How to POST point location to Salesforce REST API? - rest

What is the right JSON format to post a geolocation (point) to the Salesforce REST API? I am getting either deserialization or permission errors (despite wide open administrator permissions in my sandbox).
I tried:
{"location__c": {"latitude": 34, "longitude": 23}} # the actual return when a GET the field
{"location__c__latitude": 34, "location__c__longitude": 23}
{"latitude__c": 34, "longitude__c": 23} # this one out of desperation.
Obviously with all the necessary boilerplate and authentication. Posting to other custom fields works just fine.

As per
you need to specify them in a slightly different format, like so:
location__latitude__s, location__longitude__s
So, if you have an object with a geolocation (let's say an object called "house"), you'd do
{"house":{"location__latitude__s":34, "location__longitude__s":23}}


Microfocus ALM OCTANE REST API - Get existing manual test's step details

I am trying to get existing manual test steps from ALM using the below REST API
but I get the following result.
"creation_time": "2020-01-16T14:36:52Z",
"test_version": "{\"id\":1035,\"type\":\"test_version\"}",
"version_stamp": 5,
"last_modified": "2020-01-17T09:38:20Z",
"script": "- Open Browser\n- Type Username\n- Type PAssword\n- Submit\n- #2012 Call <ReqTest1>\n- Login using <Username> and <Password>\n- ?isLoginSuccesfull"
Is there a way to get existing manual test steps with details(like id, description, etc) through REST API?
i know that is six month late , but you could try calling entity test
and once you have latest version you can call entity test_versions with attribute last_version that you got in the last request
and there you will get the steps , also you have to consider that before doing this you need to have stablished connection (requested cookies, etc...) for avoiding 403 error and properly setted headers and parameters for the request. and if you're using microfocus library i didn't find any direct call for test_versions entity
EDIT: also you can request to http://URLdirection:PORT/api/shared_spaces//workspaces//test//script

Custom Dimensions Not Reporting Through to Google Analytics API V4

I am attempting to pass information collected as, "custom dimensions," from Google Tag Manager through Google Analytics and then extract them out via the Google Analytics V4 API.
I have set up four of the fundamental custom dimensions suggested by Simo Ahava in this article.
My variable setup looks like the following:
variable setup
Essentially, I have been able to successfully pass through userID_dimension, hittimestamp_dimension, clientid_dimension and sessionid_dimension to the Google Analytics dashboard, but for some reason I am not able to extract out the hittimestamp_dimension through the API.
Here's what I am able to see on the dashboard:
Google Analytics Dashboard
As far as the API itself, I am using the python version supplied by Google, and I am able to extract out all of the above information, minus the timestamps dimensions on the right hand side of each.
I'm storing the timestamp information in dimension2, but upon making the below call (again, using API V4) I get blank...nothing.
'reportRequests': [
'viewId': VIEW_ID,
'dateRanges': [{'startDate': '2017-10-05', 'endDate': '2017-10-06'}],
'samplingLevel': 'LARGE',
'dimensions': [{'name': 'ga:dimension4'},{'name': 'ga:dimension2'}]
Upon making this call, one would expect that the above would report out dimensions similar to what the Google Analytics dashboard would show. E.g. one would think that the dashboard itself is using the API. However what prints out is blank. All other custom dimensions print out as expected.
If I try to call the above function on just dimension2 itself with no other dimension, it is also blank.
Is there something special one has to do in order to extract hit-scoped variables within the API? Or does the API just not allow hit-scoped variables to pass through?
You forgot to add a 'metrics' field to your request, it is required as per documentation
Source: Reporting API v4 - Method: reports.batchGet
The metrics requested. Requests must specify at least one metric. Requests can have a total of 10 metrics.
The below modified request should work:
'reportRequests': [
'viewId': VIEW_ID,
'dateRanges': [{'startDate': '2017-10-05', 'endDate': '2017-10-06'}],
'samplingLevel': 'LARGE',
'dimensions': [{'name': 'ga:dimension4'},{'name': 'ga:dimension2'}],
'metrics': [{'expression': 'ga:sessions'}]

How to give personalised greeting in Watson Conversation?

