error when using Compare-Object in powershell - powershell

I am trying to run a diff of two files using Compare-Object cmdlet and print the ones missing in the second file (slave.txt) when compared to the first file (master.txt). In this example, I wanted to print user1, user3 which are in master.txt but not present in slave.txt. I have a pre-requisite of storing each values in the file as a variable, so "mobj" and "sobj" cannot be ignored.
I am finding this error when running the script. what could be the issue here?
~]# cat master.txt
~]# cat slave.txt
$mfile = Get-Content "C:\master.txt"
$sfile = Get-Content "C:\slave.txt"
foreach ($mobj in $mfile) {
foreach($sobj in $sfile){
Compare-Object (ls $mobj) (ls $sobj) -Property Name, Length, LastWriteTime -passthru | Where { $_.PSParentPath -eq (gi $mobj).PSPath }
The error reported is:
Compare-Object : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ReferenceObject' because it is null.

Er, not what your last question meant. Just because that question was marked as a duplicate doesn't mean that's the exact unmodified code you have to use.
Try this:
$mfile = Get-Content "C:\master.txt"
$sfile = Get-Content "C:\slave.txt"
#In master.txt not in slave.txt
Compare-Object $mfile $sfile | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '<=' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
#In slave.txt not in master.txt
Compare-Object $mfile $sfile | Where-Object { $_.SideIndicator -eq '=>' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject

Either start running your code from the directory where the user's folders are, or you need to edit your master and slave files.
You're runnig LS/Dir and without executing in the source directory where the user's profiles are found, or explicitly specifying the full path to their profiles in the source file, you're going to have this error, because LS will throw a non-terminating error(which is interpreted as a null, as no data or objects go to stdout/the pipeline) if it can't find a directory.


Is there a way to display the latest file of multiple paths with information in a table format?

I check every day, whether a CSV-File has been exported to a specific folder (path). At the moment there are 14 different paths with 14 different files to check. The files are being stored in the folder and are not deleted. So i have to differ between a lot of files with "lastwritetime". I would like a code to display the results in table format. I would be happy with something like this:
Name LastWriteTime Length
ExportCSV1 21.09.2022 00:50 185
ExportCSV2 21.09.2022 00:51 155
My code looks like this:
$Paths = #('Path1', 'Path2', 'Path3', 'Path4', 'Path5', 'Path6', 'Path7', 'Path8', 'Path9', 'Path10', 'Path11', 'Path12', 'Path13', 'Path13')
foreach ($Path in $Paths){
Get-ChildItem $path | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime}|
select -last 1
Write-host $Path
This way i want to make sure, that the files are being sent each day.
I get the results that i want, but it is not easy to look at the results individually.
I am new to powershell and would very much appreciate your help. Thank you in advance.
Continuing from my comments, here is how you could do this:
$Paths = #('Path1', 'Path2', 'Path3', 'Path4', 'Path5', 'Path6', 'Path7', 'Path8', 'Path9', 'Path10', 'Path11', 'Path12', 'Path13', 'Path13')
$Paths | ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem $_ | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime} | Select-Object -Last 1
} | Format-Table -Property Name, LastWriteTime, Length
If you want to keep using foreach() instead, you have to wrap it in a scriptblock {…} to be able to chain everything to Format-Table:
. {
foreach ($Path in $Paths){
Get-ChildItem $path | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime} | Select-Object -Last 1
} | Format-Table -Property Name, LastWriteTime, Length
Here the . operator is used to run the scriptblock immediately, without creating a new scope. If you want to create a new scope (e. g. to define temporary variables that exist only within the scriptblock), you could use the call operator & instead.

Powershell - How to create array of filenames based on filename?

