Swift optional initialisation - swift

It's my understanding that
var perhapsInt : Int?
This is automatically set to a .None value. And the below code snippet confirms that (no compiler errors)
class MyClass {
var num1: Int = 0
var num2: Int?
init(num1: Int) {
self.num1 = num1
var newClass = MyClass(num1: 5)
newClass.num1 // prints '5'
newClass.num2 // prints 'nil'
Is my understanding of the optional initialisation process correct? if so why does this not work when I change num2 to let.
I was expecting the same behaviour of optionals defaulting to nil when using let. Am I missing something here?
class MyClass {
var num1: Int = 0
let num2: Int?
init(num1: Int) {
self.num1 = num1
// compiler error : return from initialiser without initialising all stored properties
My question is, how can both of these cases be true. Shouldn't it be one or the other. Either optional values are automatically set to .None or it's not.

The behavior of var num2: Int? is caused by Optionals being sugar-powered. They're the only type in Swift which has an implicit default value (of .None).
Notice that if you type var num2: Int (without ?) – the compiler will throw the same error, regardless of using var vs. let.
class MyClass {
var num2: Int
init() {
// Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties
Because lets' values cannot be overwritten (as opposed to vars'), they require you to explicitly set their initial value:
class MyClass {
let num2: Int? = nil
// or this way
class MyClass {
let num2: Int?
init() {
num2 = nil
This will, however, result in an useless nil constant.
You can read more about initialization of stored properties here and here.

I think that a lot of discussion is here.
A statement from that thread - look deeper in the link above
The value of a constant doesn’t need to be known at compile time, but
you must assign it a value exactly once.
Intresting that you code will compile if you set let value like:
let num2: Int? = .None
let num2: Int? = nil


Swift enum custom raw type not expressible by different literals

I was reading through the wonderful blog post by Jon Sundell where he is trying to demonstrate how one can use custom raw values with Swift Enums.
I had a play around with his code and made up a bit of a contrived example to see how robust the Enums with custom raw types are.
I wondered if I can make a type, instance of which can be used as a raw value whilst being expressible by both String and Integer literals. When I implemented ExpressiblebyIntegerLiteral the String part did not work the way I expected and I'm not quite sure why.
Here is the code (the question follows the code):
import Foundation
struct Path: Equatable {
var string: String
var int: Int
enum Target: Path {
case content
case resources
case images = "resources/images"
extension Path: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
init(stringLiteral: String) {
string = stringLiteral
int = 0
init(integerLiteral: Int) {
string = ""
int = integerLiteral
if let stringTarget = Target(rawValue: "content") {
print("stringTarget: \(stringTarget)")
if let intTarget = Target(rawValue: 1) {
print("intTarget: \(intTarget)")
What I expected the above code to produce is both stringTarget and intTarget being initialized to appropriate Enum cases, however, the stringTarget one turns out to be nil.
If you remove the conformance to ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral protocol (and the appropriate block of code which initializes intTarget), the stringTarget automagically gets initialized as I expected: into Target.string case.
Could someone please explain to me what is going on here?
Solving your Question
What I expected the above code to produce is both stringTarget and intTarget being initialized to appropriate Enum cases, however, the stringTarget one turns out to be nil.
They aren't nil. They are this: ""
This happens because both the .content and .resources cases are not explicitly defined by a String. And because of this, they both take the ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral route, and are hence defined as this ""
init(integerLiteral: Int) {
string = "" // see
int = integerLiteral
Solved for Int
Use this fancy method in place of IntValue(rawValue: 1):
func IntValue(_ this: Int) -> String? {
return Target(rawValue: 0) != nil ? String(describing: Target(rawValue: 0)!) : nil
Solved for String
First, conform your enum to CaseIterable, like so:
enum Target: Path, CaseIterable {
Next, use this fancy method in place of Target(rawValue: "content"):
func StringValue(_ this: String) -> String? {
return Target.allCases.contains { this == String(describing: $0) } ? this : nil
Truly solved for String
Now, I've removed a crucial bug where case foo = "bar" can be found both as 'foo' or 'bar'. If you don't want this, use this code instead:
func StringValue(_ this: String) -> String? {
var found: String? = nil
_ = Target.allCases.filter {
if let a = Target(rawValue: Path.init(string: this, int: 0)) {
found = String(describing: a)
return this == String(describing: a)
found = String(describing: $0)
return this == String(describing: $0)
return found
Custom Raw Values for Enums
Here's a quick tutorial:
I am wondering if enum can conform it's rawValue to the ClosedRange struct, just like it can conform to String.
enum Foo: ClosedRange<Int> {
case bar = 1...4
Obviously this is not an option, since 1...4 is not a literal
This seems to work:
enum Foo: ClosedRange<Int> {
case foo = "1...3"
case bar = "1...4"
func overlaps(_ with: Foo) -> Bool { return self.rawValue.overlaps(with.rawValue) }
extension ClosedRange: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public typealias StringLiteralType = String
public init(stringLiteral value: String) {
let v = value.split(separator: ".")
switch Bound.self {
case is Int.Type: self = (Int(v[0])! as! Bound)...(Int(v[1])! as! Bound)
default: fatalError()
It allows you to do this:
You can add more types like Double or String using this technique
Side Note: My attempt allows for non-unique rawValues (SR-13212) which is a shame. But I'm not thinking that is fixable:
enum Foo: ClosedRange<Int> {
case foo = "1...3"
case bar = "1...4"
case bar = "1...04" // Duplicate, but Swift allows it.

