Using kubectl with Kubernetes authorization mode ABAC - kubernetes

I sent up a 4 node cluster (1 master 3 workers) running Kubernetes on Ubuntu. I turned on --authorization-mode=ABAC and set up a policy file with an entry like the following
{"user":"bob", "readonly": true, "namespace": "projectgino"}
I want user bob to only be able to look at resources in projectgino. I'm having problems using kubectl command line as user Bob. When I run the following command
kubectl get pods --token=xxx --namespace=projectgino --server=
I get the following error
error: couldn't read version from server: the server does not allow access to the requested resource
I traced the kubectl command line code and the problem seems to caused by kubectl calling function NegotiateVersion in pkg/client/helper.go. This makes a call to /api on the server to get the version of Kubernetes. This call fails because the rest path doesn't contain namespace projectgino. I added trace code to pkg/auth/authorizer/abac/abac.go and it fails on the namespace check.
I haven't moved up the the latest 1.1.1 version of Kubernetes yet, but looking at the code I didn't see anything that has changed in this area.
Does anybody know how to configure Kubernetes to get around the problem?

This is missing functionality in the ABAC authorizer. The fix is in progress: #16148.
As for a workaround, from the authorization doc:
For miscellaneous endpoints, like
/version, the resource is the empty string.
So you may be able to solve by defining a policy:
{"user":"bob", "readonly": true, "resource": ""}
(note the empty string for resource) to grant access to unversioned endpoints. If that doesn't work I don't think there's a clean workaround that will let you use kubectl with --authorization-mode=ABAC.


Find out what is OPA getting as request from api-server?

We have OPA installed in our Kubernetes cluster. Not Gatekeeper. The "original" OPA...
I don't understand how I can look at what OPA is receiving as input request from the API-server ?
=> If I knew exactly what the payload looks like then writing the Rego would be simple.
I tried to use -v=8 option in kubectl to see the request and response from api-server like so:
$ kubectl get pod -v=8
Request Headers: Accept: application/json;as=Table;v=v1;,application/json;as=Table;v=v1beta1;,application/json
Response Body: {"kind":"Table","apiVersion":"","metadata":{"resourceVersion":"37801112226"},"columnDefinitions":[{"name":"Name","type":"string","format":"name","description":"Name must be unique within a namespace. Is required when creating resources, although some resources may allow a client to request the generation of an appropriate name automatically. Name is primarily intended for creation idempotence and configuration definition. Cannot be updated. More info:","priority":0},{"name":"Ready","type":"string","format":"","description":"The aggregate readiness state of this pod for accepting traffic.","priority":0},{"name":"Status","type":"string","format":"","description":"The aggregate status of the containers in this pod.","priority":0},{"name":"Restarts","type":"string","format":"","description":"The number of times the containers in this pod have been restarted and when the last container in this pod has restarted.","priority":0},{"name":"Age","type [truncated 4024 chars]
Unfortunatly the above JSON payload doesn't match what I see in the different tutorials.
How is anybody able to write OPA rules for Kubernetes ???
You have two options:
Run the OPA server with debug level logging:
opa run --server --log-level debug ...
This is obviously very noisy, so beware.
Run the server with decision logging enabled. This is almost always preferable, and allows you to either dump decisions (including input data) to console, or for production deployments, to a remote server aggregating the logs. The decision logging system is really the native way of doing this, and comes with a bunch of features, like masking of sensitive data, etc.. but if you just want something printed to the console, you can run OPA like:
opa run --server --set decision_logs.console=true ...

