Google dfp Frequency cap - google-dfp

Hi good day I have a line item that will run for a year but will only have a monthly impression of 50 thousand. How can I set this up on google dfp small business.
The frequency cap is per user we don't want it to be per user. Can someone please advice.
Many thanks

There is one workaround and one option inside DFP to make this work:
Create an order with a single line item with a running time of just one month and your monthly impression goal.
You can then copy this single line item 11x times with it's creatives in to the same order and adjust only the start/-enddate.
The ad unit code, etc. can remain the same in this setup.
If you want to rely on DFP's built in features you can choose a price priority line item, which would allow you to set a daily impression goal. You would need to target this line item type to a special ad unit in order to work. The daily impression goal is of course the amount of impressions you want to serve per month, divided by 30.5.

This can be easily done.
Go to your line item
Go down to "Adjust Delivery"
Tick "Frequency"
In the first field box, add "50,000" to denote your impressions limit and then in the 2nd box, leave it as "1" and then change the default "Day" setting to "Month".
This will allow the line to serve to a limit of 50,000 max per month.


Infopath Repeating Table Replacing Looked Up Values in all Rows; Values Based on Two Seperate Fields

Here's the thought process and believe it or not I had it working and then it broke, now I am not sure why or how to fix it.
I have a secondary data source that is housed in a SharePoint list that contains billing rates for various tiers depending on the customer.
When you initially select a Tier and then the subsequent Positions under the daily billing area all is fine and dandy and values look up as they should.
However as is often the case someone will input the wrong Tier for the billing sheet and it would need to be changed to reflect the actual Tier. When this happens InfoPath is grabbing the value from the first row for the lookup and making it the value for all the position rate fields in the repeating table.
You can change them back, by selecting a different position and going back to the original position, however that is another step.
Seriously, this is the last bit for me to sort out before I can put this project behind me. I've included some screenshots of the groups and how they are laid out and the rules I have setup.
[Rules for Rate Tier field](
[Rules for Position field](
[Groups and Fields layout](
[Example of issue I am having](
I've tried everything from filtering the rate returned by the Position in the secondary source matching to the Position in the form which is activated conditionally when the Rate Tier equals a specific Tier. I've tried eval which I am not familiar with so I either got true or false but it never returned field contents.

Create a query that shows work you planned at the beginning of a sprint

I'm looking to create a query that shows all of the stories that were added to the sprint during our sprint planning meeting. This meeting always takes place on day 1 of the sprint.
Naturally, some stories may be removed mid-sprint but I'd still like to see what was originally planned.
Equally, some stories may be added mid-sprint and I wouldn't want to include those.
I noticed that the built-in Velocity widget has a 'planned' bar, but I'm not entirely sure how that's calculated.
For this issue ,deleted work items cannot be displayed with other work items in queries. If you want to query the stories created by a certain period of time, you can do it in two steps.
First you can query the stories created in the initial time period by the following conditions.
Then you can add the Created Date and Iteration Path column in Recycle Bin to find the stories deleted in this time period.
If your stories are permanently deleted(Remove from Recycle Bin), then you will really cannot query them.

I want to count the number of agents that pass through 'pedFlowStatistics' line in Anylogic

In Anylogic 8.5.1, I am doing a simulation for library evacuation, I have set and agent with Option-list that contains different types of users: students, organizers, graduates, and others. Also, I have set 'custom distribution' parameter to set the distribution values for each user. Until now, I have run the model and every thing is working well.
What I want is:
1. to use 'pedFlowStatistics' line in particular places (I can do this);
2. want to count the users that pass this line (I do not know how to do it);
3. then draw a chart to highlight the different number of users that passes that particular line space (I do not know how to do it).
I need help in the above situation, thanks in advance.
I do not have a Java background.
It's not possible to count based on conditions with pedFlowStatistics... you can only count the total pedestrians using:
pedFlowStatistics.countPeds(); // counts total number of pedestrians
pedFlowStatistics.traffic(); //shows the number of pedestrians per hour
You can use these functions directly in your chart.
But since you want to count based on conditions (the type of user they are), you will need to be smart about this and depending on your model, you will have to count pedestrians in a different place... or maybe use 2 ped go to blocks and count in between... it depends on your layout and model.

how to configure azure devops sprints to days instead of hours

How do you setup Azure Sprints > Board view to show New work and Active work in "Days" instead of hours?
IE: these UI elements here to show a "d" instead of an "h"
screenshot of what I'm describing - in red what I need changed
You used to be able to do this in TFS but I'm afraid this change cant be done in Azure DevOps.
Actually, this is easy and the system is agnostic on the units if you look under the hood. While the sprint capacity and burndown are calculated per day, the number of "units" you use per person per day can be changed.
The default is 8, which is obviously a standard number of work hours. You can simply change this to 1 and now the capacity per person is 1 day. It is just important the unit type (day or hour) that you use in practice between the person capacity and the various work amount fields (size, effort, remaining work, original work, etc.) is the same.
Here are the basic steps to switch to use days:
Create your own process template (unless you have one already)
You will often want to change some of the titles of sections or work items, as they often refer to "hours" by default. To do this you need to have your own Process Template. See the following reference to get started on customizing the templates:
Set the Default Capacity for Each Person
From the Sprints in DevOps, you can specify the capacity per person in the Capacity tab. You can also break down the amount of time per person by the type of activity if you desire. In the end, the numbers should add to 1 per person per day.
Here is a good reference on setting capacities for sprints:

How to track monthly contributions to Atlassian Confluence?

We are trying to encourage our team to document more (yes, it's like getting children to eat their vegetables).
Our plan is to have a monthly leaderboard of users in our space, by Edits and Comments (we don't want to count labels or likes). After about a day of messing around with widgets and such, we have come up with the Contributors Summary, but there is no date range for that. It's for all time. We need the exact same data, but for the past month.
Is there a macro/widget/etc that gives similar stats as the Contributors Summary, but can be restricted to a date range, i.e. -30d to present? Or perhaps a hidden parameter we can provide in the URL?