Can't change alpha of subview when cell is focused - swift

I have a simple imageView added to a custom UICollectionViewCell. I initialize it when i declare it:
let likeIcon = UIImageView()
And then I set properties in my class' initializer:
likeIcon.image = UIImage(named: "heart_empty")!
likeIcon.alpha = 0.0
Nothing too crazy. I want the imageView to be hidden initially but then visible when the cell is clicked.
I have a simple method that I call when the cell is selected (it's not animated yet):
func toggleLikeButtonAnimated() {
likeIcon.frame = likeIconFrame()
likeIcon.alpha = 1.0
But the icon doesn't show.
If I comment out the initial likeIcon.alpha = 0.0 then the icon is visible selected or unselected, so it's there
toggleLikeButtonAnimated is definitely called
The frame is the correct frame
The only thing I can think of, since this is really strange, is that something with the focus engine is interfering with the alpha changing.
I have this code in the cell right now:
// MARK: -- Focus
override func didUpdateFocusInContext(context: UIFocusUpdateContext, withAnimationCoordinator coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
super.didUpdateFocusInContext(context, withAnimationCoordinator: coordinator)
coordinator.addCoordinatedAnimations({ () -> Void in
if self.focused {
} else {
}) { () -> Void in
func focusItem() {
self.overlay.alpha = 0.0
func unfocusItem() {
self.overlay.alpha = 0.6
The overlay is below the icon so it shouldn't interfere with it's visibility. So I tried this:
// MARK: -- Focus
override func didUpdateFocusInContext(context: UIFocusUpdateContext, withAnimationCoordinator coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
super.didUpdateFocusInContext(context, withAnimationCoordinator: coordinator)
coordinator.addCoordinatedAnimations({ () -> Void in
if self.focused {
} else {
}) { () -> Void in
func focusItem() {
self.overlay.alpha = 0.0
self.likeIcon.alpha = 1.0
func unfocusItem() {
self.overlay.alpha = 0.6
self.likeIcon.alpha = 0.0
The likeIcon animates in when the cell is focused and out when unfocused. But this is not what I want, and it seems like the animation of the focus engine is preventing my alpha change when selected.
Any ideas on how to fix?

According your description,you want the imageView to be hidden initially but then visible when the UICollectionViewCell is clicked, but it is did't work. When you set UICollectionViewDelegate,you must be call reloadData function,just like UITableView.Maybe you can try use this when you click cell.Solve you problem yet.


ImageAnalysisInteraction in UIViewRepresentable not working correctly

I have a simple UIViewRepresentable wrapper for the live text feature (ImageAnalysisInteraction). It was working without issues until I started updating the UIImage inside the updateUIView(...) function.
I have always been seeing this error in the console which originates from this view:
[api] -[CIImage initWithCVPixelBuffer:options:] failed because the buffer is nil.
When I change the image, it's updating correctly, but the selectableItemsHighlighted overlay stays the same and I can still select the text of the old image (even though it's no longer visible).
import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import VisionKit
struct LiveTextInteraction: UIViewRepresentable {
#Binding var image: UIImage
let interaction = ImageAnalysisInteraction()
let imageView = LiveTextImageView()
let analyzer = ImageAnalyzer()
let configuration = ImageAnalyzer.Configuration([.text])
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIImageView {
interaction.setSupplementaryInterfaceHidden(true, animated: true)
imageView.image = image
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
return imageView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UIImageView, context: Context) {
Task {
uiView.image = image
do {
if let image = uiView.image {
let analysis = try await analyzer.analyze(image, configuration: configuration)
interaction.analysis = analysis;
interaction.preferredInteractionTypes = .textSelection
interaction.selectableItemsHighlighted = true
} catch {
// catch
class LiveTextImageView: UIImageView {
// Use intrinsicContentSize to change the default image size
// so that we can change the size in our SwiftUI View
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
What am I doing wrong here?
It looks like a bug. Try use dispatch
let highlighted = interaction.selectableItemsHighlighted
interaction.analysis = analysis // highlighted == false
if highlighted
interaction.selectableItemsHighlighted = highlighted
You don't need interaction.setContentsRectNeedsUpdate() if the interaction is added to a UIImageView

