I have multiple actors (in the form of Futures) firing other futures off based on what they read from a single object's cache. I want to make sure that no work overlaps, and thus want to put a lock on all read/modify/write operations. How do I do this in Scala?
I tried this, but I don't want every method/function that accesses the cache to have to be synchronized, but rather have anything that tries to access the cache understand that it needs to wait until it's time for it to access.
//The cache
object certCache {
var cache = new HashMap[Char, Future[Boolean]]
def someMethod = synchronized {
if(certCache ... )
Any tips?
The akka library has a perfect solution for your question: Agents. From the documentation:
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import akka.agent.Agent
val agent = Agent(42)
To read from an Agent you can dereference them or call the get method, both of which are immediately returning synchronous calls:
val agentResult = agent()
val agentResult2 = agent.get
Updates are asynchronous:
agent send (_ + 10) //updates value to 52, eventually
Similarly, you can get a Future of the Agent's value which completes after the currently queued updates have completed:
val futureValue = agent.future
Of course you can always go with a "home grown" solution and write an Actor that caches your values and responds to queries. BUT, this is a much more manual/inefficient solution than Agents.
Actors should only be considered as a last resort when other akka/scala solutions do not apply. This is because Actors are very low-level and the receive method is not compose-able.
I have basically list of unique ids, and for every id, i make a call to function which returns future.
Problem is number of futures in a single call is variable.
list.map(id -> futureCall)
There will be too much parallelism which can affect my system. I want to configure number of futures execution in parallel.
I want testable design so i can't do this
After searching alot, i found this
I didn't get it how to use it. I tried but it didn't work.
After that i have just imported it in my class where i am making call.
I have used same snippet and set default maxConcurrent to 4.
I replaced import global execution context with ThrottledExecutionContext
You have to wrap your ExecutionContext with ThrottledExecutionContext.
Here is a little sample:
object TestApp extends App {
implicit val ec = ThrottledExecutionContext(maxConcurrents = 10)(scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global)
def futureCall(id:Int) = Future {
println(s"executing $id")
val list = 1 to 1000
val results = list.map(futureCall)
Await.result(Future.sequence(results), 100.seconds)
Alternatively you can also try a FixedThreadPool:
implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10))
I am not sure what you are trying to do here. Default global ExecutionContext uses as many threads as you have CPU cores. So, that would be your parallelism. If that's still "too many" for you, you can control that number with a system property: "scala.concurrent.context.maxThreads", and set that to a lower number.
That will be the maximum number of futures that are executed in parallel at any given time. You should not need to throttle anything explicitly.
Alternatively, you can create your own executor, and give it a BlockingQueue with a limited capacity. That would block on the producer side (when a work item is being submitted), like your implementation does, but I would very strongly advice you from doing that as it is very dangerous and prone to deadlocks, and also much less efficient, that the default ForkJoinPool implementation.
The use case is actually fairly typical. A lot of web services use authorization tokens that you retrieve at the start of a session and you need to send those back on subsequent requests.
I know I can do it like this:
lazy val myData = {
val request = ws.url("/some/url").withAuth(user, password, WSAuthScheme.BASIC).withHeaders("Accept" -> "application/json")
Await.result(request.get().map{x => x.json }, 120.seconds)
That just feels wrong as all the docs say never us Await.
Is there a Future/Promise Scala style way of handling this?
I've found .onComplete which allows me to run code upon the completion of a Promise however without using a (mutable) var I see no way of getting a value in that scope into a lazy val in a different scope. Even with a var there is a possible timing issue -- hence the evils of mutable variables :)
Any other way of doing this?
Unfortunately, there is no way to make this non-blocking - lazy vals are designed to be synchronous and to block any thread accessing them until they are completed with a value (internally a lazy val is represented as a simple synchronized block).
A Future/Promise Scala way would be to use a Future[T] or a Promise[T] instead of a val x: T, but that way implies a great deal of overhead with executionContexts and maps upon each use of the val, and more optimal resource utilization may not be worth the decreased readability in all cases, so it may be OK to leave the Await there if you extensively use the value in many parts of your application.
I'm working on implementing a small language to send tasks to execution and control execution flow. After the sending a task to my system, the user gets a future (on which it can call a blocking get() or flatMap() ). My question is: is it OK to send futures in Akka messages?
Example: actor A sends a message Response to actor B and Response contains a future among its fields. Then at some point A will fulfill the promise from which the future was created. After receiving the Response, B can call flatMap() or get() at any time.
I'm asking because Akka messages should be immutable and work even if actors are on different JVMs. I don't see how my example above can work if actors A and B are on different JVMs. Also, are there any problems with my example even if actors are on same JVM?
Something similar is done in the accepted answer in this stackoverflow question. Will this work if actors are on different JVMs?
Without remoting it's possible, but still not advisable. With remoting in play it won't work at all.
If your goal is to have an API that returns Futures, but uses actors as the plumbing underneath, one approach could be that the API creates its own actor internally that it asks, and then returns the future from that ask to the caller. The actor spawned by the API call is guaranteed to be local to the API instance and can communicate with the rest of the actor system via the regular tell/receive mechanism, so that there are no Futures sent as messages.
class MyTaskAPI(actorFactory: ActorRefFactory) {
def doSomething(...): Future[SomethingResult] = {
val taskActor = actorFactory.actorOf(Props[MyTaskActor])
taskActor ? DoSomething(...).mapTo[SomethingResult]
where MyTaskActor receives the DoSomething, captures the sender, sends out the request for task processince and likely becomes a receiving state for SomethingResult which finally responds to the captured sender and stops itself. This approach creates two actors per request, one explicitly, the MyTaskActor and one implicitly, the handler of the ask, but keeps all state inside of actors.
