Postgres Full Text Search customize tsvector conversion - postgresql

I want to build a tsvector based on the id (1-111.1x) and the name fields of my row, all from a trigger and with tsvector_update_trigger(tsv, 'pg_catalog.german', id, name).
But my id ends up cut off like '-111.1' instead of '1-111.1x'.
Is there a way to customize the conversion, so that the id field is being retained (or to apply certain operations like lower()), all while the name field is properly converted?
Something like this (which doesn't work, as setweight expects a tsvector)?
CREATE FUNCTION tsv_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS $$
new.tsv :=
setweight(, 'A') ||
setweight(to_tsvector('pg_catalog.german', coalesce(,'')), 'D');
return new;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I ended up creating another field '_id', that is a normalized represantation of 'id' (so instead of '1-111' -> '1111'). Search input must then be stripped of '-', '.', replacing these with empty strings.
Of course we need to be careful, as sometimes stripping certain characters might not be suitable; I've created a regex pattern that only strips them within matching ids, but not within text.
In my case, this seems like a viable solution, though its merely a workaround. I'd be happy to flag a real solution.


How to pass a Tables Column into a plpgsql Functiion while performing a SELECT... statement

I googled but everyone was asking for how to pass tables or how to use the return result into a Function; I want to do neither. I simply want to take the value of a Column (lets assume col2 below is of the text datatype) of a table, and pass that data into a Function, so I can manipulate the data, but in the SELECT... statement itself, i.e.
SELECT t.col1, "myCustomFunction"(t.col2)
FROM tbl t
WHERE t.col1 = 'someCondition';
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myCustomFunction(myArg text)
RETURNS text AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
... So if myCustomerFunction()'s job was capitalize letters (its not, just an example), the output would be the table with col2 data all capitalized.
Is this possible? I supposed it would be no different than embedding a CASE expression there, which I know works, and a Function returns a result, so I assumed it would be the same, but I am getting SQL Error
You cannot to pass named column to some function and you cannot to return this named column like table with this column. The table is set of rows, and almost all processing in Postgres is based on rows processing. Usually you need to hold only data of one row in memory, so you can process much bigger dataset than is your memory.
Inside PL/pgSQL function you have not informations about outer. You can get just data of scalar types, arrays of scalars, or composite or arrays of composites (or ranges and multiranges - this special kind of composite and array of composite). Nothing else.
Theoretically you can aggregate data in one column to array, and later you can expand this array to table. But these operations are memory expensive and can be slow. You need it only in few cases (like computing of median function), but it is slow, and there is risk of out of memory exception.
When object names are not doubled quoted Postgres processes then internally as lower case. When doubled quoted the are processed exactly as quoted. The thing is these may not be the same. You defined the function as FUNCTION myCustomFunction(myArg text) Not doubled quoted, but attempt to call it via "myCustomFunction"(t.col2). Unfortunately myCustomFunction processed as mycustomfunction but "myCustomFunction" is processed exactly as it appears. Those are NOT the same. Either change your select to:
SELECT t.col1,myCustomFunction(t.col2)
FROM tbl t
WHERE t.col1 = 'someCondition';
or change the function definition to:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "myCustomFunction"(myArg text)
RETURNS text AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Variable column name on function

I'm new to pgsql but have I have 8 years of experience with MSSQL, what i'm trying achieve is: create a function to apply this remove invalid data from names, it will remove all special characters, numbers and accents, keeping only spaces and a-Z characters, I want to use it on columns of different tables, but I cant really find what I'm doing wrong.
Here is my code:
SELECT regexp_replace(unaccent($1), '[^[:alpha:]\s]', '', 'g')
If I run
SELECT regexp_replace(unaccent(column_name), '[^[:alpha:]\s]', '', 'g')
from TableA
my code runs fine. I don't know exactly what is wrong with the function code.
That's not how functions are written in Postgres.
As documented in the manual the function's body must be passed as a string and you need to specify which language the function is written in. Functions can be written in SQL, PL/pgSQL, PL/python, PL/perl and many others. There is also no need to reference parameters by position. Passing a dollar quoted string makes writing the function body easier.
For what you are doing, a simple SQL function is enough. It's also unnecessary to use an arbitrary character limit like 255 (which does have any performance or storage advantages over any other defined max length). So just use text.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_validanome (p_input text)
$body$ --<< string starts here.
SELECT regexp_replace(unaccent(p_input), '[^[:alpha:]\s]', '', 'g'); --<< required ; at the end
$body$ --<< string ends here
language sql
immutable; --<< required ; at the end

Error: column does not exist in PostgreSQL

Trying to create a function that will return multiple rows from a table if a searchTerm exists anywhere inside one of the columns. (I am new to Postgres.)
AS $$
SELECT credit_br AS Branch, status FROM job_project
WHERE credit_br LIKE '%'||searchTerm||'%'
language 'sql';
I get this error:
ERROR: column "searchTerm" does not exist
LINE 3: ...status FROM job_project WHERE credit_br LIKE '%'||searchTerm||'...
It should work like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dts_get_projects(_search_term text)
RETURNS SETOF job_project AS
FROM job_project j
WHERE j.credit_br ILIKE '%' || _search_term || '%'
$func$ LANGUAGE sql;
I am using the table type to return whole rows. That's the safe fallback since you did not disclose any data types or table definitions.
I also use ILIKE to make the search case-insensitive (just a guess, you decide).
This only searches the one column credit_br. Your description sounds like you'd want to search all columns (anywhere inside one of the columns). Again, most of the essential information is missing. A very quick and slightly dirty way would be to search the whole row expression converted to text:
WHERE j::text ILIKE '%' || _search_term || '%';
Check a whole table for a single value
Don't use mixed-case identifiers in Postgres if you can avoid it.
Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?
Don't quote the language name of functions. It's an identifier.

