Do CPU and main memory need drivers to work? - operating-system

Peripheral devices require drivers to work in a computer system (operating system).
Does a CPU need a driver to work?
Same question for a main memory?

The answer is no.
The reason is that the motherboard comes with an (upgradable) BIOS, which takes care of making sure the CPU features function correctly (obviously, an AMD processor won't work on an Intel motherboard). You can upgrade the BIOS, but that should be avoided until, ... reasons of course.
Same goes for memory, it does not require a driver either.
Just so that you know, if you ever tried overclocking you can notice that you can alter the way the RAM functions, ganged/unganged mods and so on. My point is that there is already an interface established using code allowing you to make changes in real time, isn't that the very purpose we even have drivers, to be able to use a peripheral with expected outcome.
On the other hand, peripheral devices are just extensions, which the motherboard does not know how to handle, hence needing a set of instructions i.e. drivers.

In a modern system both memory and the CPU require kernel mode code — as do devices — to function.
Memory requires management of virtual memory tables. The CPU requires maintenance of process control structures.
In the business, such code is not called a "driver".
Generally, one thinks of a device driver as being kernel mode code that responds to devices through the interrupt vector.
That said, on some systems there are "printer drivers" that do not fit that definition of driver.
In short, do memory and CPU have something called a "driver"? No.
Do they have something analogous to a driver? Yes.


How does the kernel initialize and access the rest of the hardware on x86/64?

I'm interested in the details of how operating systems work and perhaps writing my own.
From what I've gathered, the BIOS/UEFI is supposed to handle setting up the hardware, and do things like memory-mapping (or IO ports for) the graphics card and other IO devices like audio and ethernet.
My question is, how does the kernel know how to access and (re)configure these devices when it's passed control from the bootloader? Are there just conventions like 'the graphics card is always memory mapped from X to Y address space'? Are you at the mercy of a hardware manufacturer writing a driver for an operating system which knows how the hardware will be initialized?
That seems wrong, so maybe the kernel code includes instructions which somehow iterate through all the bus-connected devices. But what instructions can accomplish that? Is the PCI(e) controller also a memory-mapped device? How do you begin querying and setting up the system?
My primary reference has been the Intel 64 Architectures Software Developer's Manual, which has excellent documentation on how the CPU works, but doesn't describe how the system is setup.
I never wrote a firmware so I don't really know how that works in general. You probably have some memory detection done like an actual memory iteration that is done and some interrogation of PCI devices that are memory mapped in RAM. You also probably have some information in the Developer's manuals as to how you should get some information about memory and stuff like that.
In the end, the kernel doesn't need to bother about that because the firmware takes care to do all that and to provide temporary drivers before the kernel is set up completely.
The firmware passes information to the kernel using the ACPI tables so that is the convention you are looking for. The UEFI firmware launches the /efi/boot/bootx64.efi EFI app from the hard-disk automatically. It calls the main function of that app often called the bootloader. When you write that application, often with frameworks such as EDK2 or GNU-EFI, you can thus use the temporary drivers to get some information like the location of the RSDP which points to all other ACPI tables.
The ACPI convention specifies a language that is AML which, when your kernel interprets, tells it all about hardware. You thus have all the required information there to load drivers and such.
PCI (which is everything nowadays) is another thing. It works with memory mapped IO but the ACPI tables (the MCFG) is helpful to find the beginning of the configuration space for PCI devices that take the form of memory mapped registers.
As to graphics cards, you probably don't want to start with those. They are complex and, at first, you should probably stick to the framebuffer returned by UEFI and at least write a driver for xHCI which is the PCI host controller responsible to interact with USB including keyboards and mouses.

how do operating system call bios functions?

