Adding a title in Custom Graph in Facebook - facebook

I using a custom graph api for publishing a story. While publishing the story the API always picks up the "One to One - Without Object Title" and not "One to One". I need to pick the "One to One" as it has an option to update the "level.title".
How to make my code to pick "One to One"
How to correct my post to have "
James Jack cleared a level 1 in Puzzle Game - Ball Mania" Instead of "James Jack cleared a level in Puzzle Game - Ball Mania"
// Create an object
ShareOpenGraphObject object = new ShareOpenGraphObject.Builder()
.putString("og:type", "puzzlegameballmania:level")
.putString("og:title", "Puzzle Game - Ball Mania")
.putString("og:image", "")
.putString("og:url", "")
.putString("og:description", "Color of the balls matters more. Lets break the goal and go higher !")
.putString("puzzlegameballmania:level:title", "LEVEL 1")
// Create an action
ShareOpenGraphAction action = new ShareOpenGraphAction.Builder()
.putObject("puzzlegameballmania:level", object)
// Create the content
ShareOpenGraphContent content = new ShareOpenGraphContent.Builder()
.build();, content);


Please help to solve a task on php

Got the following task:
create a prototype of the game - get the code below to work. Game is the class of the game, and Tile is a tile in the game (an individual area that has coordinates). Implement the missing classes and methods so that the result is a playing field as in the comments (there should be a house, trees, lawn and flowers).
class Game
class Tile
$game = new Game([
new House(0,0), //house
new Tree(1,0), //tree
new Tree(2,0), //tree
new Lawn(0,1), //lawn
new Lawn(0,2), //lawn
new Lawn(0,3), //lawn
new Lawn(0,3), //lawn
new Flower(3,0), //flower
new Flower(1,3), //flower
0 1 2 3
0 🏠 🌳 🌳 🌼
1 🌿
2 🌿
3 🌿 🌼
Could you please suggest what method can be used to display the specified playing field?
I suppose that this task can be solved by specific method but I have no clue.

Trying to get user's latest mouse click in scalafx

I'm trying to get user's latest mouse click in order to display the right table. However, I can't find any way to implement this idea. How do i get user's latest mouse click by using mouseEvent function?
I tried using if else statements but it doesn't work when there is still value in the monstersTable1
def handleEditMonster(action : ActionEvent) = {
val selectedMonster1 = monstersTable1.selectionModel().selectedItem.value
val selectedMonster2 = monstersTable2.selectionModel().selectedItem.value
if (selectedMonster1 != null){
val okClicked = MainApp.showMonsterEditDialog(selectedMonster1)
if (okClicked) showMonstersDetails(Some(selectedMonster1))
} else if (selectedMonster2 != null) {
val okClicked = MainApp.showMonsterEditDialog(selectedMonster2)
if (okClicked) showMonstersDetails(Some(selectedMonster2))
} else {
// Nothing selected.
val alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.Warning){
title = "No Selection"
headerText = "No monsters Selected"
contentText = "Please select a monsters in the table."
I want it to be able to access the second table even though selectedMonster1 is still != null
It's not entirely clear from your question what it is you're trying to do, so please bear with me... (For future reference, it's best if you can create a ''minimal, complete and verifiable example'' that illustrates your problem.)
I'm assuming that you have two scalafx.scene.control.TableView instances, referenced via monstersTable1 and monstersTable2. You want to allow the user to select either one of the monsters in the first table, or one of the monsters in the second table, but not to be able to select one monster from each table simultaneously.
I'm unclear when your handleEditMonster function is called, so I'm guessing that it's invoked when the user clicks, say, an Edit Monster button, as that button's clicked event handler.
Do I have that right?
Assuming the above is accurate, you should listen for changes in table selection, and clear the selection in the other table when a new selection is made. The currently selected item in each table is a property that we can add a listener to, so we can achieve this with the following code (in your scene's initialization):
// In the onChange handlers, the first argument references the observable property
// that has been changed (in this case, the property identifying the currently
// selected item in the table), the second is the property's new value and the third
// is its previous value. We can ignore the first and the third arguments in this
// case. If the newValue is non-null (that is, if the user has made a
// selection from this table), then clear the current selection in the other
// table.
monstersTable1.selectionModel.selectedItem.onChange {(_, newValue, _) =>
if(newValue ne null) monstersTable2.selectionModel.clearSelection()
monstersTable2.selectionModel.selectedItem.onChange {(_, newValue, _) =>
if(newValue ne null) monstersTable1.selectionModel.clearSelection()
This should do the trick for you, and your handleEditMonster function should now work. You might want to add an assertion to guard against both tables having a current selection, which would indicate a bug in the selection handler logic.

MapBox Symbol doesn't act like markers properly (clustering, click..)

