AHK Disable Script A when Script B is Executed - autohotkey

hi again my script is almost complete but there is problem in executing hotkeys
Problem : when i hit Alt + Space it is conflicting with Space .. they are overlaping each other or executing both hotkey which makes custom modifier keys unstable or not working as intented
here is the code:
send {shift down}{MButton down}
KeyWait, space
send {shift up}{Mbutton up}
send {Mbutton down}
KeyWait, space
keywait, alt
send {Mbutton Up}
#if, GetKeyState("MButton")
i want to add a rule if alt + space keycombo is held down this hotkey will not work
meaning i want to disable Script A if Script B is executed
Script A ::
send {shift down}{MButton down}
KeyWait, space
send {shift up}{Mbutton up}
Script B ::
send {Mbutton down}
KeyWait, space
keywait, alt
send {Mbutton Up}
thank you in advance

Wrap the space:: part in #If, !GetKeyState("Alt")
send {Mbutton down}
KeyWait, space
keywait, alt
send {Mbutton Up}
#if, !GetKeyState("Alt")
send {shift down}{MButton down}
KeyWait, space
send {shift up}{Mbutton up}
#if, GetKeyState("MButton")

Hotkey_Alt_Space = 0 ; disabled
send {shift down}{MButton down}
KeyWait, space
send {shift up}{Mbutton up}
Hotkey_Alt_Space = 1
If (Hotkey_Alt_Space != 0) ; enabled
send {Mbutton down}
KeyWait, space
keywait, alt
send {Mbutton Up}
i was help by someone at AHK forum thank you for time the problem is solve i am able to customize my rotate and pan navigation at sketchup


Strange behaviour from AutoHotKey opening CTRL+ALT+DEL menu

I'm trying to create an AutoHotKey script to run some Premiere Pro shortcuts when I press Ctrl+Alt+d but for some reason it opens the Ctrl+Alt+Del windows menu instead. Hoping someone can debug because I can't figure it out.
Here's the script:
Send, {Shift down}NumpadDiv{Shift up}
Send, {Shift down}1{Shift up}
Send, {NumpadDiv}
Send, {Shift down}3{Shift up}
Send, {Ctrl down}a{Ctrl up}
Send, {Delete}
Send, {Shift down}1{Shift up}
Send, {Up}
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Down}
Send, {Backspace 3}
Send, SEL
Send, {Enter}
Send, {Down}
Send, {Backspace 11}
Send, STR
Send, {Tab}
Send, {Shift down}o{Shift up}
Send, {Shift down}2{Shift up}
Send, {Shift down}n{Shift up}
Thanks in advance!
Fixed this problem by adding
KeyWait Control
KeyWait Alt
To the beginning of my script

Autohotkey Mapping Modifiers

I can't use arrow keys from my keyboard so I mapped 1234 to be the arrow keys like that:
Send, {Left down}{Left up}
Send, {Down down}{Down up}
Send, {Up down}{Up up}
Send, {Right down}{Right up}
Now my problem is that in some programs the arrow keys pressed with the shift modifier is associated to a function and with the current settings, when I press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+1 it still outputs me the associated arrow key without considering the 'Shift' modifier.
Do you know how could I solve the problem?
You can just add a list of commands that already includes the shift key, like this:
Send, {Shift down}{Left down}{Left up}{Shift up}
Send, {Shift down}{Down down}{Down up}{Shift up}
Send, {Shift down}{Up down}{Up up}{Shift up}
Send, {Shift down}{Right down}{Right up}{Shift up}

Autohotkey not working in alttab

what i am trying to do is change ShiftAltTab to Alt tab only but my code does not work and it give me an error ("invalid hotkey")
The following should work:
Send, {Shift Down}{Alt Down}{Tab}
KeyWait, Alt
Send, {Shift Up}{Alt Up}

AHK - How to hold a macro while Physical Key depressed

What I want to do is this:
if(not GetKeyState("Shift" , "P") and not GetKeyState("RButton" , "P"))
SendInput {Shift down}
Sleep, 33
Click down right
Numpad3 Up::
Sleep, 100
Click up right
Sleep, 33
SendInput {Shift up}
But for some reason it isn't canceling when I let the button up. :(
I would suggest to use Send {RButton Down} (or Up) to send the right mouse click, instead of Click up right.
Also, you don't want to be sending random Sleep's if they are not really necessary, as it creates lag and makes the script inelegant and potentially unreadable.
Here is code which sends Control instead of RButton but it's only so I can test it within Notepad++.
Just replace Control with RButton and have a go:
Send {Shift Down}{Control Down}
*NumpadPgDn Up::
*Numpad3 Up::
Send {Shift Up}{Control Up}

Autohotkey, Step by Step Execution

This may be a very simple code but I am not able to find how to do it.
I have this
Send, Hi
Send, How Are you
Send, I am Fine
I want to do it like this
Hi How Are you
Right now with the below code
KeyWait, Capslock
Send, Hi
KeyWait, Capslock
Send, How Are you
KeyWait, Capslock
Send, I am Fine
I get
HiHow Are YOuI Am Fine as soon as I press Capslock.
I want it to wait to execute the next command. THanks for your help.
KeyWait, Capslock
Send {Capslock} ; Tap it again to reset it and force it to be released
; or Send {Capslock Up} to force it to be released
; or SetCapslockState Off to disable it completley
Send, Hi KeyWait, Capslock{Enter}
Send, How Are you KeyWait, Capslock{Enter}
Send, I am Fine{Enter}
If you want it in a hotkey, you could do something like this.
Send {CapsLock Up}
Send, Hi {Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send {CapsLock Up}
Send, How Are you{Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock
Send {CapsLock Up}
Send, I am Fine{Enter}
(It's glitching on my computer, but it may be because I'm on a virtual machine.)
Sorry if it is too late,but i did it anyways for everyone searching the solution for it,i assume you want to change it every time u press capslock to be different text:
SendRaw Hi
Sleep 500
KeyWait, CapsLock, D
Goto CapsLock1
SendRaw How Are you
Sleep 500
KeyWait, CapsLock, D
Goto CapsLock2
SendRaw I am Fine
Sleep 500
KeyWait, CapsLock, D
Goto CapsLock0
Explaination for Sleep,it is used because if you would press CapsLock without it then 2 of the command blocks would be executed,it is especially needed.
How about this...
Send, Hi{Enter}
Sleep, 400 ; sleep briefly to allow the CapsLock key to be released
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, How Are you?{Enter}
Sleep, 400
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, I am fine Thank you.{Enter}
How about this...
Send, Hi{Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock, U
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, How Are you?{Enter}
KeyWait, Capslock, U
KeyWait, Capslock, D
Send, I am fine Thank you.{Enter}