Specs2 unable to find my tests using sbt - scala

I have build a simple project for Spec2 testing using simple sbt.
package main.specs
import org.specs2._
class QuickStartSpec extends Specification {
def is = s2"""
This is my first specification
it is working $ok
really working! $ok
And here is my build.sbt file:
name := "QuickStartSpec"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.10.1"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "3.6.5" % "test")
scalacOptions in Test ++= Seq("-Yrangepos")
But when I run this command in sbt
testOnly main.specs.QuickStartSpec
I am getting this:
[info] Updating {file:/Users/nabajeet/workspace/SpecsTest/}specstest...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for test:testOnly
I am following this page to create the example:
I am unable to figure out the reason why my tests are not detected.
My sbt version in 0.13.8

By declaring
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "3.6.5" % "test")
You restrict the scope of specs2 to only classes in the test source directories. You won't be able to reference specs2 classes in the production code (all the code under src/main/)
In your comment you indicate that you placed your spec in /Users/nabajeet/workspace/SpecsTest/src/main/specs/quickStartSpec.scala
Try moving your file to /Users/nabajeet/workspace/SpecsTest/src/test/scala/specs/quickStartSpec.scala
The incorrect location is why it you spec not picked up by SBT (and I feel confident to say that it doesn't compile either).
By default, SBT applies maven's standard directory layout adding src/main/scala/ and src/test/scala/ for scala code. This is documented in the SBT tutorial
I just created a project with the following layout
build.sbt contains
name := "QuickStartSpec"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.4"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.specs2" %% "specs2-core" % "3.6.5" % "test")
scalacOptions in Test ++= Seq("-Yrangepos")
and QuickStartSpec.scala contains
package main.specs
import org.specs2._
class QuickStartSpec extends Specification {
def is = s2"""
This is my first specification
it is working $ok
really working! $ok
here is the sbt output I get
[info] Set current project to QuickStartSpec (in build file:/tmp/stack/)
> test:compile
[info] Updating {file:/tmp/stack/}stack...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /tmp/stack/target/scala-2.11/test-classes...
[info] 'compiler-interface' not yet compiled for Scala 2.11.4. Compiling...
[info] Compilation completed in 6.372 s
[success] Total time: 9 s, completed 27 nov. 2015 06:38:26
> test
[info] QuickStartSpec
[info] + This is my first specification
[info] it is working
[info] + really working!
[info] Total for specification QuickStartSpec
[info] Finished in 17 ms
[info] 2 examples, 0 failure, 0 error
[info] Passed: Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 27 nov. 2015 06:38:31


sbt can not compile Scala project because of java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

