Setting environment variable before running published application in citrix - citrix

I have a published application in my citrix server that flexes based on an environment variable which needs to be set in the server, after the session starts. Is there an easy way to do this?

The easiest way is to use .vbs script to set environment variable and then launch an application.
For example:
set ws = wscript.createobject("")
set systemEnv = wshShell.Environment("SYSTEM")
systemEnv("YourVariable") = "Your value""notepad.exe"), 0, true
0 = Hidden
1 = displayed
True = Waits till command has completed before moving to next
False = Does not wait for command to complete before moving to next


Need assistance modifying a PowerCLI script

I was wondering if someone could please help with the following query. We are using the following script to enable Virtualization Based Security on a per VM level.
The script is running from within VMware Realize Automation / Orchestration in order to enable VBS as part of an specific workflow. The modified script for vRA/vRO is below.
The issue that I am having is that VBS can only be enabled when the VM is powered off, in some cases the workflow takes a little longer to run and by then the VM is running already which will make the task (script) to fail.
That being said, I was looking for some way to improve the script a little bit perhaps by adding something to power off the VM if it's running then execute the code in the script and then bring the VM back on. I feel that with something like this hopefully we will make sure that VBS is enabled when the VM is not running and once VBS is enabled it will turn on the VM to proceed. I have unsuccessfully tried to modify the code but I can't find a way to stop and start the VM successfully. Can someone please help?
Thank you
// Input: inputProperties from vRA
var enableVBS = inputProperties.customProperties.enableVBS
if (enableVBS == "true") {
var name = inputProperties.resourceNames[0]
var vms = VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines(null, name)
vm = vms[0]
var bootOpts = new VcVirtualMachineBootOptions()
var flags = new VcVirtualMachineFlagInfo()
var spec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec()
bootOpts.efiSecureBootEnabled = true;
flags.vbsEnabled = true;
flags.vvtdEnabled = true;
spec.firmware = VcGuestOsDescriptorFirmwareType.efi;
spec.nestedHVEnabled = true;
spec.bootOptions = bootOpts;
spec.flags = flags;

Roblox, change team

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
player.TeamColor ="Really red")
Players.unknown.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.Red.Script:3: attempt to index nil with 'TeamColor' - Server - Script:3
You need to use Local Script and not just Script
LocalPlayer can't be called in a server script. You either have to use a LocalScript or change the code to work in a server script.

Build an accde from accdb from command line?

Very similar to this question but I want to build an .accde from an .accdb file and try to integrate this into a DevOps pipeline. Is this possible maybe with maybe powershell or basic cmd commandS?
There seems to an undocument command that does this job (VBS)
Dim app
Dim strDBName
Dim strADEName
Set app = CreateObject("Access.Application")
strDBName = "Path_To_YourAccdb.accdb" 'e.g C:\Temp\Myapp.accdb
strADEName = "nameOf_The_Compiled.accde" 'e.g. C:\Temp\MyApp.accde
app.SysCmd 603, CStr(strDBName), CStr(strADEName)
Set app = Nothing
Just put the above is a vbscript and it will do the job just fine
Taken from here :

How to automate VPN connection on Windows 10

I'm going to be traveling for the next month, and I'd like to automate the VPN connection process so that on X event, the script fires and automatically connects me. I've already configured the [L2TP/IPSec] VPN connection in ms-settings:network-vpn & verified it works, but it's automation step that's proving problematic.
Windows GUI: The credentials have been saved.
PowerShell: The RememberCredential property is set to True
VBScript: Curiously, the VPN connection is hidden:
Dim oShell : Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim NetConn : Set NetConn = oShell.Namespace(49)
Dim Connections : Set Connections = NetConn.Items
wscript.echo "Connection Count [" & Connections.Count & "]"
For i = 0 to Connections.Count - 1
wscript.echo "Connections.Item(" & i & ").Name: [" & Connections.Item(i).Name & "]"
rasdial <entry>: Expectedly returns error 691.
rasphone -d <entry>: Displays the Connection dialog whereas I'd prefer it to just connect automatically and hidden.
Is this even possible in Windows 10? Or am I just overlooking some small yet key detail?
I ended up leveraging Add-VpnConnectionTriggerApplication to trigger an automatic connection of the VPN on the launch of specific executables/UWP applications. The downside is that when doing this, PoSh warns that SplitTunneling must be enabled which is less than ideal.
However after playing around with it for a while (just 2 or so hours now) to ensure the VPN keys off specific executables/UWP's, I ended up disabling SplitTunneling and, paradoxically, it appears to continue working as I would hope/expect. I rebooted a few times, logged on and sure enough by the time the desktop loaded the VPN had been established.
I need to do more testing to confirm, but this is sufficient to help save me from myself.
I do this by checking the Remember my sign-in info checkbox when I created the VPN connection.
You can check this in your PowerShell script by ensuring that Get-VpnConnection returns RememberCredential : True.
If this is the case, then rasdial should automatically connect it.
I do it with this:
Ensures vpn connection (assumed to have saved credentials) is connected.
function Connect-Vpn
param (
$rr1 = Get-VpnConnection -Verbose:$false | where {$_.ServerAddress -imatch $Settings.VpnConnectionPattern -and $_.RememberCredential} | Select -First 1
if ($rr1.ConnectionStatus -ne 'Connected')
rasdial.exe $rr1.Name
throw "Cannot connect to '$($rr1.Name)'."
Write-Verbose "Already connected to '$($rr1.Name)'."
You will have to massage this code to your needs as this uses some fields from my settings file...

xinetd - unable to write to a file

Running CentOS. xinetd.d/clhtest entry is as follows:
service clhtest
disable = no
port = 8020
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = charrison
passenv = PATH
server = /home/charrison/bin/clhtest
In debugging this I need to write to a file. I set the server process up to open /home/charrison/log/foo.txt as one of the first steps (note user=charrison), but it doesn't - and I assume it tries to. When I launch the server program from command line it opens the file successfully.
I suspect the umask parameter may be needed, but I don't know what it defaults to.
Any hints?