DB2 Query issue - db2

COLUMN2 gets its value from a separate table based on the input provided at run time.
The filter used in the query consists of a used defined table valued function that is used to split the comma separated valued to individual values.
The query throws the error message as:
Can anyone help me find the cause of the issue.


How to insert values from a select query

how do I insert the std_id value and sub_id value in the student_subject table
insert into student_subjects(student_id,subject_id)
values(std_id,(select id from subjects
where guid in
(select * from
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
Get rid of the values clause and use the SELECT directly as the source for the INSERT statement:
You also don't need to unnest your array, using = any() will be a bit more efficient (although I would recommend you do not pass comma separated strings, but an array of uuid directly)
insert into student_subjects(student_id,subject_id)
select std_id, s.id
from subjects s
where guid = any(string_to_array(subjects_colls,',')::uuid[])
I assume this is part of a procedure or function and std_id and subjects_colls are parameters passed to it.

How to return an array of table records in PostgreSQL

I am getting a type mismatch error when trying to return an array of elements of type table1, the inherent type of the table1 I have declared.
Error occurred during SQL query execution
SQL Error [42P13]: ERROR: return type mismatch in function declared to return table1[]
Detail: Actual return type is record[].
Where: SQL function "arrayof_records"
This is an oversimplified code that reproduces my problem.
drop table if exists table1 cascade;
create table table1 (
id serial primary key,
title text,
create_dt timestamp default now()
insert into table1 (title) values
create or replace function arrayof_records ()
returns table1[]
stable language sql as $$
select array_agg (t.*)
from (
select * from table1
order by create_dt desc
) as t;
It is clear that the parser is expecting some other expression in the array_agg function. I have tried t, t.* and *. All of them fail.
I expect there is a syntax, as PostgreSQL 12 documentations states "array_agg(expression)|any non-array type".
Any idea?
You can use a slightly different way of creating the array:
create or replace function arrayof_records ()
returns table1[]
stable language sql
select array(
select table1
from table1
order by create_dt desc
That's typically faster than array_agg() as well.

Output Inserted.id equivalent in Postgres

I am new to PostgreSQL and trying to convert mssql scripts to Postgres.
For Merge statement, we can use insert on conflict update or do nothing but am using the below statement, not sure whether it is the correct way.
MSSQL code:
Declare #tab2(New_Id int not null, Old_Id int not null)
MERGE Tab1 as Target
USING (select * from Tab1
WHERE ColumnId = #ID) as Source on 0 = 1
when not matched by Target then
VALUES (Source.ColumnId
OUTPUT INSERTED.Id, Source.Id into #tab2(New_Id, Old_Id);
Postgres Code:
Create temp table tab2(New_Id int not null, Old_Id int not null)
With source as( select * from Tab1
WHERE ColumnId = ID)
Insert into Tab1(ColumnId
select Source.ColumnId
from source
My query is how to convert OUTPUT INSERTED.Id in postgres.I need this id to insert records in another table (lets say as child tables based on Inserted values in Tab1)
In PostgreSQL's INSERT statements you can choose what the query should return. From the docs on INSERT:
The optional RETURNING clause causes INSERT to compute and return value(s) based on each row actually inserted (or updated, if an ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE clause was used). This is primarily useful for obtaining values that were supplied by defaults, such as a serial sequence number. However, any expression using the table's columns is allowed. The syntax of the RETURNING list is identical to that of the output list of SELECT. Only rows that were successfully inserted or updated will be returned.
Example (shortened form of your query):
WITH [...] INSERT INTO Tab1 ([...]) SELECT [...] FROM [...] RETURNING Tab1.id

Pass String in Postgres Query

I am using Postgresql 9.3 and what I am trying to do is Passing column names as string into my query. For newtable my column number can be dynamic sometimes it might be 3 or more for which I am trying to select column from another table and pssing relut of my query as string in the existing query
Please help how can i do this
select * from crosstab (
'select "TIMESTAMP_S","VARIABLE","VALUE" from archieve_export_db_a3 group by 1,2,3 order by 1,2',
'select distinct "VARIABLE" From archieve_export_db_variables order by 1'
) AS newtable (TIMESTAMP_S int,_col1 integer,_col2 integer);

Avoid putting PostgreSQL function result into one field

The end result of what I am after is a query that calls a function and that function returns a set of records that are in their own separate fields. I can do this but the results of the function are all in one field.
ie: http://i.stack.imgur.com/ETLCL.png and the results I am after are: http://i.stack.imgur.com/wqRQ9.png
Here's the code to create the table
tbl_1_hm_id bigserial NOT NULL,
tbl_1_hm_f1 VARCHAR (250),
tbl_1_hm_f2 INTEGER,
CONSTRAINT tbl_1_hm PRIMARY KEY (tbl_1_hm_id)
-- do that for a few times to get some data
INSERT INTO tbl_1_hm (tbl_1_hm_f1, tbl_1_hm_f2)
VALUES ('hello', 1);
RETURNS TABLE(tbl_1_hm_f1 VARCHAR (250), tbl_1_hm_f2 int AS $$
SELECT tbl_1_hm_f1, tbl_1_hm_f2
FROM tbl_1_hm
WHERE tbl_1_hm_id = id
--And here is the current query I am running for my results:
SELECT t1.tbl_1_hm_id, proc_1_hm(t1.tbl_1_hm_id) AS t3
FROM tbl_1_hm AS t1
Thanks for having a read. Please if you want to haggle about the semantics of what I am doing by hitting the same table twice or my naming convention --> this is a simplified test.
When a function returns a set of records, you should treat it as a table source:
SELECT t1.tbl_1_hm_id, t3.*
FROM tbl_1_hm AS t1, proc_1_hm(t1.tbl_1_hm_id) AS t3;
Note that functions are implicitly using a LATERAL join (scroll down to sub-sections 4 and 5) so you can use fields from tables listed previously without having to specify an explicit JOIN condition.