IBM Watson Dialog - entity not working / resolved - ibm-cloud

I am trying to get input (say gender - male / female) from user using entity and store it in profile variable and the code snippet below.
<prompt selectionType="RANDOM">
<item>I did not quite get that.</item>
<input id="input_2508594">
<item>I am a
<action operator="SET_TO" varName="gender">{gender.value:main}</action>
<prompt selectionType="RANDOM">
<item>Hi hello {gender}!</item>
<entity name="Gender">
<value name="Male" value="Male"/><value name="Female" value="Female"/>
<var_folder name="Home">
<var description="friend" name="UserName" type="TEXT"/>
<var description="one" name="gender" type="TEXT"/>
Now, if I say "I am a", the dialog service responds with "Hi hello!". But, if i input "Female", WDS responds with default output "I did not quite get that.". Then I tried giving $(Gender)={gender}, it returns "Hi hello!". So, it looks dialog is not resolving the input to entity and I could not store the input into profile variable.
Any advise please? Am I missing anything in the dialog xml file?

Settings should be added in the dialog config file.
<setting name="ENTITIES_SCOPE">3</setting>


De-mystifying allowed values for a field in Azure DevOps based on values of another field or Rules?

When you create a work item such as Bug in Azure devops, the values that you would see in the drop down of say Reason field would depend on the value you select for State field. For e.g. see these screenshots (Template Agile, no customizations)
Then if you change the state, the allowed values change as shown
To make matters more confusing, these are just few of the values that are returned by the documented REST API
The given API returns
"defaultValue": null,
"allowedValues": [
"Not fixed",
"Test Failed",
"As Designed",
"Cannot Reproduce",
"Copied to Backlog",
"Fixed and verified",
"Investigation Complete",
"Resolved in error",
"Build Failure",
"helpText": "The reason why the bug is in the current state",
"alwaysRequired": false,
"dependentFields": [
"referenceName": "System.State",
"name": "State",
"url": ""
"referenceName": "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason",
"name": "Resolved Reason",
"url": ""
"referenceName": "System.Reason",
"name": "Reason",
"url": "{project}/{templateid}/_apis/wit/fields/System.Reason"
I am trying to figure out the right API or set of APIs that help demystify when to show what in the combo boxes, when to mark them read-only and when to let the user edit them.
The Resolved Reason Field is further interesting. For most parts it seems to simply copy the value from the Reason field, however the Rules API (see below) does not indicate this behaviour. It looks like what the Rules API returns does not match the behaviour that this field exhibits.
There is a concept of Rules mentioned in the REST API here -
However this does not seem to give rules which specifically control "allowedValues" for fields based on value of another field as I explained above.
Is there an API that can give a comprehensive set of rules for fields on a work item types including their allowedValues? For e.g. the Reason or Resolved Reason field depending on the choice of State field as shown above?
Is there an API that can give a comprehensive set of rules for fields
on a work item types including their allowedValues? For e.g. the
Reason or Resolved Reason field depending on the choice of State field
as shown above?
First of all, I need to say, no, there is no such REST API to get the Reason value which depending on the State filed chosen. Since these are all not be documented, the best way for us to verify it is using the Fiddler trace(Fiddler can record all internet data between web application and internet).
[As example, here I will use Bug work item to show that.]
First, clear all the records in Fiddler => open the Bug work item in Azure Devops => press F12 in Fiddler to start record the data.
Change the work item state in Azure Devops(Note: just change, do not save it. "Save" belong to another operation). Then go Fiddler to see its internet records:
You will see that there only 2 event API, and these API are only used to post the action sign but not operate it. See the request body of first POST Event API:
You can see that it just used to post a sign about the State field has changed. That's why I say that there's no API to get the Reason value which depending on the State filed chosen, because our develop team did not use the script with API to achieve that.
Now, you should be very confusing that who is this action message to be sent to? Since the Reason field value listed is not controlled by the api, then who is in control?
The answer is XML process template.
In Azure Devops, the WIT are all controlled by XML template. You can find all rules such as the Reason field value listed depend on the State field changed, copy the value from the Reason field and etc.
I have uploaded the Bug.xml of process template into my github, you can refer to that code to analysis it: Agile-process/Bug.xml .
For the Reason field value listed depend on the State field
<FIELD name="Resolved Reason" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason" type="String" reportable="dimension">
<LISTITEM value="As Designed" />
<LISTITEM value="Cannot Reproduce" />
<LISTITEM value="Deferred" />
<LISTITEM value="Duplicate" />
<LISTITEM value="Fixed" />
<LISTITEM value="Fixed and verified" />
<LISTITEM value="Obsolete" />
<LISTITEM value="Copied to Backlog" />
<HELPTEXT>The reason why the bug was resolved</HELPTEXT>
These are the xml code which control the Resolved Reason listed. I believe that you have got its logic. The message of event API we got from fiddler are get by the relevant WIT *.xml. Then the corresponding operation will be trigger and acted.
For copy the value from the Reason field.
<TRANSITION from="New" to="Resolved">
<ACTION value="Microsoft.VSTS.Actions.Checkin" />
<DEFAULTREASON value="Fixed">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Fixed" />
<LISTITEM value="Fixed" />
<REASON value="Deferred">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Deferred" />
<LISTITEM value="Deferred" />
<REASON value="Duplicate">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Duplicate" />
<LISTITEM value="Duplicate" />
<REASON value="As Designed">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="As Designed" />
<LISTITEM value="As Designed" />
<REASON value="Cannot Reproduce">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Cannot Reproduce" />
<LISTITEM value="Cannot Reproduce" />
<REASON value="Obsolete">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Obsolete" />
<LISTITEM value="Obsolete" />
<REASON value="Copied to Backlog">
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason">
<COPY from="value" value="Copied to Backlog" />
<LISTITEM value="Copied to Backlog" />
<FIELD refname="System.AssignedTo">
<COPY from="field" field="System.CreatedBy" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedDate">
<SERVERDEFAULT from="clock" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy">
<COPY from="currentuser" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedBy">
<COPY from="currentuser" />
<FIELD refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedDate">
<SERVERDEFAULT from="clock" />
This just a short section which about the copy value from the Reason field from the xml file of Bug work item.
In fact, you can find all process rules from these XML file which could not get with API(Note: I just mean the default process rule). If you want, I can share the completed XML files of process in my github.
Hope this could help you more clearly:-)
Is there an API that can give a comprehensive set of rules for fields
on a work item types including the allowedValues of say Reason field
depending on the choice of State field?
For this issue , you can use Rules - List api to get it .
I test with postman , the figure below is the result returned by my test.
By searching for keywords, we can get the rules of allowed values for Reason field depending on the choice of State field.
The processId parameter required in the api can be obtained through this rest api.
Hope this helps.