since we know that operating system works in protected mode
and BIOS works in a Real mode ( 16 bit). so when an interrupt is called from
either Operating System or application program, does CPU switch mode back and forth everytime?
In general; hardware is capable of doing lots of things at once (playing sounds while generating 3D graphics while sending data to network while transferring data to multiple disks while waiting for user input while all CPUs are busy doing actual processing); and BIOS functions are not capable of allowing more than one thing to happen at time (e.g. will waste 100% of CPU time waiting for a hard disk controller to transfer data while the CPU does nothing and while nothing else can use any other BIOS service for anything).
For this reason alone, BIOS services are not usable and not used by any modern OS (except briefly during boot).
Of course it's not the only reason - no IO prioritisation, no support for hot-plug of any kind, no support for power management, no support for system management (e.g. ), no support for GPU, no support for any sound card (other than "PC speaker beep"), no support for networking (excluding PXE), no support for IO APICs, etc. Ironically, out of all of the problems, "BIOS services are designed for real mode" is the least important problem because it's the only problem that an OS can work around.
Instead, each OS has native drivers that don't have any of these limitations.
Note: this is partly why it's relatively easy for modern operating systems to support UEFI (where none of the BIOS services exist at all) - for most, they replace the boot loader/boot code and don't need to change much else.

How does a program control hardware?

In order to be executed by the cpu, a program must be loaded into RAM. A program is just a sequence of machine instructions (like the x86 instruction set) that a processor can understand (because it physically implements their semantic through logic gates).
I can more or less understand how a local instruction (an instruction executed inside the cpu chipset) such as 'ADD R1, R2, R3' works. Even how the cpu interfaces with the ram through the northbridge chipset using the data bus and the address bus is clear enough to me.
What I am struggling with is the big picture.
For example how can a file be saved into an hard disk?
Let's say that the motherboard uses a SATA interface to communicate with the HDD.
Does this mean that this SATA interface has an instruction set which can be used by the cpu by preparing SATA instructions written in the correct format?
Does the same apply with the PCI interface, the AGP interface and so on?
Is all the hardware communication basically accomplished through determining a stardard interface for some task and implementing it (by the companies that create hardware chipsets) with an instruction set that any other hardware components can query?
Is my high level understanding of hardware and software interaction correct?
Nearly. It's actually more general than an instruction.
Alot of these details are architecture specific, so I will stick to a high level general overview of how this can be done.
The CPU can read and write to RAM without a problem correct? You can issue instructions that read and write to any memory address. So rather than try to extend the CPU to understand every possible hardware interface out there, hardware manufacturers simply map sections of the address space (where RAM normally would be) to hardware.
Say for example you want to save a file to a hard drive. This is a possible sequence of command that would occur:
The command register of the hard drive controller is address 0xF00, an address that is outside of RAM but accessible to the CPU
Write the instruction to the command register that indicates we want to write to the hard drive.
There could be conceivably an address register at 0xF01 that tells the hard drive controller where to save the data
Tell the hard drive controller that the data I want to write is at some address in RAM, and initiate the write sequence.
There are a myriad of other ways this can be conceivably be done, but the important thing to note is that it is simply using the instructions that the CPU already has for using RAM.
All of this can be done by the CPU without any special instructions on the CPU side, just read and write to an address. You can imagine this being extended, there is a special place in the address space for the USB controller that contains a list of USB devices, there is a special place for the PCI device list, each PCI devices has several registers that can be read and written to instruct them to do things.
Essentially the role of a device driver is to know how these special registers are to be read and written, what kind of commands devices can accept, etc. Often, as is the case with many graphics cards, what these registers do is not documented to the public and so we rely on their drivers to run the cards correctly.

Is it possible or a common technique to sandbox kernel mode drivers?

