What would be the best way to do pathfinding on a random object that rotates - unity3d

I want to do pathfinding on a rotating "planet", similar like the enemies do in mario galaxy, except the planets are rotating. What would be the best way to do it? The planets come in different forms, and it is necessary that I place the waypoint with code. That is because I need to do it with code for my assignment and also I want to make an object pool of waypoints that get placed on the planet the player is currently on.
So is A* the best way to go? I was thinking about the technique I should use and I thought of placing every waypoint on a vertex of the model. But some models can get pretty high in vertices, so isn't that really heavy if I have that many waypoint and then use them for path finding?
Or is there a better way of doing it? I was thinking can't you do it based on the uv's of the planet? The only thing is that the uv's have cuts so how can I tell the enemy to also check the cuts of the uv's for a shorter path?

Best way to animate planets will be to download leanTween or some similar asset and make animation by curve path + rotation.


Is it possible to animate anything with natural way in Unity or smt else?

I m wondering that if is it possible to animate anything along the rules of physics.
I mean, i have a cube, and two legs attached to that cube. I want to just animate that legs one after each other, but unity or other software will force its animation system to behave to my animated legs to make my cube walk. I wont change positions for my body(cube) but legs will do that.
Yes, this animation type is called procedural animation. You base your animations dynamically based on physics.
good video:
Physically based animation is a complex task. You can use the timeline to animate legs but they won't work too well physically. You probably want to use code to keep the body a fixed height above the surface and use the timeline editor to animate the legs. Or perhaps keep the body at the same height and use 'inverse kinematics' to move the legs in a more realistic fashion. Neither of these options will be very quick for you to start using really effectively if you have very little experience with unity or with code but knowing what to look up is half the battle of learning.

Is it possible to obtain the shape of an IRL object from the slam algorithm to hide 3D objects?

I want to do some test with the AR in Unity, so my idea is to use the ground plane detection of the arcore to instantiate a ring. The ring is made of segments and I want to use an obstacle between the camera and some segment to hide these segments.
I have thought to use the slam to get the shape of the obstacle and use the coordinates to hide (disable or change shader/material) or not the segments behind the obstacle.
I do some researches about Vuforia and I know they use the slam but it does not seem that we can access the shape directly from Vuforia so I thought to use the arcore directly. I think it may be done with spatial mapping.
Because I am not very experienced I prefer to ask about the possibility to do it and if I am in the good way.
If I understand correctly, the term you are looking for should be "Occlusion Management". Vuforia. There is a sample package in the asset store, but I don't know how much value it can offer to your cause. Look here
You could as well take a manual approach and integrate your obstacle as Image- or Model-Target, so that you can simply use a virtual replica of your obstacle that hides everything behind it. This however means that your obstacle would have to be always the same object, so I am not sure if this approach is suited for your needs. But this would be the easiest and cleanest way imho.
You can find many tips to get around occlusion problems here

Concept behind Arcs Puzzle

Here video link for the Arc puzzle
Can anyone please tell me what concept is used behind this game. I have just started learning Iphone and this game is pretty cool. First I thought it might be using core animation and core graphics. But seeing the movement of the objects it looks much more complicated.
Can anyone tell me what kind of approach do one need to build something like this.
That could very well be Core Animation. You could do the whole thing with CAShapeLayer objects. The code would probably be simplest if each "track/sector" of the arcs puzzle was a separate shape layer.
With a shape layer, if you change the path that defines the shape, as long as the old path and the new path have the same number and type of control points, the change can be animated. Thus, you could animate rotating one of the tracks, (rotation transform around the center point for all track/sector shapes in the track) or animate sliding a track/sector in or out.

Cocos2d, best way for creating Brownian motion with sprite animation

What is the best way for creating Brownian motion with animation in cocos2d for Iphone:
First of all, I am very tempted to vote this question down, but you only have 11 points and I don't want to nuke you lol. You need to post far more information when you ask a question.
Now, I have no idea what you want with this type of animation so I will just have to guess. If you want it for a game (like falling leaves or something) then it is way too expensive in my opinion. It would be better to simulate on a much simpler scale. All I would do in such a situation is set my objects up with AI and have simple situation logic for the object to decide which way to move (what objects are near, wind and other weather, object weight, and chaos/random nature).
Alternatively for a game you might be able to get what you want from Box2D or Chipmunk (depending on what type of actions you desire).
If you want this for some sort of entertainment app (particle systems, auto vector drawing, etc.) then you are in for some complicated math. It is way over my head so if this is the case then I can't really help you.

Questions on how to create a game similar to Pac-Man

I want to make a game that will be similar to Pac-Man from scratch. I don't want to use a games engine either, just plain old Xcode.
Basically the game would consist of a map that fits the screen, walls within the map, food, enemies and a player.
I just wanted to know what the best way forward would be. I plan on creating the map first, and then doing everything else after that. Where should I begin?
I plan on creating the map first
Keeping in mind that you'll probably want several maps, you might want to create a map editor first, which would let you place "wall" graphics and define the paths along which the player & ghosts are allowed to travel. If you define those paths with nodes at each intersection, the ghost AI becomes easy to solve with A* path finding. Your map editor can use the distance between intersections to calculate the "weight" of each path segment.