Since Free is not a monad instance in Scalaz 7.1.5, I can't use useful method defined in Applicative, Apply and so on.
/* ref - */
import Free._, Coyoneda._
type ResultSetIO[A] = FreeC[ResultSetOp, A]
val next : ResultSetIO[Boolean] = liftFC(Next)
def getString(index: Int): ResultSetIO[String] = liftFC(GetString(index))
def getInt(index: Int) : ResultSetIO[Int] = liftFC(GetInt(index))
def close : ResultSetIO[Unit] = liftFC(Close)
// compile errors
def getPerson1: ResultSetIO[Person] =
(getString(1) |#| getInt(2)) { Person(_, _)}
def getNextPerson: ResultSetIO[Person] =
next *> getPerson
def getPeople(n: Int): ResultSetIO[List[Person]] =
getNextPerson.replicateM(n) // List.fill(n)(getNextPerson).sequence
the erorr message is,
Error:(88, 19) value |#| is not a member of free.JDBC.ResultSetIO[String]
(getString(1) |#| getInt(2)) { Person(_, _)}
Error:(91, 10) value *> is not a member of free.JDBC.ResultSetIO[Boolean]
next *> getPerson
Error:(94, 19) value replicateM is not a member of free.JDBC.ResultSetIO[free.Person]
getNextPerson.replicateM(n) // List.fill(n)(getNextPerson).sequence
Should I implement monad instance for Free?
implicit val resultSetIOMonadInstance = new Monad[ResultSetIO] {
override def bind[A, B](fa: ResultSetIO[A])(f: (A) => ResultSetIO[B]): ResultSetIO[B] =
override def point[A](a: => A): ResultSetIO[A] =
Free.point[CoyonedaF[ResultSetOp]#A, A](a)
Or, am I missing something? (e.g import)
This is just the Scala compiler being fussy about type aliases. You have two choices (or at least two choices—there are probably other reasonable workarounds). The first is to break down the type alias slightly differently. Instead of this:
type ResultSetIO[A] = FreeC[ResultSetOp, A]
You write this:
type CoyonedaResultSetOp[A] = Coyoneda[ResultSetOp, A]
type ResultSetIO[A] = Free[CoyonedaResultSetOp, A]
And then Monad[ResultSetIO] will compile just fine. You will need one extra import for |#|, *>, and replicateM:
import scalaz.syntax.applicative._
The other option is to leave the FreeC as it is and define the monad instance yourself, since scalac won't find it for you. Fortunately you can do this a little more simply than writing it out as you propose:
implicit val monadResultSetIO: Monad[ResultSetIO] =
Free.freeMonad[({ type L[x] = Coyoneda[ResultSetOp, x] })#L]
I prefer the first approach, but it doesn't really matter which you choose.
Here's a simplified complete working example for the sake of convenience:
sealed trait ResultSetOp[A]
case object Next extends ResultSetOp[Boolean]
case class GetString(index: Int) extends ResultSetOp[String]
case class GetInt(index: Int) extends ResultSetOp[Int]
case object Close extends ResultSetOp[Unit]
import scalaz.{ Free, Coyoneda, Monad }
import scalaz.syntax.applicative._
type CoyonedaResultSetOp[A] = Coyoneda[ResultSetOp, A]
type ResultSetIO[A] = Free[CoyonedaResultSetOp, A]
val next: ResultSetIO[Boolean] = Free.liftFC(Next)
def getString(index: Int): ResultSetIO[String] = Free.liftFC(GetString(index))
def getInt(index: Int): ResultSetIO[Int] = Free.liftFC(GetInt(index))
def close: ResultSetIO[Unit] = Free.liftFC(Close)
case class Person(s: String, i: Int)
def getPerson: ResultSetIO[Person] = (getString(1) |#| getInt(2))(Person(_, _))
def getNextPerson: ResultSetIO[Person] = next *> getPerson
def getPeople(n: Int): ResultSetIO[List[Person]] = getNextPerson.replicateM(n)
This will compile just fine with 7.1.5.