I'm looking to create an array of files (pdf's specifically) based on filenames in Powershell. All files are in the same directory. I've spent a couple of days looking and can't find anything that has examples of this or something that is close but could be changed. Here is my example of file names:
AR - HELLO.pdf
AF - HELLO.pdf
RT - HELLO.pdf
MH - HELLO.pdf
AR - WORLD.pdf
AF - WORLD.pdf
RT - WORLD.pdf
HT - WORLD.pdf
I would like to combine all files ending in 'HELLO' into an array and 'WORLD' into another array and so on.
I'm stuck pretty early on in the process as I'm brand new to creating scripts, but here is my sad start:
Get-ChildItem *.pdf
Where BaseName -match '(.*) - (\w+)'
Updated Info...
I do not know the name after the " - " so using regex is working.
My ultimate goal is to combine PDF's based on the matching text after the " - " in the filename and the most basic code for this is:
$file1 = "1 - HELLO.pdf"
$file2 = "2 - HELLO.PDF"
$mergedfile = "HELLO.PDF"
Merge-PDF -InputFile $file1, $file2 -OututFile $mergedfile
I have also gotten the Merge-PDF to work using this code which merges all PDF's in the directory:
$Files = Get-ChildItem *.pdf
$mergedfiles = "merged.pdf"
Merge-PDF -InputFile $Files -OutputFile $mergedfiles
Using this code from #Mathias the $suffix portion of the -OutputFile works but the -InputFile portion is returning an error "Exception calling "Close" with "0" argument(s)"
$groups = Get-ChildItem *.pdf |Group-Object {$_.BaseName -replace
'^.*\b(\w+)$','$1'} -AsHashTable
foreach($suffix in $groups.Keys) {Merge-PDF -InputFile $(#($groups[$suffix]))
-OutputFile "$suffix.pdf"}
For the -InputFile I've tried a lot of different varieties and I keep getting the "0" arguments error. The values in the Hashtable seem to be correct so I'm not sure why this isn't working.
This should do the trick:
$HELLO = Get-ChildItem *HELLO.pdf |Select -Expand Name
$WORLD = Get-ChildItem *WORLD.pdf |Select -Expand Name
If you want to group file names by the last word in the base name and you don't know them up front, regex is indeed an option:
$groups = Get-ChildItem *.pdf |Group-Object {$_.BaseName -replace '^.*\b(\w+)$','$1'} -AsHashTable
And then you can do:
for all the file names ending with the word HELLO, or, to iterate over all of them:
foreach($suffixGroup in $groups.GetEnumerator()){
Write-Host "There are $($suffixGroup.Value.Count) files ending in $($suffixGroup.Key)"
Another option is to get all items with Get-ChildItem and use Where-Object to filter.
$fileNames = Get-ChildItem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
#then filter
$fileNames | Where-Object {$_.EndsWith("HELLO.PDF")}
#or use the aliases if you want to do less typing:
$fileNames = gci | select -exp FullName
$fileNames | ? {$_.EndsWith("HELLO.PDF")}
Just wanted to show more options -especially the Where-Object cmdlet which comes in useful when you're calling cmdlets that don't have parameters to filter.
Side note:
You may be asking what -ExpandProperty does.
If you just call gci | select -exp FullName, you will get back an array of PSCustomObjects (each of them with one property called FullName).
This can be confusing for people who don't really see that the objects are typed as it is not visible just by looking at the PowerShell script.

Getting a specific process id from a powershell output

Hi I'm new to powershell scripting and I would like to retrieve a specific process id based on the file's hash. However I can only get either a table with the hash value or a table with the id,process name and path
$ps = Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Id,ProcessName,Path
$hashlist = Get-FileHash(Get-Process|Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) -Algorithm MD5
Is it possible for me to merge the two tables together so that I can get a view of Id,ProcessName and Hash using the path to link them together?
EDIT: totally different approach due to new information from comment
I don't think it is so easy to identify malware with a file MD5 hash.
Modern AntiVirusSoftware uses heuristics to overcome the problem of mean malware which includes random data and also obfuscates it's origin.
## Q:\Test\2018\11\11\SO_53247430.ps1
# random hex string replace with your malware signature
$MalwareMD5Hash = 'D52C11B7E076FCE593288439ABA0F6D4'
Get-Process | Where-Object Path | Select-Object ID,Path | Group-Object Path | ForEach-Object {
if ($MalwareMD5Hash -eq (Get-FileHash $_.Name -Alg MD5).Hash){
##iterate group to kill all processes matching
ForEach ($PID in $_.Group.ID){
Stop-Process -ID $PID -Force -WhatIF
$_.Name | Remove-Item -Force -WhatIf # to delete the physical file.
As I suggested in my comment:
$HashList = [ordered]#{}
Get-Process |Where-Object Path | Select-Object Path |Sort-Object Path -Unique | ForEach-Object {
$HashList[$_.Path]=(Get-FileHash $_.Path -Alg MD5).Hash
## or the reverse, the hash as key and the path as value
# $HashList[(Get-FileHash $_.Path -Alg MD5).Hash]=$_.Path
$Hashlist | Format-List
Shorted sample output
Name : C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
Value : BFE829AB5A4B729EE4565700FC8853DA
Name : C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
Value : E4A81EDDFF8B844D85C8B45354E4144E
Name : C:\WINDOWS\system32\conhost.exe
Value : EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496
Name : C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllHost.exe
Value : 2528137C6745C4EADD87817A1909677E
> $hashlist['C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE']
Or with the reversed list
> $hashlist['E4A81EDDFF8B844D85C8B45354E4144E']

Using Powershell to compare two files and then output only the different string names