How to get the unwrapped type from an optional type in Swift?

I'm trying to get an unwrapped type from an optional type in runtime.
The following code would print the type of a as Optional<String>.
class MySubClass: MyClass {
var a: String? = nil
var a = MySubClass()
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: a)
for child in mirror.children {
Now I want to unwrap the type and get String, what should I do to make this happen in runtime?
Assuming you have an optional
let someVar: String?
then print(type(of: someVar)) will print
but if you add the following extension to Optional
protocol OptionalProtocol {
func wrappedType() -> Any.Type
extension Optional: OptionalProtocol {
func wrappedType() -> Any.Type {
return Wrapped.self
then print(someVar.wrappedType()) will print
No reflection whatsoever
As long as the optional is not referenced by Any or AnyObject the code will work fine.
For Any you will have to cast it to OptionalProtocol first. Running
let someVar: String?
let anyVar = someVar as Any
if let op = anyVar as? OptionalProtocol {
will print
As for AnyObject, strangely enough (at least for me), it doesn't cast to OptionalProtocol.
The original StackOverflow answer can be found here
I played with your idea a little bit, but I think there isn't a real way to do that, since you can't get the type of the associated value of an enumeration, yet. Hence Optionals are basically Enumerations, we have a problem here.
My idea would be to test for all possible value types in your model objects could be or hold. Like:
let myModelObject:Any? = someWayToGetTheData()
if let aString = myModelObject as? String {
// do everything you need to store a string
else if let anInteger = myModelObject as? Int {
// do everything you need to store an integer
// and so on ...
Since your json and your model must have a predefined number of supported conversions that is a possible way, and as far as I understand your original problem, it's basically as useful as testing for the dynamic associated value type of an Optional Enumeration, which will lead into a chain of if-else statements as well.
You can either unwrap the optional explicitly with a bang (!) or with an if let.
For example:
var foo: String? = nil
if foo == nil {
print("foo is nil")
foo = "bar"
let fooBang = foo!
print("fooBang: \(fooBang)")
if let ifLetFoo = foo {
print("ifLetFoo: \(ifLetFoo)")
This will print:
foo is nil
fooBang: bar
ifLetFoo: bar
In your context, I think print(child.value.dynamicType!) might be what you're looking for.
If you cast the value to the non-optional String, it will print you the unwrapped type.
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: a)
for child in mirror.children {
print(String(child.value).dynamicType) //String
Or you can play with the String and get the type from the Optional type.
class MySubClass: MyClass {
var a: Int? = nil
var a = MySubClass()
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: a)
for child in mirror.children {
let typeArr = String(child.value.dynamicType).characters.split{$0 == "<"}.map(String.init)
let typeArr2 = typeArr[1].characters.split{$0 == ">"}.map(String.init)
print(typeArr2[0]) // print: Int
Sorry this is lame but you can do something like this.

