I am attempting to use foursquares as a plugin for my application in Intel Xdk. It was I need to enter a API key and Shared Secret. I have then followed the link to the foursquares web site but can find either of these. Has anyone any idea where I gain these credentials
In the XDK, under where it says "API Key" and "Shared Secret" there is a link to follow ("Sign up"). This should take you to https://developer.foursquare.com
When you go there, you'll see a "get started" button. Click on that and follow the instructions to set up an API key, in particular near the top of the page it says:
Before you get started, you should create an app on Foursquare. This
will give you a client ID and client secret which are needed for using
the API.
Click on "Create an app" and follow those instructions. You'll need an account, but I don't know what other requirements because I didn't go past that.
Remember your API Key and Share Secret will be unique to you. Most services require this, the better to track usage and such.
I am facing the challenge to request the Bing Ads API to get a couple of metrics from it.
I am using Apache Airflow DAGs hosted on a remote Kubernetes cluster to do so. It is a nice way to automate and schedule tasks.
Now, the documentation is rather light on the point of gaining access to the API.
I have followed this https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/advertising/guides/authentication-oauth-identity-platform?view=bingads-13#registerapplication
and the official SDK docs https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-Python-SDK/.
I am failing at authenticating when querying, since I am lacking a couple of pieces of information.
When authenticating using the "refresh token" and "redirect URI", I do not have either. (Class OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant here: https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-Python-SDK/blob/294d01eea57d80ba381a42cde8d006fc318af056/bingads/authorization.py#L566)
When using a different method (Class OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant here: https://github.com/BingAds/BingAds-Python-SDK/blob/294d01eea57d80ba381a42cde8d006fc318af056/bingads/authorization.py#L532), I fail w/
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '<someidentifier>' was not found in the directory '<somethingelse>'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Thank you very much in advance! If you need more details, let me know!
Also great documentation in general, if I can make it more "newb"-friendly, let me know!
Sadly, while there has been some traffic to this question, nobody seems to be able to answer.
I will specify the set up a bit further.
We use Airflow DAGs to request daily updates from the API. For this, we need to authenticate. The authentication comes from a "new device" every time, since the code runs on a k8s cluster which allocates the jobs dynamically to it's pods.
For authentication, we ventured into different solutions, but all require some form of human interaction to get the refresh token into the DAG.
Is there any solution which allows for a hands-free deamon like many-server-to-server communication?
This link sheds some light on what we are looking for: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/scenario-daemon-app-registration#api-permissions---app-permissions-and-admin-consent
Sadly, the Bing Ads API does not show up there.
What key piece of information are we missing?
Bing Ads, like Google Ads, uses OAuth for its API.
If you reference the Getting Started page, it mentions that you need a developer token, complete with links.
You can follow these steps to get a developer token for production.
Sign in with Super Admin credentials at the Microsoft Advertising Developer Portal account tab.
Choose the user that you want associated with the developer token. Typically an application only needs one universal token regardless how many users will be supported.
Click on the Request Token button.
Regarding your specific scenario--an application running in the cloud without an interface--you should know that OAuth requires you to interact with it to set things up. So run your app locally ONCE, or at least the getting_started code from your language's walkthrough: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/advertising/guides/walkthrough-desktop-application-python?view=bingads-13
Running it locally will go through the authentication process with your browser and generate a refresh token (in the file refresh.txt by default). Store this file with your code. It will have to be on the server that's making the request, and since it's in Kubernetes, you'll have to keep it with your container file.
I have seen the demo in WWDC18 related video here:
but it is not from the scratch. I don't see that which tool they have used and where we need to start it. Can anyone help with it?
I watched that video too today and I wanted to use these API features, as for now 19-6-2018 this is still marked as coming soon... based on the App Store Connect website https://developer.apple.com/app-store-connect/
In addition, the new API Keys tab under the main App Store Connect is not available yet.This is the starting point to issue / create the API keys.