Confluence Macro Browser autocompletion for attachments

I am trying to show all attachments (from the current page) in an auto-completed drop-down list. This is the part in the atlassian-plugin.xml which defines the parameters:
<xhtml-macro name="plugin-name" class="" key="macroname-xhtml" icon="/download/resources/${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}/icons/macroname.png">
<category name="formatting"/>
<parameter name="content_input" type="confluence-content" />
<parameter name="space_input" type="spacekey" />
<parameter name="attachment_input" type="attachment" />
The confluence-content and spacekey types work just fine. It shows a textfield which autocompletes Pages and Spaces.
However, the attachment type shows a empty drop-down list (select box) which cannot auto-complete.
The official Confluence documentation says it should work like I do:
I must be missing something here, but I don't know what. Anyone might know what the problem is?
If you want a drop-down list with all the attachments then you may also try the following:
<xhtml-macro name="plugin-name" class="" key="macroname-xhtml" icon="/download/resources/${project.groupId}.${project.artifactId}/icons/macroname.png">
<category name="confluence-content" />
<parameter name="page" type="confluence-content" required="false"
multiple="false" />
<parameter name="name" type="attachment" required="false" />
Don't change the names of the parameters
If you want to add a filter, then you need the following:
<web-resource key="macro-browser-smart-fields" name="Macro Browser Smart Fields">
<resource type="download" name="confluence-core-macro-fields.js" location="js/confluence-core-macro-fields.js" />
(function($) {
AJS.MacroBrowser.activateSmartFieldsAttachmentsOnPage("plugin-name", [ "png", "jpg", "gif" ]);
I found that setting the type as attachment (following official documentation) is bugged. I have found a work-around to display attachments in a auto-complete box.
<parameter name="xsd" type="confluence-content" required="true">
<option key="type" value="attachment"/>
<option key="showKeyInPlaceholder" value="false" />
<option key="showValueInPlaceholder" value="true" />

Overriding a label in Zend Fom config XML

Hi I am using an xml file of the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<form action="" method="post">
<page_title type="text" name="page_title" >
<options label="Page Title" required="true" />
<page_content type="textarea" name="page_content">
<options label="Page Content" />
I have two forms which take exactly the same data, but I need to change the labels on the form. I would rather not just cut and paste the code contained within <page></page> and adjust the labels. Is there a way I can 'extend' page and set the labels that way?
you should be able to do it right from the controller (i know it works with normal Zend_form objects)
$form = new Your_Form_Here();
$form->Elementname->setLabel('new label');
That's all there is to it. You may have to make some adjustments because you're using a config file but it should'nt be to hard.