Swift: How to store a reference to Double, Int

I would like to store a reference to a primitive type (Double, Int) in Swift, so that i one variable is changed, the other one is changed, too. Here is an example:
class MyClass {
var value: Double?
var myValue = 1.0
var instance = MyClass()
instance.value = myValue // <-- how to set a reference?
myValue = 2.0 // => I want instance.value to change to 2.0
instance.value = 3.0 // => I want myValue to change to 3.0
Is that possible?
You can use class-holder:
class Ref<T> {
var value: T
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
Or try to read about In-Out Parameters and maybe it can help you in some way:
In-Out Parameters
Variable parameters, as described above, can only be changed within
the function itself. If you want a function to modify a parameter’s
value, and you want those changes to persist after the function call
has ended, define that parameter as an in-out parameter instead.
You write an in-out parameter by placing the inout keyword at the
start of its parameter definition. An in-out parameter has a value
that is passed in to the function, is modified by the function, and is
passed back out of the function to replace the original value.
You can only pass a variable as the argument for an in-out parameter.
You cannot pass a constant or a literal value as the argument, because
constants and literals cannot be modified. You place an ampersand (&)
directly before a variable’s name when you pass it as an argument to
an inout parameter, to indicate that it can be modified by the
func swapTwoInts(inout a: Int, inout _ b: Int) {
let temporaryA = a
a = b
b = temporaryA
var someInt = 3
var anotherInt = 107
swapTwoInts(&someInt, &anotherInt)
print("someInt is now \(someInt), and anotherInt is now \(anotherInt)")
// prints "someInt is now 107, and anotherInt is now 3"
The closest thing in Swift I can think of like this is inout variables. They are allowed in Swift as a constructor argument (but saving them to a variable stops them from working):
class Demo {
var value: Double
init(inout value: Double) {
self.value = value
var value = 1.0
let demo = Demo(value: &value)
print(value) // 2.0
print(value) // 2.0
Thus, I don't believe the syntax you want is possible. However, maybe inout parameters might be a substitute if you can re-work the problem.
I use this:
#propertyWrapper public struct Inout<T> {
public init(wrappedValue: T) {
storage = .init(value: wrappedValue)
private let storage: Storage
public var wrappedValue: T {
nonmutating get { storage.value }
nonmutating set { storage.value = newValue }
private class Storage {
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
var value: T
struct Example {
init(value: Inout<Int>) {
_value = value
#Inout var value: Int
func performAction() {
value += 19
let value = Inout(wrappedValue: 50)
let example = Example(value: value)
print(value.wrappedValue) // 69

Swift- variable not initialized before use (but it's not used)

