How do I update an existing page on confluence? - confluence

I am using the following code to create a page on Confluence 4.3:
public void publish() throws IOException {
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Date today = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
XWikiXmlRpcClient rpc = new XWikiXmlRpcClient(CONFLUENCE_URI);
try {
Page page = new Page();
page.setTitle(owrConf.getString(ConfigKeys.CONFLUENCE_PAGE_TITLE) + "_" + df.format(today));
List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get("summary.markup"), Charset.defaultCharset());
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
b.append(String.format("%s%s", lines.get(i), "\r\n"));
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
This works fine, but I am just wondering if I can update an existing page instead of always creating a new one. I can't find API information for Confluence 4.3 to do this.

Take a look at this post that updates a page with Python and XMLRPC.
How can I create a new page to confluence with Python
You can also look at this page
But really in 2015 you should be using the Confluence REST API to do this kind of stuff. Make a simple post to this url with some JSON data and your page is updated
XWikiXmlRpcClient rpc = new XWikiXmlRpcClient(url);
try {
//Perform Login & Authentication
rpc.login(user, pass);
//Create a Page object to hold our Document information
Page page = new Page();
//Fetch the required page. In our example, the page is in Space "demo code"
//and the Page is "Update Page"
page=rpc.getPage("demo code.Update Page");
//Fetch the content of the page & store it in a string for temporary storage
//This is the present content of the Page
String presentContent=page.getContent();
//Create a string that will hold the new content that is to be added to the Page
String newContent="\\\\Some new content added";
//Set the content of the page as: present content + new content
//However, this page is not yet stored to XWiki. It only resides in your application
//Finally, store the "updated" Page to XWiki
//Just to make sure everything saved all right, fetch the content again for the Page
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
System.out.println("invalid username/password was specified or communication problem or ");
} finally {
Got this from this page:


Why does the Facebook Graph API respond with the same "next" URL over and over?

I am using Volley to submit POST requests to the Facebook Graph API in order to retrieve information about photos and videos from a user account using their BATCH facility so I get it all in one go (rather than making one call for photos, one for videos). The first call works perfectly:
request = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST,
new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Timber.e("Got VolleyError: %s", error.getMessage());
}) {
public String getBodyContentType() {
return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + getParamsEncoding();
protected Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<>();
JSONArray batchRequest = new JSONArray();
JSONObject photoRequest = new JSONObject();
JSONObject videoRequest = new JSONObject();
try {
photoRequest.put("method", "GET");
photoRequest.put("relative_url",facebookUserID + String.format("?fields=photos.limit(%1$s){id,created_time,images{source},picture}",batchSize));
videoRequest.put("method", "GET");
videoRequest.put("relative_url",facebookUserID + String.format("?fields=videos.limit(%1$s){id,created_time,source,picture}",batchSize));
} catch (JSONException e) {
Timber.d("Lifecycle: Exception constructing batch request: %s", e.getMessage());
return null;
//try {
// Timber.d("Lifecycle: batchRequest: %s", batchRequest.toString(2));
//} catch (JSONException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
params.put("batch", batchRequest.toString());
params.put("include_headers", "false");
params.put(FB_BASE_ACCESSTOKEN_KEY, facebookToken);
return params;
// Using a blocking volley request, this chain has been called on a separate async task
// See SO:
facebookRetval = future.get(VOLLEY_REQUEST_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
returnResult = parseBatchRequest(facebookRetval);
The returned JSON has all the fields I've requested, as well as the pagination block with cursors, and a "next" and/or "previous" url, per the Facebook documentation.
A "next" URL looks something like:,created_time,images{source},picture&limit=5&after=AFTER_TOKEN_HERE
There is one of these that gets passed back from the batch operation for each of the original GET operations (assuming both photos and videos have greater than LIMIT items).
Again, this part works fine.
But when I try and use that "next" URL to create another BATCH call, it fails with an "unsupported GET operation" error. This is true even though I can use a standard Volley GET using that exact same URL and it works perfectly.
I have tried using the "" portion of the above URL as the root of the POST (like what worked in the initial call), and everything after that as the "relative_url" parameter. No go.
Then I tried parsing out just the "after" portion of the "next" url, and constructing a new relative_url that was exactly like the first one, but tacking on a "&after=" + AFTER_VALUE to it as the relative_url. No go - in fact, while this succeeded in making the call, I keep getting the initial batch over and over and over. It is like it is ignoring the "&after=" parameter.
For now I am back to making two GET calls (one for photos, one for videos) just using the NEXT url as long as it keeps being passed back to me. This works fine, but obviously I'm making two network calls instead of the single batch one.
A little more examination revealed that I had made a string parsing error on the subsequent batch operation, and was inadvertently including a forward slash when I should not have been.
For those new to using the batch API, the lesson is that you need "" as the POST url (no trailing forward slash), then your relative url should NOT start with a forward slash. So the URL I was trying to utilize on calls 2..N like this:,created_time,images{source},picture&limit=5&after=AFTER_TOKEN_HERE
should be broken out as:
photoRequest.put("relative_url", "v7.0/FACEBOOK_ID_HERE/photos?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE&fields=id,created_time,images{source},picture&limit=5&after=AFTER_TOKEN_HERE");
The API handles putting in the forward slash between the root and the relative url.