Permission denied using kubectl but able to run helm

I am facing permission denied errors when using kubectl for all commands, be get pods or apply, but I am able to use helm and login with k9s to perform destructive actions. I am using the same context for all of these actions.
kubectl get nodes
# error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
kubectl apply -f some-manifest.yaml
# error: You must be logged in to the server (the server has asked for the client to provide credentials)
Does anyone have a hint as to why this is happening or what to look further into? I am using a managed k8s on Vultr, a smaller cloud provider.
Don't know what specifically the issue was but I rebuilt my .kube/config file slowly with all my contexts and it ended up working again.
Very strange though that helm worked and kubectl didn't though...
I am pretty sure that this is a "kubernetes context" problem
Check the solution here: helm and kubectl context mismatch
Solution for k9s can be found here:

GKE Metadata server errors

I have a GKE with Workload identity enabled.
Most of our workloads use Cloud Storage or Cloud logging GCP packages which means actually using the Workload identity for GCP access.
Recently we’ve started adding Secret Manager to the stack and started encountering random errors for the Metadata Server on workload startup. It happens on different frameworks.
File "/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google/auth/compute_engine/", line 117, in refresh six.raise_from(new_exc, caught_exc) File "<string>", line 3, in raise_from google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: ("Failed to retrieve from the Google Compute Enginemetadata service. Status: 404 Response:\nb'Not Found\\n'", <google.auth.transport.requests._Response object at 0x7f3a3084dd60>)
failed to initialize. exiting. Error: 16 UNAUTHENTICATED: Failed to retrieve auth metadata with error: Could not refresh access token: network timeout at: at Object
I’m trying to understand why it's happening.
First, 404 Not Found means we are trying to get metadata which does not exist/deleted. The thing is it recovers a few seconds later so I'm not sure how exactly.
Based on documentation, sometimes it takes some time for the metadata server to be available, and hence the error which ‘recover’ afterwards. So recommendation is to add delays on the app code or using init Containers until the Metadata server is operated.
I wonder if that's really the best approach, to add an init container to all of our workloads, and if it's really our use case as the error code is a bit misleading. Also, not quite sure why its only started when adding the secret manager.
This sometimes happens due to OOM issues on Metadata server. you can check status of the pod running metadata server using:
kubectl -n kube-system describe pods <pod_name>
you can get the pod_name using:
kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system .
the pod name will start with a prefix gke-metadata-server-
if you see something like following in output when you describe the pod:
Last State: Terminated
Reason: OOMKilled
then that would indicate OOM issue.
Some mitigations that you can try:
check if you have un-used ServiceAccounts in your cluster and if you can remove em.
check if you are creating too many clients (new one for every API
request). sharing clients if possible will reduce token refresh calls to Metadata server thus, saving memory.
check if you can find metadata server's definition under /etc/kubernetes/addons/. if you can, update the memory to increase it and apply the updated config.

k8s API server is down due to misconfiguration, how to bring it up again?

I was trying to add a command line flag to the API server. In my setup, it was running as a daemon set inside the k8s cluster so I got the daemon set manifest using kubectl, updated it, and executed kubectl apply -f apiserver.yaml (I know, this was not a good idea).
Of course, the new yaml file I wrote had an error so the API server is not starting anymore and I can't use kubectl to update it. I have an ssh connection to the node where it was running and I can see how the kubelet is trying to run the apiserver pod every few seconds with the ill-formed command. I am trying to configure the kubelet service to use the correct api-server command but am not being able to do so.
Any ideas?
The API server definition usually lives in /etc/kubernetes/manifests - Edit the configuration there rather than at the API level

Kubernetes cronjob needs to set a runtime config of batch/v2alpha1=true

When I want to run the demo, I get the error:
error: error validating "cronJob_example.yaml": error validating data:
couldn't find type: v2alpha1.CronJob; if you choose to ignore these
errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
Then I found:
Prerequisites You need a working Kubernetes cluster at version >= 1.4
(for ScheduledJob), >= 1.5 (for CronJob), with batch/v2alpha1 API
turned on by passing --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true while
bringing up the API server (see Turn on or off an API version for your
cluster for more).
The above conditions need to do --runtime-config=batch/v2alpha1=true, but I don't know where and how to execute it
Here is it documented. we need to enable this feature in API server.
on the master server you need to add the line command section in this file /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml. then restart whole cluster.
After restart check the api version. we should see the feature enabled.
kubectl api-versions |grep batch