I am on look out and waiting...
The App Store Connect API is now available. You can find out more here:
The general steps are:
Request access to the API.
Your Team Agent (with the Legal role) will need to do this part.
Create and download an API key.
Anyone with Admin access can do this. Each key you create can only be downloaded once, and should be kept safe.
Use the information on the Keys tab + your private key to generate a token.
You can find libraries for many languages to make this easy here.
Supply the JWT as a bearer token in the HTTP Authorization header when making requests.
For example:
GET https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/apps
Authorization: Bearer XYZ123
Where XYZ123 is your JWT. (Your real JWT will be much longer.)
Available API endpoints are documented here:
App Store Connect API available here now.
The Problem
MS Azure provides an extensive REST API. However, there is a significant amount of complexity when trying to get that API to work. From outdated and incomplete documentation to simple examples not working, performing what should be an easy task is instead nightmarish.
The Task
What are the exact, precise, detailed steps necessary to list the available VMs for someone who has logged in using Oauth2? For instance, this can be done using the azure-cli.
azure vm list
What are the steps to accomplish the same thing using REST and Oauth2?
The Requirements
The answer must not use Visual Studio, PowerShell, C#, an SDK, or any other such tool to accomplish this task. Only the portal is allowed for setup, and only Oauth2 is allowed for authorization, and only the REST API is allowed for actual information retrieval.
The answer must not simply link to external sources, although external references are encouraged for completeness.
The answer may assume the user has an Azure account. It must include information about creating the Oauth2 client, credentials, and any step necessary to get the appropriate token.
The answer must be detailed.
The answer must provide examples. Images, too are strongly encouraged.
The answer should include information about possible errors, their meanings, and what too look for to fix them.
First, we can find this rest API in azure resource portal. It is the same with Azure CLI command azure vm list.
I have tested it on my local with http request. here is my tested screenshot:
Request URL: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<subscription ID>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines?api-version=2016-03-30
Header:Authorization: bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI.....
So It is very import if we get the access token. The following demonstrate us how to get the access token.
Get Token(POST):
Request URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant id>/oauth2/token
Body: grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client id>&resource=https%3A%2F%2Fmanagement.core.windows.net%2F&client_secret=<client secret>
Here is my screenshot in fildder:
We need to get client id and client secret in azure ad application. For how to regist an application in Azure AD. Please have a look at this article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal.
Please note:
1) we need to add "Windows Azure Service Management API" in portal "Required permissions" like the following screenshot:
2) We need assign "Contributor" for this service principal. click subscription-> Access Control-> click Add -> click "Select a Role" -> click Contributor->click Add User-> Find the application you created above-> click OK.
Making requests against the Azure Rest API is a bit more complicated than perhaps you would think at first glance. In particular, there are a number of esoteric and not-so-helpful error messages you may run into while getting the nobs tweaked just right.
Introduction and Terms
Setting up The Application
Getting the access_token
Making the API request
Common errors thus far
Introduction and Terms
One of the pieces of this process that can make it so confusing and difficult is the terminology. Until you understand that, knowing how to deal with errors is very difficult. We'll go over some of the more common ones here.
Subscription - This is basically what you'd expect. It refers to the Microsoft Azure Services subscription. It basically acts as the top-level umbrella for the organization.
Tenant - This is like a sub-organization, maybe a department or group. There can be multiple tenants under a single subscription.
User - As expected, a user is a single individual. Users are scoped to tenants.
Application - The Application is the software program trying to use the API. It must be registered and configured to do so.
Service Principal - This is essentially The Application. It is the entity making API Service requests.
Setting Up the Application
Although you might not guess it, this is probably the most complicated part of the process. Let's start by creating The Application in the portal.
Create The Application
Follow this click path: Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> New
There should be a form for application creation, with the following fields:
This is simple the name of The Application. When authenticating, it will be shown to users. For the purposes of this "tutorial", we'll call it API Tutorial. This can be edited after creation.