smartgwt calendar

I'm trying to populate a smartgwt calendar using data form a server obtained using a datasource. Unfortunately the examples in showcase only use client only test data, where one has to create an array of calendar events first. Can anyone give an example of how to do this directly from a rest datastore for example.
Yes, I had trouble tracking down an example too. I eventually figured it out by looking at the samples. It seems like the Calendar doesn't care about the type of the objects used by the datasource, but rather that they provide properties of name, startDate, endDate, and description. (Note that startDate and endDate should be defined as "datetime" in your ds.xml, or all of the events will be full-day events.) Here an example ds.xml (based on the sample for Google App Engine modified with a calendar object):
<field name="eventID" type="text" hidden="true" primaryKey="true" />
<field name="name" type="text" title="Name" required="true" />
<field name="startDate" type="datetime" title="Start Date" required="true" />
<field name="endDate" type="datetime" title="End Date" required="true" />
<field name="description" type="text" title="Description" />

Why the form id prefix in the h:message output?

I'm currently trying simple validation using required="true"
<h:messages globalOnly="true"/>
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<f:facet name="header">
Login Application Sample
<h:outputLabel for="UserId" value="User Id" />
<h:inputText id="UserId" value="#{userBean.userId}" required="true" />
<h:message for="UserId"/>
<h:outputLabel for="Password" value="Password" />
<h:inputSecret id="Password" value="#{userBean.password}" required="true" />
<h:message for="Password" />
<f:facet name="footer">
<h:commandButton value="Login" action="#{userBean.login}"/>
<h:commandButton type="reset" value="Reset"/>
Leaving the fields blank, and then clickin on the login button, these error messages will display on the right side of each field :
j_idt7:UserId: Validation Error: Value is required.
j_idt7:Password: Validation Error: Value is required.
This is what I expected, but I don't want to display the form id prefix of 'j_idt7:'. I read book examples, they don't output the form id prefix. What I want is :
UserId: Validation Error: Value is required.
Password: Validation Error: Value is required.
What should I do to skip displaying the form id prefix in the component specific messages ?
I'm currently testing JSF 2 in glassfish v3.
The message label defaults to component's client ID, exactly the one as you can see in generated HTML output via rightclick, View Source. That j_id7 is in this particular case the client ID of the parent <form> element. If you give the JSF component a fixed ID like <h:form id="login"> then the labels will become login:UserId and login:Password respectively.
You can however use the input component's label attribute to override it altogether so that the message label will be shown exactly as you intented.
<h:inputText ... label="User ID" />
<h:inputSecret ... label="Password" />
If the input component's label attribute is present, then it will be used instead of the client ID. Using prependId="false" as suggested by other answers has disadvantages. Don't do that.
A completely different alternative is to use requiredMessage (or converterMessage or validatorMessage) attribute for this, but this doesn't allow parameterizing messages and thus you'd have to hardcode the labels and such.
<h:inputText ... label="User ID is required." />
<h:inputSecret ... label="Password is required." />
See also:
Change the default message "Validation Error: Value is required" to just "Value is required"
Getting the component id on the error validation message
How to parameterize requiredMessage attribute in composite component?
Noted should be that it's indeed awkward to have labels duplicated like this:
<h:outputLabel for="userId" value="User ID" ... />
<h:inputText id="userId" ... label="User ID" />
<h:outputLabel for="password" value="Password" ... />
<h:inputSecret id="password" ... label="Password" />
If you happen to use JSF utility library OmniFaces, then you can use <o:outputLabel> to let JSF transparently set the label attribute of the associated component:
<o:outputLabel for="userId" value="User ID" ... />
<h:inputText id="userId" ... />
<o:outputLabel for="password" value="Password" ... />
<h:inputSecret id="password" ... />
If you use MyFaces and the bean validation framework (JSR303) try to define a MessageBundle with a key javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE
#javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE={1}: {0}
You need to override these messages from JSF.
You can have a file in your classpath
javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED=Field must be entered.
Have a look at this Article
If you care to see the HTML source from your browser, you will find out that the id of your input field is <form-id>+":"+<input-field-id>, in your case, j_idt7:UserId:. Try to give your <h:form> some meaningful id in order to make some sense out of it. You can read about JSF IDs here. In case you don't like it, you can turn it off by modifying your form tag to something like this,
<h:form prependId = false> // its true by default.
But that might turn out to be problematic, as pointed out by BalusC here.
Furthermore, it seems like you have never configured any validation messages yourself. Which in turn ends up with this message. Hence, a file is needed to have a control over message and show something more appropriate. Even then the field name should not be the part of the message, to make those validation message generic to avoid repetition. See BalusC's answer regarding the use of label attribute inside the <h:inputText>.
Where you are writing required = true, there you can define requiredMessage = "My Message" for any input type.
<h:inputText autocomplete="false" id = "CellNumber" label="Cell Number" required="true" requiredMessage="Cell Number Required" maxlength="10" value="#{userManagedBean.cellNumber}" >