Unable to run phantomJS on karma - karma-runner

I'm encountered a problem recently with PhantomJS library.
$ karma start
Log result:
Karma v0.13.15 server started at http://localhost:9876/ Starting
browser PhantomJS INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Mac OS X 0.0.0)]: Connected
on socket H1vRWOIqgBCUjb_bAAAA with id 36694801
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Mac OS X 0.0.0) ERROR TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR: DOM Exception 17: The type of an object was incompatible with the expected
type of the parameter associated to the object. at
/Users/farman/.../tests.webpack.js:122637 <-
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Mac OS X 0.0.0): Executed 0 of 0 ERROR (2.21 secs / 0
Module versions:
OSX: El Capitan 10.11.1
node: 5.0.0
Karma: 0.13.15
karma-phantomjs-launcher: 0.2.1
Phantomjs: 1.9.18
I've checked the forum, but still not solving the issue:

The crypto-browserify library is using Buffer which is buffer is a modified Uint8Array. PhantonJS apparently has a bug that rejects Buffer though and that's causing the issue you're seeing.
I've filed an issue here:
You can also temporarily patch this by updating crypto-browserify/rng.js to replace this...
var bytes = new Buffer(size); //in browserify, this is an extended Uint8Array
...with this...
var bytes = new Uint8Array(size); //in browserify, this is an extended Uint8Array


unexpected system image feature string, emulator might not function correctly, please try updating the emulator

I Created an Emulator on Windows 10 without Installing Android Studio. But when I try to launch it, I get this error. Please help me. How can I fix this..?
C:\Users\This pc\AppData\Local\android\emulator>emulator -avd nexus
INFO | Android emulator version (build_id 8420304) (CL:N/A)
WARNING | Crash service did not start
WARNING | unexpected system image feature string, emulator might not function correctly, please try updating the emulator.
WARNING | cannot add library vulkan-1.dll: failed
WARNING | cannot add library vulkan-1.dll: failed
INFO | added library C:\Users\This pc\AppData\Local\android\emulator\lib64\vulkan\vulkan-1.dll
INFO | configAndStartRenderer: setting vsync to 60 hz
ERROR | Failed to open /qemu.conf, err: 2
Incompatible HAX module version 3,requires minimum version 4
No accelerator found.
C:\Users\This pc\AppData\Local\android\emulator\qemu\windows-x86_64\qemu-system-x86_64.exe: failed to initialize HAX: Invalid argument
Try this page: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-acceleration.
Judging from the line in your error "Incompatible HAX module..." you need an update.
In "Windows Features" I have Hyper-V unchecked, Virtual Machine Platform and Windows Hypervisor Platform checked.
Here's similar output from my machine where I have a working emulator set to x86 and api 30. My problem is getting my app running on api 31+ and 86_64.
INFO | configAndStartRenderer: setting vsync to 60 hz
INFO | added library vulkan-1.dll
ERROR | Failed to open /qemu.conf, err: 2
WHPX on Windows 10.0.22000 detected.
Windows Hypervisor Platform accelerator is operational

Getting this error when running ng e2e on mac with visual studio code

Setup :
“protractor”: “~5.4.0
Mac OS : Catalina
This is the error I am getting
** Angular Live Development Server is listening on localhost:4200, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ **
:information_source: 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
[12:08:58] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver
[12:08:58] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly...
[12:08:58] E/runner - Unable to start a WebDriver session.
[12:08:58] E/launcher - Error: Error: spawn Unknown system error -86
at ChildProcess.spawn (internal/child_process.js:403:11)
at Object.spawn (child_process.js:553:9)
at exec (/Users/sunilharan/Documents/Projects/IONIC/App_NAME/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/io/exec.js:116:27)
at /Users/sunilharan/Documents/Projects/IONIC/App_NAME/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/remote/index.js:219:25
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
[12:08:58] E/launcher - Process exited with error code 100
This same setup is working on another machine running on M1 chip. I have tried on different computers but not working on any of them except my M1 Macbook Pro.
This is an issue with the latest chromedriver on MacOS. Please see detailed resolutions in this ticket.
"As a general solution, simply avoid using the chromedriver that has _m1 in its filename if you are on an Intel mac."
OSX fix Selenium Chromedriver launch error spawn Unknown system error -86 Bad CPU type in executable?

How do I load the Codesys control for Pfc100 package?

I am using Codesys v3. Sp14 patch. When I update PCF100 with V3.5.14.20. My 750-8100 firmware version is 11. I get an error Expected exit value of command failed: expected 0, received -1. I also get
Error output:ipkg * couldn't kill old gunzip process * aborting.
When I also tried with wago firmware version 12,11 and 9 via wago web browser, it also gives the same error.

