Typo3/Typoscript: get data from (page) media ressources - typo3

I'm using Typo3 6.2.15 and want to upload some files at page->ressources->media like jpegs, mp4s, pngs...
To switch the output of the different filetypes, I tried it with the following script without success:
key.data = levelmedia: -1, slide
key.listNum = 0
key.split {
token = .
returnKey = 1
jpg = TEXT
jpg.value = test
Has anybody an idea whats the problem?


How to enable showPermaLogin in typoscript?

Why showPermaLogin property (felogin) is not working on TYPO3 9.5.4 ?
I have tried to add these code
plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.templateFile = fileadmin/pricingdesign/resources/private/layouts/logintest.html
plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.showPermaLogin = 2
plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.showForgotPasswordLink = 2
All code in Typoscript file
# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page {
10 {
table = tt_content
select.orderby = sorting
includeCSS {
screen = fileadmin/pricingdesign/resources/private/assets/css/signin.css
screen.title = display
screen.media = screen
bootstrap = fileadmin/pricingdesign/resources/private/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css
bodyTag = <body class="text-center">
plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.templateFile = fileadmin/pricingdesign/resources/private/layouts/logintest.html
plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.showPermaLogin = 2
plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.showForgotPasswordLink = 2
This has just only showed 'Forgot your password?' on result page and no something like 'Remember login'.
enter image description here
Assuming your template contains the correct parts, there are 2 common reasons why the checkbox might not be shown:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['permalogin'] is not 0 (allowed, off by default) or 1 (allowed, on by default). -1 will disable it completely, 2 will force it enabled.
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['lifetime'] is set to 0 (or less). This will set the cookie lifetime to 0, which will delete the cookie when the session ends, so perma login will do nothing and it will not be shown.
Also you don't have to set plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.showPermaLogin to 2. This variable is boolean, so should be 0 or 1 (in your case 1). This should not affect the result though as 2 is also seen as true.

IONIC3 - WriteFile & WriteExistingFile is unable to overwrite the file

I would like to do image annotation for my Ionic Application. So the flow of the app would be using the camera plugin to take a picture and use FabricJs to draw on the image then save the file.
I hit the roadblock when I am trying to save or overwrite the file. Apparently the source "http://localhost:8080/file/data/user/0/***/files/1547183479807.png" file does not update.
The flow of the app
1) Take picture with #ionic-native/camera
2) Copy the file to a local directory
3) Use this.win.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc to convert the file name to "http://localhost:8080/file/data/user/0/***/files/1547183479807.png"
4) Push to another page to access the canvas
5) Use the link to setBackground to my canvas (FabricJs)
6) Draw on the image (Manually)
7) Save the file via overwriting the existing file but nothing works from here on.
I tried to
- overwrite with writeFile & writeExisitingFile, did not work.
- removeFile and writeFile and did not work.
- tried converting to ArrayBuffer rather than Blob and did not work
- tried creating another new file, did not work too (it seems like after I push to a new page, all the file functions does not affect the files)
- tried using native cordova but did not work too.
- delete that same files twice, (first time I did not get an error but the second time I got an error saying "File Does not exist" but when I view the source, the file is also there and appearing in my thumbnail on my App.
private copyFileToLocalDir(namePath, currentName, newFileName,id,index) {
this.file.copyFile(namePath, currentName, this.file.dataDirectory, newFileName).then(success => {
const keys = id.split('-');
let filename = this.file.dataDirectory + newFileName;
this.fp = this.win.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(filename) ;
this.navCtrl.push(AnnotationsPage, {
filepath: this.fp,
filename: newFileName
this.presentToast("Image Successfully Added",'middle');
}, error => {
this.presentToast('Error while storing file.','middle');
savePicture() {
let image = this.canvas.toDataURL({
format: 'png'
public saveBase64(base64:string):Promise<string>{
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
var realData = base64.split(",")[1]
let blob=this.b64toBlob(realData,"image/png")
// this.file.writeExistingFile(this.file.dataDirectory,this.filename, blob)
console.log('Write Info',val)
let fp = this.win.Ionic.WebView.convertFileSrc(this.file.dataDirectory+this.filename) ;
console.log('error writing blob')
// reject(err)
b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType) {
contentType = contentType || '';
var sliceSize = 512;
var byteCharacters = atob(b64Data);
var byteArrays = [];
for (var offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {
var slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);
var byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);
for (var i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);
var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
I check the base64 file, it is working fine (Throw the data to an online converter and it display the picture.
After the function "copyFileToLocalDir", it seems like I am unable to modify the files store in the local directory.
Thanks in advance. Feel free to ask me more question. 7 hours and no result.
Update on the testing, I am doing.
Did File.readAsDataUrl and as expected the file file:///data/user/0/*/files/1547231914843.png updated from the old image to the new edited. (Tested the base64 on some online converter) but it still does not reflect on the source http://localhost:8080/file/data/user/0/***/files/1547231914843.png
Thanks to all those who read through.
After tons of testing, I found out that Ionic Webview's files, will not be updated unless you recall them again (Kind of like a cache and apparently there is no way to reset or flush the cache).
So in my case, I would need to remove the image from the webview and call it out again then it will go back to retrieve again or create another file with another file name and display it.