For the sake of completeness, there's a third way, which is to define some Unapply machinery to help the compiler find instances for the FreeC version (Rob Norris is responsible for this code, which I've just de-kind-projected):
implicit def freeMonadC[FT[_[_], _], F[_]](implicit
ev: Functor[({ type L[x] = FT[F, x] })#L]
) = Free.freeMonad[({ type L[x] = FT[F, x] })#L]
implicit def unapplyMMFA[TC[_[_]], M0[_[_], _], M1[_[_], _], F0[_], A0](implicit
TC0: TC[({ type L[x] = M0[({ type L[x] = M1[F0, x] })#L, x] })#L]
): Unapply[TC, M0[({ type L[x] = M1[F0, x] })#L, A0]] {
type M[X] = M0[({ type L[x] = M1[F0, x] })#L, X]
type A = A0
} = new Unapply[TC, M0[({ type L[x] = M1[F0, x] })#L, A0]] {
type M[X] = M0[({ type L[x] = M1[F0, x] })#L, X]
type A = A0
def TC = TC0
def leibniz = Leibniz.refl
This allows you to use FreeC without defining monad instances every time. I still think just giving up on FreeC and using Free is a better idea, though.
let's say I have:
trait Get[F[_], A, B]{
def get(a:A): F[B]
I want to be able to map over the result type B, ie I want to be able to do:
val getFoo: Get[IO, String, Foo] = ???
val foo2Bar: Foo => Bar = ???
val getBar: Get[IO, String, Bar] =
I understand that I should implement a Functor instance for Get but I am struggling as I don't know what type signature to use.
I tried the following:
implicit val functor:Functor[Get] = ???
implicit val functor: Functor[Lambda[(F[_], K, A) => Get[F, K, A]]] = ???
but they don't seem to be of the right type as I can't seem to use the functor syntax extension as illustrated at the top. What is the right way of expressing the type here? What would be the equivalent type be if I use the kind-projector plugin?
import cats.syntax.functor._
implicit def functor[F[_]: Functor, A]: Functor[Get[F, A, ?]] = new Functor[Get[F, A, ?]] {
override def map[B, B1](fa: Get[F, A, B])(f: B => B1): Get[F, A, B1] = a => fa.get(a).map(f)
I'm trying to write a function which re-uses the implicit conversions which I have for Object A -> Object B when they are wrapped in an Option in a generic way so that Option[A] -> Option[B] conversions also work.
What I've come up with is:
implicit def fromOptionToOption[A, B](from: Option[A])(implicit conversion: (A) => B): Option[B] =
This works when I assign a Some(..) to a value but not when I assign an Option val; see the following console output:
scala> trait T
defined trait T
scala> case class Foo(i: Int) extends T
defined class Foo
scala> case class Bar(i: Int) extends T
defined class Bar
scala> implicit def fromFooToBar(f: Foo):Bar = Bar(f.i)
fromFooToBar: (f: Foo)Bar
scala> implicit def fromBarToFoo(b: Bar):Foo = Foo(b.i)
fromBarToFoo: (b: Bar)Foo
scala> implicit def fromOptionToOption[A, B](from: Option[A])(implicit conversion: (A) => B): Option[B] =
fromOptionToOption: [A, B](from: Option[A])(implicit conversion: (A) => B)Option[B]
scala> val foo: Option[Foo] = Some(Bar(1))
foo: Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(1))
// THIS WORKS as expected
scala> val fooOpt = Some(Foo(4))
fooOpt: Some[Foo] = Some(Foo(4))
scala> val barOpt2: Option[Bar] = fooOpt
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
found : Some[Foo]
required: Option[Bar]
val barOpt2: Option[Bar] = fooOpt
I don't really see the difference between the first and second conversion. Somehow it doesn't invoke the implicit conversion in the latter. I guess it has something to do with the type system, but I can't see how just yet. Any ideas?
