Applying low pass filter - matlab

I want to simulate an interpolator in MATLAB using upsampling followed by a low pass filter. First I have up-sampled my signal by introducing 0's.
Now I want to apply a low pass filter in order to interpolate. I have designed the following filter:
The filter is exactly 1/8 of the normalized frequency because I need to downsample afterward. (it's a specific excersise to upsample interpolate and downsample in this particular order.)
However when I apply this filter to my data using the function filter(myfilter, data) the following signal is generated:
I really don't know what is happening to my signal because in theory I know an interpolated signal should appear. This is the first time I'm working in MATLAB with filters because till now we only had the theory and had to assume ideal filters and analytical solutions.
Can someone give me an indication what might be wrong? I use the following code:
clear all; close all;
% Settings parameters
% Settings time and signal
x=exp(-(t.^2)./(2.*c.^2)); % Gaussian signal
% Upsampling
for i=1:size(x,2);
%% Direct Method

As suggested by hotpaw2's answer, the low-pass filter needs some time to ramp up to the input signal values. This is particularly obvious with signal with sharp steps such as yours (the signal implicitly includes a large step at the first sample since past samples are assumed to be zeros by the filter call). Also, with your design parameters the delay of the filter is greater than the maximum time range shown on your output plot (1e-6), and correspondingly the output remains very small for the time range shown.
To illustrate the point, we can take a look at the filtered output with smaller filter lengths (and correspondingly smaller delays), using filters generated with fir1(length,0.125):
Given a signal with a smoother transition such as a Gaussian pulse which has been sufficiently time delayed:
delay = 10/fs;
x=exp(-((t-delay).^2)./(2.*c.^2)); % Gaussian signal
the filter can better ramp up to the signal value:
The next thing you may noticed, is that the filtered output has 1/Mth the amplitude as the unfiltered signal. To get an interpolated signal with similar amplitude as the unfiltered signal you would have to scale the filter output with:
Finally, the signal is delayed by the filtering operation. So for comparison purposes you may want plot a time shifted version with:
filter_delay = (1/(M*fs))*(length(lpf5mhz)-1)/2;
plot(tu-(1/(M*fs))*(length(b)-1)/2, xf);

A low-pass filter only helps interpolate signals that are much longer than the length of the impulse response of the low-pass filter. Otherwise the output can be dominated by the filter transient.


correct sampling points for FFT

I want to calculate the Fourier series of a signal using FFT on matlab. And I came across the following unexpected issue. Mere example
If I define a grid and then compute the fft as:
x= deal(1*(0:M-1)/M);
which gives me the exact analytic values expected: Yk(29)=1.5; Yk(31)=1.5; zeros anything else
but if I define the grid as, and repeat the fft calculation:
got the Yk's values completely screwed up
This is an annoying issue since I have to analyse many signals data that was sampled as in the second method so the Yk's values will be wrong. Is there a way to workaround this? an option to tell something to the fft function about the way the signal was sampled. Have no way to resample the data in the correct way.
The main reason to avoid have spectral leaking, is that I do further operations with these Fourier terms individually Real and Imag parts. And the spectral leaking is messing the final results.
The second form of sampling includes one sample too many in the period of the cosine. This causes some spectral leaking, and adds a small shift to your signal (which leads to non-zero imaginary values). If you drop the last point, you'll cosine will again be sampled correctly, and you'll get rid of both of these effects. Your FFT will have one value less, I don't know if this will affect your analyses in any way.
x = 0:1/(M-1):1;
y = 3*cos(2*pi*x);
Yk = fftshift(fft2(y(1:end-1))/(M-1));
>> max(abs(imag(Yk)))
ans =

How does this logic produce high and low pass filters?