I am new to Scala so any help would be really appreciated.
I am using IntelliJ IDEA Version: 2020.1, sbt.version=1.2.8, jdk1.8.0_ 251 and Scala 2.12.8.
When I tried to compile a coursera project i get the following error
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run 'last coursierResolutions' for the full output
[error] (coursierResolutions) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: lmcoursier.definitions.ToCoursier$.project(Llmcoursier/definitions/Project;)Lcoursier/core/Project;
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed 23-Apr-2020 23:46:04
[IJ]sbt:bigdata-wikipedia> last coursierResolutions
[error] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: lmcoursier.definitions.ToCoursier$.project(Llmcoursier/definitions/Project;)Lcoursier/core/Project;
[error] at coursier.sbtcoursier.ResolutionTasks$.$anonfun$resolutionsTask$3(ResolutionTasks.scala:43)
[error] at scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:49)
[error] at sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:62)
[error] at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$4.work(Transform.scala:67)
[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:281)
[error] at sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:19)
[error] at sbt.Execute.work(Execute.scala:290)
[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:281)
[error] at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:178)
[error] at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$2.call(CompletionService.scala:37)
[error] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
[error] at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511)
[error] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
[error] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
[error] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
[error] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
This is the sbt coursier plugin in plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("io.get-coursier" % "sbt-coursier" % "2.0.0-RC3-5")
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalafix" % "0.9.7")
Removing the coursier plugin and upgrading to sbt 1.3.13 worked for me.
//addSbtPlugin("io.get-coursier" % "sbt-coursier" % "2.0.0-RC3-5")
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalafix" % "0.9.7")
course := "bigdata"
assignment := "wikipedia"
scalaVersion := "2.12.11"
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-language:implicitConversions", "-deprecation")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.11" % Test,
("org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "2.4.3"),
("org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % "2.4.3")
dependencyOverrides ++= Seq(
("com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-databind" % "2.6.7")
testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-a", "-v", "-s")
Credit to #JOHN for this answer.
I used the sbt binary in terminal directly with version 1.2.8 and it saved me(the sbt version of sbt shell in IDEA was 1.3.8).
I was experiencing the same error while taking the course Functional Programming Principles in Scala by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne on Coursera (I assume you were taking that course too). For me the solution was using the following settings, where my changes were in the "sbt projects" section at the bottom:
After that, see how from sbt shell everything worked correctly for me:
"C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\java.exe" -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:63820,suspend=n,server=y -Xdebug -server -Xmx1536M -Dsbt.supershell=false -Didea.managed=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsbt.log.noformat=true -jar C:\Users\jaime\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IdeaIC2020.2\plugins\Scala\launcher\sbt-launch.jar early(addPluginSbtFile=\"\"\"C:\Users\jaime\AppData\Local\Temp\idea1.sbt\"\"\") "; set ideaPort in Global := 63650 ; idea-shell"
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 63820
[info] Loading settings for project global-plugins from idea1.sbt ...
[info] Loading global plugins from C:\Users\jaime\.sbt\1.0\plugins
[info] Updating ProjectRef(uri("file:/C:/Users/jaime/.sbt/1.0/plugins/"), "global-plugins")...
[info] downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/github/sugakandrey/scala-compiler-indices-protocol_2.12/0.1.1/scala-compiler-indices-protocol_2.12-0.1.1.jar ...
[info] downloading https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/spray/spray-json_2.12/1.3.4/spray-json_2.12-1.3.4.jar ...
[info] downloading https://repo.scala-sbt.org/scalasbt/sbt-plugin-releases/org.jetbrains/sbt-structure-extractor/scala_2.12/sbt_1.0/2018.2.1+4-88400d3f/jars/sbt-structure-extractor.jar ...
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] io.github.sugakandrey#scala-compiler-indices-protocol_2.12;0.1.1!scala-compiler-indices-protocol_2.12.jar (380ms)
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] io.spray#spray-json_2.12;1.3.4!spray-json_2.12.jar(bundle) (444ms)
[info] downloading https://repo.scala-sbt.org/scalasbt/sbt-plugin-releases/org.jetbrains/sbt-idea-shell/scala_2.12/sbt_1.0/2018.3/jars/sbt-idea-shell.jar ...
[info] downloading https://repo.scala-sbt.org/scalasbt/sbt-plugin-releases/org.jetbrains/sbt-idea-compiler-indices/scala_2.12/sbt_1.0/0.1.3/jars/sbt-idea-compiler-indices.jar ...
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] org.jetbrains#sbt-structure-extractor;2018.2.1+4-88400d3f!sbt-structure-extractor.jar (1711ms)
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] org.jetbrains#sbt-idea-shell;2018.3!sbt-idea-shell.jar (1790ms)
[info] [SUCCESSFUL ] org.jetbrains#sbt-idea-compiler-indices;0.1.3!sbt-idea-compiler-indices.jar (2273ms)
[info] Done updating.
[info] Loading settings for project example-build from buildSettings.sbt,plugins.sbt ...
[info] Loading project definition from C:\Users\jaime\Downloads\example\project
[info] Updating ProjectRef(uri("file:/C:/Users/jaime/Downloads/example/project/"), "example-build")...
[info] Done updating.
[warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies; run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings.
[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to C:\Users\jaime\Downloads\example\project\target\scala-2.12\sbt-1.0\classes ...
[info] Done compiling.
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.google.protobuf.UnsafeUtil (file:/C:/Users/jaime/.sbt/boot/scala-2.12.7/org.scala-sbt/sbt/1.2.8/protobuf-java-3.3.1.jar) to field java.nio.Buffer.address
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.google.protobuf.UnsafeUtil
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[info] Loading settings for project example from assignment.sbt,build.sbt ...
[info] Set current project to progfun1-example (in build file:/C:/Users/jaime/Downloads/example/)
[info] Defining Global / ideaPort
[info] The new value will be used by Compile / compile, Test / compile
[info] Reapplying settings...
[info] Set current project to progfun1-example (in build file:/C:/Users/jaime/Downloads/example/)
[IJ]sbt:progfun1-example> console
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to C:\Users\jaime\Downloads\example\target\scala-2.13\classes ...
[info] Non-compiled module 'compiler-bridge_2.13' for Scala 2.13.0. Compiling...
[info] Compilation completed in 7.345s.
[info] Done compiling.
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala 2.13.0 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 11.0.9).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
Yes, that solution worked for me partially, but I also had to change the build.sbt as following:
course := "bigdata"
assignment := "wikipedia"
scalaVersion := "2.12.8"
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-language:implicitConversions", "-deprecation")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.11" % Test,
("org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "2.4.3"),
("org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % "2.4.3")
dependencyOverrides ++= Seq(
("com.fasterxml.jackson.core" % "jackson-databind" % "2.6.7")
testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-a", "-v", "-s")
That worked for relatively new Scala version and recent Spark libraries built for it.