java api to get a file content for enterprise github

I tried so hard for a simple line of code that read a file content from enterprise github with oauth token, but could not find a example of such.
I tried, but it does not support enterprise github?(maybe I am wrong)
Now i am trying egit:
GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient("enterprise url");
GitHubRequest request = new GitHubRequest();
GitHubResponse response = client.get(request);
Then what? I only saw a getBody, maybe I need to parse it with some kinda json library? It has to be simpler..I am expecting something like: repo.get(url).getContent()
Finally figure out by reading source code..
GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient(YOURENTERPRICEURL);
// first use token service
RepositoryService repoService = new RepositoryService(client);
try {
Repository repo = repoService.getRepository(USER, REPONAME);
// now contents service
ContentsService contentService = new ContentsService(client);
List<RepositoryContents> test = contentService.getContents(repo, YOURFILENAME);
List<RepositoryContents> contentList = contentService.getContents(repo);
for(RepositoryContents content : test){
String fileConent = content.getContent();
String valueDecoded= new String(Base64.decodeBase64(fileConent.getBytes() ));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

How can i post the feed to facebook page as admin using c# sdk?

I want to update the facebookpage using c# sdk. I have partially successful with this, the problem is whenever I post messages to the page, post is visible only for admin(i am the admin of the page)is logged In. I want the post or feed to be visible to every one who visit the page.
(even admin is logged out post's are not visible to admin also)
The following code i am trying to achieve
public ActionResult FacebookPagePost()
string app_id = "xxxx";
string app_secret = "xxx";
string scope = "publish_stream,manage_pages";
string page_Id = "xxX";
if (Request["code"] == null)
return Redirect(string.Format(
app_id, Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, scope));
Dictionary<string, string> tokens = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string url = string.Format("{0}&redirect_uri={1}&scope={2}&code={3}&client_secret={4}",
app_id, Request.Url.AbsoluteUri, scope, Request["code"].ToString(), app_secret);
HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string vals = reader.ReadToEnd();
foreach (string token in vals.Split('&'))
tokens.Add(token.Substring(0, token.IndexOf("=")),
token.Substring(token.IndexOf("=") + 1, token.Length - token.IndexOf("=") - 1));
string access_token = tokens["access_token"];
var client = new FacebookClient(access_token);
dynamic fbAccounts = client.Get("/me/accounts");
dynamic messagePost = new ExpandoObject();
messagePost.picture = ""; = ""; = "name goes here";
messagePost.description = "description goes here";
//Loop over the accounts looking for the ID that matches your destination ID (Fan Page ID)
foreach (dynamic account in {
if ( == page_Id)
//When you find it, grab the associated access token and put it in the Dictionary to pass in the FB Post, then break out.
messagePost.access_token = account.access_token;
client.Post("/" + page_Id + "/feed", messagePost);
catch (FacebookOAuthException ex)
catch (Exception e)
1) Create a Facebook App at: and get yourself an APPID and APPSECRET. (there are a lot of tutorials online for doing this so I will skip repeating it)
2) Go to: and choose your app from the dropdown and click "generate access token".
3) After that do the following steps here: to get yourself a permanent page token.
(I can not stress this enough, follow the steps carefully and thoroughly)*
*I have tool I built that does this for me, all I enter is the APPID, APPSECRET and ACCESSTOKEN which the tool then generates a permanent page token for me. Anyone is welcomed to use it and help make it better,
Ok at this point you should have your APPID, APPSECRET and a PERMANENT PAGE TOKEN.
In your Visual Studio solution:
4) Using Nuget:Install-Package Facebook
5) Implement the Facebook client:
public void PostMessage(string message)
var fb = new FacebookClient
AppId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FacebookAppID"),
AppSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FacebookAppSecret"),
AccessToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FacebookAccessToken")
dynamic result = fb.Post("me/feed", new
message = message
catch (Exception exception)
// Handle your exception
I hope this helps anyone who is struggling to figure this out.

