Real-Time glow shader confusion - swift

So I have a rather simple real-time 2d game that I am trying to add some nice glow to. To take it down to its most basic form it is simply circles and lies drawn on a black surface. And if you consider the scene from a hsv color space perspective all colors (except for black) have a "v" value of 100%.
Currently I have a sort of "accumulation" buffer where the current frame is joined with the previous frame. It works by using two off-screen buffers and a black texture.
Buffer one activated-------------
Lines and dots drawn
Buffer one deactivated
Buffer two activated-------------
Buffer two contents drawn as a ful screen quad
Black texture drawn with slight transparency over full screen
Buffer one contents drawn
Buffer two deactivated
On Screen buffer activated-------
Buffer two's contents drawn to screen
Right now all "lag" by far comes from latency on the cpu. The GPU handles all of this really well.
So I was thinking of maybe trying to spice things up abit by adding a glow effect to things. I was thinking perhaps for step 10 instead of using a regular texture shader, I could use one that draws the texture except with glow!
Unfortunately I am a bit confused on how to do this. Here are some reasons
Blur stuff. Mostly that some people claim that a Gaussian blur can be done real-time while others say you shouldn't. Also people mention another type of blur called a "focus" blur that I dont know what it is.
Most of the examples I can find use XNA. I need to have one that is written in a shader language that is like OpenGL es 2.0.
Some people call it glow, others call it bloom
Different blending modes? can be used to add the glow to the original texture.
How to combine vertical and horizontal blur? Perhaps in one draw call?
Anyway the process as I understand it for rendering glow is thus
Cut out dark data from it
Blur the light data (using Gaussian?)
Blend the light data on-top of the original (screen blending?)
So far I have gotten to the point where I have a shader that draws a texture. What does my next step look like?
percision highp float;
attrivute vec2 positionCoords;
attribute vec2 textureCoords;
uniform mat4 matrix;
uniform float alpha;
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
varying float o_alpha;
void main()
gl_Position = matrix * vec4(positionCoords, 0.0, 1.0);
v_texcoord = textureCoords.xy;
o_alpha = alpha;
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
uniform sampler2D s_texture;
varying float o_alpha;
void main()
vec4 color = texture2D(s_texture, v_texcoord);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a - o_alpha);
Also is this a feasible thing to do in real-time?
Edit: I probably want to do a 5px or less blur

To address your initial confusion items:
Any kind of blur filter will effectively spread each pixel into a blob based on its original position, and accumulate this result additively for all pixels. The difference between filters is the shape of the blob.
For a Gaussian blur, this blob should be a smooth gradient, feathering gradually to zero around the edges. You probably want a Gaussian blur.
A "focus" blur would be an attempt to emulate an out-of-focus camera: rather than fading gradually to zero, its blob would spread each pixel over a hard-edged circle, giving a subtly different effect.
For a straightforward, one-pass effect, the computational cost is proportional to the width of the blur. This means that a narrow (e.g. 5px or less) blur is likely to be feasible as a real-time one-pass effect. (It is possible to achieve a wide Gaussian blur in real-time by using multiple passes and a multi-resolution pyramid, but I'd recommend trying something simpler first...)
You could reasonably call the effect either "glow" or "bloom". However, to me, "glow" connotes a narrow blur leading to a neon-like effect, while "bloom" connotes using a wide blur to emulate the visual effect of bright objects in a high-dynamic-range visual environment.
The blend mode determines how what you draw is combined with the existing colors in the target buffer. In OpenGL, activate blending with glEnable(GL_BLEND) and set the mode with glBlendFunc().
For a narrow blur, you should be able to do horizontal and vertical filtering in one pass.
To do fast one-pass full-screen sampling, you will need to determine the pixel increment in your source texture. It is fastest to determine this statically, so that your fragment shader doesn't need to compute it at run-time:
float dx = 1.0 / x_resolution_drawn_over;
float dy = 1.0 / y_resolution_drawn_over;
You can do a 3-pixel (1,2,1) Gaussian blur in one pass by setting your texture sampling mode to GL_LINEAR, and taking 4 samples from source texture t as follows:
float dx2 = 0.5*dx; float dy2 = 0.5*dy; // filter steps
vec2 a1 = vec2(x+dx2, y+dy2);
vec2 a2 = vec2(x+dx2, y-dy2);
vec2 b1 = vec2(x-dx2, y+dy2);
vec2 b2 = vec2(x-dx2, y-dy2);
result = 0.25*(texture(t,a1) + texture(t,a2) + texture(t,b1) + texture(t,b2));
You can do a 5-pixel (1,4,6,4,1) Gaussian blur in one pass by setting your texture sampling mode to GL_LINEAR, and taking 9 samples from source texture t as follows:
float dx12 = 1.2*dx; float dy12 = 1.2*dy; // filter steps
float k0 = 0.375; float k1 = 0.3125; // filter constants
vec4 filter(vec4 a, vec4 b, vec4 c) {
return k1*a + k0*b + k1*c;
vec2 a1 = vec2(x+dx12, y+dy12);
vec2 a2 = vec2(x, y+dy12);
vec2 a3 = vec2(x-dx12, y+dy12);
vec4 a = filter(sample(t,a1), sample(t,a2), sample(t,a3));
vec2 b1 = vec2(x+dx12, y );
vec2 b2 = vec2(x, y );
vec2 b3 = vec2(x-dx12, y );
vec4 b = filter(sample(t,b1), sample(t,b2), sample(t,b3));
vec2 c1 = vec2(x+dx12, y-dy12);
vec2 c2 = vec2(x, y-dy12);
vec2 c3 = vec2(x-dx12, y-dy12);
vec4 c = filter(sample(t,c1), sample(t,c2), sample(t,c3));
result = filter(a,b,c);
I can't tell you if these filters will be real-time feasible on your platform; 9 samples/pixel at full resolution could be slow.
Any wider Gaussian would make separate horizontal and vertical passes advantageous; substantially wider Gaussian would require multi-resolution techniques for real-time performance. (Note that, unlike the Gaussian, filters such as the "focus" blur are not separable, which means they cannot be separated into horizontal and vertical passes...)

