Accessing class objects in different classes - class

There are a total of 3 classes in all.
In the first class, it will do all init to manage the strings.
In the second class, it creates an array of class objects for first class.
In the third class, it will access the data stored in the second class. (This is where I need to know.)
class Person{
var name : String
var description : String
init(name: String, description: String){ = name
self.description = description
class StoreData: UIViewController {
var personList = [Person]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.personList.append(Person(name: "John", description: "123"))
self.personList.append(Person(name: "Mary", description: "456"))
So in this class, I need to access the data that is stored in SecondClass.swift. Say I wat to store in a string array of names. I want to extract where var names = personList[0].name How do I do so?

The easiest way in your case to make it work is like this:
class StoreData: UIViewController {
static var sharedData = StoreData()
var personList = [Person]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.personList.append(Person(name: "John", description: "123"))
self.personList.append(Person(name: "Mary", description: "456"))
class ThirdClass {
func someFunc() {
let person1 = StoreData.sharedData.personList[0]
But it's not the best way, but you can't explain what you need. Hopes you understand, that this code makes singleton from StoreData. And it will work for you task.


Why Instance member 'getPerson' cannot be used on type 'GetPerson'

I write code in a Cocoa framework and call the function in it from main project. But it fails always returning a message. I fix this in two ways.
First, in main project viewController:
import getPerson
override func viewDidLoad() {
var person = GetPersons.getPerson(name: "Jack")
Instance member 'getPerson' cannot be used on type 'GetPerson'; did you mean to use a value of this type instead
import getPerson
override func viewDidLoad() {
let vc = GetPersons.self
var person = vc.getPerson(name: "Jack")
Instance member 'getPerson' cannot be used on type 'GetPersons'
What's happening with this? How do I fix it?
In test framework :
import Fundation
public class GetPersons {
public struct Person {
public var name : String = ""
public var age : Int = 0
public func getPerson(name : String) -> Person {
var person = Person()
return person
In your first example, it's telling you that you defined getPerson(name: String) as an instance method. (Presumably because it operates on instance properties.)
You are calling it here as if it were defined as:
static func getPerson(name: String) { ...
The second is saying much the same thing, without guessing what you want to do.
If I understand what you want to do, I think it goes something like this:
class GetPersons {
struct Person {
public var name : String = ""
public var age : Int = 0
func getPerson(name : String) -> Person {
var person = Person()
return person
Then, in your view controller define a property for the instance of GetPersons:
let gp = GetPersons()
then in viewDidLoad:
let person = gp.getPerson(name: "Jack")
Also, is GetPersons in an actual framework, or is it simply a class defined (as it should be) in a separate file?

