Play framework bind error - scala

I have a play application which I'm actively working on development environment. Somehow it started to give me an error;
ProvisionException: Unable to provision, see the following errors:
1) Error in custom provider, Failed to bind to: /
while locating play.api.libs.concurrent.ActorSystemProvider
while locating
for parameter 6 at play.api.DefaultApplication.<init>(Application.scala:240)
at play.api.DefaultApplication.class(Application.scala:240)
while locating play.api.DefaultApplication
while locating play.api.Application
I verified that port is not used by any other application but on console I see that
Caused by: Address already in use
Play version 2.4.3 and scala version 2.11.7

I found the answer it's simple mistake but I want to document it here to help others like me.
Play application had a dependency to another akka based module. After some changes this jar file was packaged with application.conf which is configuring the akka-remote on 2552 port.
Excluding application.conf from dependency solved problem.


GWT Development Mode Errors When Running (No Source Code Available)

I am trying to run a GWT application with Maven for an old legacy eclipse project that we need to make some changes to. It is using smartgwt 2.8.2 and compiling with JDK 8. When I try to run the development mode in Eclipse I am getting some errors such as:
Line 200: No source code is available for type com.smartgwt.client.types.SelectionStyle; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 392: No source code is available for type com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.ComboBoxItem; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 126: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?
Line 66: No source code is available for type com.smartgwt.client.widgets.tree.TreeGrid; did you forget to inherit a required module?
This goes on for a bit mostly for any classes that are needed from com.smartgwt.*
The error then ends with the following as well:
Starting HTTP on port 8888
Starting Jetty on port 8888
[ERROR] jreLeakPrevention.gcDaemonFail
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.misc.GC
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(
I am currently unable to run this application due to these issues in Development Mode...if anyone has any experience or is familiar with these errors due let me know. If you need any further information do ask as I am at my wits end here.

SBT download error for ivy.xml although it exists

[error] download error: Caught Connection reset (Connection reset) while downloading
for example on **sbt-plugin**
But ivy.xml exists.
It happens for example on play-samples-2.8.x, with Scala 2.13.1, Play 2.8.2, SBT 1.3.8
Tkank you in advance, Marcin
I think this not a Scala, sbt or play framework related problem, but probably what the Java runtime reports. A glitch in the connection, somehow a change in your ip-address etc. Certainly Java runtime environment, connection or hardware.
Proszę dziękuję.

Compatible SBT Version for Play 2.6 and Scala 2.12

I am using play 2.16.13 and Scala 2.12.6.
I am able to use SBT 0.13.8 and trying to upgrade to next version.
While using SBT 1.3.10, getting some error as below, Can someone please let me know the compatible version of SBT for the above mentioned play and scala.
[error] Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
[error] Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
[error] Server access Error: Connection timed out: connect url=
The issue is because there was a older sbt used and i upgraded to a newer one. After deleting the .ivy2 and .sbt folder, it started working with latest sbt

Play 2.5.3: Cryptic error message: Exception caught in Netty java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

