Facebook GET /picture is Unavailable in this version error - facebook

I am getting developer alerts for Facebook api GET /picture is Unavailable in this version error from last week.
Still not able to understand what does it mean?
There are not many details of what's failing or from which platform it's affecting. I have many platforms(android, kindle, iOS, facebook) for the app.
I checked GET /picture is working good for facebook API for current platforms. Where it could be failing?
Is GET /picture deprecated for any version?
Anyone is getting this type of error?

Picture Error - For the Link, Post, Thread, Comment, Status, and AppRequest nodes, and other nodes which don't have a picture, the /v2.3/{object}/picture edge now returns an error message. Before, the API returned a placeholder image of a 'question mark' for the picture edge requested on these nodes.
Sounds like you are requesting /picture on a node type that doesn’t have this edge.


Failed to get composer template data

Few of our websites like womens-health.com.my, mens-health.com.my, and elle.my having problem post any article to Facebook. When I test any URLs of these websites in Facebook Debugger, it gave me warning messages said that Failed to get composer template data. and Critical Errors That Must Be Fixed. I have no idea what causing this as other of our websites are working fine.
It's an actual Facebook bug, which is being fixed right now: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/918385908182634/
In summary, you can fix this by making sure that article:author only contains Facebook user IDs or Facebook profile URLs.

OAuthException: (#100) picture URL is not properly formatted

From last few week I have been getting:
OAuthException: (#100) picture URL is not properly formatted
for some posts. The behaviour is inconsistent.
I am using Facebook's Graph API. I can't think of anything in my code that could warrant this behaviour.
I faced this problem days ago , and I found that I was sending the image into "/me/feed" which must be "me/photos", also I tried posting image from different URLs not included in App Domain URLs. and it works fine for me
Usually #100 error occur when you try to use a URL which is not included in the pre-approved list that you fill out in the basic settings on the app. The list is marked by the "App Domain:" in the image below.
if you are using an external repository you will need to add it for it to work. You can see below that I have added several to this project.

Invalid Application ID: The provided Application ID is invalid on page with fbml

I've searched extensively but haven't found any good answers for this issue. We've got fbml working on our site but in some situations (like http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/anthrax-files/) I also get a message saying Invalid Application ID: The provided Application ID is invalid - on occasion it even comes up twice.
I've run the pages through face book's lint already and made some changes. But I'm stumped - in particular because it doesn't always appear, only sometimes. Anyone have any insights as to what I'm doing wrong?
If anyone is looking for the answer to this: a variable I failed to disclose in this question is that we use Disqus on the pages in question. The Facebook Application ID that previously worked in Disqus stopped working suddenly. Swapping in a new Application ID authorized to the domain solved the issue.
If it helps, I got this error when using a "Like this on Facebook" widget with the wrong Facebook App ID. Unknown to me there was a different App ID in an og meta tag in the header and the two seemed to conflict with each other.

How to do wall post in WAP based facebook mobile app?

I'm doing a facebook application for (WAP based)mobile browser. I need to show the post dialog. When i use the following code for wall post it show error.
The error is:
API Error Description: Unknown Method
Error Message: This method isn't supported for this display type
While I give display type as 'touch' in the above mentioned URL it works fine in the touch devices. But no form displayed in the wap browser.
That's strange, because their documentation does mention that is the method to do it: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/
I notice an error in your PHP though (unclosed apostrophe):
It should be:
Here is a similar issue on https://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk/issues/177
Also, check out facebook's bug tracker: http://bugs.developers.facebook.net and perhaps file your bug there and then link to it from here.

Facebook graph API: feeds missing in json response

I try to fetch user's feeds via graph api from my Android application. It generally works but some feeds that I can see on the wall are missing in the json response.
I call the url http://graph.facebook.com/someUserId/feed, by using the Android Facebook SDK methods, so the access token should be provided automatically, but it's not really relevant I think in my case. Nevertheless fyi, the user of my app is authenticated via OAuth.
I already checked the following:
all the user's feeds are visible to everyone / public (set in privacy settings)
the json response is not cached by my browser
I am aware of paging, but this is not an issue. The problem is not that I am not getting the very oldest feeds but that some feeds are just missing in between.
I registered a new facebook user which is not connected to the user I want to retrieve the wall feeds from, and when I open the respective wall I see all the feeds there, as expected, since they're all public to everyone. Yet, when I open the same related json url unter http://graph.facebook.com/someUserId/feed, some feeds are missing.
This is an example of the problem - since all my posts are public, I can just call the json url directly in a browser to do a test.
I want to get wall feeds from user:
Screenshot1: note the 3 marked postings, all posted by myself
and here the json response, as you can see, the 1st and 3rd wall posts are included in the json, but the 2nd post is not. Why?
The related json url is:
I am getting the 'missing' feed when I add an access_token to the url - but why? The posted feed has a privacy setting for 'everyone'?!
This is the missing feed that I get when using the access_token:
{"id":"504063796_485195138796","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Photo test upload from Android","picture":"http:\/\/photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-ak-snc6\/hs021.snc6\/165194_485195123796_504063796_6062399_1841907_s.jpg","link":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/photo.php?fbid=485195123796&set=a.485195118796.256450.504063796","name":"Torres Photos","icon":"http:\/\/static.ak.fbcdn.net\/rsrc.php\/yz\/r\/StEh3RhPvjk.gif","actions":[{"name":"Comment","link":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"},{"name":"Like","link":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/504063796\/posts\/485195138796"}],"privacy":{"description":"Everyone","value":"EVERYONE"},"type":"photo","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:10:43+0000","updated_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000","likes":6,"comments":{"data":[{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3607414","from":{"name":"Mathias Lin","id":"504063796"},"message":"Awesome, photo upload now works as well. Not so much fun working with the Facebook SDK for Android, would have expected more functionality beyond that just very very simple graph api wrapper. But need to be considered that the android sdk development was part of an internship - but since it's it's open source, it can luckily be modified. Which has to be done due to some bugs (mixing up the bundle parameters for a post, getString, getByteArray). Api documentation could be improved.","created_time":"2011-01-06T05:26:04+0000"},{"id":"504063796_485195138796_3608020","from":{"name":"Renate Hermanns","id":"628810487"},"message":"Wow
, how fast time passes by. Your daughter is nearly grown up ;-).","created_time":"2011-01-06T09:00:23+0000"}],"count":2},"attribution":"Torres"}
I've already posted the question to the FB dev forum, awaiting response.
Related threads:
Facebook Graph API "/userid/feed" returning Blank
Your approach is correct, I've seen the JSON and yes it's missing the second one, I think it's upload app form adroid, try checking the application settings for this app. Or If your trying to retrieve the wall FQL is a much better way
SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id in (SELECT target_id FROM connection WHERE source_id=<uid> AND is_following=1) AND is_hidden = 0
I've been through this, the way Facebook is categorizing their permissions is somehow misleading, for example Publicly available may sounds like Available to everyone on Facebook but apperantly it's not.
Now in your case, if you already authenticated the user, then try using:
I guess this is the only case where access_token is not needed in the URL.
I had a similar problem. But for me, the problem was related to not setting the scope properly on first login (to authorize the app). I posted a similar question and got an answer that worked for me here:
Facebook API how to get all wall items