What command should I use to make my void function display a paticular table using a variable from the function in the where clause?

I basically have a void function that creates a tuple on a existing table. Now at the end of the function I want display the table with the updated tuple. I am running it problems when trying to do this.
This is the statement I am using:
EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE IDNo = idnumber';
-- (idnumber is a variable that is assigned a value in the function)
I get the following error:
ERROR: column "idnumber" does not exist.
Can someone please help me find a solution.
For the actual query, you would want to do something like this:
execute 'select * from table where IDNo = $1' using idnumber;
With the key being the $1 and the USING clause to interpolate the variable.
That should resolve the column error regarding idnumber.
However, I'm not quite sure what you mean by:
display the table with the updated tuple
Do you mean you want to return all the rows in the table including the newly added row? Or just the newly added row? or something else?
Edit in response to comment from OP:
The substitution variables, e.g. $1, $2, $3... are scoped (i.e. unique) to each separate execute statement. So if you had two statements, the first with 3 variables, the second with three, you could use $1, $2, $3 in each and they would refer to the variables mentioned in the USING clause for that individual statement.
See the Postgres Basic Statements doc, specifically the section entitled 40.5.4. Executing Dynamic Commands, for more detail.
Second edit in response to display comments from OP:
When executeing statements, they won't output the way, say, a select statement would if you were doing it within psql or pgadmin. Rather, you have a couple different options, depending on what you ultimately want to do.
First, you could use an INTO clause to put the result into a record (although how you do this depends on whether it's just one row or many rows).
You would need to declare it in that case in the declaration section something like this: foo RECORD;
And then add INTO foo before the USING clause. If it complains about more than one record, you could add LIMIT 1 clause at the end of the query.
You could then do whatever else you wanted to with that record, including RAISE NOTICE with interpolating the record's columns, which would print it to the console.
If you want the entire table, and you want it to "display" more like psql or similar would (that is, return the rows obtained), you would want to have the function return a setof a specific type.
So it may then look something like this:
create function get_table() returns setof table as $$
execute 'select * from table where IDNo = $1' using idnumber;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
Where table is the name of the table you want. If you just want to return the existing rows of the table, this sort of query should work. It would then "display" in a client (e.g. psql, etc.) as the result set.
If you want to modify that (say, by dynamically adding some columns), then you would need to define that new type specifically, and then use that as the type being returned.
See the Postgres Wiki for more details. The wiki content is pretty old (Postgres 7.x vintage), but it generally still applies.

Print ASCII-art formatted SETOF records from inside a PL/pgSQL function

I would love to exploit the SQL output formatting of PostgreSQL inside my PL/pgSQL functions, but I'm starting to feel I have to give up the idea.
I have my PL/pgSQL function query_result:
this_query text
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
..merrily returning a SETOF records from an input text query, and which I can use for my SQL scripting with dynamic queries:
mydb=# SELECT * FROM query_result('SELECT ' || :MYVAR || ' FROM Alice') AS t (id int);
So my hope was to find a way to deliver this same nicely formatted output from inside a PL/pgSQL function instead, but RAISE does not support SETOF types, and there's no magic predefined cast from SETOF records to text (I know I could create my own CAST..)
If I create a dummy print_result function:
this_query text
SELECT query_result(this_query);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
..I cannot print the formatted output:
mydb=# SELECT print_result('SELECT ' || :MYVAR || ' FROM Alice');
ERROR: set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set
Thanks for any suggestion (which preferably works with PostgreSQL 8.4).
Ok, to do anything with your result set in print_result you'll have to loop over it. That'll look something like this -
Here result_record is defined as a record variable. For the sake of explanation, we'll also assume that you have a formatted_results variable that is defined as text and defaulted to a blank string to hold the formatted results.
FOR result_record IN SELECT * FROM query_result(this_query) AS t (id int) LOOP
-- With all this, you can do something like this
formatted_results := formatted_results ||','||;
RETURN formatted_results;
So, if you change print_results to return text, declare the variables as I've described and add this in, your function will return a comma-separated list of all your results (with an extra comma at the end, I'm sure you can make use of PostgreSQL's string functions to trim that). I'm not sure this is exactly what you want, but this should give you a good idea about how to manipulate your result set. You can get more information here about control structures, which should let you do pretty much whatever you want.
The ability to format data tuples as readable text is a feature of the psql client, not the PostgreSQL server. To make this feature available in the server would require extracting relevant code or modules from the psql utility and recompiling them as a database function. This seems possible (and it is also possible that someone has already done this), but I am not familiar enough with the process to provide a good description of how to do that. Most likely, the best solution for formatting query results as text will be to make use of PostgreSQL's string formatting functions to implement the features you need for your application.