[error] p.c.s.n.PlayRequestHandler - Exception caught in Netty
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class play.api.http.DefaultHttpErrorHandler$
I get error message and my app doesn't start in dev mode.
The error doesn't give me any details about what went wrong. I changed log level in logback.xml to DEBUG, but it didn't help.
Any suggestions how to investigate the problem? A week ago it worked just fine and since then there was no any changes in sources and configuration. It stopped working for an unknown reason.
Edit1: How do I enable more verbose logging? Otherwise it's absolutely unclear where the error comes from.
Edit2: changed the title
(Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...)
Warning: node.js detection failed, sbt will use the Rhino based Trireme JavaScript engine instead to run JavaScript assets compilation, which in some cases may be orders of magnitude slower than using no
[error] p.c.s.n.PlayRequestHandler - Exception caught in Netty
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class play.api.http.DefaultHttpErrorHandler$
at play.core.server.Server$class.logExceptionAndGetResult$1(Server.scala:45)
at play.core.server.Server$class.getHandlerFor(Server.scala:65)
at play.core.server.NettyServer.getHandlerFor(NettyServer.scala:47)
at play.core.server.netty.PlayRequestHandler.handle(PlayRequestHandler.scala:82)
at play.core.server.netty.PlayRequestHandler.channelRead(PlayRequestHandler.scala:163)
at com.typesafe.netty.http.HttpStreamsHandler.channelRead(
at com.typesafe.netty.http.HttpStreamsServerHandler.channelRead(
[error] p.c.s.n.PlayRequestHandler - Exception caught in Netty
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class play.api.http.DefaultHttpErrorHandler$
at play.core.server.Server$class.logExceptionAndGetResult$1(Server.scala:45)
at play.core.server.Server$class.getHandlerFor(Server.scala:65)
at play.core.server.NettyServer.getHandlerFor(NettyServer.scala:47)
at play.core.server.netty.PlayRequestHandler.handle(PlayRequestHandler.scala:82)
at play.core.server.netty.PlayRequestHandler.channelRead(PlayRequestHandler.scala:163)
at com.typesafe.netty.http.HttpStreamsHandler.channelRead(
at com.typesafe.netty.http.HttpStreamsServerHandler.channelRead(
I don't know exactly what your problem is, but I encountered this cryptic, unhelpful error when I discovered an error in my application.conf where I was attempting to set a configuration based on an environment variable that may or may not be there. Clearly, the cause of the exception and the place it becomes apparent are pretty far apart.
So I would suggest checking your application.conf for a misconfiguration. Consider also any dependencies that might have been built for Play versions < 2.5. Basically anything that might cause the application to be "mis-initalized" for lack of a better term.
EDIT: I just discovered another cause of this error that falls under the category of "mis-initialization." I changed the name of a route in my routes file but forgot to change the corresponding reverse route in my template. I feel this should be caught sooner and with a more intuitive error, but regardless, look out for this (or something similar) as well in application.conf or routes.
Oops.. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class play.api.http.DefaultHttpErrorHandler$ tells nothing what went wrong.
One such reason I have encountered is when I had missing/typos in my configuration properties and use guice injectors.
You can run your app in prod mode to see more informative error message activator clean compile start.
[info] Done packaging.
(Starting server. Type Ctrl+D to exit logs, the server will remain in background)
Oops, cannot start the server.
Configuration error: Configuration error[storage.conf # file:/myproject/mymodule/target/universal/stage/conf/storage.conf: 16: Could not resolve substitution to a value: ${}]
at play.api.Configuration$.configError(Configuration.scala:154)
In my case the below dependency was what was causing the error
libraryDependencies += "" % "gcloud-java-storage" % "0.2.5"
Source Getting ChannelException when adding Google cloud client library to Play 2.5
In my case it was a missed } in the application.conf file :( .

Can't use akka in IDEA plugin development

When I develop an IDEA plugin, I want to use akka, but have some problems.
I created a demo project here:
You can just clone it and reproduce the problem on your computer. (Notice the Setup section)
And I copy the problem here:
1. Can't use default akka configuration
If I removed:
and run this plugin, it will report this error when starting:
com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: No configuration setting found for key 'akka'
2. Can't load the configuration from file
Then I copied the reference.conf from akka jar, to src/main/resources/application.conf, but it still report the same error. Seems akka in IDEA plugin can't find this file automatically.
3. ClassNotFoundException:
So I have to use MyAkkaConfig.scala to hardcode the configuration in scala code, but this time, it reports another error:
com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: ClassNotFoundException:
The is used in MyAkkaConfig.scala, and is included in akka-actor_2.11:2.3.12:jar. But why IDEA can't load it?
For the 3rd problem, it can be fixed by passing the classloader:
val system = ActorSystem("my-actor", MyAkkaConfig.config, this.getClass.getClassLoader)
But we also can remove the MyAkkaConfig.config, to use the file application.conf under resources