How order status was chaged in woocommerce after PayPal EC Payment Finished? [closed] - paypal

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am using PayPal Express checkout using WooCommerce I send the information to PayPal from my checkout page and after return to My Site after Payment was completed. I don't know how was my order status is change pending to processing?

When using Woo's Plugin you have to define an IPN for the orders to update automatically. Here's some info to help.
You can do one or the other here.
Use AngellEye's Plugin for IPN
Walkthrough in setting it up manually for WooCommerce
View this guide as it is very thorough using AngellEye
Hope this helps 8^)

To integrate PayPal Express Checkout, 2 best plugins to use are
PayPal for WooCommerce by Angell EYE
WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Gateway by WooCommerce
NOTE: Before these plugins are installed, make sure that you have backup of your website so if these plugins cause any issues on the website/ crash the website, we still have a backup.
This will take care of the order status when the order is placed.
Above plugins are reliable and used by most of the Merchants on their website.


Paypal: Sorry, we couldn't set up your subscription using the payment method you selected. Please try another payment method [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Sorry, we couldn't set up your subscription using the payment method you selected. Please try another payment method.
Dears i have this issue with all customers no paypal customers service available to answer me i am losing money and customers due this issue. PLEASE ANY ONE HELP.
Sorry, we couldn't set up your subscription using the payment method you selected. Please try another payment method.
i am sure no issue with banks accounts only from paypal side.
This is a decline message. If all payments are being declined, it may have something to do with your business type or other account settings, but only someone on PayPal's end would be able to look at your account and research these declines.
It is not an integration nor a programming problem for Stackoverflow.

What PayPal API should I use? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am creating a project whereby users are able to create webstores for their customers to purchase items from.
My current two thoughts are:
Payouts API whereby all customer payments will go to myself, and I will then use the Payouts API to send payments to users.
Have users enter in their API credentials in their user area so that their customers can send money directly to them using the Express Checkout API
Neither of these options feel optimal - the payouts API means I will be responsible for all chargebacks and payment disputes between customer and user. Forcing the user to enter in their API credentials is a slightly better solution however it would require me to provide documentation and support on how to create their API credentials.
I will likely go with option 2, but I'm hoping someone may be able to provide more options that I've overlooked or not seen in the docs. Thanks in advance.
Option 2 is correct, it is what all third party shopping carts do.
There exists a third option, the payee field, but you run into permission issues for refunds and authorizations. So Option 2 is the correct one for your use case. Each receiver should create a REST APP and enter the ClientID/Secret into your system.
You mentioned the "Express Checkout API" so you might be using something old/classic, which you should not do. See this front-end demo pattern of Smart Payment Buttons:
Notice the two fetches to '/demo/...' endpoints, which must be replaced with actual routes on your server. The first should create a v2/order and return an OrderID. The second should capture that v2/order after a payer has approved it.

Which paypal service should I use [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In my web application (spring mvc + jsp), I have to implement payment process which I will take the money of someone (i.e buyer), deposit to someone else (i.e seller), and keep a portion for myself (i.e commission). I would like the process will perform on my website instead of redirecting to paypal. I have tried to search for the service that I need, but after a while of reading it, I am very confused. I am thinking I may need some mix between Adaptive Payment or Website Payment Pro. However, I think that Paypal would also provide a service that I am searching for, but I haven't found yet. So would anyone mind to help me out of this confusion please?
In order to do the payment split as part of checkout you would need to use Adaptive Payments, specifically the Pay API with a chained payment. Unfortunately, you can't avoid redirecting the user to PayPal with this method.
If that's a must, then you'll need to go with Payments Pro, but then you can't do the split within a single checkout, and you can't split the fees up among the receivers. So you'll end up paying a fee when you receive the money, and then when you send the money there will be another fee there, too. Also, if you go that route you would be responsible for any chargebacks that occur, so this is simply not recommended.

initial steps for Paypal integration in Ios [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to implement paypal in my app(because i can not use in-App purchase for physical goods).
I want to know the initial process to implement the paypal. i.e any app_key, money receiver account info etc.
I want to know what kind information will be required(which paypal will require) to start the paypal integration
How it will know that to whom account money to transfer.
There are two ways to integrate Paypal with the iOS application i.e. 1) MPL - Mobile payments library : Launces Paypal window on the top of application window. 2) MECL - Mobile express checkout library : Launces in a webview
You can use MECL to implement PayPal. PayPal has provided sandbox inputs to be used. Once you develop the app, you need to submit it to paypal. Paypal will verify and test your application for various payment scenarios and security as well. Once they approve, they(Paypal) will provide you with a production env id number. USe that number in the app and upload it to app store.
And here is the link to PayPal Dev center which has all the details you need.

Paypal integration in music selling site [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am building a website where people join and create an account to sell music to visitors and receive money through Paypal. The steps would be.
Persons buy music and send money to members Paypal account, then a response from Paypal should be sent to website, to verify payment and then insert results into database and send link to buyer to download music.
I basically have everything else, but not sure which Paypal service to use in order to achieve the above results. I was looking at IPN but that involves the member(seller) setting a response URL in their Paypal account in order for the response to be send to the website.
Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
You can use Website Payments Standard, Website Payments Pro, or Express Checkout to do this. You are also correct about the variable "notify_url", this will allow you to pass over the IPN URL in the button code so that it does not need to be set in the PayPal account.