Create instance from class using other class instance

So i came across this case, an already published application needed to change all of it's API's & Models.
Now i have created a generic tier to handle the requests and apis and almost mid way into implementing all the services, now i came across this problem, the previous defined models are used widely around the application of course and since its MVC , Massive View Controller. it is going to cost me too much changing everything in each scene to the new model type,
therefore i thought of making an adapter to cast the new models when i get them in my
callback closure to the old ones type.
I have already figured out a way but the problem its pretty much long, long way i am looking for a better approach if existed and a better solution over all for the case if there was a better one.
protocol Parsable {
var time: String { get }
var span: String { get }
init(_ copy: Parsable)
class Foo: Parsable {
required init(_ copy: Parsable) {
self.span = copy.span
self.time = copy.time
init(time: String, span: String) {
self.time = time
self.span = span
var time = ""
var span = ""
class Fee: Parsable {
required init(_ copy: Parsable) {
self.span = copy.span
self.time = copy.time
init(time: String, span: String, date: String) {
self.time = time
self.span = span = date // an extra var that is not used in Foo
var time = ""
var span = ""
var date = ""
var foo = Foo(time: "", span: "")
var fee = Fee(time: "2", span: "ye", date: "123")
// Usage
var deeped = Foo(fee)
As you can tell from the code i've created a protocol that contains the variables and an init() that holds its type, now imagine this to implement a model with +50 variable and +40 model in total, might need an age or two.
I hope i understood the problem, It's not a clean solution but it's quick an flexible:
What about an additional method in the protocol with an implementation in it's extension to perform the all the copies? This is possible since i see that all the properties have an assigned dummy value. Then the only thing to do for each object implementing Parsable is to call such method in the initializer. kind of a commonInit() method.
protocol Parsable {
var time: String { get }
var span: String { get }
init(_ copy: Parsable)
func initParsableProperties(from copy: Parsable)
extension Parsable {
func initParsableProperties(from copy: Parsable) {
self.span = copy.span
self.time = copy.time
class Foo: Parsable {
required init(_ copy: Parsable) {
initParsableProperties(from: copy)
This also allows you to add additional properties in the initializers if needded. If you don't need additional properties it could then be directly implemented in the initializer, but it requires some more tricky solutions.
So i Achieved this using Codable, i have created a dummy protocol that is conforming to Codable, and using that in every class, struct that i needed to convert it, and created a generic function extended from that protocol, to encode the object to data then decode it into the new type desired,
With that i don't have to declare any variable or property i needed to copy manually.
check out the code below.
protocol Convertable: Codable {}
class Foo: Convertable {
var foo: String
var fee: String
init(foo: String, fee: String) { = foo
self.fee = fee
class Fee: Convertable{
var fee: String
init( fee: String) {
self.fee = fee
//Generic function to convert
extension Convertable {
func convert<T: Codable>(_ primary: T.Type) -> T? {
return try? JSONDecoder().decode(primary, from: try! JSONEncoder().encode(self))
var foo = Foo(foo: "nothing", fee: "nothing")
let fee = foo.convert(Fee.self)
fee?.fee // nothing

Using an overriden static property during initialization

I would like to create a class with a static property that subclasses can override, which would be used to initialize instances. So far, I've tried to accomplish this like this:
import Cocoa
class A: NSObject {
class var staticProperty: String {
return "A"
var property: String = A.staticProperty
class B: A {
override class var staticProperty: String {
return "B"
This does not work, since B().property still returns "A". How could I change this code so that property contains the value specified by the subclass? Any help would be appreciated!
I would like to initialize property with the value of staticProperty, so this could also look like this:
var property: SomeClass = SomeClass(A.staticProperty)
But then, this initialization should still use "A" for class A, and "B" for class B.
Edit 2 (After #RakeshaShastri's comment)
For my specific use-case, I need property to be stored (so not computed) and non-lazy.
Edit 3
In short, I'm trying to build a Realm model class which has a few to-many relationships to other models. For these models (which are quite similar), I'm trying to create a superclass which contains the shared functionality, amongst which is also the inverse relationship. Therefore, I want to have a static property which contains the key in the first model to either of the other models, and then initialize a LinkingObjects property using this key name. Since Realm does not allow this to be lazy or computed, I cannot use these functionalities here.
If you inherit from NSObject why not using it ?
import Cocoa
class A: NSObject {
var property: String
public override init() {
let str = type(of: self).perform(#selector(getter: type(of: self).staticProperty))?.takeUnretainedValue() as! String
property = str
#objc class var staticProperty: String {
return "A"
class B: A {
override class var staticProperty: String {
return "B"
You can do this with this aproach
class A {
var prop: String{
return "A"
class B: A {
override var prop: String{
return "B"
print(A().prop) // "PRINTS A"
print(B().prop) // "PRINTS B"
A.staticProperty will use static dispatch and will always point to A's class property. You need dynamic dispatch here, aka type(of: self).
However, self needs an instance to work with, thus var property: String = type(of: self.staticProperty won't compile.
However, lazy properties can work around this limitation, so you could declare property as a lazy one:
class A: NSObject {
class var staticProperty: String {
return "A"
private(set) lazy var property: String = { type(of: self).staticProperty }()
class B: A {
override class var staticProperty: String {
return "B"
print(B().property) // B
P.S. the private(set) part is just something I usually do, I rarely allow extrinsic factors to change my object.
Update As #MartinR has pointed out, lazy is not a choice for the OP. An alternative solution that doesn't use a lazy var is to use a "shadowing" property:
class A: NSObject {
class var staticProperty: String {
return "A"
private var _property: String?
var property: String {
get {
return _property ?? type(of: self).staticProperty
set {
_property = newValue
class B: A {
override class var staticProperty: String {
return "B"
let b = B()
print( // B = "B'"
print( // B'