Alternately, you could use the ActorDSL to create just one actor inline of doSomething and use a captured Promise for completion instead of using ask:
class MyTaskAPI(system: System) {
def doSomething(...): Future[SomethingResult] = {
val p = Promise[SomethingResult]()
val tmpActor = actor(new Act {
become {
case msg:SomethingResult =>
system.actorSelection("user/TaskHandler").tell(DoSomething(...), tmpActor)
This approach is a bit off the top of my head and it does use a shared value between the API and the temp actor, which some might consider a smell, but should give an idea how to implement your workflow.
If you're asking if it's possible, then yes, it's possible. Remote actors are basically interprocess communication. If you set everything up on both machines to a state where both can properly handle the future, then it should be good. You don't give any working example so I can't really delve deeper into it.
I have a scenario where I have to fetch the details of a user by his id. It is a HTTP request that comes in and in my HTTP handler layer, I make use of the id that I get from the request, send a message to the actor which then talks to the database service to fetch the user.
Now since this is a HTTP request, I need to satisfy the request by sending a response back. So I thought of using the Akka ask pattern, but I have the following questions in mind:
Is this going to block on my current thread?
Is using ask pattern here to fetch a user in my case a scalable solution? I mean, I could have a few hundreds to a million users calling this end point at any given point in time. Is this a good idea to use the ask pattern to fetch a user?
In code, it looks like this in my HTTP controller
val result: Future[Any] = userActor ? FetchUser(id)
In my actor, I would do the following:
case fetchUser: FetchUser => sender ! myService.getUser(fetchUser.id)
Answering your questions in the same order you posed them:
No, using the ? does not block the current thread. It returns a Future immediately. However, the result within the Future may not be available immediately.
If you need the solution to be "scalable", and your service is capable of multiple concurrent queries, then you may need to use a pool of Actors so you can serve multiple ? at once, or see below for a Futures only, scalable, solution.
Futures Exclusively
If your Actors are not caching any intermediate values then you can just use Futures directly and avoid the rigmarole of Actors (e.g. Props, actorOf, receive, ?, ...):
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext,Future}
object ServicePool {
private val myService = ???
val maxQueries = 11 //should come from a configuration file instead
private val queryExecutionPool =
type ID = ???
/**Will only hit the DB with maxQueries at once.*/
def queryService(id : ID) =
Future { myService getUser id }(queryExecutionPool)
}//end object ServiceQuery
You can now call ServicePool.queryService as often as you want but the service will not be hit with more than maxQueries at a single time, and no Actors:
val alotOfIDs : Seq[ID] = (1 to 1000000) map { i => ID(i)}
val results = alotOfIDs map ServicePool.queryService
Came across a problem I did not find an answer yet.
Running on playframework 2 with Scala.
Was required to write an Action method that performs multiple Future calls.
My question:
1) Is the attached code non-blocking and hence looking the way it should be ?
2) Is there a guarantee that both DAO results are caught at any given time ?
def index = Action.async {
val t2:Future[Tuple2[List[PlayerCol],List[CreatureCol]]] = for {
p <- PlayerDAO.findAll()
c <- CreatureDAO.findAlive()
t2.map(t => Ok(views.html.index(t._1, t._2)))
Thanks for your feedback.
Is the attached code non-blocking and hence looking the way it should be ?
That depends on a few things. First, I'm going to assume that PlayerDAO.findAll() and CreatureDAO.findAlive() return Future[List[PlayerCol]] and Future[List[CreatureCol]] respectively. What matters most is what these functions are actually calling themselves. Are they making JDBC calls, or using an asynchronous DB driver?
If the answer is JDBC (or some other synchronous db driver), then you're still blocking, and there's no way to make it fully "non-blocking". Why? Because JDBC calls block their current thread, and wrapping them in a Future won't fix that. In this situation, the most you can do is have them block a different ExecutionContext than the one Play is using to handle requests. This is generally a good idea, because if you have several db requests running concurrently, they can block Play's internal thread pool used for handling HTTP requests, and suddenly your server will have to wait to handle other requests (even if they don't require database calls).
For more on different ExecutionContexts see the thread pools documentation and this answer.
If you're answer is an asynchronous database driver like reactive mongo (there's also scalike-jdbc, and maybe some others), then you're in good shape, and I probably made you read a little more than you had to. In that scenario your index controller function would be fully non-blocking.
Is there a guarantee that both DAO results are caught at any given time ?
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. In your current code, you're actually making these calls in sequence. CreatureDAO.findAlive() isn't executed until PlayerDAO.findAll() has returned. Since they are not dependent on each other, it seems like this isn't intentional. To make them run in parallel, you should instantiate the Futures before mapping them in a for-comprehension:
def index = Action.async {
val players: Future[List[PlayerCol]] = PlayerDAO.findAll()
val creatures: Future[List[CreatureCol]] = CreatureDAO.findAlive()
val t2: Future[(List[PlayerCol], List[CreatureCol])] = for {
p <- players
c <- creatures
} yield (p, c)
t2.map(t => Ok(views.html.index(t._1, t._2)))
The only thing you can guarantee about having both results being completed is that yield isn't executed until the Futures have completed (or never, if they failed), and likewise the body of t2.map(...) isn't executed until t2 has been completed.
Further reading:
Are there any benefits in using non-async actions in Play Framework 2.2?
Understanding the Difference Between Non-Blocking Web Service Calls vs Non-Blocking JDBC