(I'm on scala 2.9.1)
Here's clue:
scala> val fooOpt: Option[Bar] = Option(Foo(1))
fooOpt: Option[Bar] = Some(Bar(1))
And another:
scala> implicit def foobar(x: String): Int = augmentString(x).toInt
foobar: (x: String)Int
scala> val y: Option[String] = Option(1)
y: Option[String] = Some(1)
scala> val y: Option[Int] = Option("1")
y: Option[Int] = Some(1)
Looks like a legitimately odd bug. I'd pop open a smaller test case and open an issue (or search for one in JIRA).
As an aside:
You could use some category theory to handle lots of different types of "Option-ish" things.
package object fun {
trait Functor[Container[_]] {
def fmap[A,B](x: Container[A], f: A => B): Container[B]
object Functor {
implicit object optionFunctor extends Functor[Option] {
override def fmap[A,B](x: Option[A], f: A => B): Option[B] = x map f
// Note: With some CanBuildFrom magic, we can support Traversables here.
implicit def liftConversion[F[_], A, B](x: F[A])(implicit f: A => B, functor: Functor[F]): F[B] =
That's a bit more advanced, as you're mapping some category theory FP onto the problem, but it's a more general solution to lift implicit conversations into containers as needed. Notice how they chain by using one implicit conversation method that takes a more limited implicit argument.
ALSO, this should make the examples work:
scala> val tmp = Option(Foo(1))
tmp: Option[Foo] = Some(Foo(1))
scala> val y: Option[Bar] = tmp
y: Option[Bar] = Some(Bar(1))
And make your usage of Some more dangerous:
scala> val tmp = Some(Foo(1))
tmp: Some[Foo] = Some(Foo(1))
scala> val y: Option[Bar] = tmp
<console>:25: error: could not find implicit value for parameter functor: fun.Functor[Some]
val y: Option[Bar] = tmp
That's telling you that variance is critical, and interacts with implicits. My guess is you ran into a very rare, probably hard to fix bug that can be avoided using other techniques.
You might not be aware of it, but there's a flag for that: -Xlog-implicits. And this is what it says:
scala> val barOpt2: Option[Bar] = fooOpt
fromOptionToOption is not a valid implicit value for Some[Foo] => Option[Bar] because:
incompatible: (from: Option[Foo])(implicit conversion: Foo => B)Option[B] does not match expected type Some[Foo] => Option[Bar]
<console>:16: error: type mismatch;
found : Some[Foo]
required: Option[Bar]
val barOpt2: Option[Bar] = fooOpt
And there you go -- it doesn't know what type B must be. 0__ mentioned that this problem doesn't happen with invariant collections, and that makes some sense. In invariant collections, B must be exactly Bar, while for covariant collections it could be any subtype of Bar.
So, why does val foo: Option[Foo] = Some(Bar(1)) work? Well, there's a flag for that too... -Ytyper-debug. Not for the weak, however, given the extreme verbosity.
I waddled through anyway, comparing what happens in both cases, and the answer is rather simple... it's not the Option that is being converted in that case, but Bar! Remember, you declared an implicit conversion from Bar => Foo, so it is applying that conversion before passing the result to Some!
It doesn't work because the Scala Language Specification defines view as follows:
Implicit parameters and methods can also define implicit conversions called views. A view from type S to type T is defined by an implicit value which has function type S=>T or (=>S)=>T or by a method convertible to a value of that type.
fromOptionToOption doesn't conform to the three categories since it takes an implicit parameter. Compiler doesn't seem to find converter with both destination and source having generic type.