One-step object creation and property initialization in Swift?

Is there a way to assign property values to a class instance even if it is not a parameter in the init constructor? For example, in C# I can do this:
public class Student
public string firstName;
public string lastName;
var student1 = new Student();
var student2 = new Student { firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe" };
Notice for student2 I can still assign values during initialization even though there's no constructor in the class.
I could not find in the documentation if you can do something like this for Swift. If not, is there a way to use extensions to extend the Student class to assign property values during initialization?
The reason I'm looking for this is so I can add a bunch of instances to an array without explicitly creating variables for each student instance, like this:
var list = new[] {
new Student { firstName = "John", lastName = "Doe" },
new Student { firstName = "Jane", lastName = "Jones" },
new Student { firstName = "Jason", lastName = "Smith" }
Any native or elegant way to achieve this in Swift?
You have a couple of options depending on how you want to configure this type and what syntax is most convenient for you.
You could define a convenient initializer which accepts the properties you want to set. Useful if you're setting the same properties all the time, less useful if you're setting an inconsistent set of optional properties.
public class Student
public var firstName:String?;
public var lastName:String?;
extension Student {
convenience init(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
Student(firstName: "Any", lastName: "Body")
You could define a convenience initializer which accepts a block to configure the new instance.
extension Student {
convenience init(_ configure: (Student) -> Void ) {
Student( { $0.firstName = "Any"; $0.lastName = "Body" } )
You could imitate Ruby's tap method as an extension so you can operate on an object in the middle of a method chain.
extension Student {
func tap(block: (Student) -> Void) -> Self {
return self
Student().tap({ $0.firstName = "Any"; $0.lastName = "body"})
If that last one is useful you might want to be able to adopt tap on any object. I don't think you can do that automatically but you can define a default implementation to make it easier:
protocol Tap: AnyObject {}
extension Tap {
func tap(block: (Self) -> Void) -> Self {
return self
extension Student: Tap {}
Student().tap({ $0.firstName = "Any"; $0.lastName = "body"})
If your class has no required initialiser, you can use a closure method to set the Student properties before returning the new Student object as follow:
public class Student {
var firstName = String()
var lastName = String()
let student1 = Student()
let student2: Student = {
let student = Student()
student.firstName = "John"
student.lastName = "Doe"
return student
print(student2.firstName) // John
print(student2.lastName) // Doe
I just wanted to point out that if your structure can be immutable, you can just use a struct rather than a class and you'll get an implicit initializer for free:
Just paste this into a playground and change struct to class and you'll see what I mean.
struct Student
var firstName : String?
var lastName : String?
var student = Student(firstName: "Dan", lastName: "Beaulieu")
This is just syntactic candy but I use a custom operator to do this kind of thing:
infix operator <- { associativity right precedence 90 }
func <-<T:AnyObject>(var left:T, right:(T)->()) -> T
return left
let rgbButtons:[UIButton] =
UIButton() <- { $0.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor() },
UIButton() <- { $0.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor() },
UIButton() <- { $0.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor() }
The reason I'm looking for this is so I can add a bunch of instances to an array without explicitly creating variables for each student instance[.]
I'm not familiar with C#, but in Swift, you can do that just by initializing the objects inside the array declaration:
var list: [Student] = [
Student(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe"),
Student(firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Jones"),
Student(firstName: "Jason", lastName: "Smith")
The other approaches suggested are all equally valid, but if you are simply trying to populate an array without declaring any variables, Swift makes that easy.