I was studying for a signals & systems project and I have come across this code on high and low pass filters for an audio signal on the internet. Now I have tested this code and it works but I really don't understand how it is doing the low/high pass action.
The logic is that a sound is read into MATLAB by using the audioread or wavread function and the audio is stored as an nx2 matrix. The n depends on the sampling rate and the 2 columns are due to the 2 sterio channels.
Now here is the code for the low pass;
[hootie,fs]=wavread('hootie.wav'); % loads Hootie
for n=2:length(hootie)
out(n,1)=.9*out(n-1,1)+hootie(n,1); % left
out(n,2)=.9*out(n-1,2)+hootie(n,2); % right
And this is for the high pass;
for n=2:length(hootie)
out(n,1)=hootie(n,1)-hootie(n-1,1); % left
out(n,2)=hootie(n,2)-hootie(n-1,2); % right
I would really like to know how this produces the filtering effect since this is making no sense to me yet it works. Also shouldn't there be any cutoff points in these filters ?
The frequency response for a filter can be roughly estimated using a pole-zero plot. How this works can be found on the internet, for example in this link. The filter can be for example be a so called Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter, or an Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter. The FIR-filters properties is determined only from the input signal (no feedback, open loop), while the IIR-filter uses the previous signal output to control the current signal output (feedback loop or closed loop). The general equation can be written like,
a_0*y(n)+a_1*y(n-1)+... = b_0*x(n)+ b_1*x(n-1)+...
Applying the discrete fourier transform you may define a filter H(z) = X(z)/Y(Z) using the fact that it is possible to define a filter H(z) so that Y(Z)=H(Z)*X(Z). Note that I skip a lot of steps here to cut down this text to proper length.
The point of the discussion is that these discrete poles can be mapped in a pole-zero plot. The pole-zero plot for digital filters plots the poles and zeros in a diagram where the normalized frequencies, relative to the sampling frequencies are illustrated by the unit circle, where fs/2 is located at 180 degrees( eg. a frequency fs/8 will be defined as the polar coordinate (r, phi)=(1,pi/4) ). The "zeros" are then the nominator polynom A(z) and the poles are defined by the denominator polynom B(z). A frequency close to a zero will have an attenuation at that frequency. A frequency close to a pole will instead have a high amplifictation at that frequency instead. Further, frequencies far from a pole is attenuated and frequencies far from a zero is amplified.
For your highpass filter you have a polynom,
for each channel. This is transformed and it is possble to create a filter,
H(z) = 1 - z^(-1)
For your lowpass filter the equation instead looks like this,
y(n) - y(n-1) = x(n),
which becomes the filter
H(z) = 1/( 1-0.9*z^(-1) ).
Placing these filters in the pole-zero plot you will have the zero in the highpass filter on the positive x-axis. This means that you will have high attenuation for low frequencies and high amplification for high frequencies. The pole in the lowpass filter will also be loccated on the positive x-axis and will thus amplify low frequencies and attenuate high frequencies.
This description is best illustrated with images, which is why I recommend you to follow my links. Good luck and please comment ask if anything is unclear.

How to implement a matched filter

I have a template. I compute the impulse response of the matched filter by taking the inverse Fourier Transform of the conjugate of the Fourier transform of my template. And I would like to perform the matched filtering operation on one of my available EEG channels using the 'filter' command in Matlab. Using the filter command the coefficient 'b' is my impulse response? Moreover, I would like to implement Matlab code to threshold the output of the matched filter to detect peaks.How can I achieve it?
Here is a start for you,
% A template is given
temp = randn(100,1);
% Create a matched filter based on the template
b = flipud(temp(:));
% For testing the matched filter, create a random signal which
% contains a match for the template at some time index
x = [randn(200,1); temp(:); randn(300,1)];
n = 1:length(x);
% Process the signal with the matched filter
y = filter(b,1,x);
% Set a detection threshold (exmaple used is 90% of template)
thresh = 0.9
% Compute normalizing factor
u = temp.'*temp;
% Find matches
matches = n(y>thresh*u);
% Plot the results
plot(n,y,'b', n(matches), y(matches), 'ro');
% Print the results to the console
As Andreas mentions in his answer, there is no need for the fourier transform. If you have a time-domain template, then its matched filter is simply a time-reversed version of itself (which I achieve with flipud). As you go along, you will find that there are many nuances to be worked out. This code works great because I am in control from start to finish, but once you start working with real data, things get much more complicated. Choosing an appropriate threshold value for example will require some knowledge about the data that you will be working with.
In truth, peak detection can be a very non-trivial task depending on the nature of your signals, etc. In my case, peak detection was easy because my signal was completely uncorrelated with the template, except at the point in the middle, and I also knew exactly what amplitude I was expecting to see. All of these assumptions are over-simplifications of the problem which I used to demonstrate the concepts.
Practically, you do this
y = filter( h, 1, x )
with h the impuse response and x and y input and output signals.
The matched filter is nothing else than a correlator that correlates with a given signal pattern.
It has a impulse response which is just the time reverse of the signal pattern you try to look for.
So by the way: If you have a measured signal pattern, reverse it and set this as impulse response of a FIR filter. There is no need to do this in the frequency domain if you have measurement in the time domain (both approaches are equivalent but one is more error prone then the other)

MATLAB - Why doesn't HP+LP=NOTCH?