Everything that #comingstorm has said is true, but there's a much easier way. Don't write the blur or glow yourself. Since you're on iOS, why not use CoreImage which has a number of interesting filters to choose from and which work in realtime already? For example, they have a Bloom filter which will likely produce the results you want. Also of interest might be the Gloom filter.
Chaining together CoreImage filters is much easier than writing shaders. You can create a CIImage from an OpenGL texture via [+CIImage imageWithTexture:size:flipped:colorSpace:].


How do I decode a depthTexture into linear space in the [0-1] range in HLSL?

I've set a RenderTexture as my camera's target texture. I've chosen DEPTH_AUTO as its format so it renders the depth buffer:
I'm reading this texture in my shader, with float4 col = tex2D(_DepthTexture, IN.uv); and as expected, it doesn't show up linearly between my near and far planes, since depth textures have more precision towards the near plane. So I tried Linear01Depth() as recommended in the docs:
float4 col = tex2D(_DepthTexture, IN.uv);
float linearDepth = Linear01Depth(col);
return linearDepth;
However, this gives me an unexpected output. If I sample just the red channel, I get the non-linear depthmap, and if I use Linear01Depth(), it goes mostly black:
Question: What color format is chosen when using DEPTH_AUTO in the Render Texture inspector, and how do I convert it to linear [0, 1] space? Is there a manual approach, like a logarithmic function, or an exponential function that I could use?

OpenGL ES transparency not working, instead things just blend with the background

So I have a simple simulation set up on my phone. The goal is to have circles of red, white, and blue that appear on the screen with various transparencies. I have most of that working, except for one thing, while transparency sort of works, the only blending happens with the black background. As a result the circle in the center appears dark red instead of showing the white circles under it. What am I doing wrong?
Note I am working in an orthographic 2d projection matrix. All of the objects z positions are the same, and are rendered in a specific order.
Here is how I set it so transparency works:
//Note some of these things aren't compatible with OpenGL-es but they can hurt right?
Here is the fragment shader:
precision mediump float;
varying vec4 outColor;
varying vec3 center;
varying float o_width;
varying float o_height;
varying float o_pointSize;
void main()
vec4 fc = gl_FragCoord;
vec3 fp = vec3(fc);
vec2 circCoord = 2.0 * gl_PointCoord - 1.0;
if (dot(circCoord, circCoord) > 1.0) {
gl_FragColor = outColor;//colorOut;
Here is how I pass each circle to the shader:
func drawParticle(part: Particle,color_loc: GLint, size_loc: GLint)
//print("Drawing: " , part)
let p = part.position
let c = part.color
glUniform4f(color_loc, GLfloat(c.h), GLfloat(c.s), GLfloat(c.v), GLfloat(c.a))
glUniform1f(size_loc, GLfloat(part.size))
glVertexAttribPointer(0, GLint(3), GLenum(GL_FLOAT), GLboolean(GL_FALSE), 0, [p.x, p.y, p.z]);
glDrawArrays(GLenum(GL_POINTS), 0, GLint(1));
Here is how I set it so transparency works:
And that's not how transparency works. OpenGL is not a scene graph, it just draws geometry in the order you specify it to. If the first thing you draw are the red circles, they will blend with the background. Once things get drawn that are "behind" the red circles, the "occulded" parts will simply be discarded due to the depth test. There is no way for OpenGL (or any other depth test based algorithm) to automatically sort the different depth layers and blend them appropriately.
What you're trying to do there is order independent transparency, a problem still in research on how to solve it efficiently.
For what you want to achieve you'll have to:
sort your geometry far to near and draw in that order
disable the depth test while rendering

