typo3 backend: Attach a label to extension placeholder - typo3

In typo3 4.7 (cannot upgrade this instance) I often need to put a few lightweight extensions on one page. In the backend, I quickly lose track of all these extensions.
I wonder if there is a way to attach a label to such an extension placeholder.
I want a similar functionality as the freetext field: "Name (not visible in frontend)" which is available for "Default HTML" content elements, but not for "Plugin" content elements.
Here is an illustration of what I mean. In the backend, WEB Module/Page, editing any page:
... or can they?

Answering my own question:
The "Behavior" tab contains a deprecated textfield "Plugin Mode" that can be used as a label. Internally the value from this field will be stored in a column called "CODE".
According to the context-sensitive help for this field, it can function aas a label unless the plugin uses this value.
And indeed, the text from the 2nd red box above appears in the backend and facilitates orientation.
But here I am talking about my own extensions where I know that this field is unused.


Typo3 custom content element with content colPos

as I'm turning back to the real core functions of typo3 (which I used last before templatevoila), I wonder how I can create an content Element which acts like a container, where I can place content inside with the wizard.
As I got really enough from the flux-fluid update chaos, I think best solution ist to bet on the core functions.
I know, I can do this also with ext B13 container, but if it's possible somehow, I won't use any extensions as I can do it hopefully with core functions.
there is no container functionality inside TYPO3 core itself. I suggest using the b13 container extension which is well maintained and doesn't add much overhead.
First it depends what kind of container you want to realize.
If you don't really want to pack/wrap the contained CEs you can use the CE 'Records' which enables an editor to show multiple records from different positions in one place.
In the default rendering those records are rendered each without further wrapping.
Of course you can change the default rendering. but that would be an extension (except you do it by typoscript or templates below of fileadmin/), at least the site extension.
no preview in page BE module
you need 'another' place to store the contained CEs, otherwise the CEs. would be shown twice (you could use another page, or another column (which does not get rendered)
You can vary the layout by evaluating the layout field of the records CE.
another solution with core oly:
add further 'layouts' so all ' contained' CEs get a special wrap which can be gathered with javascript into a container DOM object.

How to set up a TypoScript Playground in Typo 3?

How can one play around with TypoScript code shown in documentations about TypoScript?
Tested with a local Typo3 test instance, Typo3 version 9.5.5, Official Introduction Package installed.
In the backend, create a new page in the tree. Rightclick -> enable it (the red overlay should disappear). Make sure it is selected in the tree.
Click on the blue Template button on the left. Usually it will show you the blue No Template message.
Make sure on the top Info/Modify is selected from the drop down.
Click the gray + (New record) button under the drop down.
On the bottom, click Edit the whole template record.
Optionally give it a speaking template and website title, like 'Playaround' and 'Play Around'.
Optionally, under tab Options -> Clear, select Constants and Setup - this will clear everything this Template has inherited from parent templates, but will also disable the debug infos at the bottom of the frontend for this page (if you have installed the Official Introduction Package).
Under the tab General -> text entry Setup, enter the following TypoScript:
page = PAGE
page.10 = TEXT
page.10.value = Hello World
press the Save and then the View button.
A new tab opens, showing you the frontend for your page, printing the text 'Hello World'.
Now you can play around with the code examples given in eg. the TypoScript Reference.
Funnily enough, I just found out that Typoscript is by definition not a programming language, but a configuration description. That's why Typo3 is needed as a substructure for this, I think. There seem to be online demos of Typo3 on the net, but I don't know whether they are up to date and whether you can test TypoScript there. Therefore access local containers / installations as suggested. Or if the possibility exists a dev subdomain.

TYPO3: Difference between Plugin and Custom Content Element?

I have to implement a media download feature. The backend user should be able to upload a media file, set the title, description, release date and so on... The result should then be visible and the file available for download in the frontend.
I am not sure what is the best way to achieve this: Plugin or Custom content element ?
Whats the main difference between the two and what would be the best solution for my task ?
Plugins are used for more complex rendering of records with different views (for example a list and a detail view of records stored somewhere in a storage folder). A custom content element (CE) should be preferred if all relevant data is stored in the record.
For your case, a Content Element seems to be the right solution. This kind of custom content elements can also be easily created with helpful extensions like "mask" which may takes you 10 minutes to create a custom CE.
If I understood you properly.
You can define plugin as type of "list_type", or as "CType" (if you need to code specific function, which is hard or unable to achieve using eg. Fluid contents) or even as another menu type defined as "menu_type".
These all types can be the same way made plugin, this separation for types are basically only for making it appear in different selectors. So:
your plugin defined as menu_type is to be selected in "Special Menus" content type in "Menu type" selector,
defined as list_type (so called) is to be selected in "Insert Plugin" content in "Selected plugin" selector,
defined as CType is totally new content type.
But they work the same way and this is easily to be switched using parameter in ext_tables plugin register call:
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addPlugin( ['Label', $_EXTKEY.'_myPluginSuffix'], 'CType');
1) You can use the "File Link" content element and adapt its TypoScript (tt_content.uploads.20.renderObj) to your needs.
2) You can use the file_list extension and adapt its Fluid templates to your needs

TYPO3 Custom Content Element with repeatable fieldsets or '+ Content' Button

So, I'm new to TYPO3. I worked myself through some guides and documentations to be able to create custom content elements on my own.
Now, for one of my desired content elements, I need to have a set of fields I want to be able to make repeatable, since I want to leave the choice up to the editor, how many of the sets he wants to add.
I'm running on TYPO3 version 7.6
I have already seen both options in existing content elements:
Content elements that work like a wrapper where you can add additional content elements within and
Content elements where you can add fieldsets within its configuration.
I'm searching for examples or written guides to recreate this, since I can't figure it out from the source code of those examples I've seen.
So after seeing a few reactions and replies, I want to further clarify what I'm looking for.
I do NOT need an assistant plugin to create new content elements, I'm already past that.
Let me draw an example, to better describe what I want to achieve.
I do already have a working Content Element.
I have defined a set of fields (for example name & phone) shown in the TYPO3 backend. Now I want to leave the choice to the editor, if he just wants one set of 'name & phone' fields, or 2, or 8.
Therefore I want to create a '+'-button or something like that, for the editor to click on to make a new input set of 'name & phone'-inputs.
There is an extension called mask, with that you can simply click together your own content element with many different kinds of relations and fields.
Then there is a second extension mask_export that exports your new content elements into an own extension.
With those you can just create a very basic content element
export it
see what code was generated
add more to your content element
export it
check the code
and so on :-)

Preferred way to add an extensions into Fluid Powered TYPO3 template

im working with Claus' Fluid Powered TYPO3 and I'm quiet happy with it. At the moment I have to implement a template wich should contain another extension (e.g. news) in the sidebar.
What is the preferred way to implement this.
My idea was to add the f:cObject ViewHelper and insert the extension in that way.
Is this the correct approach?
This depends on the type of template you are building:
Page templates should have proper content areas into which you can insert content. If the content needs to be shared, you have a few options: a) create the element in a sys folder and reference it from your Flux form settings then use v:content.render to render it by UID. b) Place any number of shared elements in a sys folder and render all by PID. c) Use content sliding in a column in your template which is there in all templates and is designed to contain elements which "slide" to every subpage (and can also be edited on subpages if editor has access).
Content templates can use flux:grid with flux:form.column, or flux:form.content as a shortcut to quickly make a single column, to add a content area, then flux:content.render to render those elements. This allows you to control that gets rendered around the plugin.
Plugin templates can associate a Flux form and use the steps described in point 2.
I think you're looking for 1a) or 1c) in this case.