two matrix output into a single txt file in matlab - matlab

I've two matrix output from two Matlab scripts and I'd like to write both results in different columns of the same GUI output in a txt file.
Could you please help me?

I tried some different methods (try to create cell array, or use fprintf for arrays of different sizes) and understood that #GameOfThrows's method is really works.
I realize it in this way:
x = [1 2 3 4 5];
y = [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90];
[m,i] = max( [numel(x) numel(y)]);
if i == 1
a = [x; y];
fileID = fopen('data1.txt','w');
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %12.2f\r\n',a);
My data1.txt:
1.00 10.00
2.00 20.00
3.00 30.00
4.00 40.00
5.00 50.00
NaN 60.00
NaN 70.00
NaN 80.00
NaN 90.00


mean based on maximum value of a matrix

This post follows up another post: find common value of one matrix in another matrix
As I explained there, I have one matrix MyMatrix 2549x13double
Few example lines from MyMatrix:
-7.80 -4.41 -0.08 2.51 6.31 6.95 4.97 2.91 0.66 -0.92 0.31 1.24 -0.07
4.58 5.87 6.18 6.23 5.20 4.86 5.02 5.33 3.69 1.36 -0.54 0.28 -1.20
-6.22 -3.77 1.18 2.85 -3.55 0.52 3.24 -7.77 -8.43 -9.81 -6.05 -5.88 -7.77
-2.21 -3.21 -4.44 -3.58 -0.89 3.40 6.56 7.20 4.30 -0.77 -5.09 -3.18 0.43
I have identified the maximum value for each row of matrix MyMatrix as following:
[M Ind] = max(MyMatrix, [], 2);
Example lines I obtain in M:
Now, I would like to select in MyMatrix the 2 values before and after the maximum value as found in M, as I will need to calculate the average of these 5 values. So, in the example, I would like to select:
2.51 6.31 6.95 4.97 2.91
5.87 6.18 6.23 5.20 4.86
-3.55 0.52 3.24 -7.77 -8.43
3.40 6.56 7.20 4.30 -0.77
and to create a new column in MyMatrix with the mean of these 5 values.
Following the code by #Dan, taken from the previous post:
colInd = bsxfun(#plus,PeakInd, -2:2);
MyMatrixT = MyMatrix.';
rowIndT = colInd.';
linIndT = bsxfun(#plus,rowIndT,0:size(MyMatrixT,1):size(MyMatrixT,1)*(size(MyMatrixT,2)-1));
resultT = MyMatrixT(linIndT);
result = resultT.';
MyMatrix = [MyMatrix, mean(result,2)];
Here is the new part of the post, regarding the issue when the maximum value is near the edges.
When the maximum is the first or last column of MyMatrix, I would like to have NaN.
Instead, when the maximum is in the second column, I would like to calculate the mean considering one column preceding the maximum, the maximum value, and two columns following the maximum.
While, when the maximum is in the second last column, I would like to consider the two columns preceding the maximum, the maximum value, and only one column following the maximum.
I would be extremely grateful if you could help me. Many thanks!
Instead of creating a 2D array with NaNs plus nanmean, you could use min/max to get the right indexes:
pad = 2;
[~, Ind] = max(MyMatrix, [], 2);
minCol = max(1, Ind-pad);
maxCol = min(size(MyMatrix, 2), Ind+pad);
result = arrayfun(#(row, min_, max_) mean(MyMatrix(row, min_:max_)),...
(1:size(MyMatrix, 1)).', minCol, maxCol);
If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can also use padarray, e.g.
B = padarray(magic(5),[0 2],NaN);
B =
NaN NaN 17 24 1 8 15 NaN NaN
NaN NaN 23 5 7 14 16 NaN NaN
NaN NaN 4 6 13 20 22 NaN NaN
NaN NaN 10 12 19 21 3 NaN NaN
NaN NaN 11 18 25 2 9 NaN NaN
(...if you don't have padarray, just manually add 2 NaN columns on either side) then using some bsxfun + sub2ind we get the desired result:
pad_sz = 2;
B = padarray(magic(5),[0 pad_sz],NaN);
[~,I] = nanmax(B,[],2); % by using nanmax we "explicitly" say we ignore NaNs.
colInd = bsxfun(#plus,-pad_sz:pad_sz,I);
linearInd = sub2ind(size(B), repmat((1:5).',[1,size(colInd,2)]), colInd);
picks = B(linearInd);
res = nanmean(picks,2);
% or combine the last 3 lines into:
% res = nanmean(B(sub2ind(size(B), repmat((1:5).',[1,size(colInd,2)]), colInd)),2);
res = res + 0./~(I == pad_sz+1 | I == size(B,2)-pad_sz); %add NaN where needed.