While Defining the Dialog in the Watson Conversation I'm not able to greet user with his/her name or I'm not able to detect contact number sent by the user and rephrase it to the user. Is it possible to do it in the Watson Conversation Api or not.
Although Mitch's response is correct, here is an example of doing a personalised response.
1. Set your conversation_start node text to "Hello <? context.username ?>".
2. In your code you would do something like this (Python).
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1
conversation = ConversationV1(
response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, context= {'username':'Simon'})
print json.dumps(response)
3. When you run this, it should output the following, with the "text" part being what the user sees.
"text":["Hello Simon"]
One thing to be aware is that, the context object is used to maintain the state of the conversation. So if you plan to use just REST API's then you need to merge your context variables into the preceding context object before sending it. You do only need to do this at points where you do know the conversation needs that context.
Do you already have access to this information? You can send these values through as context, and refer to them using $context_variable
The same goes for collecting information from a user. You can capture things using regular expressions via your application, or using some Spring Expressions, you can see the text.matches here:
You would store this as context, and then refer to it using $context_variable again.
Information like names and phone numbers is quite open ended, so can be difficult to capture without using an open entity extraction engine, which we are researching best ways to incorporate this.
To get the user's input, use:
"context": {"yourVariable": "<?input.text?>"}
And to show:
"output": {"text": "You entered this $yourVariable"}

Restful API for Templating

I am struggling with a design aspect of my restful api for templating collections of resources.
The endpoint calls for a json with the name to a particular template and a collections of tokens. The API will then create entries into numerous tables and use the tokens where appropriate.
A very simple example is:
'template': 'DeviceTemplate'
'tokens': [
'customer': 1234,
'serial_number': '12312RF3242a',
'ip_address': ''
This creates a new device for the customer with that ip address along with several other objects, for instance interfaces, device users etc etc. I use the tokens in various places where needed.
I'm not sure how to make this endpoint restful.
The endpoint for /device is already taken if you want to create this resource individually. The endpoint I need is for creating everything via the template.
I want to reserve the POST /template endpoint for creating the actual template itself and not for implementing it with the tokens to create the various objects.
I want to know how to call the endpoint without using a verbs.
I also want to know if its a good idea to structure a POST with a nested JSON.
I'd suggest that you create an action on the template object itself. So right now if you do /templates/<id> you are given an object. You should include in that object a url endpoint for instantiating an instance of that template. Github follows a scheme that I like a lot [1] where within an object there will be a key pointing to another url with a suffix _url. So for instance, your response could be something like:
"template": "DeviceTemplate",
"id": "127",
"create_url": "",
Then this way you treat a POST to that endpoint the same as if this template (DeviceTemplate) was its own resource.
The way to conceptualize this is you're calling a method on an object instead of calling a function.
[1] - For example

How to get total number of tracks in a playlist using soundcloud json API

I am trying to paginate the track list of a set/playlist obtained via soundcloud JSON API. Pagination technique described here works fine if I want to generate tracklist of x number of tracks for next page only. What I am trying to do is to make a numbered pagination with multiple page links. I didn't find any parameter such as "track_count" which returns the total number of tracks for "/user/tracks". So, can anyone give me any insights on making a numbered pagination for a playlist when getting data via soundcloud JSON API? thanks
/users endpoint has "track_count" property in the returned representation of user:
$ curl ""
"id": 3207,
"permalink": "jwagener",
"username": "Johannes Wagener",
"uri": "",
"permalink_url": "",
"avatar_url": "",
"country": "Germany",
"full_name": "Johannes Wagener",
"city": "Berlin",
"description": "<b>Hacker at SoundCloud</b>\r\n\r\nSome of my recent Hacks:\r\n\r\ \r\nbrowse recordings with the FiRe app by artwork\r\n\r\ \r\nfind people to follow on SoundCloud\r\n\r\ \r\nget your account hooked up with a voicebox\r\n\r\ \r\nrecord straight to your soundcloud account",
"discogs_name": null,
"myspace_name": null,
"website": "",
"website_title": "",
"online": true,
"track_count": 12,
"playlist_count": 1,
"followers_count": 417,
"followings_count": 174,
"public_favorites_count": 26
This question is already old, but I hope this could help other people.
You could use either of this endpoint:{playlist_id}?client_id={client_id}{playlist_id}?oauth_token={oauth_token}
The 2nd API is undocumented, the first endpoint suddenly started to return 401 for no reason which is from the SoundCloud API documentation. I still provided the 1st endpoint as it's only not working at work, but behaves correctly at home IP address. I suggest if you'd use the 2nd API to generate and use a non-expiring token.
SoundCloud is not a reliable provider anymore as there's no app support for developers. You just have to figure things out by yourself.
On the JSON response, look for track_count. That'll give you the number of tracks in a playlist.