Error at runtime, sbt compilation passes

I have a piece of code that compiles (Scala + Spark 1.6) fine.
I then run it (with Spark 1.6), but it complains about a 1.6 method not being there. What gives ??
name := "Simple Project"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.10.4"
resolvers += "Typesafe Repo" at "http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases/"
resolvers += "Conjars" at "http://conjars.org/repo"
resolvers += "cljars" at "https://clojars.org/repo/"
mainClass in Compile := Some("Medtronic.Class")
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.6.0"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-streaming_2.10" % "1.6.0"
libraryDependencies += "org.elasticsearch" % "elasticsearch" % "1.7.2"
libraryDependencies += "org.elasticsearch" %% "elasticsearch-spark" % "2.1.1"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.nscala-time" %% "nscala-time" % "1.8.0"
$ sbt assembly
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/mlieber/projects/spark/test/project
[info] Set current project to Simple Project (in build file:/Users/mlieber/projects/spark/test/)
[info] Updating {file:/Users/mlieber/projects/spark/test/}test...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies:
[warn] * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.4, 2.10.0) -> 2.10.5
[warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following:
[warn] ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) }
[warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies.
[warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted:
[warn] * org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.10:1.4.1 -> 1.6.0
[warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings
[info] Run completed in 257 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] No tests were executed.
[info] Including from cache: spark-core_2.10-1.6.0.jar
[info] Including from cache: spark-streaming_2.10-1.6.0.jar
[info] Assembly up to date: /Users/mlieber/projects/spark/test/target/scala-2.10/stream_test_1.0.jar
[success] Total time: 98 s, completed Jan 28, 2016 4:05:22 PM
I run with:
./app/spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/spark-submit --jars /Users/mlieber/app/elasticsearch-1.7.2/lib/elasticsearch-1.7.2.jar --master local[4] --class "MyClass" ./target/scala-2.10/stream_test_1.0.jar
Compilation error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.PairDStreamFunctions.mapWithState(Lorg/apache/spark/streaming/StateSpec;Lscala/reflect/ClassTag;Lscala/reflect/ClassTag;)Lorg/apache/spark/streaming/dstream/MapWithStateDStream;
16/01/28 18:35:23 INFO SparkContext: Invoking stop() from shutdown hook
Your project is suffering from Dependency Hell. What is happening is that SBT resolves the transitive dependencies by default and one of your dependencies (elasticsearch-spark) requires another version of spark-core. From your logs:
[warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted:
[warn] * org.apache.spark:spark-core_2.10:1.4.1 -> 1.6.0
Looks like the version required by elasticsearch-spark is not binary compatible with the one being used by your project, then you get an error when your project runs.
There is no error at compile time because the code being compiled (aka your code) is compatible with the version resolved.
Here are some options about how to solve this:
You can try to upgrade elasticsearch-spark to version 2.1.2 and see if it brings a more updated version of spark-core (which could be compatible with your project). Version 2.2.0-rc1 depends on spark-core 1.6.0 and an upgrade to this version will for sure fix the problem, but keep in mind that you will be using a release candidate version.
You can try to downgrade spark-core and spark-streaming to version 1.4.1 (the one being used by elasticsearch-spark) and adapt your code where necessary.

Why are transitive dependencies not detected?