NSTabView prevents closing of NSSplitView subview

I've got a complex application where I am using NSSplitView to create various sidebars which can be opened/shut with gravity (ie, drag the splitter bar close enough to the edge and the view closes completely) the same way XCode does it in it's UI.
Utilizing splitView(_:constrainSplitPosition:ofSubviewAt:) works great when the nested view being hidden does not contain a NSTabView / NSTabViewControllerView however if it does the window refuses to close completely leaving the tabView visible.
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSSplitViewDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
splitView.delegate = self
#IBOutlet var splitView: NSSplitView!
#IBOutlet var tabView: NSTabView!
let gravityTolerance: CGFloat = 180.0
func splitView(
_ splitView: NSSplitView,
constrainSplitPosition proposedPosition: CGFloat,
ofSubviewAt dividerIndex: Int
) -> CGFloat {
print("proposed splitter width: \(dividerIndex) => \(proposedPosition)")
var retVal = proposedPosition
if dividerIndex == 0 {
if proposedPosition <= gravityTolerance {
// tabView.isHidden = true
retVal = 0.0
} else {
// tabView.isHidden = false
return retVal
Setting the tab view as "isHidden" makes no difference and I'm pretty sure that if I hand code it all it will work fine. But is there some simple fix ( constraints perhaps ) that I'm missing?
From Willeke's comment... works like a charm. Seems there's lots of Apple-specific support for this feature that I didn't know about: ( obviously one could get a lot fancier than this )
func splitView(
_ splitView: NSSplitView,
canCollapseSubview subview: NSView
) -> Bool
return true

Drag and drop animated GIFs rendered in NSImageView Swift MacOS application

I am trying to build a Mac OSX application that renders several gifs and allows the users to drag and drop them for copying the gifs into some other app. I am using a DragDropImageView (code below) that conforms to an NSImageView to render a gif that is drag-n-drop enabled.
It works fine, except that when I drag and drop the gif into another application, it copies only a single image frame of the gif. My intention is to copy the entire gif file and not just a single image.
I am pretty new to iOS/MacOS development in general, and I am not sure if my approach to building this draggable gif component is correct.
I am building the app using swiftUI, and I use a custom view called GifImageView that converts the DragDropImageView to a swiftUI view.
import Cocoa
class DragDropImageView: NSImageView, NSDraggingSource {
/// Holds the last mouse down event, to track the drag distance.
var mouseDownEvent: NSEvent?
override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frameRect)
isEditable = false
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
// Assure editable is set to true, to enable drop capabilities.
isEditable = true
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
// MARK: - NSDraggingSource
// Since we only want to copy the current image we register
// for .Copy operation.
func draggingSession(_: NSDraggingSession,
sourceOperationMaskFor _: NSDraggingContext) -> NSDragOperation {
return NSDragOperation.copy
// // Clear the ImageView on delete operation; e.g. the image gets
// // dropped on the trash can in the dock.
// func draggingSession(_: NSDraggingSession, endedAt _: NSPoint,
// operation: NSDragOperation) {
// if operation == .delete {
// image = nil
// }
// }
// Track mouse down events and safe the to the poperty.
override func mouseDown(with theEvent: NSEvent) {
mouseDownEvent = theEvent
// Track mouse dragged events to handle dragging sessions.
override func mouseDragged(with event: NSEvent) {
// Calculate the dragging distance...
let mouseDown = mouseDownEvent!.locationInWindow
let dragPoint = event.locationInWindow
let dragDistance = hypot(mouseDown.x - dragPoint.x, mouseDown.y - dragPoint.y)
// Cancel the dragging session in case of an accidental drag.
if dragDistance < 3 {
guard let image = self.image else {
let draggingImage = image
// Create a new NSDraggingItem with the image as content.
let draggingItem = NSDraggingItem(pasteboardWriter: image)
// Calculate the mouseDown location from the window's coordinate system to the
// ImageView's coordinate system, to use it as origin for the dragging frame.
let draggingFrameOrigin = convert(mouseDown, from: nil)
// Build the dragging frame and offset it by half the image size on each axis
// to center the mouse cursor within the dragging frame.
let draggingFrame = NSRect(origin: draggingFrameOrigin, size: draggingImage.size)
.offsetBy(dx: -draggingImage.size.width / 2, dy: -draggingImage.size.height / 2)
// Assign the dragging frame to the draggingFrame property of our dragging item.
draggingItem.draggingFrame = draggingFrame
// Provide the components of the dragging image.
draggingItem.imageComponentsProvider = {
let component = NSDraggingImageComponent(key: NSDraggingItem.ImageComponentKey.icon)
component.contents = image
component.frame = NSRect(origin: NSPoint(), size: draggingFrame.size)
return [component]
// Begin actual dragging session. Woohow!
beginDraggingSession(with: [draggingItem], event: mouseDownEvent!, source: self)
import AppKit;
import SwiftUI;
struct GifImageView: NSViewRepresentable {
var image: NSImage
func makeNSView(context: Context) -> DragDropImageView {
let view = DragDropImageView()
view.image = self.image
// view.allowsCutCopyPaste = true
return view
func updateNSView(_ view: DragDropImageView, context: Context) {
struct GifImageView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
GifImageView(image: NSImage(data: (NSDataAsset(name: "tenor")?.data)!)!)
in my ContentView.swift, I use my GifImageView something like this:
GifImageView(image: *some NSImage*)

