load module in system call implementation - operating-system

I've seen some examples of adding system call to FreeBSD, as I understood , we should have a load module in the body of our implementation, and also this load is the same in every example which I've seen.
is the load module fix? if not, how can I implement it?
the following links are the examples of having the same load module:
1-the link which answers about the system call implementation
2- there is an example of system call here: /usr/share/examples/kld/syscall/module/syscall.c

Because of this I understand that if I want to add a system call using Kernel Loadable, a load handler module is the same in all of KLD.
"Basically, the load handler function is, as it states, a function
that handles the loading and unloading of a KLD. Hence, when a KLD is
kldloaded or kldunloaded, this handler is what, at a very simplistic
level, gets called."


When should atexit() be used?

The GNU page says :
Your program can arrange to run its own cleanup functions if normal termination happens. If you are writing a library for use in various application programs, then it is unreliable to insist that all applications call the library's cleanup functions explicitly before exiting. It is much more robust to make the cleanup invisible to the application, by setting up a cleanup function in the library itself using atexit or on_exit.
SDL in one of it's pages says :
You can use SDL_Quit() with atexit() to ensure that it is run when your application is shutdown, but it is not wise to do this from a library or other dynamically loaded code.
What I understood from the GNU page is that it encourages the usage of atexit() in programs.
Can someone elaborate on this, taken from the SDL page ? The meaning is not so obvious :
but it is not wise to do this from a library or other dynamically loaded code.
What are the pitfalls that are to be avoided while using atexit() ?
Are the above two quotes contradicting each other ?
No, SDL is saying don't call atexit(SDL_Quit) from within a library. GNU advise you set up atexit within your library to avoid cleanup problems, SDL is saying don't call it from a different library - due to the manner in which dynamic code gets unloaded you can't be certain of ordering (especially in multithreaded apps).
Short version: call atexit(SDL_Quit) inside your program's main. If you are using or writing a wrapper library around SDL, don't call atexit(SDL_Quit) inside that library, instead call atexit(YOURLIBRARY_Quit) inside the main function (presuming that YOURLIBRARY_Quit will handle the call to SDL_Quit.
atexit() is somehow like the dtor of c++ global/static object. One pitfall I have been seeing is, the atexit callbacks are called by exit() but the while the calling thread is running the callback other threads are also running so you need to make sure you don't have concurrency issue. Like in the dtor(of global/static obj), if you destroy something, other threads may still be using it so it might cause unexpected behavior.
But this is for Linux; not familiar with windows

Start mod_perl handler from another perl module

How can I start a mod_perl handler (called MyCacheHandler.pm) directly from another perl module (called MyModule.pm). Because currently I'm starting the handler via a web browser, but it would be a little bit easier to call it with MyModule.
As I understand it, you want to have it (MyCacheHandler) running in the background, and it won't produce any visible (to a browser) output? (Just side effects).
If that's correct, why is it even implemented as a mod_perl handler. Just implement it as a script and run it from cron, or as a daemon of some kind.
You could still control MyCacheHandler from MyModule (say via IPC).
Do some refactoring. Split MyCacheHandler.pm into two modules: one which is doing the hard work and does not depend on mod_perl anymore (that is, no more handling with $r), so it's callable from other modules. The other would be a now thin mod_perl handler calling the first module.
Or leave it as is, and just use LWP::UserAgent to access MyCacheHandler from MyModule.

Why a form is needed for a SetWinEventHook callback?

Currently, I'm using the powerful SetWinEventHook() function to catch some user-interface's actions like minimizing and maximizing from other window runned by programs on the computer.
So I inspired myself by using the code provided by BrendanMcK on this post and it does work (I mean: the callback function is called when an event occurs) until the line
is present. But I don't want to use any form or window for this program..
After some research, I figured out this kind of hook needs a message loop to allow the redirection of messages from other window handles. Apparently, calling the thread using Application.Run() should do the trick, but I would prefer something cleaner, in the C# object itself.
So my question is: is it possible to create a message loop inside an object's method?
No, the function doesn't require a window handle so no "form" is needed. But the MSDN docs for the function is quite explicit:
The client thread that calls SetWinEventHook must have a message loop in order to receive events.
A message loop is universal in any program that want to receive notifications that are generated externally by other processes or threads. It is the common solution to the producer-consumer problem. Clearly any GUI app has a need for such a solution, Windows messages are generated by the operating system. It isn't different for SetWinEventHook(), the accessibility events originate in other programs. There is no clean mechanism to "interrupt" a thread and make it run other code, the re-entrancy problems that causes are extremely difficult to deal with. The thread has to co-operate, it must be idle and ready to receive a notification to safely process it. A message loop solves that problem.
Pumping a message loop (calling Application.Run) in a method is certainly possible. But do keep in mind that the method won't return until you explicitly stop the loop with Application.ExitThread. There is therefore usually only one good place for that call, the Main() method of your program.
Starting your project with a Winforms or WPF project template is a very good way to get this right. You have no need to actually create a window, call Application.Run() without an argument, after pinvoking SetWinEventHook.