Application Type
The type of The Application. For our purposes, we should choose "Web app/API". This cannot be edited after creation.
Sign-on URL
The is the redirect that will be used if we go the "authorization_code" route for sign on. This can be useful as the response will include an "id_token". We'll get into that a bit later. For now, let's make this http://123AzureApiTutorial.com/code. This can be edited after creation.
Once the Application has been created, you should see a property, Application ID. This is the client_id used in the OAuth2 flow. Take a note of its value.
Create the Client Secret
The OAuth2 flow requires a client secret value for authentication.
To generate it, follow this click path: Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> API Tutorial -> All Settings -> Keys
Enter the key description: API Tutorial Key, and the Duration: In 1 year.
Click Save. This will generate the Key Value. You must copy the value here and save it somewhere. You will not have another opportunity to do so.
This value is the client_secret in the OAuth2 flow.
Add the correct permissions
To get to the permissions, follow this click path: Azure Active Directory -> App Registrations -> API Tutorial -> All Settings -> Required Permissions -> Add
Here you will see the list of possible APIs. The one we care about for Azure is Windows Azure Service Management API. There is currently only one permission: Access Azure Service Management as organization users (preview). Select it, click Select, and then Done.
Getting the access_token
The access_token is what allows us to make requests against the API. There are two primary ways to do this. I suggest reading about both before trying to implement them.
Authorization Code
The authorization code is a two-step process. First we obtain the authorization code, and then we use that to get the access_token. A benefit of this route is that we get back an id_token as well, with a variety of useful claims like the user's name, email address, etc.
The request format is as follows: (GET) https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant-id>/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<client-id>&scope=api&redirect_uri=<redirect-uri>&response_type=code&prompt=consent. Let's go over the parameters here really quick.
Tenant ID
This can be obtained be using the click path Azure Active Directory -> Properties and copy the Directory ID. This is, in fact the Tenant ID value. It just has a different name to help with the overall confusion.
Client ID
This is the Application ID we retrieved previously.
This is the scope of the code. We just want to use the API.
Redirect URI
This is the sign-on URL you specified when creating API Tutorial. After the user logs in, they will be redirected to this URL with a "code" parameter in the query string.
Response Type
This is what we want the response to be. We want an authorization code, so we just use the value code.
This specifies whether or not to prompt the user to consent to the permissions. If we did not have this, and changed permissions, the request would just unexpectedly fail. Very frustrating. But it can be removed once permission has been granted as long as you don't change the permissions. If the application is accessing an API that requires admin permission, this value should be admin_consent.
Alright, so once we shoot off this request we will be redirected to the login page. We login, accept the permissions, and then we should be redirected to here: http://123AzureApiTutorial.com/code?code=SOME_REALLY_LONG_STRING_OF_CHARACTERS. That string of characters is the code.
Getting the Access Token
Next, we take the code and use it to get the access_token. To do so, we need to make another request.
(POST) https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant-id>/oauth2/token
In addition to the url, we need to add parameters. These should be consistent with the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This means they are submitted as form parameters. They are as follows:
This is again the client id (Application ID) we already have.
This is the Application Key we generated earlier. I hope you saved it! If not, go back to that step and generate another one.
This is the value of the code we just received: SOME_REALLY_LONG_STRING_OF_CHARACTERS.
Because we're going the authorization code route, this value should be authorization_code
This is the redirect uri we specified for the API Tutorial. The value from our example should be http://123AzureApiTutorial.com/code.
This is very important. It is the resource API we want to access. For the Azure API, this value is https://management.azure.com.
Our response will be a json object with a variety of fields. Of these, the one we care about is access_token. Yay!
Client Credentials
This methodology skips getting the code (and thus needing the redirect_uri) at the expense of not getting an id_token.
The request is the same as in the Getting the Access Token section, with a few small differences.
We do not need to specify redirect_uri.