Defining a view from Option[Foo] to Option[Bar] works as expected.
trait T
case class Foo(i: Int) extends T
case class Bar(i: Int) extends T
object Main {
implicit def fromFooToBar(f: Foo):Bar = Bar(f.i)
implicit def fromBarToFoo(b: Bar):Foo = Foo(b.i)
// implicit def fromOptionToOption[A, B](from: Option[A])(implicit conversion: (A) => B): Option[B] =
implicit def fromOptionFooToOptionBar(o: Option[Foo]): Option[Bar] = o map { foo => foo }
def test(): Option[Bar] = {
val fooOpt = Some(Foo(4))
val barOpt2: Option[Bar] = fooOpt
Running this prints out:
$ scala so.scala
However, all is not lost. It's not as nice as general Option to Option, but we can do something like anything that can turn into Bar to Option[Bar] by view bound.
trait T
case class Foo(i: Int) extends T
case class Bar(i: Int) extends T
object Main {
implicit def fromFooToBar(f: Foo):Bar = Bar(f.i)
implicit def fromBarToFoo(b: Bar):Foo = Foo(b.i)
implicit def fromOptionToOptionBar[A <% Bar](from: Option[A]): Option[Bar] =
from map { foo => foo }
def test(): Option[Bar] = {
val fooOpt = Some(Foo(4))
val barOpt2: Option[Bar] = fooOpt
Here's another workaround that can be used for general Option to Option but requires extra .convert call:
trait T
case class Foo(i: Int) extends T
case class Bar(i: Int) extends T
case class Converter[A](x: Option[A]) {
def convert[B](implicit ev: Function1[A, B]): Option[B] = x map { a: A => ev(a) }
object Main {
implicit def optionToConverter[A](x: Option[A]) = Converter(x)
implicit def fooToBar(x: Foo) = Bar(x.i)
def test(): Option[Bar] = {
val fooOpt = Some(Foo(4))
val barOpt: Option[Bar] = fooOpt.convert
Indeed it's a very strange problem. I tried to use another type than Option, and it turns out that the problem is that Option is covariant in its type parameter. This works all:
case class A[B](value: B) // invariant in B
case class X()
case class Y()
implicit def xtoy(x: X): Y = Y()
implicit def ytox(x: Y): X = X()
implicit def movea[U, V](from: A[U])(implicit view: U => V): A[V] = A[V](from.value)
def test(a: A[Y]) = "ok"
test(A(X())) // (1)
val f = A(X())
test(f) // (2)
But if instead I define A as
case class A[+B](value: B) // covariant in B
The case (2) fails. Case (1) always succeeds, because Scala already converts X to Y before wrapping it in an A.
Now that we know the problem source, you need to wait for a type guru to explain why this is actually a problem... The conversion is still valid, you see:
askForY(movea(f)) // succeeds, even with A[+B]
I improved #jseureth answer and added support for Traversable:
trait Mappable[A, B, C[_]] {
def apply(f: A => B): C[B]
package object app {
implicit class OptionMappable[A, B, C[X] <: Option[X]](option: C[A]) extends Mappable[A, B, Option] {
override def apply(f: A => B): Option[B] =
implicit class TraversableMappable[A, B, C[X] <: Traversable[X]](traversable: C[A])
(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[C[A], B, C[B]]) extends Mappable[A, B, C] {
override def apply(f: A => B): C[B] = {
val builder = cbf(traversable)
builder ++=
implicit def liftConversion[C[_], A, B](x: C[A])
(implicit f: A => B, m: C[A] => Mappable[A, B, C]): C[B] = m(x)(f)
Now you can implicitly convert options and traversables:
implicit def f(i: Int): String = s"$i"
val a: Option[String] = Some(1)
val b: Seq[String] = Seq(1, 2, 3)
I'm trying to express the following idea:
Function caseClassFields should return an array of (String, T) pairs, by processing a case class.
I put upper bound for T, expecting that it should be a subtype of AnyRef or AnyRef itself.
Here is a function:
def caseClassFields[T <: AnyRef](obj: AnyRef): Array[(String, T)] = {
val metaClass = obj.getClass {
field => {
(field.getName, field.get(obj))
But unfortunately I get following error:
Expression of type Array[(String, AnyRef)] doesn't conform to expected type Array[(String, T)]
How to fix this?
Doing what you want with reflection and keeping type safety are orthogonal requirements. But shapeless, a library for generic derivation, can do what you want and still keep you type safe.
Here's a short example using shapeless to get you started.