Logging requests of Zend Framework application

i need help with logging Zend Framewrok application ( version 1.11 ), every request..
I need to know time of beinning request and time of executing request. Each request i would like to save into database, but i'm not sure, where i would catch these informations.
Beggining of request i can probably catch in bootstrap.php via some _init method. But in which place should I cach information about end of execution request, if i need to be connected into database? In addition i'm using $this->_redirector->gotoSimpleAndExit() in my controllers and i need count with that case - no view is rendered and request is finished simply by exit() function.
I would like to write log information only once per request.
Thank's for help!
Registration of shut down function helped very well.
I created custom logger (singleton pattern), that i'm calling in bootstrap.. since php 5.4 is available $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']. Logger register his method as shutdown function in constructor and also call it in his destructor. Multiple calling of shutdown function is prevented.
This solution is working even if exit() function is called.
For one of my projects, I'm putting the "end of execution" logging code in my layout script. It's supposed to be one of the "last" things to be executed.
I'm not using redirections for this project, though. So, I'm not sure how it should be extended to consider your "gotoSimpleAndExit()" case.
Hope that helps,

Callback from static library

I think this should be simple, but im having a real hard time finding information about this topic. I have made a static library and have no problem getting the basics to work. But im having a hard time figuring out how to make a call back from the static library to the main APP.
I would like my static library to only use one header as front, this header should contain functions like:
requestImage:(NSString *)path;
requestLikstOfSomething:(NSSting *)guid;
and so on..
These functions should do the necessary work and start a async NSURLConnection, and call back to the main application when the call have finished. How do you guys do this, what are the best ways to callback from a static library when a async method is finished? should i do this with delegates (is this possible), notifications, key/value observers. I really want to know how you guys have solved this, and what you regard as the best practices.
Im going to have 20-25 different calls so i want the static library header file to be as simple as possible preferable only with a list of the 20-25 functions.
My question is not how to use delegate pattern, but witch way is the best to do callbacks from static librarys. I would like to use delegates but i dont want to have 20-25 protocol declarations in the public header file. I would prefer to have only one function for each request.
Solution choosen:
i choose the solution from erkanyildiz with the help of a target parameter, i know its pretty low tech, but it was for me the cleanest solution. My goal was to keep the header file as small as possible. Thanks to everybody for they input, i will for sure look more into borrrdens solution with grand central dispatch when i get the time. user1055604 solution with a couple of "standard" delegates for replys is also one i like. So again thank you all for inputs.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Delegation pattern is a good way to do it.
You can check these pages:
As another approach, you can use a target parameter in every method you have.
And schedule callbacks on those targets, checking if they are responding to your callbacks using respondsToSelector
Look here for an example with delegates: How to perform Callbacks in Objective-C.
It shouldn't matter that the callback is executing from within a static library.
Static libraries are a compile/link time phenomenon. As such, calls to and from within static libraries are transparent to the application at runtime.
If you would rather not have one callback protocol declaration for each function in your static library, start with looking at what each callback would return if you did, forcefully, implement it as a callback.
From there on, find what's in common between them and bind the common elements together in a class which will serve as an interface for the responses. You may need more that one such class.
As an example, look at NSURLResponse:
NSURLResponse declares the programmatic interface for an object that accesses the response returned by an NSURLRequest instance.
NSURLResponse encapsulates the metadata associated with a URL load in a manner independent of protocol and URL scheme.
This class is used by NSURLConnection in its didReceiveResponse delegate method. In the worse case, you will end up with a couple of callbacks instead of a noisy header file. Happy coding. :-)
Try making your function calls using Grand Central Dispatch. It's quite simple, and very powerful. Here is a sample of how to make an async call with a callback:
This paste bin is complaining about errors, but take note of the pattern. It should work just fine.