The value of grant_type should change to client_credentials.
Alright, we have an access_token! Now we're cooking!
Making the API request
With all the prep work thus far, this is the easiest part of the process.
The API URL we are requesting against is:
Add the following header to the request:
Authorization: Bearer <access-token>. Yes, the access_token value must be prefaced with the word "Bearer" in the header value.
"But wait!" You exclaim. "How do I get the subscription id?"
Excellent question! To find it through the portal, click Subscriptions -> -> Overview and copy the Subscription Id value.
Use that value, and run the request. You should see all the vms listed!
Common errors thus far
When making the API request, you get an error response that says something like this: InvalidAuthenticationToken: The access token is invalid. This means you haven't added the API permissions to the API Tutorial. Go back to the Add the correct permissions step and double-check you have the right permissions. Also, when requesting the token make sure you use the prompt=consent, otherwise the you will not be prompted with the new permissions and the token will fail.
Make sure that the tenant-id used when requesting the token belongs to the subscriber used when making the API call.
I have just created an app in Customer Account Data section in
https://developer.intuit.com after signup.
Then I created a .NET application to get authorization after providing the details, I received just after app was successfully created like consumerKey and consumerSecret.
I am able to get the page that authenticate with my username but there is also an error like :
Oops! An error has occurred.
Please close this window and try again.
Error Code: invalid_database
Message: AppId cannot be <= 0, appId=-1
My main aim is to get back to the page which shows a successful authentication. I again checked my app in
and I see Status: Pending Review for that app.
I just want to test the authentication for a sample application.
How can I understand this review system? Do we have something like sandbox in PayPal for testing, and if so, how to get started with it?
Are you 100% positive that you have your OAuth key, secret, and your app token correctly entered in the config for your app?
You should not need to go through any sort of review process - you probably just have something entered/configured incorrectly.
I think you are confused between apps for Customer Account Data and Quickbooks.
If you created an app for CAD, then you need to upload a certificate too.
If you go to GITHUB sample app for CAD-
https://github.com/IntuitDeveloperRelations/IPP_Sample_Code->customer account data
You will see that it does not require the oauth callback url or any of the values, you have mentioned. All these values are required when you create a quickbooks sample application.
The above link has both the code samples for CAD as well as Quickbooks.
Please verify what you are looking for.
Most probably you were using wrong public-private key pair.
While setting up AggCat intergration, you had used one public key, but while doing SAML assertion you are not using the corresponding .key/.p12 file. Please verify that.
You can easily test this use case using APIExplorer tool.
You can refer the following steps to get new tokens and test API calls.
Key generation using openssl - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/007_firstrequest
After generating these keys, you can create a sample app with the public key. https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/009_using_customeraccountdata/0010_gettingstarted/0015_create_an_cad_integration
then use the .p12 file with pwd for SAML assertion in apiexplorer Link - https://developer.intuit.com/apiexplorer
I am implementing espn api, but having some issue, most api gives me this response.
{"timestamp" :"2013-02-25T11:19:02Z","message" :"This action is forbidden for the requested resource at your permission level. Please review the documentation for account level access.","status" :"error","code" :403}
I am using this api Espn MLB Standing
I want to know that where to review the documentation, i is there any need to purchase some api or anything else?
One more thing there is ?apikey=:yourkey , so this key is same for all user or we have to get this according to user login.
I think you are using the wrong apikey or there is some issue in your URL query.
Your app will have a unique apikey. This key is same for all users who are using the app.
You should get a apikey by registering to their site and use it for development purpose.
My rep doesn't allowing commenting, but I thought I'd add the following here:
A small amount of ESPN API data is free, but much requires payment.
You probably don't want to publicly share your personal API key for security reasons.
Go to http://developer.espn.com/io-docs and plug in your API key and use the GUI to generate an API call/response. It's a good way to see a valid, working syntax that you can then drop into your app and edit as necessary.