I am trying to make moving cars on MapBox using new promising GL Symbol layer/source. It looks very nice both on android and ios, but I faced with two impossibilities.
Symbols are always clustering. setIconAllowOverlap() and setIconIgnorePlacement() don't help: on some zoom it WILL be clustered. On both platforms.
How can I disable symbols clustering completely?
UPDATE: the code and even fast solution! (possibly bug? see comment at withTextField)
in onStyleLoaded():
carManager = new SymbolManager(mapView, mapboxMap, style);
carManager.setIconAllowOverlap(true);//doesn't help
carManager.setIconIgnorePlacement(true);//doesn't help
in drawCarFunction():
SymbolOptions carOptions = new SymbolOptions()
//.withTextField(carPlate) //!!!! here it will cluster if text exists, and will NOT - without any text
Symbol car= carManager.create(carOptions);
Next question:
On Android we have symbolManager.addClickListener() , but how could I catch a click on iOS? I know I can catch the tap, calculate nearest marker etc but
How to get symbol click simpler in swift?
In Moving cars task I should enumerate existing cars, move running, add newest. Where should I store cars IDs to get it later on next move? Where are no even symbol.setTag() option... Storing IDs in snippet (as on GMaps) is not that choice I expected from MapBox. Sure, I can make an array of pairs "car ID = symbol ID", but
How to store my own UID in the symbol?
UPDATE: the code. Note the comment near getTag()
void moveExistingCarOrAddNew(int carId, LatLng newLocation){
for (int i = 0; i < carManager.getAnnotations().size(); i++) {
if (carManager.getAnnotations().get(i).getTag()==carId){ //but no getTag() here, I should fit data into text fields
car.setLatLng(newLocation); //move!
} else {
...//create new marker as shown above }

Control Wicket wizard's flow by setting setComplete(boolean)

Hey there I'm still trying to improve a customized Wicket Wizard to display the steps with following states: active, completed, pending. Therefore the information of isCompleted(); should return the right value. Refering to a previous question, isComplete(); returns true, if the wizard can go to the next step.
How can I manipulate this information to get the full advantage of my draft? E.g. in one WizardStep I have multiple input fields.
super(new ResourceModel("daten.title"), new ResourceModel("daten.summary"));
java.util.Collections.addAll(sprachen, "Deutsch","English","Français","Italiano");
add(name = new RequiredTextField<String>("name", Model.of("")));
add(vorname = new RequiredTextField<String>("vorname", Model.of("")));
add(strasse = new RequiredTextField<String>("strasse", Model.of("")));
add(ort = new RequiredTextField<String>("ort", Model.of("")));
I don't want the step to "be completed" until each field is filled out. To check the condition I'd have to add an AjaxListener to each component and check for it's state to setComplete(boolean);. Can I control this flow from outside the wizard form? For example with an implementation of ICondition or is there another way? Because basically I can't go to the next step, because all of my textfields are RequiredTextField and cannot be skipped.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Update / Solution
Component buttonbar = getForm().get(Wizard.BUTTONS_ID);
Just get(Wizard.BUTTONS_ID); won't work.
Thanks to Sven Meier for the hint!
You'll have to add an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior to all your form components.
Then override #onEvent() in your wizard:
public MyWizard(id, WizardModel model) {
super(id, model);
public void onEvent(IEvent<?> event) {
if (event.getPayload() instanceof AjaxRequestTarget) {
Let your step#isComplete() return true depending on its model values, this way the wizard buttons will always be up to date.

What would be a good way of filtering a GWT CellList using multiple CheckBoxes?

Working in Google Web Toolkit (GWT) I am using a CellList to render the details of a list of Tariffs (using a CompositeCell to show a CheckBoxCell next to a custom cell of my own).
I want to filter the list by tariff length (12, 18, 24, 36 months etc). I would like to render a checkbox for each tariff length at the top of the list, and update the dataProvider as necessary when users uncheck and recheck a box.
I do not know in advance the set of tariff lengths, they will be extracted from the result set when the page is rendered. There could just be two (requiring two checkboxes), but possibly there could be 10 (requiring 10 checkboxes) - I only want to render a checkbox for each as needed.
So somehow I need to associate an int value with each checkbox, and then pass that int to a function that updates the list by removing all tariffs that match. I'm just not sure how to add the handler for the checkboxes and how to get the value for that particular box.
This is what I'm thinking:
// panel to hold boxes
private Panel contractLengthPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
// create a set of the terms, by looping the result set
Set<String> contractTerms = new HashSet<String>();
for(ElecTariff tariff : tariffs)
// loop that set, creating a CheckBox for each value
for(String term : contractTerms)
CheckBox box = new CheckBox(term + " Months");
// set all boxes with the same name, and a unique id
box.getElement().setAttribute("name", "termBoxes");
box.getElement().setAttribute("id", "termBox" + term);
Now I'm not sure if I'm along the right lines here, but now I have each box as part of the same group (they have the same name) I would like to use that to add a handler that is called when a box is checked or unchecked, passing the box id (which contains the tariff length) to that function.
I hope this wasn't too confusingly written. Help appreciated.
There really is nothing like a "group of checkboxes" in HTML, and neither there is in GWT. There are kind of "groups of radiobuttons" though, but it's only about having their checked state mutually exclusive, it doesn't change anything to the way you work with them from code.
You have to listen to changes on each and every checkbox.
What you can do though is to use the same event handler for all your checkboxes; something like:
ValueChangeHandler<Boolean> handler = new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) {
CheckBox box = (CheckBox) event.getSource();
String id = box.getFormValue();
boolean checked = box.getValue();
(note: I used getFormValue() rather than getElement().getId(); I believe it's a better choice: it's specifically made to associate a value with the checkbox)