Access properties via subscripting in Swift

I have a custom class in Swift and I'd like to use subscripting to access its properties, is this possible?
What I want is something like this:
class User {
var name: String
var title: String
subscript(key: String) -> String {
// Something here
return // Return the property that matches the key…
init(name: String, title: String) { = name
self.title = title
myUser = User(name: "Bob", title: "Superboss")
myUser["name"] // "Bob"
Update: The reason why I'm looking for this is that I'm using GRMustache to render from HTML templates. I'd like to be able to just pass my model object to the GRMustache renderer…
GRMustache fetches values with the keyed subscripting objectForKeyedSubscript: method and the Key-Value Coding valueForKey: method. Any compliant object can provide values to templates.
This is a bit of a hack using reflection. Something along the lines of the following could be used.
protocol PropertyReflectable { }
extension PropertyReflectable {
subscript(key: String) -> Any? {
let m = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for child in m.children {
if child.label == key { return child.value }
return nil
struct Person {
let name: String
let age: Int
extension Person : PropertyReflectable {}
Then create a Person and access it's keyed properties.
let p = Person(name: "John Doe", age: 18)
p["name"] // gives "John Doe"
p["age"] // gives 18
You could modify the subscript to always return an interpolated string of the property value.
Adding some syntax sugar to Benzi's answer:
protocol PropertyReflectable { }
extension PropertyReflectable {
subscript(key: String) -> Any? {
let m = Mirror(reflecting: self)
return m.children.first { $0.label == key }?.value
struct Person: PropertyReflectable {
let name: String
let age: Int
Then create a Person and access it's keyed properties.
let p = Person(name: "John Doe", age: 18)
p["name"] // gives "John Doe"
p["age"] // gives 18
Using valueForKey should enable you to access properties using their names. Be sure that you're working with a object that inherit NSObject
class people: NSObject {
var age: NSString = "44"
var height: NSString = "153"
let person:people = people()
let stringVariable = "age"
// Print "44"
// Print "44"
(GRMustache author here)
Until a swift-oriented Mustache library is out, I suggest having your classes inherit from NSObject (so that they have the valueForKey: method). GRMustache will then fetch values with this method.
In case this would still not work (blank values in the rendering), you may try to disable GRMustache security features (see
Should you experience any other trouble, please open an issue right into the repository:
EDIT February 2, 2015: GRMustache.swift is out:
Shim's answer above doesn't work anymore in Swift 4. There are two things you should be aware of.
First of all, if you want to use value(forKey:) function, your class must inherit NSObject.
Secondly, since Objective-C doesn't know anything about value type, you have to put the #objc keyword in front of your value type properties and Swift will do the heavy-lifting for you.
Here is the example:
import Foundation
class Person: NSObject {
#objc var name: String = "John Dow"
#objc var age: Int = 25
#objc var height: Int = 180
subscript(key: String) -> Any? {
return self.value(forKey: key)
let person: Person = Person()
person["name"] // "John Dow"
person["age"] // 25
person["height"] // 180
I suppose you could do:
class User {
let properties = Dictionary<String,String>()
subscript(key: String) -> String? {
return properties[key]
init(name: String, title: String) {
properties["name"] = name
properties["title"] = title
Without knowing your use case I would strongly advise against doing this.
Another approach:
class User {
var name : String
var title : String
subscript(key: String) -> String? {
switch key {
case "name" : return name
case "title" : return title
default : return nil
init(name: String, title: String) { = name
self.title = title
It might be worth noting that Swift doesn't appear to currently support reflection by names. The reflect function returns a Mirror whose subscript is Int based, not String based.