I'm having a conceptual issue with notch filters. As far as I understand it, a notch filter output is equal to the sum of highpass and lowpass filter outputs. However, a quick test in MATLAB doesn't show this. Here's some testing code:
% Load a simple signal and specify constants
load handel; % this loads the signal, y, and its sampling rate, Fs
nFreq=[55 65];
% Create a lowpassed signal
[b a]=butter(nOrder,nFreq(1)/(Fs/2),'low');
% Create a highpassed signal
[b a]=butter(nOrder,nFreq(2)/(Fs/2),'high');
% Combine LP and HP signals
% Create a notch filtered signal
[b a]=butter(nOrder/2,nFreq/(Fs/2),'stop'); % The notch filter uses twice the first input argument for its order, hence the "/2"
% Plot each and output the total difference in the signals to the Command Window
hold all
legend({'Notched signal','Combined HP, LP signals'});
I'm thinking that the difference is due to phase effects of the filters, as changing filter to filtfilt yields two identical signals. Is there not a way (using `filter') of recreating the effect of a notch filter with a highpass and lowpass filter? Thanks for reading.
You HAVE created a notch filter; you just created one with different phase than what a single butter filter would do, as you suspected.
Both your BUTTER filters will have their own phase responses, and there's no guarantee that the processing of your data with both of those filters will have the same net phase as processing your data ONCE with a hand-made band-pass filter. There's no rule that says butter will spend time and energy trying to get the phase of a low-pass and a high-pass filter to behave like the phase of a band-pass filter (in fact, it would be weird if it did!)
However, the MAGNITUDE of the FFT of the resulting data agrees quite nicely:
title('My Notch')
title('Real Notch')
You do have a conceptual problem: in the opening paragraph of your question you say
As far as I understand it, a notch filter output is equal to the sum
of highpass and lowpass filter outputs
If that were the case, then any signal that passes either the lowpass or the highpass will get through (at low frequency, the lowpass lets it through, so the sum of the outputs of lowpass + highpass lets low frequencies through. Ditto for high frequencies, if you swap the words "low" and "high"...).
There's a difference between applying in series vs summing outputs. I think that is where your confusion is coming from. And yes - depending on how a filter is constructed, how steep it is, etc, you will get all kinds of effects when you apply them in series...
As the order of the notch filter is twice of the order of LP or HP filters, that should indicate that a NF can also be derived as conv(LP,HP).
The concept that you asking is that of superposition, which would presuppose equal length filters.

Complex FFT then Inverse FFT MATLAB

I am using the FFT function in Matlab in an attempt to analyze the output of a Travelling Wave Laser Model.
The of the model is in the time domain in the form (real, imaginary), with the idea being to apply the FFT to the complex output, to obtain phase and amplitude information in the frequency domain:
%load time_domain field data
data = load('fft_data.asc');
% Calc total energy in the time domain
N = size(data,1);
dt = data(2,1) - data (1,1);
field_td = complex (data(:,4), data(:,5));
wavelength = 1550e-9;
df = 1/N/dt;
frequency = (1:N)*df;
dl = wavelength^2/3e8/N/dt;
lambda = -(1:N)*dl +wavelength + N*dl/2;
%Calc FFT
FT = fft(field_td);
FT = fftshift(FT);
Following the unwrapping, a best fit was applied to the phase in the region of interest, and then subtracted from the phase itself in an attempt to remove wavelength dependence of phase in the region of interest.
for i=1:N % correct phase and produce new IFFT input
ReverseFFTinput(i)= complex(amptry(i)*cos(correctedphase(i)),amptry(i)*sin(correctedphase(i)));
Having performed the best fit manually, I now have the Inverse FFT input as shown above.
from which I can now extract the phase and amplitude information in the time domain:
However, although the output for the phase is greatly different compared to the input in the time domain
the amplitude of the corrected data seems to have varied little (if at all!),
despite the scaling of the phase. Physically speaking this does not seem correct, as my understanding is that removing wavelength dependence of phase should 'compress' the pulsed input i.e shorten pulse width but heighten peak.
My main question is whether I have failed to use the inverse FFT correctly, or the forward FFT or both, or is this something like a windowing or normalization issue?
Sorry for the long winded question! And thanks in advance.
You're actually seeing two effects.
First the expected one goes. You're talking about "removing wavelength dependence of phase". If you did exactly that - zeroed out the phase completely - you would actually get a slightly compressed peak.
What you actually do is that you add a linear function to the phase. This does not compress anything; it is a well-known transformation that is equivalent to shifting the peaks in time domain. Just a textbook property of the Fourier transform.
Then goes the unintended one. You convert the spectrum obtained with fft with fftshift for better display. Thus before using ifft to convert it back you need to apply ifftshift first. As you don't, the spectrum is effectively shifted in frequency domain. This results in your time domain phase being added a linear function of time, so the difference between the adjacent points which used to be near zero is now about pi.