We first define our algebra:
sealed trait ValidatableField
case class ValidatableString(value: Boolean)
extends ValidatableField
case class ValidatableInt(value: Boolean) extends ValidatableField
case class ValidatableRecord(fields: List[(String, ValidatableField)])
extends ValidatableField
Now we define our validator trait:
trait Validator[T] {
def validate(value: T): ValidatableField
trait RecordValidator[T] extends Validator[T] {
def validate(value: T): ValidatableRecord
Now lets define, for the sake of the example, validation on Int and String:
implicit val intValidator = new Validator[Int] {
override def validate(t: Int): ValidatableField = ValidatableInt(t > 42)
implicit val stringValidator = new Validator[String] {
override def validate(t: String): ValidatableField = ValidatableString(t.length < 42)
Now we define a generic implementation for HList which will cover our ValidatableRecord which is the generic representation of our case class:
implicit val hnilEncoder: RecordValidator[HNil] = new RecordValidator[HNil] {
override def validate(value: HNil): ValidatableRecord = ValidatableRecord(Nil)
implicit def hlistValidator[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](
implicit witness: Witness.Aux[K],
hEncoder: Lazy[Validator[H]],
tEncoder: RecordValidator[T]
): RecordValidator[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = {
val fieldName =
new RecordValidator[::[FieldType[K, H], T]] {
override def validate(value: ::[FieldType[K, H], T]): ValidatableRecord = {
val head = hEncoder.value.validate(value.head)
val tail = tEncoder.validate(value.tail)
ValidatableRecord((fieldName, head) :: tail.fields)
implicit def genericEncoder[A, H <: HList](
implicit generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, H],
hEncoder: Lazy[RecordValidator[H]]): Validator[A] = {
new RecordValidator[A] {
override def validate(value: A): ValidatableRecord =
With this much code, we can now validate any case class which has a String and Int field in it, and it is trivial to add other validator for more primitives:
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
case class Foo(s: String, i: Int)
val foo = Foo("hello!", 42)
ValidatableRecord(List((s,ValidatableString(true)), (i,ValidatableInt(false))))
I know this can be overwhelming a bit, but David Gurnells "Guide To Shapeless" is a great place to get started.
The reason is field.get(obj) returns AnyRef while your return type is T. Therefore, you need to convert it into T. However, I don't see any use of Generic type T in your code, so you can simply change the return type to Array[(String, AnyRef)].
def caseClassFields[T <: AnyRef](obj: AnyRef): Array[(String, AnyRef)]
However, if you insist to use Generic, you need to convert field.get(obj) to type T. Note, that you might get exception in case of invalid type while converting to type T.
def caseClassFields[T <: AnyRef](obj: AnyRef): Array[(String, T)] = {
val metaClass = obj.getClass {
field => {
(field.getName, field.get(obj).asInstanceOf[T])
case class Foo(name:String)
val result:Array[(String, String)] = caseClassFields[String](Foo("bar"))
As discussed in the comments you probably want to use shapeless, but to elaborate.
The method field.get() isnt related to the type parameter. Normally you would use a type parameter like this
def caseClassFields[T <: AnyRef](obj: T): Array[(String, T)] = ???
or this ..
def caseClassFields[T <: AnyRef](obj: Container[T]): Array[(String, T)] = ???
If there was some link between field.get and T it could work, but the relationship would need to be proven to the compiler. As the T can be anything the compiler cant prove anything about it.
I can strongly recommend this book the 'Type Astronaut’s Guide to Shapeless' as a intro to the topic.
Ok, so I have this:
implicit final class RichIterableLike[A, Repr <: IterableLike[A, Repr]](val it: Repr)
extends AnyVal {
def pairDiff[To](implicit num: Numeric[A], cbf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, A, To]): To = {
val b = cbf(it)
val iter = it.iterator
if (iter.hasNext) {
var pred =
while (iter.hasNext) {
import num.mkNumericOps
val succ =
b += succ - pred
pred = succ
This compiles, but doesn't kick in:
val stabs = IndexedSeq(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
Gives: value pairDiff is not a member of IndexedSeq[Double]
Explicit conversion works:
new RichIterableLike[Double, IndexedSeq[Double]](stabs).pairDiff
... how to fix this?
