I'm compiling a URL like
https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/<campaign id>/insights?since=2015-08-10&until=2015-11-13&time_increment=1&access_token=<valid token>
This query, even in GRAPH explorer, gives back data which is obviously outside the given date range. Putting something weired as "until" date causes an error,
but I do not get it working in a way, that the result is within the given range. I.e. I get rows for "2015-04-21".
What am I missing?
Try adding the time_range parameter to the request, for example:
Use insights as an object instead of a field~
https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/<campaign id>/insights/since=2015-08-10&until=2015-11-13&access_token=<valid token>
use insights.time_range({"since":"2017-11-01","until":"2017-11-23"}). it's working for me.
I am trying to get the price items for performance block storage that are generic (not specific to a certain datacenter). I can see that these have the locationGroupId set to blank or null, but I can't seem to get the objectFilter to work with that, the query returns nothing. If I omit the locationGroupId filter I get a result that contain both location-specific and non-location specific prices.
GET /rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Product_Package/759/getItemPrices.json?objectMask=mask[locationGroupId,id,categories,item]&objectFilter={"itemPrices":{"categories":{"categoryCode":{"operation":"performance_storage_space"}},"item":{"keyName":{"operation":"$=GBs"}},"locationGroupId":{"operation":"is null"}}}
I am guessing there is something wrong with the object filter, any ideas?
If I filter on locationGroupId 509 it works:
The reason it the first query didn't work while the second did was that I used the command "curl -sg" to do the request. While that eliminates the need to escape the {}[] characters - it also turns off escaping other characters correctly in the URL - like the space in "is null". Changing that to "is%20null" solves the issue.
I am posting this as the answer as I find it likely for others to encounter this problem.
I'm learning Chrome Postman now and my issue now is:
I need to generate a new value of a parameter for each request.
So each request (I make a POST) must have a unique value of this parameter.
So far I thought to manage it with environment variables and I have done it like this:
I add a new environment variable with a unique value
I use this variable in the "value" field on a parameter
And it doesn't work - I get error 401 Authorization Required.
Seems that the error is not connected to the parameter at all but as soon as I change the parameter and manually input a unique data it works well!
So this will work for me:
Please suggest what I'm doing wrong here and advice how to do it right. Thanks!
Spent some more hours investigating I found my problem!
The problem is the value I put into a variable - it included ":" sign and this sign simply changed my URL.
How do I run a query using a value from a textbox from a form I have? I know that there is another post here at Stackoverflow dealing with this issue but I found it to be insufficient for my needs.
I formated my textbox into Medium Date format with its default value being =Date(). However, when I pick up a date and open my report I get this error:
Runtime error 3071: Expression Too Complex
My where clause is this
(AllInfo.DateOpened >= CDate([Forms]![Main Form]![WindowPrintOptions]![CustomizedReport]!txtDateOpenedFrom.Value))
and I am sure it is this code piece that is throwing the problem since when I take it out of the query the error message simply disappears.
Any ideas?
Try with:
(AllInfo.DateOpened >= DateValue([Forms]![Main Form]![WindowPrintOptions].[Form]!txtDateOpenedFrom))
I got the problem. It was the "AllInfo" alias. It wasn't applicable at that escope inside the query. By changing the proper things, it was enough to write:
[Forms]![Main Form]![WindowPrintOptions]![CustomizedReport]!txtDateOpenedFrom.Value
Issue solved. Thank you all!
I 've been trying to test the place parameter when used for searching post using the Facebook Graph API. However it does not seem to affect results !!
For example:
in the previous URL results do not change when I change the values of latitude and longitude (44,55) or the radius (1000)
Am I doing something wrong ?
I think the "distance" and "center" parameters only work when you use the parameter "type=place".
e.g. The two links below return demonstrate this.
Once you have all the places returned, you could then do a further search on each place for their posts that contain coffee...
Using Foursquare api "Venue" service.. i am parsing nearByVenue details like shop, restaurant etc.
Suppose as an example i am getting following link:
Issue is I am getting only 10 nearbyDetails.. suppose I am standing in New York there should be number of venue details.. why I am getting only 10 details only ?
Is there any other service or i am following wrong approach to use it?
Add l=n where n is your limit in query string. The default limit is set to 30.
You can change the value of l="no of result" parameter.
And also if you want to search for particular keyword like ATM, Coffee
then you can add the parameter q and add it's value like q="atm", q="coffee", etc.
hope it will be helpful to you.