, and to give it to the JS.
It works perfectly well, ie, I have my widgets, with thei styles, and I can print it.
The color of some widgets depends on the color of the object that they represent. Consequently, I cannot write a generic CSS stylesheet... And as I said, I can't add a style using CssResource... Do you have any ideas on the way to handle that ?
To make sure I'm clear on the way I'm adding styles, here is an example:
Label l = new Label("Here is a cell in my grid to be printed");
With, in a public CSS stylesheet:
background-color: red;
I hope there is a better way than to write 300 styles to cover 300 different colors...

SilverLight 4 DataGrid & MVVM: Using SelectionChanged trigger to check checkbox, but NotifyPropertyChanged causes crash

I have a DataGridCheckBoxColumn in my DataGrid which is to indicate the rows the user has selected. I want the checkboxes to be checked/unchecked with a single click. Making the column editable (i.e. IsReadOnly="False") means the user has to click twice (first click just selects the row, 2nd click changes the checkbox), so I decided to set/clear the property the column is bound to in the view model code in response to the SelectionChanged trigger firing.
Setting/clearing the property works fine, however as soon as I call NotifyPropertyChanged("name of collection the grid is bound to") to get the view to show the change, this causes the SelectionChanged trigger to fire again. This loops about 10 times until an exception is thrown.
If I remove the call to NotifyPropertyChanged, the SelectionChanged trigger fires once, but of course I don't see any change in the UI. The collection is a PagedCollectionView if this makes any difference.
How can I get this to work? Note - I am using MVVM pattern, so everything is done with bindings to View Model (no code behind).
Sounds like you have a infinite loop by design.
but try using the selectionchanging instead of selectionchanged,
or put a isloading flag in your viewmodel and dont call the inotify if the isloading is true
I found a very simple solution that doesn't involve triggers or code behind. See: Silverlight single-click checkbox DataGrid columns
It seems to work by using a column template, but only providing the CellEditingTemplate and no CellTemplate.