stop code generation from UML class diagram - enterprise-architect

A colleague generated java code from an UML class diagram. Each time we change the class diagram the java code is now being updated. How can we disable this?
We are using EA 11.1.1111.

Right click on the package and uncheck the option Code Engineering|Live Code Generation


Eclipse Papyrus asociation but settings for multiplicity missing

i make a fresh settup of eclipse and papyrus. Had it run and used on a older machine a time ago.
I try to model a class diagram.
Crated a new Project with an class diagramm drop some classes.
I am able to make an "association" between my two classes. But on properties window the fields for multiplicity are not shown. (Like in all the turtorials on the web working out of the box)
What i could get propably wrong?
Figered it out random.
If you click on the Association Icon in the Edge Panel of the palette it works.
If you make a association by using the poles comming out of the classes it wouldn't work.

Class diagram from ecore

I have .ecore metamodel. How can I automatically generate class diagram from it?
EcoreTools2 is the standard diagram editor for Ecore models in Eclipse. They have a documentation article explaining how to create a diagram from an existing Ecore file.
Create a EMF project using your .ecore, then when you open the project, there will be a .aird , click right on it , and click on initialize class diagram ..

Could I select super class when creating a new class in IntelliJ IDEA 2016 like in Eclipse?

As you guys know, when we create a new class in Eclipse, we can choose super class what we should extend at the same time like followed sreenshot:
In Eclipse:
However, I can't do that in IntelliJ IDEA:
Is there any menu or wizard to do this?
By the way, I'm using Eclipse MARS and IntelliJ IDEA 2016
The feature you want is called Create subclass.
Use Option + Return (or ALT + Enter on PC) on the class name, and you will have the opportunity to create a subclass of your currently selected class.
You may also choose to invoke this through the "Find All Actions" dialog, which is CTRL+SHIFT+A on PC and is likely similar on Mac.
Still I haven't found any way to select a super class while creating a sub-class in IntelliJ IDEA. But I found that option in Android Studio which looks similar to the way it is done in Eclipse:
using alt + enter --> the latest version of intelliJ has an option of "implement abstract class"

How project/wizard is associated with perspective?

After we create a new project in eclipse, a dialog will be showed as following picture if our current perspective is not associated with this kind of project. So how do Eclipse make this programmatically?
I think it depends on the project nature but the perspective extension point has nothing to connect with the project nature.
Tks for your time :-)
You have to set the finalPerspective attribute in your wizard. See
Associating a Wizard with a Perspective for reference:
Add the finalPerspective attribute to the definition of our wizard element in the extension.
Make the Wizard class implement the interface IExecutableExtension. This interface has only one method setInitializationData. Implement the method in the class and assign the parameter IConfigurationElement to a field in the method.
In the performFinish method of the Wizard, call BasicNewProjectResourceWizard.updatePerspective method.

trying to do UML diagramming with papyrus on eclipse but no diagrams are shown...what could be the issue?

I have eclipse 4.2 and papyrus 0.9. I have started modelling a project by creating class Diagrams but the issue is that papyrus does not draw the diagrams on the editor pane. I can create and add attributes and operations from the model explorer and i can view them from there but i can't see any diagrams on the editor. i do use the papyrus perspective when modelling. so my question is.
what am i doing wrong?
do i need to add other papyrus components?
or is this how papyrus works?
but from the pdf tutorials from the eclipse papyrus project site shows diagrams being drawn with a palette view that i can't seem to find in my eclipse..
On Eclipse Kepler (4.3) and Papyrus (4.3), I was unable to find a way to update the view (class diagram) from the model (model explorer.) If I created the operation by dragging an operation node from the palette to the class in the view, the operation was added to both the diagram and model explorer.
You need to switch to the Papyrus perspective in order for palette view to show up.
I just blogged about this and a few other annoyances. (I realize this question is old enough that you've likely given up, but I found it while searching for a solution to this same problem.)