Graph API Page Mentions - facebook

How can I retrieve Page mentions made by user in their own wall (both comments & posts).
When I query the Page's feed those mentions aren't retrieved and I cannot find Page's edges that can retrieve those posts/comments

This API call gets you all the public mentions of your page: {page_id}/tagged.


how can I get facebook official page id of a page using graph api

for example the official page of burj khalifa is where BurjKhalifa is the page id and alternate page id is 10262742980397... and refers to the official page of Burj Khalifa.. How can I get official facebook page id of a given place using graph api
Generate and encode url of the page and call:[TOKEN]"

how to read public timeline feed in facebook?

I need to read timeline feed in facebook public pages. I have used syntax to get the feed from timeline:,name,picture,feed
It works well and returns the feed,when facebook page not have "Posts To Page".
When Page have "Posts To Page",it only returns all posted messages on page not timeline feeds.
Example of a request(Graph API Explorer tools):,name,picture,feed
Please suggest how can read feed from timelines?
/{page-id}/posts shows only the posts that were published by this page.
The feed of posts (including status updates) and links published by this person, or by others on this person's profile. There are other edges which provide filtered versions of this edge:
/{user-id}/posts shows only the posts that were published by this person.
/{user-id}/tagged shows only the posts that this person was tagged in.
All of these derivative edges share the exact same reading structure, however /feed should be used for all publishing purposes.

Can we get the post clicks count of a post made in Facebook using graph api v2.3?

My requirement is to get the post clicks count of a post made in Facebook(wall or page) using Graph API v2.3.
Please suggest!
Insights are only available for pages, but you can do something like this:
where <page> is the name or id of your page and <metric_name> is one of the metrics for posts from this page:

Graph API SEARCH not returning public posts done on a page

I'm trying to get posts with a certain keyword (in fact, a hashtag), but I'm not receiving all posts. For example, there are a lot of posts done by users on a certain page that are not being pulled although they're public. The call I do is similar to this one:
Not sure if this type of posts are considered public but only retrievable by specifying the page:
But I need to retrieve all public posts containing a certain keyword and I don't know exactly which pages could users post to with this hashtag...
Be aware that Facebook has just taken down public post search in Graph API v2.0 so you won't be available to do that anymore.
Check under section Graph API "Public post search is no longer available. (/search?type=post&q=foobar)"

Get Facebook Page Feed and their likes/comments without any permissions

I am trying to get the user ids of all the users who have liked or commented on a status on a facebook page.
I tried using
but it only gives me 2-4 user ids who have liked and their total count, similarly for comments. Is there any way to get all the ids?
According to The Documentation for the 'Post' object
(and verified by me on my own page using the Graph API Explorer tool), these work:
/POST_ID/comments to fetch the comments
/POST_ID/likesto fetch the Likes