How to avoid these edges around my transparent PNGs with WebGL?

I recently added opacity to my webgl fragment shader, replacing
gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_image, vec2(v_texCoord.s, v_texCoord.t));
vec4 color = texture2D(u_image, vec2(v_texCoord.s, v_texCoord.t));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb, * color.a);
but since I did, a little edge appears around my transparent pngs.
Here you can see a little white edge around the worm body parts, where they layer on the background, and thin black edge where they layer on other worm parts.
With the old code, before I added the opacity, or when using Canvas 2D context instead of WebGL, there is no edge :
Here is one of the pngs I use for the worm body parts. As you can see there is no white edge around it, and no black edge on the bottom where it layers on another body part.
Update : I updated SuperPNG export pluggin to last version, which does not anymore give white color to fully transparent pixels. It seems to me that the edge is actually still there but it is now the same color as the shape border so you barely can see it. The thin black edge at the back of the worm parts is still here though.
I once had a similar sprite edge problem before and I added "premultipliedAlpha:false" in my getContext() call to fix it. The new code seems to ignore it. Whever I remove or let it in the getContext() call, the little edge stays around my sprites.
Here is my code :
<script id="2d-fragment-shader" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D u_image;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
uniform float alpha;
void main()
vec4 color = texture2D(u_image, vec2(v_texCoord.s, v_texCoord.t));
gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb, alpha * color.a);
webglalpha = gl.getUniformLocation(gl.program, "alpha");
gl.uniform1f(webglalpha, d_opacity);
Does anybody know what is the problem and how to solve it ?
Consider using premultiplied alpha. Change your blending mode to
gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
If your images are not already premultiplied then do this in your shader
float newAlpha = textureColor.a * alpha;
gl_FragColor = vec4(textureColor.rgb * newAlpha, newAlpha);

2D lighting from multiple point sources on GLSL ES 2.0 in iPhone

as i'm a complete noob with shaders i've got some problems while trying to get to work a 2D lighting system that basically covers the screen with a 2D black texture with transparent holes where the lighten areas are.
As i'm using only one texture I guess that i must do this in the fragment shader, right?
Fragment shader:
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
// Texture, coordinates and size
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
uniform vec2 textureSize;
uniform int lightCount;
struct LightSource
vec2 position;
float radius;
float strength;
uniform LightSource lights[10];
void main()
float alpha = 1.0;
vec2 pos = vec2(v_texCoord.x * textureSize.x, v_texCoord.y * textureSize.y);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < lightCount; i++)
LightSource source = lights[i];
float distance = distance(source.position, pos);
if (distance < source.radius)
alpha -= mix(source.strength, 0.0, distance/source.radius);
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha);
The problem is that the performance is really terrible (cannot run at 60fps with 2 lights and nothing else on screen), any suggestions to make it better or even different ways to approach this problem?
By the way, i'm doing this from cocos2d-x, so if anyone has any idea that uses cocos2d elements it will be welcome as well :)
I totally agree with Tim. If you want to improve the total speed, you've to avoid for loops. I recommend you that, if the lights array size is always ten, swap the loop statement with ten copies of the loop content. You should be aware that any variable that you declare into a loop statement will be freed up at the end of the loop! So its a good idea to span the loop in ten parts (ugly, but it's an old school trick ;))))
Besides, I also recommend you to put some println in every statement, to see what instructions is messing around. I bet that the mix operation is the culprit. I don't know anything about cocos2d, but, it is possible to make an unique call to mix at the end of the process, with a sumarization of distances and strengths? It seems that at some point there's a pretty float-consuming annoying operation
Two things I would try (not guaranteed to help)
Remove the for loop and just hardcode in two lights. For loops can be expensive if they are not handled properly by the driver. It would be good to know if that is slowing you down.
If statements can be expensive, and I don't think that's a good application of mix (you're doing an a*(1-c) + 0.0 * c, and the second half of that term is pointless). I might try replacing this if statement:
if (distance < source.radius)
alpha -= mix(source.strength, 0.0, distance/source.radius);
With this single line:
alpha -= (1.0-min(distance/source.radius, 1.0)) * source.strength;

OpenGL ES 2.0 shader examples for image processing?

