Installing graph-tool into Enthought Canopy (OS X 10.10)? - enthought

I am trying to install graph-tool into Enthought Canopy.
Has anyone had success doing so? If so, can you provide your steps?

Related in redhat 8.3 yum

I am try to install oracle manager server in linux redhat 8.3 oprating system but getting error where try to install this package also not able to install help please any one
I am try to install oracle manager server in linux redhat 8.3 oprating system but getting error where try to install this package also not able to install help please any one

Is it possible to install scip on centos 6.5

Is there anyone knows if I can install scip in centos 6.5?
I take a try but it doesn't work. I don't know i have a mistake in installation process or it can't work on centos!
I install scip on ubuntu correctly.
thanks in advance,
Yes, it is possible to build SCIP on CentOS 6.5.

Cannot install scipy in python 2.7

When i try to install SciPy, the installer starts running but says it cannot install because it cannot detect python 3.4. But as far as i know, SciPy has support for Python 2.7.
Any help will be appreciated.

Satchmo install on a mac using virtualenv

I have virtualenv set up and working correctly on my mac os (leopard) running python 2.6 & django 1.2.3. I want to install Satchmo but I haven't found solid instructions for a mac install using virtualenv. Can anyone help regarding this? thanks.
If you're using buildout with virtualenv then try this:
Of course installing newest XCode ie. 3.1 or 3.2 is a must..
Unfortunatelly compiniling stuff on Mac can give you the creeps... My collegue and I, were fighting 12h with installation of geodjango on Spatialite database, and we didn't make it after all :)
If you're not using buildout then just use macports for installing modules listed in above repo's buildout.cfg file.
Good luck!
This Satchmo Project post contains the instructions I follow on Snow Leopard. I use Homebrew and/or MacPorts in lieu of the Debian package tools.

How can I install Crypt::SSLeay on a Win 64?

I've got 64-bit Vista with ActiveState Perl "v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread" and I'm trying to get the Crypt::SSLeay package installed along with versions of libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll.
I've done this before on a Win32 machine using the 'uwinnipeg' server, but I'm running into issues with my 64-bit system.
ppm install
ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform
I've tried a straight ppm install which seemed to work, but verification fails and I don't see any sign of the dll files?
C:\Perl64\bin>ppm install Crypt::SSLeay
Downloading ActiveState Package Repository packlist...done
Updating ActiveState Package Repository database...done
Syncing site PPM database with .packlists...done
No missing packages to install
C:\Perl64\bin>ppm verify Crypt::SSLeay
ppm verify failed: Package 'Crypt::SSLeay' is not installed
Does anyone know where/how I could get versions that are compatible with my PC?
There are a few issues here: First, AFAIK, you need OpenSSL v1.0.0 or greater for Windows 64. Second, until recently, Makefile.PL in Crypt-SSLeay did not detect correctly OpenSSL versions greater than 0.9.x.
I think you want to upgrade at the very least to Perl 5.10.1 as it fixed a number of crucial performance related bugs.
If you install mingw via ActiveState's ppm (I am assuming ppm install mingw would work even though I haven't tried it on a 64-bit system), you can use it to build OpenSSL 1.0.0a and Crypt-SSLeay.
Update: You probably don't need Crypt::SSLeay. See:
DO YOU NEED Crypt::SSLeay?
Does your code really depend on Crypt::SSLeay?
Don't declare a dependency on Crypt::SSLeay (or IO::Socket::SSL either).
Also useful:
Building OpenSSL 1.0.1g on 64-bit Windows Pro 8.1 with Windows SDK 7.1
Compile Vim and OpenSSL with Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition.
Sinan has very recently released a new version of Crypt::SSLeay which might clear up some Windows installation issues. I doubt it's made its way into a PPM yet.