TYPO3: Trying to add link to images

On our site, other admins add images via the "Resources" tab of the main page. These images are displayed as Banners in a Slider on the main page. However, now they want the ability to add links to specific images.
My first thought on this (after receiving some help on making a loop for images to be added to the page) was to perhaps let them be able to add the link to either the "Title" or "Caption" spot I saw there. And later, on the slider "create" function, pull the said data from the image and make <a> wrap around the image before the slider finished building. I've already tested the slider plugin with this functionality, and that would work fine, however, I can't seem to pull anything from the "Title" or "Caption" and add it to the image in any way.
My other thought would be, is there a way to extend the back end to give them an actualy spot to paste links on images so that I may pull that and wrap the image via the typoscript, or can i pull from caption and wrap image in <a> "if" the link is available.
In other words, does typoscript have a type of "if" statement? What I ahve so far, thanks to maholtz is as follows:
page.10.marks.topimage = TEXT
page.10.marks.topimage {
# retrieve data
data = levelmedia: -1, "slide"
override.field = media
# we have some filenames in a list, let us split the list
# and create images one by one
# if there are five images selected, the CARRAY "1" will be executed
# five times where current is loaded with only one filename
split {
# the images are separated via ","
token = ,
# you can do funny stuff with options split, f.e. if you want to give first
# and last image a different class... but thats another topic;)
# we just say, render every splitted object via CARRAY "1"
cObjNum = 1
1 {
# just render the single image,
# now there should be one filename in current only
10 = IMAGE
10 {
file.import.wrap = fileadmin/user_upload/|
file.import.current = 1
border = 0
file.height = 670
file.width = 1800
altText = Banner
titleText = Banner
# attempt to add link to image if available
caption.1.typolink.parameter.field = image_link
caption.1.typolink.parameter.listNum.stdWrap.data = register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
wrap = <div id="slides">|</div>
I was thinking perhaps I could do something like:
10 {
file.import.wrap = fileadmin/user_upload/|
file.import.current = 1
border = 0
file.height = 670
file.width = 1800
altText = Banner
titleText = Banner
# attempt to add link to image if available
caption.1.typolink.parameter.field = ???
caption.1.typolink.parameter.listNum.stdWrap.data = register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
But as you can see, I'm stumped on how that might even work right. Can anyone help point me the right way.
As before mentioned, perhaps I could do ONE of two things:
Pull link from "Title" or "Caption" and add it to the IMAGE Date on output so that I can use that client side to wrap the image in appropriate a tag, |OR|
Pull link from there and use typoscript to wrap the image in a tags
When accessing the ressources via levelmedia = slide you're not directly accessing the FAL table. Therefore you have to load it again to access the fields you want. We solved exactly the problem you have with the following code. Insert it inside your 1 after 10 = IMAGE.
cObject = RECORDS
source.current = 1
tables = sys_file_reference
conf.sys_file_reference = TEXT
conf.sys_file_reference.field = #title or description

