Customize Keyboard in tvOS - swift

I use UISearchController to search inline with keyboard, textfield and results in one screen. Does tvOS allow to customize keyboard? I want to use dark design, but I don't know how to customize the keyboard.
For example YouTube app did that. They have black screen with white keyboard

A UISearchController has a UISearchBar, which conforms to UITextInputTraits. This means it has a keyboardAppearance which you can set to UIKeyboardAppearanceDark to get a dark keyboard appearance. This isn't identical to what happens in the YouTube app, but it's probably the closest you can get.

From the Apple TvOS docs here:
"Use UIAlertController or UITextField to customize the keyboard experience and create keyboards specific to your app; for example, an email-specific keyboard or a numeric keyboard. Both UIAlertController and UITextField support all of the available options in UIKit/UITextInputTrailts.h. The inputAccessoryView and inputAccessoryViewController APIs also allow you to customize the keyboard experience."
It seems you can create custom keyboards but maybe not if you're using UISearchController. This document implies that you have to use UITextField in order to customize the keyboard. So it would be a little bit more work but if you don't like the default experience of the UISearchController it shouldn't be that hard to wire up a TableView with a textfield in order to change the user experience.

I don't think tvOS allows customizing keyboards yet, because in Application Extension section of tvOS there is no Custom Keyboard thing the way there is for iOS.


How does the Color Keyboard app (on the App Store) change keyboard appearance?

There is this app called "Color Keyboard" which changes the keyboard appearance for iOS. It is on the App Store. How is that possible?
How can I change the color of the keyboard in my app?
Say you've got a UITextField named myTextField, you can use any UIView as your custom keyboard for this text field by setting its inputView property.
Thus you can create an UIView full of buttons, which looks like a keyboard, and attach it to your view.
This applies to any UIResponder, not only text fields.

How to customize keyboard in ios in order to use other language

I want to make khmer keyboard for ios. How to make this keyboard in objective-C?
I think you should create a view with buttons for the respective language alphabets, which looks like iPhone keyboard and set this view as inputview for textfield as
textField.inputView = yourkeyboarview;

Prevent UIKeyboard from showing on UISearchBar tap

I have my own custom keyboard in a uiview which i'm adding to the UIWindow in certain situations.
I switch between standard UIKeyboard and my custom keyboard with a button.
Problem: when i have my custom keyboard already shown on screen and i tap the UISearchBar i get the standard UIkeyboard shown above mine.
What I expect is to supress showing of Sandard UIKeyboard when i have my custom one already showing on screen.
I intercept keyboardwillshow event but it seems at this event is too late to do that.
I also tried subclassing UISearchBar and get control over its UITextField to get the Shouldbegintextediting but it doesn't seem to work ... (FYI UISearchBar doesn't have shouldbegintextediting event in the protocol. Its only for uitextfiled).
Also, there is no such thing as 'inputView' property in UISearchBar.
I tested this on iOS 5.1.
Anyone with experience on this kind of issue?
Thank you.
Set the inputView of the search field to your custom keyboard.

How Add my iPhone application on international keybord?

I want to create one keyboard application that is not in iPhone international keyboard, but I don't know how I add this application to international keyboard, I want to do one work like emoji application, but my app is not emotion!
Thanks for your help.
Your application can display a custom keyboard from any TextView or TextField by returning a custom UIView (that would be your keyboard) from the inputView property on those text input views. There is no existing keyboard to inherit from, so you'll have to implement everything your self.

Non-modal iOS keypad interface

Is it known how to get the keypad interface from the Phone and Skype apps? This is distinct from the modal keypad view that appears when a UITextField becomes the first responder.
Is this just a UIView that the developers of Skype laid out themselves in IB, complete with custom graphics to get the square shape of each button? Or is there some standard Cocoa Touch way to do it?
This isn't something that Cocoa Touch provides out of the box, no. I would imagine that the iPhone keypad is a set of UIButton objects arranged like a keypad and using custom graphics to get the visual appearance. This should be fairly easy to do in Interface Builder.
You may be looking for UIKeyboardType in the protocol UITextInputTraits, which is implemented by UITextField etc.. See the documentation at that link.
I was getting confused by your question too. I'm not aware of any but seeing as you would need somewhere to type in anyway wouldn't it be better to make the UITextField active on viewWillAppear and turn off touches on the rest of the view hence showing the keypad like the phone app?