UITextView text color changing after editing

So I have an issue where I've made a subclass of UITextView to change the various colors before and after focusing. I've found thought that after actually entering in text it pretty much disregards the text color I specified.
My code looks like below. Note, I have a dictionary called colors that maps state ("focused" or "unfocused") to another dictionary containing the colors for the field's background and text
func setColors(state:String) {
self.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: (self.attributedPlaceholder?.string)!, attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: self.colors[state]!["text"]!])
self.backgroundColor = self.colors[state]!["background"]
self.layer.borderColor = self.colors[state]!["background"]!.CGColor
self.textColor = self.colors[state]!["text"]
self.tintColor = self.colors[state]!["text"]
override func didUpdateFocusInContext(context: UIFocusUpdateContext, withAnimationCoordinator coordinator: UIFocusAnimationCoordinator) {
super.didUpdateFocusInContext(context, withAnimationCoordinator: coordinator)
if context.nextFocusedView == self {
coordinator.addCoordinatedAnimations({ () -> Void in
}, completion: nil)
else {
coordinator.addCoordinatedAnimations({ () -> Void in
}, completion: nil)
So before I type in anything it looks fine. Switching between fields on the view the colors all look right. However when I select a field and enter in text afterwards the only thing that looks right is the background color, which changes as appropriate when focused/unfocused. Is there another text color attribute that is set after text is entered in?

Determine if UIView is visible to the user?