how to fit a curve in the form of A = (L^x)(D^y) in Matlab?

i have some response data as vector A where the variables are L and D.
I just want to find the coefficients for L and D which will fit my data in the form mentioned in the title.
I want to fit a curved line, and not a surface.
I feel it should be fairly simple, but reading a few old answers also didn't help my case.
Is there some easy way to do this?
In case u want to see the data, here it is:
A = [0 0.06 0.12 0.44 0.56 0.94 1 1 0 0.04 0.58 0.74 0.86 1 1]
L = [100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 43.7 49.7 56 61.5 65 77 93.8]
D = [11.3 10.1 8.9 8.5 8.1 7.7 6.5 5.3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5]
Thanks a lot.
More info:
I wrote the above equation as logA = xlogL + ylogD, and tried to use
X = [ones(size(logL)) logL logD];
b = regress(logA,X);
but Matlab didn't return any coefficients, it just gave b = NaN NaN NaN
Jos from mathworks forum gave me the correct answer. Here it is:
nlm = fitnlm([L(:) D(:)], A, 'y~(x1^b1)*(x2^b2)', [0 0])
In case you dont have fitnlm, will also do. In fact, I used the latter.
Hope this helps someone.

Create table using Matlab fprintf

Suppose I have four vectors x,y,z,c
How do I get matlab to display it using fprintf in a table form with titles above each column like "title 1" and the x column below it.
Here is a short example to get you going. I suggest reading the docs about fprintf also.
%// Dummy data
x = .1:.1:1;
y = 2:2:20;
z = x+y;
%// Concatenate data
A = [x; y ; z];
%// Open file to write
fileID = fopen('MyTable.txt','w');
%// Select format for text and numbers
fprintf(fileID,'%6s %6s %6s\n','x','y','z');
fprintf(fileID,'%.2f \t %.2f \t %.2f\n',A);
Checking what MyTable looks like:
type ('MyTable.txt');
x y z
0.10 2.00 2.10
0.20 4.00 4.20
0.30 6.00 6.30
0.40 8.00 8.40
0.50 10.00 10.50
0.60 12.00 12.60
0.70 14.00 14.70
0.80 16.00 16.80
0.90 18.00 18.90
1.00 20.00 21.00
Hope that helps!

Multiply each value in rows of Matrix A by each corresponding value of a specfic row in Matrix B

I have a A=[m,n] matrix and a B=[n,l] matrix.
A =
[1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12]
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume l=1, so B is in fact a vector B=[n,1]
B = [100 10 1]
I would like multiply all the values in each row of A by a corresponding value of B - column-wise.
I know how to do it "manually":
C=[A(:,1)*B(:,1), A(:,2)*B(:,2), A(:,3)*B(:,3)]
This is the result I want:
C = [100 20 3
400 50 6
700 80 9
1000 110 12]
Unfortunately my real life matrices are a bit bigger e.g. (D=[888,1270]) so I'm looking for smarter/faster way to do this.
Pre R2016b:
C =
100 20 3
400 50 6
700 80 9
1000 110 12
R2016b and later:
In MATLABĀ® R2016b and later, you can directly use operators instead of bsxfun , since the operators independently support implicit expansion of arrays.
C = A .* B
If I > 1, then you will have to reorder the dimensions of B first with a permute,
>> B = [100 10 1; 1 10 100];
>> C = bsxfun(#times, A, permute(B, [3 2 1]));
>> C
C(:,:,1) =
100 20 3
400 50 6
700 80 9
1000 110 12
C(:,:,2) =
1 20 300
4 50 600
7 80 900
10 110 1200

matlab: change matrix

I have a code that load cell array and convert them to matrix.
now this matrix shows 4 numbers after floating point for example
0 5 15 1 51,9000 3,4000
0 5 15 1 51,9000 3,4000
0 5 15 1 51,9000 3,4000
how can I change all af the rows to just show 2 numbers after the floating point ?
please consider that I want to change the matrix not print it in command window !
If you want to see it in the command window/editor for debugging purposes, use bank format:
format bank;
A =[ 51.213123 6.132434]
format bank
Will result in :
A =
51.21 6.13
Also, you can use sprintf
A = [51.900 3.4000];
disp(sprintf('%2.2f ',A));
x = [0 5 15 1 51.9000 3.4000
0 5 15 1 51.9000 3.4000
0 5 15 1 51.9000 3.4000];
fprintf([repmat('%.2f ',1,size(x,2)) '\n'], x')
0.00 5.00 15.00 1.00 51.90 3.40
0.00 5.00 15.00 1.00 51.90 3.40
0.00 5.00 15.00 1.00 51.90 3.40