facebook c# sdk: how to get all user facebook pages

I want to retrieve all page names the user is administering. Ive came across this post which is exactly what I want using graph api and not the FQL. Ive gotten the access token already but I cant debug using the below code. Anybody knows how do I achieve this?
//view all user pages
private void pageBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FacebookAPI api = new Facebook.FacebookAPI(myToken.Default.token);
JSONObject pageData = api.Get("/me/account");//pulls all the pages
var data = pageData.Dictionary["name"];
List<JSONObject> pageList = data.Array.ToList<JSONObject>();
foreach (var page in pageList)
Okaay I think Ive got it. I used the below code to return me all the pages I have. Thanks TommyBs for the first stepping stone!
FacebookAPI api = new Facebook.FacebookAPI(myToken.Default.token);
JSONObject pageData = api.Get("/me/accounts");
var data = pageData.Dictionary["data"];
List<JSONObject> pageList = data.Array.ToList<JSONObject>();
foreach (var page in pageList)
// myFriendsData.Add(friend.Dictionary["id"].String, friend.Dictionary["name"].String);

Facebook profile picture doesnt show up, it shows an icon of a question mark

Do you have any idea? I am developing an app using Unity IDE and C#. Also, I'm using the social networking prime31 for my plugin with Facebook. I was able to get all the graphs and display it in my screen app, but since last week it didn't show the profile picture and my friend's picture, it just shows a plain question mark. Do you have any idea with regard to that?
But I was able to show the username and my friend's username. My app token is working, and I am using JSON data to get the data from the Facebook URL.
void Start()
void getFB_ID()
Facebook.instance.graphRequest( "me/", HTTPVerb.GET, ( error, obj ) =>
var ht = obj as Hashtable;
userId = ht["id"].ToString();
Debug.Log( "USER ID: " + userId);
string url = ""+userId+"?fields=id,name,picture";
IEnumerator getURL(string url)
WWW www = new WWW(url);
yield return www;
Debug.Log ("Heres the URL you are accessing: " + url);
public void ProfilePicDisplay(string jsonString)
JsonData jsonProfilePic = JsonMapper.ToObject(jsonString);
ConverterScript fbprofilepic;
MyPicture = new ArrayList();
fbprofilepic = new ConverterScript(); = jsonProfilePic["name"].ToString();
fbprofilepic.picture = jsonProfilePic["picture"].ToString();
private void LoadProfilePic(ConverterScript profile)
string ProfilePic = "userAvatar";
GameObject profile_pic_holder = GameObject.Find(ProfilePic);
profile_pic_holder.SendMessage("LoadImage", profile);
was able to get the data in my logs, but the problem is it didnt load the image, it says:
You are trying to load data from a www stream which had the following error when downloading.
Could not resolve host: JsonData object (Domain name not found)
As of last week, October 3rd and detailed here:
The picture endpoint no longer returns the picture URL in the string. It returns a dictionary and you have to change your parsing to get to it. So the data returned will look more like this:
"id": "1234567",
"name": "Your Name",
"picture": {
"data": {
"url": "",
"is_silhouette": false
In the latest LeanLoader, there is an automatic fix for the newly implimented Facebook endpoint abernathy mentioned, which allows you to load the image directly (with all the parsing of the json and other data handled by the engine). You can easily load profile images like this:
function Start () {
LeanLoader.load("", LLOptions().setOnLoad(onImageLoaded));
private function onImageLoaded( tex:Texture2D ){
Debug.Log("Your image texture ready to use! :"+tex);
There is also many other features that I think people will find helpful with LeanLoader (including caching of images/text/sound and a built-in JSON parser).
try this- fb sdk version-9.1.0
FB.API ("/me/picture?type=large", HttpMethod.GET, DisplayProfilePic);// API call
void DisplayProfilePic(IGraphResult result)
Image profilePic;
if (result.Texture != null)
profilePic = image1; // diplaying image
profilePic.sprite = Sprite.Create(result.Texture, new Rect(0, 0, result.Texture.width, result.Texture.height), new Vector2());