switchyard soap binding in references - jboss

I am exploring soap binding switchyard in jbds in which I tried to give and get SOAP requests and responses.
I can forward a request to response using camel routing but can't manipulate the inputs(if any). Is it possible to use a java bean in the middle which could process the request and give some form of result?
Take for example a celsius to fahrenheit conversion, in which the request contains the celsius value while the conversion should happen in java bean and results are forwarded out as responses. I'm currently using soapui to send the soap requests.

Yes you can do it, by creating a switchyard message composition.
Please refer to this example (WarehouseServiceImpl.java and WarehouseService.java).


Wildfly non strict unmarshalling of incoming soap xml requests

I am trying to configure my Java maven project in such a way, that incoming soap xml requests are accepted, even if one field is not recognized. So if the api expects an incoming request with
, then I want it to except
as well, even though it did not expect the field 'b2'. Currently it throws an unmarshalling exception.
Can I achieve that via annotation or with some configuration in the web.xml?

SOAP Message creation without a WebService just with wsdl

I have a wsdl file in a Spring JMS project, where i need to create an XML to sent to a queue. This xml should look like a SOAP Message including Header Body and whole Envelop. I don't understands how not to implement a SOAP WebService but still create a XML SOAP structure. I don't want to create whole structure using SOAP Element classes where i have to write a lot of code and each time if my Java Object updates i have to update this implementation as well, thanks for help.
See the Spring Web Services Reference Manual (specifically JMS Transport on the client side).
For sending messages over JMS, Spring Web Services provides the JmsMessageSender. This class uses the facilities of the Spring framework to transform the WebServiceMessage into a JMS Message, send it on its way on a Queue or Topic, and receive a response (if any).
To use the JmsMessageSender, ...

How to process the webservice xml message in mirth

How to process the webservice XML message in Mirth Connect 3.x?
If I understand your question correct, you are asking for how to configure Mirth to become a Web server. It's actually easy and hard at the same time.
The easy way - create a new channel and configure the Source connector as Web Service Listener. Deploy the channel and you have a web server waiting for SOAP messages to be sent to a configured IP port. But the structure of these SOAP messages is governed by Mirth WSDL at localhost:8081/services/Mirth?wsdl.
If you want the SOAP message structure to be different then you are going to deep dive into creating your own Java class and overriding default web service methods. There is no a single answer for that, it is a completely separate topic.
I hope you are asking how to consume XML webservice message in Mirth?..
If you are receiving specifically SOAP you need to set webservice listener as your source channel listener. (as said previous answer, you will have the URL)
Go to your transformer and type the following code:
Once you do this you can see the data you received inside Mirth on the logger area.

Decoding GWT RequestFactory payload without Request from out-of-bound message

We're using GWT Atmosphere to send strings from the server to the client and it works quite well.
However, we would like to send whole entities from the server to the client, serialized by the GWT RequestFactory. Without the need for a request by the client!
So I tried working with SimpleRequestProcessor#createOobMessage(domainObject) and sending that payload to the client. Computing the payload works.
I would then decode that message using AutoBeanCodex#decode and read the domainObject as the correct EntityProxy from the invocation list of the ResponseMessage - however when I do so, it requires some sort of serverId being set to proceed in AbstractRequestFactory#getId (around line 260: assert serverId != null : "serverId")
Any advice on how I can decode a Proxy payload without a request being sent by the client?
The use case for this question is chat-like communication. The client doesn't request the messages from the server but instead will be notified of new messages. And we'd like to include the messages and info on who's sent the message in the notification payload. Since we're using RequestFactory in our project anyway, we want to take advantage of having set up all the Proxy wiring and now simply push the relevant object graph to the client.
Why are you trying to serialize RF messages and send them just as entities? RequestFactory is much more than justa way to send data over the wire - it has at least three different kinds of messages that can be sent from the client to the server: create instances, call setters, and invoke service methods. Based on what happens on the server, not only can data be returned to the client, but messages about what changes were made and if those setters made changes that are not valid under the JSR303 rules.
Are you trying for a simpler, interface way of describing, sending, and receiving entities? Or do you actually want the RF wiring on both client and server so you can batch requests, refer to EntityProxyId instances and have the client only send diffs?
If you just want simpler object declarations, try just using AutoBeans and the AutoBeadCodex you have already looked at - you'll be able to create and marshal instances on both client and server easily, and you can pass them as strings over atmosphere's transports.
If you actually want RequestFactory, but running over something other than AJAX, there are other options. Rather than sending/receiving strings through Atmosphere (which I believe is intended to provide push support for RPC calls), consider using that underlying push layer to implment a new request transport in RequestFactory.
com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.shared.RequestTransport can be implemented (see com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.gwt.client.DefaultRequestTransport for the default AJAX version) to use any communication mechanism you would like - and to build the server, take a look at com.google.web.bindery.requestfactory.server.RequestFactoryServlet for what actually must be done to push messages through the Locator, ServiceLocators, etc.
If you really want to use Atmosphere and RF, then consider building a RequestTransport that wraps a simple Atmosphere interface to call to the server with the string - the cometd/websocket calls will already be taken care of for you, and you'll just have to translate the string message into invocations (again, see how RequestFactoryServlet does it).

Delivery different kind of protocols in a SOA architecture

I have a project that is currently in production delivering some web-services using the REST approach. Right now, I need to delivery some of this web-services in SOAP too (it means that I will need to deliver some of the same web-services in SOAP and others a bit different), so, I ask you:
Should I incorporate to the existent project the SOAP stack (libraries, configuration files, ...), building another layer that deliver the data in envelopes way (some people call it "anti-corruption layer") ?
Should I build another project using just the canonical model in common (become it in a shared-library) ?
... Or how do you proceed in similar situations ?
Please, consider our ideal target a SOA architecture.
In our projects we have a facade layer which exposes the services and maps to business entities, and a business layer where the business logic is run.
So to add a SOAP end point for an existing service, we just create a new facade and call in to the same business logic.
In many cases it is even simpler, since we use WCF we can have a http SOAP endpoint for external clients, and a binary tcpip endpoint for internal clients. The new endpoint can be added by changing the configuration without any need to change the code.
The way I think about an SOA system, you have messages and pub/sub. The message is the interface. Getting those messages into and out of the system is an implementation detail. I create an endpoint that accepts a raw message document (more REST-like, but not really REST) as well as an endpoint that accepts the message as a single parameter to a SOAP call. The code that processes the incoming message is a separate concern from the HTTP endpoint enablement.
You can use an ESB for this. Where ESB receive the soap messages and send the rest request to the back end. WSO2 ESB provides this functionality. Please look at this sample[1].
[1] http://wso2.org/project/esb/java/4.0.0/docs/samples/proxy_samples.html#Sample152