How to work with xib files? - swift

Im playing with this project SquareCropViewController It is a helper for crop images to square. Inside project there are two versions, one made with auto-layout and one that works purely programmatically. I want to use programmatic version and integrate in my project, which works with storyboards.
In programmatic version there are several files
What is the sequence of actions to make it run in my project ? Do I have to create new viewcontroller and import xib inside it? If yes what is syntax ? I have never worked with xibs before and help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance

You should be able to just instantiate the class if it's hooked up correctly in the xib.
var controller = ProgrammaticController()
navigationController.push(controller, animated:true)
The file's owner's class needs to be set to the actual class in the xib for that to work.


Updating iPhone app to Universal: IBOutlets

First off, I will say i've spent 6 hours on this topic and have read everything the internet has to provide, which is why i came here.
I have converted to Universal, Xcode created the MainWindow-iPad.xib and everything seems fine.
Here are my questions:
1) What are the naming conventions for new iPad-specific xibs? Xcode created "-iPad" but i believe im supposed to be making them "~ipad". Why the difference?
2) (MOST IMPORTANT) After creating several "~ipad" xibs, Xcode seems to know to load these. So I'll copy the content in say, "RootViewController.xib"
and paste it in "RootViewController~ipad.xib". THIS IS THE PROBLEM: this new ~ipad xib has no outlets or referencing outlets!
I can't link the buttons on my page to anything. How do i do this without having a separate ~ipad .m and .h for everything?
Thank you guys for your help! I'm going to write a tutorial on this once I get this all working.
Just set the class of that ~iPad nib to be the same classname as the cooresponding iPhone nib. This is done in the inspector in Interface Builder. You may have to connect the outlets back up depending on the order you do things. I would think that if you copy the objects from the iPhone nib to the iPad nib AFTER you set the class, then the outlets would stay wired up.

How to generate .m/.h files from Storyboard?

Is there a convenient way to generate code from any new view controllers I've created on the storyboard? For example when you create a new iOS application, XCode will set up a skeleton class for your view controller.
I don't think so. You need to create a new ViewController subclass in XCode but uncheck the "Create Xib for this class" box (not sure if that is exactly what it says). Then select your newly made view controller in storyboard and change it to the class you just created.
Ok the skeleton you are talking about is just a template for your application. You are asking for a dynamic template generator from your storyboard and maybe Apple can figure out how to do this in a non distant future but in this moment I think you can't do that. After you created the storyboard file with your complex scheme you need to manually create all your viewController subclass you used in the storyboard. It's not a big deal ... I suppose your application doesn't have thousand ViewController so you can do it manually.
Apple are working hard to simplify developers job but Xcode can't do everything for you.
You can try to post this answer directly to Apple throughout the bugreport Apple website and post it as improvement to implement in future Xcode release.
Lets try it :)

iPhone Obj C - change startup root class?

I am learning iPhone Obj C slowly. I have a XIB with several views and all works well. I need to have a 2nd XIB to control another set of views but haven't been able to make it work.
So I created the 2nd class and a 2nd XIB, all called one.h one.m one.xib and the same for the new one is all two.*
As it didnt work I was going try and change the app to start on the TWO class rather than the ONE class. In the plist I changed the Main Nib base file but that didnt seem to do anything.
Where do you specify what the start up class is? That way I can make sure I did everything correctly first, and then go back to the code that is supposed to call the two class and xib.
Also if anyone has any sample code to go from one class and xib to another, please let me know.
In your AppDelegate class make sure the ViewController being allocated and set to the window is the one desired.
Your project's [ProjectName]-Info.plist file decides which Nib file is used when the application starts, in the key NSMainNibFile. (By default, this is set to MainWindow.)
A standard MainWindow.nib file will define the "root" class, which is usually [ProjectName]AppDelegate. You can, however, change this by editing the nib.
I had to set the CLASS IDENTITY to the proper class for the app delegate on the XIB for both XIB.
Then I changed the plist to point to the XIB I wanted to start as root.
Both of the answers above helped me find this.

Changes in Interface Builder are not showing in SImulator or Device

I have a view that I created using default buttons and background in Interface Builder. The app runs properly. I added .png background images to the view and to the buttons. Build the app and run it and the updates do not show.
I've also tried something simple like changing the text of the button or add another button and the changes are not propagating.
I've cleaned targets, manually deleted builds in Finder, and have shutdown the computer. What else am I missing?
I had the same experience. It turned out that I'd renamed my class and my xib file, but in another class I was creating the view with:
MyNewViewController *myNewViewController = [[MyNewViewController alloc]
initWithNibName:#"MyOLDViewController" bundle:nil];
An oversight, but the surprising part to me is that when this Nib file didn't exist in my project, it managed to build successfully using a (presumably cached?) old Nib file... and the application happily ran, though showing an out of date interface.
Correcting what was passed to initWithNibName immediately corrected the issue for me.
This might sounds easy - but are you sure you linked up the view to the view controller in Interface Builder? I've done it before where I just forget to link them
I also had the same experience. For me the fix was to reset all content on the simulator.

How can I make an view-based application that does not use a nib file?

I've choosen the "view-based" application template in Xcode. The myProjectViewController.m has the following code:
// Implement loadView to create a view hierarchy programmatically, without using a nib.
- (void)loadView {
That sounds good. But: The template generated a myProjectViewController.xib file. What I dont get is: How does Xcode connect the ViewController with that nib? Where's the part in the template code that says: "Hey, load that myProjectViewController.xib now!"? I mean... can I just delete that not-wanted nib file without setting anything else up appropriately?
You may wish to refer to my answer to this question, where I describe the specific files that need to be altered to do completely programmatic generation of your view hierarchy.
Also, some of the references linked to in the answers to this question may be of use to you.
yep you can just delete the nib and implement that method
IB connects using the name of the class in the NIb, in IB you actually set a view as the file owner of the view. so when you call initwithnib:"nibfilename" it knows what you are talking about.
The elements are wired up using IBOutlets and IBActions