tt_news default image in single view

In tt_news, how can I display a default image when there are no images associated with the news? I tried
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.noImage_stdWrap.cObject = IMAGE
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.noImage_stdWrap.cObject {
wrap =
file = fileadmin/images/image.jpg
but it doesn't display the image.
It should work with this:
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.noImage_stdWrap {
cObject = IMAGE
cObject {
file = fileadmin/news-image-default.jpg
wrap =
i guess there is a dot between "displaySingle" and "image" missing?
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.noImage_stdWrap.cObject = IMAGE
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.noImage_stdWrap.cObject {
file = fileadmin/images/image.jpg
This code works for me. Path to file must be correct and image file must exists otherwise Typo don't display anything.
plugin.tt_news.displaySingle.image.noImage_stdWrap {
cObject = IMAGE
cObject {
file = fileadmin/tt_news/default_image.jpg
wrap = |

ASP.NET Connection Reset on Upload

I'm running into a problem with my app (ASP.NET MVC 2) where I can't upload files (images in my case). I've changed the web.config to accept up to 20MB, and I'm trying to upload a file that's only 3MB.
The app itself has two ways to upload. The initial upload which starts a Gallery and then an additional upload to append to a Gallery.
The initial works like a charm, but the appending one fails with no explanation. Even if I re-upload the initial image as an append it still fails.
I'm a little stuck on this so I would appreciate any help you guys can offer.
Thanks in advance!
If I "hack" the form with Firebug and direct it to the initial upload Url it works, but when it's directing to the Url it should be posting to it fails...
Per Rob's request, here's the code handling the initial gallery and appending image:
[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public RedirectToRouteResult PutGallery( // Move to Ajax
[Bind(Prefix = "Gallery", Include = "ClubId,EventId,RHAccountId,RHCategoryId,Year")] Gallery Gallery,
HttpPostedFileBase File) {
if (ModelState.IsValid && (File.ContentLength > 0)) {
if (Gallery.RHAccountId > 0) {
Gallery.RHUser = this.fdc.RHAccounts.Single(
a =>
(a.RHAccountId == Gallery.RHAccountId)).RHUser;
} else {
if (!this.fdc.RHUsers.Any(
u =>
(u.User.Name == Gallery.Username))) {
if (!this.fdc.Users.Any(
u =>
(u.Name == Gallery.Username))) {
Gallery.RHUser = new RHUser() {
User = new User() {
Name = Gallery.Username
} else {
Gallery.RHUser = new RHUser() {
User = this.fdc.Users.Single(
u =>
(u.Name == Gallery.Username))
} else {
Gallery.RHUser = this.fdc.RHUsers.Single(
u =>
(u.User.Name == Gallery.Username));
Image Image = new Image() {
Gallery = Gallery
Files.Save(Image.ImageId, File);
return RedirectToAction("Default", "Site");
} else {
return RedirectToAction("Default", "Site");
[HttpPost, ValidateAntiForgeryToken]
public RedirectToRouteResult PutImage(
[Bind(Prefix = "Image", Include = "GalleryId")] Image Image,
HttpPostedFileBase File) {
Gallery Gallery = this.fdc.Galleries.Single(
g =>
(g.GalleryId == Image.GalleryId));
if (File.ContentLength > 0) {
Files.Save(Image.ImageId, File);
return RedirectToAction("Gallery", "Site", new {
Category = Gallery.RHCategory.Category.EncodedName,
GalleryId = Gallery.GalleryId
Could Cassini, VS 2010's built in web server, be the cause?
Ok, so I figured it out, it only took a lengthy install of IIS locally on my machine + the configuration, to have it tell me that I miss-spelled controller as controlls in the routes.
Really annoying that it took all of that to get the real error, so Cassini was partially at fault...
So, the moral of the story is, make sure you spell everything correctly.