I see that kernel mode drivers are risky as they run in privileged mode, but are there any monolithic kernel's that do any form of driver/loadable module sandboxing or is this really the domain of microkernels?
Yes, there are platforms with "monolithic" (for some definition of monolithic) kernels that do driver sandboxing for some drivers. Windows does this in more recent versions with the user mode driver framework. There are two reasons for doing this:-
It allows isolation. A failure in a user mode driver need not bring down the whole system. This is important for drivers for hardware which is not considered system critical. An example of this might be your printer, or your soundcard. In those cases if the driver fails, it can often simply be restarted and the user often won't even notice this happened.
It makes writing and debugging drivers much easier. Driver writers can use regular user mode libraries and regular user mode debuggers, without having to worry about things like IRQL and DPCs.
The other poster said there is no sense to this. Hopefully the above explains why you might want to do this. Additionally, the other poster said their is a performance concern. Again, this depends on the type of the driver. In Windows this is typically used for USB drivers. In the case of USB drivers, the driver is not talking directly to the hardware directly anyway regardless of the mode that the driver operates in - they are talking to another driver which is talking to the USB host controller, so there is much less overhead of user mode communication than there would be if you were writing a driver that had to bit bang IO ports from user mode. Also, you would avoid writing user mode drivers for hardware which was performance critical - in the case of printers and audio hardware the user mode transitions are so much faster than the hardware itself, that the performance cost of the one or two additional mode context switches is probably irrelevant.
So sometimes it is worth doing simply because the additional robustness and ease of development make the small and often unnoticeable performance reduction worthwhile.
There are no sense in this sandboxing, OS fully trust to drivers code. Basically this drivers become part of kernel. You can't failover after FS crash or any major subsystem of kernel. Basically it`s bad (failover after crash, imagine that you can do after storage driver of boot disk crash?), because can lead to data loss for example.
And second - sandboxing lead to perfomance hit to all kernel code.

OS memory isolation

I am trying to write a very thin hypervisor that would have the following restrictions:
runs only one operating system at a time (ie. no OS concurrency, no hardware sharing, no way to switch to another OS)
it should be able only to isolate some portions of RAM (do some memory translations behind the OS - let's say I have 6GB of RAM, I want Linux / Win not to use the first 100MB, see just 5.9MB and use them without knowing what's behind)
I searched the Internet, but found close to nothing on this specific matter, as I want to keep as little overhead as possible (the current hypervisor implementations don't fit my needs).
What you are looking for already exists, in hardware!
It's called IOMMU[1]. Basically, like page tables, adding a translation layer between the executed instructions and the actual physical hardware.
AMD calls it IOMMU[2], Intel calls it VT-d (please google:"intel vt-d" I cannot post more than two links yet).
Here are a few suggestions / hints, which are necessarily somewhat incomplete, as developing a from-scratch hypervisor is an involved task.
Make your hypervisor "multiboot-compliant" at first. This will enable it to reside as a typical entry in a bootloader configuration file, e.g., /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
You want to set aside your 100MB at the top of memory, e.g., from 5.9GB up to 6GB. Since you mentioned Windows I'm assuming you're interested in the x86 architecture. The long history of x86 means that the first few megabytes are filled with all kinds of legacy device complexities. There is plenty of material on the web about the "hole" between 640K and 1MB (plenty of information on the web detailing this). Older ISA devices (many of which still survive in modern systems in "Super I/O chips") are restricted to performing DMA to the first 16 MB of physical memory. If you try to get in between Windows or Linux and its relationship with these first few MB of RAM, you will have a lot more complexity to wrestle with. Save that for later, once you've got something that boots.
As physical addresses approach 4GB (2^32, hence the physical memory limit on a basic 32-bit architecture), things get complex again, as many devices are memory-mapped into this region. For example (referencing the other answer), the IOMMU that Intel provides with its VT-d technology tends to have its configuration registers mapped to physical addresses beginning with 0xfedNNNNN.
This is doubly true for a system with multiple processors. I would suggest you start on a uniprocessor system, disable other processors from within BIOS, or at least manually configure your guest OS not to enable the other processors (e.g., for Linux, include 'nosmp'
on the kernel command line -- e.g., in your /boot/grub/menu.lst).
Next, learn about the "e820" map. Again there is plenty of material on the web, but perhaps the best place to start is to boot up a Linux system and look near the top of the output 'dmesg'. This is how the BIOS communicates to the OS which portions of physical memory space are "reserved" for devices or other platform-specific BIOS/firmware uses (e.g., to emulate a PS/2 keyboard on a system with only USB I/O ports).
One way for your hypervisor to "hide" its 100MB from the guest OS is to add an entry to the system's e820 map. A quick and dirty way to get things started is to use the Linux kernel command line option "mem=" or the Windows boot.ini / bcdedit flag "/maxmem".
There are a lot more details and things you are likely to encounter (e.g., x86 processors begin in 16-bit mode when first powered-up), but if you do a little homework on the ones listed here, then hopefully you will be in a better position to ask follow-up questions.