howt o fix protractor that started failing on alerts all of a sudden

I have a project that has been running well for a long time now.
Recently (couple of weeks) the system tests are failing.
After a lot of investigation we concluded that protractor fails to identify and close an alert.
The code that used to work
exports.removeFaq = function( index ){
console.log('deleting item at',index);
exports.getContent(index).$( '[ng-click="removeFAQ($index)"]').click();
return browser.sleep(2000);
is now throwing errors:
WebDriverError: unknown error: cannot determine loading status
from unexpected alert open
(Session info: chrome=52.0.2743.116)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.21.371461 (633e689b520b25f3e264a2ede6b74ccc23cb636a),platform=Linux 4.2.0-38-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
and (using element explorer):
> browser.switchTo().alert().accept();
UnexpectedAlertOpenError: unexpected alert open: {Alert text : are you sure you want to remove this helper content?}
(Session info: chrome=52.0.2743.116)
(Driver info: chromedriver=2.21.371461 (633e689b520b25f3e264a2ede6b74ccc23cb636a),platform=Linux 4.2.0-38-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)
We've tried
- waiting instead of sleeping.
- sleeping for a long period
- ignoring angular.
nothing seems to make any difference whatsoever.
how can I fix this?
We had the same issue for a couple of days. Looks like we were on chromedriver 2.21. I updated to the latest version (2.23) and that seems to have fixed the issue.
The command webdriver-manager update --chrome did not work for me so I had to download the zip and extract it to my selenium directory. Under protractor.
Note there is a new protractor major version with updated versions. So updating protractor might fix the problem too.
for protractor version 3.x
You can also modify the file node_modules/protractor/config.json with the correct version and then run webdriver-manager update
for protractor version 4.x
You should modify the file ./node_modules/protractor/node_modules/webdriver-manager/config.json instead.
How can we say for sure that sleep of 2000ms is good enough? Exactly for this reason sleeps are not recommended in tests. Instead you can use proper waits and poll for alert. This way you would know that after a certain agreed timeout, alert never showed up and test rightfully failed
//wait maximum up to lets 5s before giving up
browser.wait(protractor.ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent(), 5000);

Psychophysics Toolbox Matlab on Ubuntu Installation

I am trying to run code in Matlab that uses the Psychtoolbox and OpenGL. The commands that throw the error described below are:
Here are my specs:
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 64bit
Processor: Intel Core i5-2450M CPT # 2.50GHz x 4
Graphics: Intel Sandybridge Mobile
Matlab Version: Matlab 64-Bit (Version 3.0.11 - Build date: Apr 6 2014)
Psychophysics version installed: 3
Installation methodology:
1. sudo apt-get install psychtoolbox in Terminal
2. updated it via UpdatePsychToolbox command in Matlab console
Here is the error message:
PsychJavaTrouble: Will now try to add the PsychJava folder to Matlabs dynamic
Warning: "/home/lillian/Desktop/Matlab/Mona_Lisa/Psychtoolbox/PsychJava" is already
specified on static java path.
> In javaclasspath>local_validate_dynamic_path at 285
In javaclasspath>local_javapath at 182
In javaclasspath at 119
In javaaddpath at 71
In PsychJavaTrouble at 86
In ReverseCorrelationFaces at 2
PsychJavaTrouble: Added PsychJava folder to dynamic class path. Psychtoolbox Java
commands should work now!
PTB-INFO: Display ':0' : X-Screen 0 : Assigning primary output as 0 with RandR-CRTC
0 and GPU-CRTC 0.
PTB-INFO: This is Psychtoolbox-3 for GNU/Linux X11, under Matlab 64-Bit (Version
3.0.11 - Build date: Apr 6 2014).
PTB-INFO: No low-level controllable GPU on screenId 0. Beamposition timestamping and
other special functions disabled.
PTB-INFO: Failed to enable realtime-scheduling [Operation not permitted]!
PTB-DEBUG:PsychOSGetSwapCompletionTimestamp: Invalid return values ust = 0, msc = 0
from call with success return code (sbc = 304)! Failing with rc = -2.
PTB-DEBUG:PsychOSGetSwapCompletionTimestamp: This likely means a driver bug or
malfunction, or that timestamping support has been disabled by the user in the
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is Intel Open Source Technology Center :: Mesa DRI
Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile :: 3.0 Mesa 10.1.3
PTB-INFO: VBL startline = 768 , VBL Endline = -1
PTB-INFO: Will try to use OS-Builtin OpenML sync control support for accurate Flip
PTB-INFO: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 16.685075 ms [59.933804
Hz]. (297 valid samples taken, stddev=0.310528 ms.)
PTB-INFO: Reported monitor refresh interval from operating system = 16.646968 ms
[60.070999 Hz].
PTB-INFO: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no reason to
WARNING: Couldn't compute a reliable estimate of monitor refresh interval! Trouble
with VBL syncing?!?
One or more internal checks (see Warnings above) indicate that synchronization
of Psychtoolbox to the vertical retrace (VBL) is not working on your setup.
This will seriously impair proper stimulus presentation and stimulus presentation
Please read 'help SyncTrouble' for information about how to solve or work-around the
You can force Psychtoolbox to continue, despite the severe problems, by adding the
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1); at the top of your script, if you really
know what you are doing.
Error using Screen
See error message printed above.
Error in ReverseCorrelationFaces (line 81)
window=Screen('OpenWindow', windowNum);
What am I missing? A package? Is my hardware not okay? I can't figure this error out.
So.. buried deep inside the DownloadPsychtoolbox.m file found here (see installation instructions here), is the instruction that apparently Psychtoolbox requires a special SDK. Super annoying. I will never use this toolbox again because it's so much drama to use. But this is what was missing that was causing the Screen call to fail
Missing SDK download link: