Gravity form image retrieve in mail template - gravity-forms-plugin

I want to retrieve image in mail notification or template using gravity form. I used radio button for image selection. I used {imageradio::50} to retrieve it but it can not retrieve in mail notification how can i do this? {imageradio::50} is a key & value for radio button.


ORACLE APEX - Losing radio group value in region on cancel and submit in Tabular Form

I have a region at the top of my form with a radio group. I have a tabular form in a region at the bottom of the form. When I hit submit or cancel on the tabular form I lose the selected radio value in the top region. Is there a simple solution to this problem? I am new to radio groups.

Calling a Url using Custom Button and Updating a Checkbox?

I am new to Development.
I have senario where we are trying to use custom objects to try to send SMS whenever a new record is inserted. Right now I am using a custom button which sends a message every time a user clicks on it and I noticed that a custom button cannot be disabled. However: I do want it to be disabled whenever the user sends the text message.
I tried using VF but in order to disable the button I need to depend on some field which has to be updated after clicking the button. Can anyone help me with this?
Can I send a message by using a trigger whenever a new record is added?
can we set the check box value to true in VF when a button in VF is clicked?

How to customize a message compose screen in iphone?

Now i'm working in iPhone application, Using Label to set a text like (To:), Textfield for enter the text or number and add a plus button for add a contacts.
When i entered the name in textfield then press a plus button, the contact name display in the textfield but the background image are not visible in the textfield like below i mentioned the picture, Field To: (yuvaraj) contact background image is lightblue.
please any one help me.
Thanks in Advance
You can not customize MFMailComposeViewController to avoid editing. Apple forbids this, and the reason is quite simple: it is the user and not you that must decide exactly what to send, to whom etc. The same applies for the UI controller allowing to send SMS (text) messages. And, of course, Apple does not allows sending an email or SMS without explicit interaction with the user. It is the user that must validate and send the email or SMS message. The validation process include the ability to cancel the message or to change any single property at will, including the "to" recipients. from How to customize MFMailComposeViewController so that i can make the "to" field as non-editable? However you can try with this link

drupal form api for radio button help needed

i have to show a custom form like below
either upload image or paste a url for the image
O Radio button to set for image upload
-------Input field for image upload
O Radio button to set image url
--------- input field to get that url
im struggling with custom form code whether to use #type=>radio or #type=>radios
if i use type radio then there is 2 radio button will create of either choice wont work
If i use type radios how can i separate the radios as per above design
Please guide me this situation,
I would use radios and then position the the image upload and input fields correctly using CSS.

iPhone Simple submit form

how can i create a simple submit form with some UITextfield and button , when user tabs the button then the textfield information sends into an email (without email application) ?
For your first question, use a grouped table view, with a cell that contains a text field and a button.
For your second question, take a look at the skpsmtpmessage project on Google Code, which "implements a quick class for sending one off messages via SMTP on the iPhone".