I have Scala library based on SBT, which I publish to Maven repository:
organization := "com.mycompany"
name := "mylib"
version := "0.0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.10.6"
crossScalaVersions := Seq("2.10.6", "2.11.7")
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-feature", "-unchecked", "-deprecation")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalaj" %% "scalaj-http" % "2.2.0",
"org.json4s" %% "json4s-jackson" % "3.3.0",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-api" % "1.7.13",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % "1.7.13"
isSnapshot := true
publishMavenStyle := true
publishTo := {
Some(s3resolver.value("My Repo", s3("mybucket")).withMavenPatterns)
I include this library into another project:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.mycompany" %% "mylib" % "0.0.1"
Running sbt sbt-dependency dependencyTree only shows:
[info] Done updating.
[info] default:another-project_2.10:1.2 [S]
[info] +-com.mycompany:mylib_2.10:0.0.1
I'm not able to see all the 3rd party dependencies: org.scalaj, org.json4s, etc.
EDIT: Moreover, when building an assembly, these dependencies are missing from the uberjar as well.
The .pom file deployed to the Maven repository do contain all the mentioned dependencies, while ~/.ivy2/cache/com.mycompany/mylib_2.10/ivy-0.0.1.xml does not.
Running sbt about in mylib/ shows:
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/michael/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/project
[info] Set current project to mylib (in build file:/home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/)
[info] This is sbt 0.13.9
[info] The current project is {file:/home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/}mylib 0.0.1
[info] The current project is built against Scala 2.10.6
[info] Available Plugins: sbt.plugins.IvyPlugin, sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin, sbt.plugins.CorePlugin, sbt.plugins.JUnitXmlReportPlugin, com.typesafe.sbteclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin, ohnosequences.sbt.SbtS3Resolver
[info] sbt, sbt plugins, and build definitions are using Scala 2.10.5
Running sbt about in otherproject/ shows:
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/michael/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /home/michael/Dev/projects/otherproject/project
[info] Set current project to otherproject (in build file:/home/michael/Dev/projects/otherproject/)
[info] Updating {file:/home/michael/Dev/projects/otherproject/}otherproject...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] This is sbt 0.13.9
[info] The current project is {file:/home/michael/Dev/projects/otherproject/}otherproject 1.2
[info] The current project is built against Scala 2.10.6
[info] Available Plugins: sbt.plugins.IvyPlugin, sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin, sbt.plugins.CorePlugin, sbt.plugins.JUnitXmlReportPlugin, com.typesafe.sbteclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin, ohnosequences.sbt.SbtS3Resolver, net.virtualvoid.sbt.graph.DependencyGraphPlugin, sbtassembly.AssemblyPlugin
[info] sbt, sbt plugins, and build definitions are using Scala 2.10.5
Here's the output from publishing to a local directory:
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/michael/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/project
[info] Set current project to mylib (in build file:/home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/)
[info] Updating {file:/home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/}mylib...
[info] Packaging /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/target/scala-2.10/mylib_2.10-0.0.1-sources.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Wrote /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/target/scala-2.10/mylib_2.10-0.0.1.pom
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] :: delivering :: com.mycompany#mylib_2.10;0.0.1 :: 0.0.1 :: integration :: Sat Jan 09 16:10:20 IST 2016
[info] delivering ivy file to /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/target/scala-2.10/ivy-0.0.1.xml
[info] Main Scala API documentation to /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/target/scala-2.10/api...
[info] Packaging /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/target/scala-2.10/mylib_2.10-0.0.1.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
model contains 9 documentable templates
[info] Main Scala API documentation successful.
[info] Packaging /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/target/scala-2.10/mylib_2.10-0.0.1-javadoc.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] published mylib_2.10 to /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/releases/com/mycompany/mylib_2.10/0.0.1/mylib_2.10-0.0.1.pom
[info] published mylib_2.10 to /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/releases/com/mycompany/mylib_2.10/0.0.1/mylib_2.10-0.0.1.jar
[info] published mylib_2.10 to /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/releases/com/mycompany/mylib_2.10/0.0.1/mylib_2.10-0.0.1-sources.jar
[info] published mylib_2.10 to /home/michael/Dev/projects/mylib/releases/com/mycompany/mylib_2.10/0.0.1/mylib_2.10-0.0.1-javadoc.jar
[success] Total time: 4 s, completed Jan 9, 2016 4:10:23 PM
What am I doing wrong?
Your build.sbt file contains the line
publishMavenStyle := true
According to the documentation
a POM is generated by the makePom action and published to the
repository instead of an Ivy file
I can suppose that ivy.xml is just not generated and the one that you see is a residue from a previous run, when publishMavenStyle was not (yet) set.
Since your artifact is published into the Maven repository, have you tried to remove the one from ~/.ivy2/cache/com.mycompany/mylib_2.10 and check the result of dependency tree listing?

