How to write MatLab Code for bimodal Probability Density Functions? - matlab

I want to write a bimodal Probability Density Function (PDF with multiple peaks, Galtung S) without using the pdf function from statistics toolbox. Here is my code:
x = 0:0.01:5;
d = [0.5;2.5];
a = [12;14]; % scale parameter
y = 2*a(1).*(x-d(1)).*exp(-a(1).*(x-d(1)).^2) + ...
Here's the curve.
I would like to change the mathematical formula to to get rid of the dips in the curve that appear at approx. 0<x<.5 and 2<x<2.5.
Is there a way to implement x>d(1) and x>d(2) in line 4 of the code to avoid y < 0? I would not want to solve this with a loop because I need to convert the formula to CDF later on.

If you want to plot only for x>max(d1,d2), you can use logical indexing:
If you to plot for all x but plot max(y,0), you just can write so:


How to plot precision and recall of a CNN in MATLAB?

How to plot the precision and recall curves of a CNN?
I have generated the scores from CNN and want to plot the precision-recall curve, but I am unable to get that.
I have calculated TP, TN, FP, and FN using:
idx = (ACTUAL()==1);
p = length(ACTUAL(idx));
n = length(ACTUAL(~idx));
N = p+n;
tp = sum(ACTUAL(idx)==PREDICTED(idx));
tn = sum(ACTUAL(~idx)==PREDICTED(~idx));
fp = n-tn;
fn = p-tp;
The formula of precision and recall is
precision = tp/(tp+fp)
but with that, I am getting some undesired plot.
I have obtained scores of the CNN using the following command:
MATLAB has a function for creating ROC curves and similar performance curves (such as precision-recall curves) in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox: perfcurve.
By default, the ROC curve is calculated.
The function has the following syntax:
[X, Y] = perfcurve(labels, scores, posclass)
Here, labels is the true label for each sample, scores is the prediction of the CNN (or any other classifier), and posclass is the label of the class you assume to be "positive" - which appears to be 1 in your example. The outputs of the perfcurve function are the (x, y) coordinates of the ROC curve, so you can easily plot it using
plot(X, Y)
To make perfcurve plot the precision-recall curve instead of the ROC curve, you have to set the optional 'XCrit' and 'YCrit' arguments of the function. As described in the documentation, different pre-defined criteria such as number of false positives ('fp'), true positive rate ('tpr'), accuracy ('accu') and many more, or even custom functions can be used.
By setting 'XCrit' to 'tpr' (Recall) and 'YCrit' to 'prec' (Precision), a precision-recall curve is created:
[X, Y] = perfcurve(labels, scores, posclass, 'XCrit', 'tpr', 'YCrit', 'prec');
plot(X, Y);
xlim([0, 1])
ylim([0, 1])
For example (using randomly generated data and a SVM):
The answer of hbaderts is correct but the end of the answer is wrong.
[X,Y] = perfcurve(labels,scores,posclass,'xCrit', 'fpr', 'yCrit', 'tpr');
Then the generated Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is correct.

How to create nonlinear power-law spaced vector in Matlab?

I'm trying to create a power law (x3) contour plot in the code.
Please look at the following question and the accepted answer: (logarithmic vector :temp)
How to create nonlinear spaced vector in Matlab?
I want a power law vector for temp instead of logarithmic.
Many thanks
In general, you can choose your spacing based on any function. For instance, here y is a function of x. But x is not linearly spaced. Instead, it is a function of another variable, t, which is linearly spaced. x(t) defines the spacing:
t = 0:.02:2;
x = #(u) u.^3; % or any other function
y = #(u) sin(u); % or any other function
figure; plot(x(t), y(x(t)), '*b')
With this output:

How to make a vector that follows a certain trend?

I have a set of data with over 4000 points. I want to exclude grooves from them, ideally from the point from which they start. The data look for example like this:
The problem with this is the noise I get at the top of the plateaus. I have an idea, in which I would take an average value of the most common within some boundaries (again, ideally sth like the red line here:
and then I would construct a temporary matrix, which would fill up one by one with Y if they are less than this average. If the Y(i) would rise above average, the matrix would find its minima and compare it with the global minima. If the temporary matrix's minima wouldn't be sth like 80% of the global minima, it would be discarded as noise.
I've tried using mean(Y), interpolating and fitting it in a polynomial (the green line) - none of those method would cut it to the point I would be satisfied.
I need this to be extremely robust and it doesn't need to be quick. The top and bottom values can vary a lot, as well as the shape of the plateaus. The groove width is more or less the same.
Do you have any ideas? Again, the point is to extract the values that would make the groove.
How about a median filter?
Let's define some noisy data similar to yours, and plot it in blue:
x = .2*sin((0:9999)/1000); %// signal
x(1000:1099) = x(1000:1099) + sin((0:99)/50*pi); %// noise: spike
x(5000:5199) = x(5000:5199) - sin((0:199)/100*pi); %// noise: wider spike
x = x + .05*sin((0:9999)/10); %// noise: high-freq ripple
Now apply the median filter (using medfilt2 from the Image Processing Toolbox) and plot in red. The parameter k controls the filter memory. It should chosen to be large compared to noise variations, and small compared to signal variations:
k = 500; %// filter memory. Choose as needed
y = medfilt2(x,[1 k]);
hold on
plot(y, 'r', 'linewidth', 2)
In case you don't have the image processing toolbox and can't use medfilt2 a method that's more manual. Skip the extreme values, and do a curve fit with sin1 as curve type. Note that this will only work if the signal is in fact a sine wave!
x = linspace(0,3*pi,1000);
y1 = sin(x) + rand()*sin(100*x).*(mod(round(10*x),5)<3);
y2 = 20*(mod(round(5*x),5) == 0).*sin(20*x);
y = y1 + y2; %// A messy sine-wave
yy = y; %// Store the messy sine-wave
[~, idx] = sort(y);
y(idx(1:round(0.15*end))) = y(idx(round(0.15*end))); %// Flatten out the smallest values
y(idx(round(0.85*end):end)) = y(idx(round(0.85*end)));%// Flatten out the largest values
[foo goodness output] = fit(x.',y.', 'sin1'); %// Do a curve fit
plot(foo,x,y) %// Plot it
hold on
Might not be perfect, but it's a step in the right direction.

Relative Frequency Histograms and Probability Density Functions

The function called DicePlot simulates rolling 10 dice 5000 times.
The function calculates the sum of values of the 10 dice of each roll, which will be a 1 ⇥ 5000 vector, and plot relative frequency histogram with edges of bins being selected in where each bin in the histogram represents a possible value of for the sum of the dice.
The mean and standard deviation of the 1 ⇥ 5000 sums of dice values will be computed, and the probability density function of normal distribution (with the mean and standard deviation computed) on top of the relative frequency histogram will be plotted.
Below is my code so far - What am I doing wrong? The graph shows up but not the extra red line on top? I looked at answers like this, and I don't think I'll be plotting anything like the Gaussian function.
% function[]= DicePlot()
for roll=1:5000
diceValues = randi(6,[1, 10]);
SumDice(roll) = sum(diceValues);
for i = 10:60
Y = normpdf(X)
xlabel('sum of dice values')
ylabel('relative frequency')
title(['NumDice = ',num2str(NumDice),' , NumRolls = ',num2str(NumRolls)]);
It is supposed to look like
But it looks like
The red line is not there because you aren't plotting it. Look at the documentation for normpdf. It computes the pdf, it doesn't plot it. So you problem is how do you add this line to the plot. The answer to that problem is to google "matlab hold on".
Here's some code to get you going in the right direction:
% Normalize your distribution
normalizedDist = distr/sum(distr);
bar(normalizedDist ,1);
hold on
% Setup your density function using the mean and std of your sample data
mu = mean(SumDice);
stdv = std(SumDice);
yy = normpdf(xx,mu,stdv);
xx = linspace(0,60);
% Plot pdf
h = plot(xx,yy,'r'); set(h,'linewidth',1.5);

How can I contour plot a custom function?

I have a custom function which returns either 0 or 1 depending on two given inputs:
function val = myFunction(val1, val2)
% logic to determine if val=1 or val=0
How can I create a contour plot of the function over the x,y coordinates generated by the following meshgrid?
meshgrid(0:.5:3, 0:.5:3);
This plot will just simply display where the function is 0 or 1 on the contour map.
If your function myFunction is not designed to handle matrix inputs, then you can use the function ARRAYFUN to apply it to all the corresponding entries of x and y:
[x,y] = meshgrid(0:0.5:3); %# Create a mesh of x and y points
z = arrayfun(#myFunction,x,y); %# Compute z (same size as x and y)
Then you could use the function CONTOUR to generate a contour plot for the above data. Since your z data only has 2 different values, it would probably make sense for you to only plot one contour level (which would be at a value of 0.5, halfway between your two values). You might also want to instead use the function CONTOURF, which produces color-filled contours that will clearly show where the ones and zeroes are:
contourf(x,y,z,1); %# Plots 1 contour level, filling the area on either
%# side with different color
NOTE: Since you are plotting data that only has ones and zeroes, plotting contours may not be the best way to visualize it. I would instead use something like the function IMAGESC, like so:
Keep in mind the y-axis in this plot will be reversed relative to the plot generated by CONTOURF.
The following will do it:
function bincontour
clear; clc;
xrange = 0:.5:3;
yrange = 1:.5:5;
[xmesh, ymesh] = meshgrid(xrange, yrange);
z = arrayfun(#myFunction, xmesh, ymesh);
contourf(xrange, yrange, z, 5)
function val = myFunction(val1, val2)
val = rand() > 0.5;