So I am a complete beginner at Powershell but need to write a script that will take a file, compare it against another file, and tell me what strings are different in the first compared to the second. I have had a go at this but I am struggling with the outputs as my script will currently only tell me on which line things are different, but it also seems to count lines that are empty too.
To give some context for what I am trying to achieve, I would like to have a static file of known good Windows processes ($Authorized) and I want my script to pull a list of current running processes, filter by the process name column so to just pull the process name strings, then match anything over 1 character, sort the file by unique values and then compare it against $Authorized, plus finally either outputting the different process strings found in $Processes (to the ISE Output Pane) or just to output the different process names to a file.
I have spent today attempting the following in Powershell ISE and also Googling around to try and find solutions. I heard 'fc' is a better choice instead of Compare-Object but I could not get that to work. I have thus far managed to get it to work but the final part where it compares the two files it seems to compare line by line, for which would always give me false positives as the line position of the process names in the file supplied would change, furthermore I only want to see the changed process names, and not the line numbers which it is reporting ("The process at line 34 is an outlier" is what currently gets outputted).
I hope this makes sense, and any help on this would be very much appreciated.
Get-Process | Format-Table -Wrap -Autosize -Property ProcessName | Outfile c:\users\me\Desktop\Processes.txt
$Processes = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Processes.txt'
$Output_file = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Extracted.txt'
$Sorted = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Sorted.txt'
$Authorized = 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Authorized.txt'
$regex = '.{1,}'
select-string -Path $Processes -Pattern $regex |% { $_.Matches } |% { $_.Value } > $Output_file
Get-Content $Output_file | Sort-Object -Unique > $Sorted
$dif = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $(Get-Content $Sorted) -DifferenceObject $(get-content $Authorized) -IncludeEqual
$lineNumber = 1
foreach ($difference in $dif)
if ($difference.SideIndicator -ne "==")
Write-Output "The Process at Line $linenumber is an Outlier"
$lineNumber ++
Remove-Item c:\Users\me\Desktop\Processes.txt
Remove-Item c:\Users\me\Desktop\Extracted.txt
Write-Output "The Results are Stored in $Sorted"
From the length and complexity of your script, I feel like I'm missing something, but your description seems clear
Running process names:
$ProcessNames = #(Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name)
.. which aren't blank: $ProcessNames = $ProcessNames | Where-Object {$_ -ne ''}
List of authorised names from a file:
$AuthorizedNames = Get-Content 'c:\Users\me\Desktop\Authorized.txt'
$UnAuthorizedNames = $ProcessNames | Where-Object { $_ -notin $AuthorizedNames }
optional output to file:
$UnAuthorizedNames | Set-Content out.txt
or in the shell:
#(gps).Name -ne '' |? { $_ -notin (gc authorized.txt) } | sc out.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. #() forces something to be an array, even if it only returns one thing
2. gps is a default alias of Get-Process
3. using .Property on an array takes that property value from every item in the array
4. using an operator on an array filters the array by whether the items pass the test
5. ? is an alias of Where-Object
6. -notin tests if one item is not in a collection
7. gc is an alias of Get-Content
8. sc is an alias of Set-Content
You should use Set-Content instead of Out-File and > because it handles character encoding nicely, and they don't. And because Get-Content/Set-Content sounds like a memorable matched pair, and Get-Content/Out-File doesn't.

Issues with Powershell Import-CSV

Main Script
$Computers = Get-Content .\computers.txt
If ( test-path .\log.txt ) {
$Log_Successful = Import-CSV .\log.txt | Where-Object {$_.Result -eq "Succesful"}
} ELSE {
Add-Content "Computer Name,Is On,Attempts,Result,Time,Date"
$Log_Successful | format-table -autosize
Log_Successful."Computer Name" works fine, but if i change 4 to read as the following
$Log_Successful = Import-CSV .\log.txt | Where-Object {$_.Result -eq "Failed"}
Log_Successful."Computer Name" no longer works... Any ideas why?
Computer Name,Is On,Attempts,Result,Time,Date
52qkkgw-94210jv,False,1,Failed,9:48 AM,10/28/2012
HELLBOMBS-PC,False,1,Successful,9:48 AM,10/28/2012
52qkkgw-94210dv,False,1,Failed,9:48 AM,10/28/2012
In case of "Successful" a single object is returned. It contains the property "Computer Name". In case of "Failed" an array of two objects is returned. It (the array itself) does not contain the property "Computer Name". In PowerShell v3 in some cases it is possible to use notation $array.SomePropertyOfContainedObject but in PowerShell v2 it is an error always. That is what you probably see.
You should iterate through the array of result objects, e.g. foreach($log in $Log_Successful) {...} and access properties of the $log objects.
And the last tip. In order to ensure that the result of Import-Csv call is always an array (not null or a single object) use the #() operator.
The code after fixes would be:
$logs = #(Import-Csv ... | where ...)
# $logs is an array, e.g. you can use $logs.Count
# process logs
foreach($log in $logs) {
# use $log."Computer Name"
I'm not sure if this is the problem but you have a typo, in Where-Object you compare against "Succesful" and the value in the file is "Successful" (missing 's').
Anyway, what's not working?