If I apply the approach of this answer, it works:
implicit final class RichIterableLike[A, CC[~] <: Iterable[~]](val it: CC[A])
extends AnyVal {
def pairDiff[To](implicit num: Numeric[A], cbf: CanBuildFrom[CC[A], A, To]): To = {
But the question remains, what is the crucial difference that makes the implicit lookup kick in in the latter case.
In order for the implicit lookup to work it needs a link between A and Repr (IterableLike demands that link). You pass it in as an argument, so that argument should be typed as Repr[A]. That means you need to modify your signature so it will look something like this:
RichIterableLike[A, Repr[X] <: IterableLike[X, Repr[X]]](val it: Repr[A])
With the above signature you say:
I have an object that accepts a type parameter, I will name that object Repr and when you pass it in I would like to capture the type parameter as well. I will name that type parameter A. As an extra condition I want the type of Repr to conform to the signature of IterableLike
It is difficult to explain problem using few words, so I prepared pice of code to present issue.
Let's develop container of type Container[T1,T2] and implicits for wrapping any value in that container. If the value is type of Container[T1,T2] wrapping should return the same type. More over wrapping method should taking parameter of type T1 (the same as in container), and resulting with container with replaced T1 value.
Solution must conform generics and implicits manner.
Sounds little confusing, let's read the code :)
case class Container[T1, T2](t1: T1, t2: T2)
Trait with wrapping method:
trait ToContainer[A] {
def wrappingMethod[E](e: E): Container[E, A]
Object with implicits:
object ToContainers {
import language.implicitConversions
implicit def implicitMethod[A](a: => A) = new ToContainer[A] {
def wrappingMethod[E](e: E): Container[E, A] = Container(e, a)
implicit def implicitMethod2[E, A] (c: => Container[E, A])(implicit d:DummyImplicit): ToContainer[A] = new ToContainer[A] {
def wrappingMethod[EX](e: EX): Container[EX, A] = c.copy(e)
So that was the code.
The problem is that I need somehow bind type parameter EX of function def wrappingMethod[EX] to the parameter E of def implicitMethod2[E, A].
After this something like this should work (and works):
scala> import ToContainers._
import ToContainers._
scala> val c1: Container[String, Int] = 1234.wrappingMethod("abc")
c1: Container[String,Int] = Container(abc,1234)
scala> val c2: Container[String, Int] = c1.wrappingMethod("XXX")
c2: Container[String,Int] = Container(XXX,1234)
... but this must yield compilation error, and don't :(
(Take a look on types: c1 has [String, Int] and c3 has [Int,Int]. I want to prevent this.)
scala> val c3 = c1.wrappingMethod(0)
c3: Container[Int,Int] = Container(0,1234)
Any ideas great appreciated :)
BTW: I am using this version of scala:
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.0-M7 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_07)
I've fiexed errors. Code is working now.
The sample code you provided does not work, so it's a bit difficult to provide a good answer. However, can't you just do something like:
implicit def implicitMethod2[E, A] (c: => Container[E, A])(implicit d:DummyImplicit): ToContainer[A] = new ToContainer[A] {
def wrappingMethod[E](e: E): Container[EX, A] = c.copy(e)
So simply replace the EX type parameter with E.
You need to move the type parameter E up to ToContainer:
trait ToContainer[E, A]
def wrappingMethod(e: E): Container[E, A]
object ToContainers {
import language.implicitConversions
implicit def implicitMethod[E, A](a: => A) = new ToContainer[E, A] {
def wrappingMethod(e: E): Container[E, A] = Container(e, a)
implicit def implicitMethod2[E, A] (c: => Container[E, A])(implicit d:DummyImplicit): ToContainer[E, A] = new ToContainer[E, A] {
def wrappingMethod(e: E): Container[E, A] = c.copy(e)