I am learning shader programming and looking for examples, specifically for image processing. I'd like to apply some Photoshop effect to my photos, e.g. Curves, Levels, Hue/Saturation adjustments, etc.
I'll assume you have a simple uncontroversial vertex shader, as it's not really relevant to the question, such as:
void main()
gl_Position = modelviewProjectionMatrix * position;
texCoordVarying = vec2(textureMatrix * vec4(texCoord0, 0.0, 1.0));
So that does much the same as ES 1.x would if lighting was disabled, including the texture matrix that hardly anyone ever uses.
I'm not a Photoshop expert, so please forgive my statements of what I think the various tools do — especially if I'm wrong.
I think I'm right to say that the levels tool effectively stretches (and clips) the brightness histogram? In that case an example shader could be:
varying mediump vec2 texCoordVarying;
uniform sampler2D tex2D;
const mediump mat4 rgbToYuv = mat4( 0.257, 0.439, -0.148, 0.06,
0.504, -0.368, -0.291, 0.5,
0.098, -0.071, 0.439, 0.5,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const mediump mat4 yuvToRgb = mat4( 1.164, 1.164, 1.164, -0.07884,
2.018, -0.391, 0.0, 1.153216,
0.0, -0.813, 1.596, 0.53866,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
uniform mediump float centre, range;
void main()
lowp vec4 srcPixel = texture2D(tex2D, texCoordVarying);
lowp vec4 yuvPixel = rgbToYuv * srcPixel;
yuvPixel.r = ((yuvPixel.r - centre) * range) + 0.5;
gl_FragColor = yuvToRgb * yuvPixel;
You'd control that by setting the centre of the range you want to let through (which will be moved to the centre of the output range) and the total range you want to let through (1.0 for the entire range, 0.5 for half the range, etc).
One thing of interest is that I switch from the RGB input space to a YUV colour space for the intermediate adjustment. I do that using a matrix multiplication. I then adjust the brightness channel, and apply another matrix that transforms back from YUV to RGB. To me it made most sense to work in a luma/chroma colour space and from there I picked YUV fairly arbitrarily, though it has the big advantage for ES purposes of being a simple linear transform of RGB space.
I am under the understanding that the curves tool also remaps the brightness, but according to some function f(x) = y, which is monotonically increasing (so, will intersect any horizontal or vertical only exactly once) and is set in the interface as a curve from bottom left to top right somehow.
Because GL ES isn't fantastic with data structures and branching is to be avoided where possible, I'd suggest the best way to implement that is to upload a 256x1 luminance texture where the value at 'x' is f(x). Then you can just map through the secondary texture, e.g. with:
... same as before down to ...
lowp vec4 yuvPixel = rgbToYuv * srcPixel;
yuvPixel.r = texture2D(lookupTexture, vec2(yuvPixel.r, 0.0));
... and as above to convert back to RGB, etc ...
You're using a spare texture unit to index a lookup table, effectively. On iOS devices that support ES 2.0 you get at least eight texture units so you'll hopefully have one spare.
Hue/saturation adjustments are more painful to show because the mapping from RGB to HSV involves a lot of conditionals, but the process is basically the same — map from RGB to HSV, perform the modifications you want on H and S, map back to RGB and output.
Based on a quick Google search, this site offers some downloadable code that includes some Photoshop functions (though not curves or levels such that I can see) and, significantly, supplies example implementations of functions RGBToHSL and HSLToRGB. It's for desktop GLSL, which has a more predefined variables, types and functions, but you shouldn't have any big problems working around that. Just remember to add precision modifiers and supply your own replacements for the absent min and max functions.
For curves photoshop uses bicubic spline interpolation. For a given set of control points you can precalculate all 256 values for each channel and for the master curve. I found that it's easier to store the results as a 256x1 texture and pass it to the shader and then change values of each component:
uniform sampler2D curvesTexture;
vec3 RGBCurvesAdjustment(vec3 color)
return vec3(texture2D(curvesTexture, vec2(color.r, 1.0)).r,
texture2D(curvesTexture, vec2(color.g, 1.0)).g,
texture2D(curvesTexture, vec2(color.b, 1.0)).b);