How to get mobile number from Smartface App Studio? -

As I need to include OTP process for my App linking up with mobile number, I am planning to auto populate the user mobile number by default in my app screen.
Can any help in getting mobile number using Smartface App Studio

It is not possible to get user's phone number. It is something related with the operator.


How to Trace Mobile App Install for share app ID across Apps?

I've two apps sharing the same app ID for Andriod Facebook login, which i would like to advertise both apps in Facebook mobile app install using optimization for App Install and charged for App Install rather than Impression, but it seems that i can only fill in 1 bundle ID for that facebook apps, any solution for this?
You should not reuse the same Facebook app ID for a second app.
One of the reasons is exactly what you are describing: you can only specify a single Android package name per app.

DO i need to localize the link url for opening an app in the appstore?I

I have to open my apps link in the app store in case the version number of the app they are using is not the most current version of my application. I know how to open it in the app store, but my app is for a few different countries so do i need to specifiy what appstore they have to download the app from? Like my apps in london and china, do i need to customize the url to open up those app stores?
The App Store page will be displayed based on the current user's phone locale.
Nothing to do on your side but using the generic link

How can I have single facebook sign in across two android apps

I have two android apps with two different package names. I want to use FB sign in to let the user sign into my app. How can I do it such that the user just have to sign in on one app and the SDK on other app automatically detect the sign in.
And how to do similar thing on iPhone in future?

Adobe AIR Facebook login setup

I need to implement facebook login in Adobe AIR app for Desktop/Mobile.
I saw some docs on the code required for this.
My concern is, which platform should be selected in facebook apps console. Is it web ? Then what should be the web urls & where to place them ?
Well if you are building a mobile app, then you might want to select Android or iOS depending on the platform. If you are building the same app for both platforms then select any one of those and later under settings of your app dashboard you can click on Add Platform and add the other one. If your app has a canvas presence then you can add that as well later on. Regardless of what you pick initially, you can always add/edit platforms on your app dashboard.

How to connect both Android and Iphone application to the same app in Facebook?

I have used Facebook API to make posts to my wall on Facebook with my Android app. To do this I made an app on the Facebook developer site. I used the key hash from the Android application and the APP_ID from the facebook app to cross match them.
Now I want to connect my Android app to a facebook app which already is connected to an Iphone application. This app has my key hash added, and I tried using its APP_ID instead of my own but it doesn't work.
I am thinking it might be because I'm not using the application secret in my Android app, but it is used in the Iphone app. If this could be the problem, where do I add this application secret? Xcode has such an easy system for adding parameters like this one, but I don't know what the equivalent in Android is.
Per the Facebook Android SDK instructions "make sure that your application has been signed with the same key you registered with Facebook" it sounds like you have a key mismatch issue; the instructions on their site should help find some common problems. Also update your local code to use the latest SDK as Facebook is notorious for breaking older implementations.
The current Facebook iOS SDK only uses the application ID and Android is no different.