Currently I've got some swift code like this:
class C {
let type: Type;
var num = 0;
init() {
self.type = Type({ (num: Int) -> Void in
self.num = num;
The Swift compiler refuses to permit it, saying that I've referenced self.type before it's initialized, even though that's clearly completely untrue. Furthermore, I can't employ the workaround found in other questions/answers, because the type is not optional, and it's immutable, so it can't be initialized with nil pointlessly first.
How can I make the Swift compiler accept this perfectly valid code?
This has nothing to do with returning from the initializer early. The callback is executed asynchronously- it is stored and then used later.
I also have a few further lets that are initialized after this one. I would have to turn them all into mutable optionals, even though they're not optional and can't be mutated.
This works:
class C {
var type: Type?;
var num = 0;
init() {
self.type = Type({ (num: Int) -> Void in
self.num = num;
I assume you knew that. But you want to know why your version isn't working.
Now for the tricky part: for the line
self.num = num;
to work, the compiler has to pass self to inside the closure. The closure could be and probably is executed inside of the constructor of Type.
This is as if you had written
self.type = Type({ (self: C, num: Int) -> Void in
self.num = num
which is syntactically wrong but explains what the compiler has to do to compile your code.
To pass this necessary instance of self to the constructor of Type, self has to be initialized. But self isn't initialized, because you are still in the constructor.
The compiler tells you which part of self is not initialized, when you try to pass self to the constructor of Type.
obviously Type knows num in your code.
If you want to use let in C instead of var you could do...
class Type {
let num: Int
init () {
num = 3
class C {
let type: Type;
var num = 0;
init() {
self.type = Type();
num = type.num
or even
class C {
let type: Type;
var num: Int {
return type.num
init() {
self.type = Type();
depending on whether you want num to change or not. Both examples compile without error.
First, it's important to explain why this is not perfectly valid code, and that it isn't clear at all that self.type is not used before it is initialized. Consider the following extension of your code:
struct A {
init(_ f: (Int) -> Void) { f(1) }
class C {
let type: A
var num = 0 {
didSet { print(type) }
init() {
self.type = A({ (num: Int) -> Void in
self.num = num
If you walk through the logic, you'll note that self.type is accessed via print before it has been initialized. Swift can't currently prove that this won't happen, and so doesn't allow it. (A theoretical Swift compiler might prove that it wouldn't happen for some particular cases, but for most non-trivial code it would likely bump into the halting problem. In any case, the current Swift compiler isn't powerful enough to make this proof, and it's a non-trivial proof to make.)
One solution, though somewhat unsatisfying, is to use implicitly unwrapped optionals:
private(set) var type: A! = nil
Except for the declaration, every other part of the code is the same. You don't have to treat it as optional. In practice, this just turns off the "used before initialization" checks for this variable. It also unfortunately makes it settable inside of the current file, but does make it immutable to everyone else.
This is the technique I've most often used, though often I try to rework the system so that it doesn't require this kind of closure (not always possible, but I often rack my brain to try). It's not beautiful, but it is consistent and bounds the ugly.
Another technique that can work in some cases is laziness:
class C {
lazy var type: A = {
A({ (num: Int) -> Void in self.num = num })}()
var num = 0
init() {}
Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. In your case it might. When it does work, it's pretty nice because it makes the property truly immutable, rather than just publicly immutable, and of course because it doesn't require !.
It looks like the error goes away if you avoid referencing self inside the closure.
If the callback is synchronous you can change your code as follow:
class C {
let type: Type
var num = 0
init() {
var numTemp = 0 // create a temporary local var
let initialType = Type({ (num: Int) -> () in
numTemp = num // avoid self in the closure
self.type = initialType
self.num = numTemp
Important: this will NOT work if the closure is async.
Tested with Xcode (Playground) 6.4 + Swift 1.2
Hope this helps.
As appzYourLife said, a temporary variable for num will suffice:
class Type{
var y: (Int)->Void
self.y = y2
class C {
let type: Type
var num: Int = 0
init() {
var num2 = 0
self.type = Type(y2: { (num3: Int) -> () in
num2 = num3
self.num = num2
However, you do not need a temporary variable for type, this error message is misleading.

Assigning `nil` value to a generically typed variable in Swift

I think var value: T = nil is causing error below because XCode can't convert nil value to the generic type T.
class Node<T> {
var value: T = nil
var next: Node
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
self.next = Node()
init() {
self.next = Node()
The error message reads
Could not find an overload for '_coversion' that accepts the supplied
Is there a way to assign nil value to a variable in Swift?
You need to declare the variable as optional:
var value: T? = nil
Unfortunately this currently seems to trigger an unimplemented compiler feature:
error: unimplemented IR generation feature non-fixed class layout
You can work around it by declaring T with a type constraint of NSObject:
class Node<T:NSObject> {
var value: T? = nil
var next: Node
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
self.next = Node()
init() {
self.next = Node()
Try using
var value: T? = nil
The question mark makes the variable an optional, meaning that it can either have a value or be nil.