is it possible to determine whether my UIView is visible to the user or not?
My View is added as subview several times into a Tab Bar Controller.
Each instance of this view has a NSTimer that updates the view.
However I don't want to update a view which is not visible to the user.
Is this possible?
For anyone else that ends up here:
To determine if a UIView is onscreen somewhere, rather than checking superview != nil, it is better to check if window != nil. In the former case, it is possible that the view has a superview but that the superview is not on screen:
if (view.window != nil) {
// do stuff
Of course you should also check if it is hidden or if it has an alpha > 0.
Regarding not wanting your NSTimer running while the view is not visible, you should hide these views manually if possible and have the timer stop when the view is hidden. However, I'm not at all sure of what you're doing.
You can check if:
it is hidden, by checking view.hidden
it is in the view hierarchy, by checking view.superview != nil
you can check the bounds of a view to see if it is on screen
The only other thing I can think of is if your view is buried behind others and can't be seen for that reason. You may have to go through all the views that come after to see if they obscure your view.
This will determine if a view's frame is within the bounds of all of its superviews (up to the root view). One practical use case is determining if a child view is (at least partially) visible within a scrollview.
Swift 5.x:
func isVisible(view: UIView) -> Bool {
func isVisible(view: UIView, inView: UIView?) -> Bool {
guard let inView = inView else { return true }
let viewFrame = inView.convert(view.bounds, from: view)
if viewFrame.intersects(inView.bounds) {
return isVisible(view: view, inView: inView.superview)
return false
return isVisible(view: view, inView: view.superview)
Older swift versions
func isVisible(view: UIView) -> Bool {
func isVisible(view: UIView, inView: UIView?) -> Bool {
guard let inView = inView else { return true }
let viewFrame = inView.convertRect(view.bounds, fromView: view)
if CGRectIntersectsRect(viewFrame, inView.bounds) {
return isVisible(view, inView: inView.superview)
return false
return isVisible(view, inView: view.superview)
Potential improvements:
Respect alpha and hidden.
Respect clipsToBounds, as a view may exceed the bounds of its superview if false.
The solution that worked for me was to first check if the view has a window, then to iterate over superviews and check if:
the view is not hidden.
the view is within its superviews bounds.
Seems to work well so far.
Swift 3.0
public func isVisible(view: UIView) -> Bool {
if view.window == nil {
return false
var currentView: UIView = view
while let superview = currentView.superview {
if (superview.bounds).intersects(currentView.frame) == false {
return false;
if currentView.isHidden {
return false
currentView = superview
return true
I benchmarked both #Audrey M. and #John Gibb their solutions.
And #Audrey M. his way performed better (times 10).
So I used that one to make it observable.
I made a RxSwift Observable, to get notified when the UIView became visible.
This could be useful if you want to trigger a banner 'view' event
import Foundation
import UIKit
import RxSwift
extension UIView {
var isVisibleToUser: Bool {
if isHidden || alpha == 0 || superview == nil {
return false
guard let rootViewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController else {
return false
let viewFrame = convert(bounds, to: rootViewController.view)
let topSafeArea: CGFloat
let bottomSafeArea: CGFloat
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
topSafeArea =
bottomSafeArea = rootViewController.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom
} else {
topSafeArea = rootViewController.topLayoutGuide.length
bottomSafeArea = rootViewController.bottomLayoutGuide.length
return viewFrame.minX >= 0 &&
viewFrame.maxX <= rootViewController.view.bounds.width &&
viewFrame.minY >= topSafeArea &&
viewFrame.maxY <= rootViewController.view.bounds.height - bottomSafeArea
extension Reactive where Base: UIView {
var isVisibleToUser: Observable<Bool> {
// Every second this will check `isVisibleToUser`
return Observable<Int>.interval(.milliseconds(1000),
scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)
.map { [base] _ in
return base.isVisibleToUser
Use it as like this:
import RxSwift
import UIKit
import Foundation
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private func _checkBannerVisibility() {
.filter { $0 }
.take(1) // Only trigger it once
.subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] _ in
// ... Do something
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
Tested solution.
func isVisible(_ view: UIView) -> Bool {
if view.isHidden || view.superview == nil {
return false
if let rootViewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController,
let rootView = rootViewController.view {
let viewFrame = view.convert(view.bounds, to: rootView)
let topSafeArea: CGFloat
let bottomSafeArea: CGFloat
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
topSafeArea =
bottomSafeArea = rootView.safeAreaInsets.bottom
} else {
topSafeArea = rootViewController.topLayoutGuide.length
bottomSafeArea = rootViewController.bottomLayoutGuide.length
return viewFrame.minX >= 0 &&
viewFrame.maxX <= rootView.bounds.width &&
viewFrame.minY >= topSafeArea &&
viewFrame.maxY <= rootView.bounds.height - bottomSafeArea
return false
I you truly want to know if a view is visible to the user you would have to take into account the following:
Is the view's window not nil and equal to the top most window
Is the view, and all of its superviews alpha >= 0.01 (threshold value also used by UIKit to determine whether it should handle touches) and not hidden
Is the z-index (stacking value) of the view higher than other views in the same hierarchy.
Even if the z-index is lower, it can be visible if other views on top have a transparent background color, alpha 0 or are hidden.
Especially the transparent background color of views in front may pose a problem to check programmatically. The only way to be truly sure is to make a programmatic snapshot of the view to check and diff it within its frame with the snapshot of the entire screen. This won't work however for views that are not distinctive enough (e.g. fully white).
For inspiration see the method isViewVisible in the iOS Calabash-server project
The simplest Swift 5 solution I could come up with that worked in my situation (I was looking for a button embedded in my tableViewFooter).
John Gibbs solution also worked but in my cause I did not need all the recursion.
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let viewFrame = scrollView.convert(targetView.bounds, from: targetView)
if viewFrame.intersects(scrollView.bounds) {
// targetView is visible
else {
// targetView is not visible
In viewWillAppear set a value "isVisible" to true, in viewWillDisappear set it to false. Best way to know for a UITabBarController subviews, also works for navigation controllers.
Another useful method is didMoveToWindow()
Example: When you push view controller, views of your previous view controller will call this method. Checking self.window != nil inside of didMoveToWindow() helps to know whether your view is appearing or disappearing from the screen.
This can help you figure out if your UIView is the top-most view. Can be helpful:
let visibleBool = view.superview?.subviews.last?.isEqual(view)
//have to check first whether it's nil (bc it's an optional)
//as well as the true/false
if let visibleBool = visibleBool where visibleBool { value
//can be seen on top
} else {
//maybe can be seen but not the topmost view
try this:
func isDisplayedInScreen() -> Bool
if (self == nil) {
return false
let screenRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
let rect = self.convert(self.frame, from: nil)
if (rect.isEmpty || rect.isNull) {
return false
// 若view 隐藏
if (self.isHidden) {
return false
if (self.superview == nil) {
return false
if (rect.size.equalTo( {
return false
let intersectionRect = rect.intersection(screenRect)
if (intersectionRect.isEmpty || intersectionRect.isNull) {
return false
return true
In case you are using hidden property of view then :
view.hidden (objective C) or view.isHidden(swift) is read/write property. So you can easily read or write
For swift 3.0