Modifying and Building Spark core

I am trying to make a modification to the Apache Spark source code. I created a new method and added it to the RDD.scala file within the Spark source code I downloaded. After making the modification to RDD.scala, I built Spark using
mvn -Dhadoop.version=2.2.0 -DskipTests clean package
I then created a sample Scala Spark Application as mentioned here
I tried using the new function I created, and I got a compilation error when using sbt to create a jar for Spark. How exactly do I compile Spark with my modification and attach the modified jar to my project? The file I modified is RDD.scala within the core project. I run sbt package from the root dir of my Spark Application Project.
Here is the sbt file:
name := "N Spark"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "spark-core_2.11" % "1.3.0"
Here is the error:
sbt package
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/Raggy/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to Noah Spark (in build file:/Users/r/Downloads/spark-proj/n-spark/)
[info] Updating {file:/Users/r/Downloads/spark-proj/n-spark/}n-spark...
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.12.1 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/r/Downloads/spark-proj/n-spark/target/scala-2.11/classes...
[error] /Users/r/Downloads/spark-proj/n-spark/src/main/scala/SimpleApp.scala:11: value reducePrime is not a member of org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int]
[error] logData.reducePrime(_+_);
[error] ^
[error] one error found
[error] (compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 24 s, completed Apr 11, 2015 2:24:03 AM
Here is the updated sbt file
name := "N Spark"
version := "1.0"
scalaVersion := "2.10"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "1.3.0"
I get the following error for this file:
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/Raggy/.sbt/0.13/plugins
/Users/Raggy/Downloads/spark-proj/noah-spark/simple.sbt:7: error: No implicit for Append.Value[Seq[sbt.ModuleID], sbt.impl.GroupArtifactID] found,
so sbt.impl.GroupArtifactID cannot be appended to Seq[sbt.ModuleID]
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" % "1.3.0"
Delete libraryDependencies from build.sbt and just copy the custom-built Spark jar to the lib directory in your application project.

Using ScalaTest with SBT android-sdk-plugin

I'm trying to use SBT with android-sdk-plugin and ScalaTest, but have no success.
I could run test command in SBT console, but it didn't find any ScalaTest test suite in my src/test/scala folder.
I got the following output from SBT, which seems didn't run any ScalaTest test suite at all.
[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources and 3 Java sources to /home/brianhsu/AndroidProject/FindLost/target/android-bin/classes...
[info] Packaging /home/brianhsu/AndroidProject/FindLost/target/android-bin/classes.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Packaging /home/brianhsu/AndroidProject/FindLost/target/scala-2.10/findlost_2.10-0.1-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Run completed in 44 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 0, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] No tests were executed.
[info] No tests to run for test:test
The following is how I create the project:
Using android create project -g to create an Android project with gradle layout.
Add addSbtPlugin("com.hanhuy.sbt" % "android-sdk-plugin" % "1.2.11") to project/plugins.sbt to include android-sdk-plugin to my project.
Add ScalaTest to my libraryDependencies setting in build.sbt, which makes the build file looks like the following:
import android.Keys._
name := "FindLost"
scalaVersion := "2.10.4"
organization := "org.bone.findlost"
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10" % "2.1.0" % "test"
platformTarget in Android := "android-19"
run <<= run in Android
install <<= install in Android
Add a ScalaTest test case to src/test/scala, which contains example test suite from QuickStart page of ScalaTest.
Place your tests in src/androidTest/scala
The android-sdk-plugin uses androidTest for both Android instrumentation tests as well as regular tests.
See Ordinary scalatests not found from src/test #45 for a discussion on this topic. Note, that since that discussion the plugin changed directory has changed to the path I listed.