Prebid.js DFP configuration - google-dfp

Can somebody help me with integration Prebid.js to existing DFP. I have DFP and Units are live.
I created Order-Line-items with price-priority (from 0.2 to 1.5). I also did key-values hb_pb and hb_bidder (in hb_bidder I add just "rubicon").
I also dowloaded prebid.js.
My question is what else I need to do to get it live? Where I need to add setup for ex. "rubicon id", "site id", zone and unit-id? Do I need to modify code of prebid.js script, or modify DFP code from header of my site, or I can do all from DFP?
I tried this on my site, The Goldens Club but after a while i switched to AD network that give me complete solution.

Prebid.js provides a collection of adapters for various bidders and operates in the browser hence it should be configured on your pages via javascript. You would need to configure prebid.js settings and slightly change you GPT tags
Here's a detailed annotated example of how DFP could be used in combination with Appnexus
This is an excerpt from that page containing prebid.js configuration section:
var adUnits = [{
code: 'div-gpt-ad-1460505748561-0',
sizes: [[300, 250], [300,600]],
bids: [{
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: '4799418'
code: 'div-gpt-ad-1460505661639-0',
sizes: [[728, 90], [970, 90]],
bids: [{
bidder: 'appnexus',
params: {
placementId: '4799418'
var pbjs = pbjs || {};
pbjs.que = pbjs.que || [];
You can also play with it on jsfiddle
And of course you don't need to modify prebid.js library code


Turning the "Autocreate conversation" setting on via API

I'm attaching a picture here to make it more clear about what exactly I'm trying to do. I have sub-accounts under my account for which I purchase a number and that turn on "auto create conversation" setting for each of those subaccounts.
The way I do it from the Twilio Online GUI screeen is attached in the picture. However, I'd like to automate this using API. I haven't been able to do this exactly.
The closest thing I found was here.
This hasn't worked for me.
Can someone suggest what I'm doing wrong?
Here are the steps I'm doing right now
Create a sub-account under main account
Purchase a number under sub-account
Attach the phone number to the default messaging service using the snippet below
phoneNumberSid: activeNumberSid
Then create the addressConfiguration for this newly purchased number
as mentioned below
Address Configuration
friendlyName: 'My Test Configuration',
'autoCreation.enabled': true,
'autoCreation.type': 'webhook',
'autoCreation.conversationServiceSid': 'ISXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'autoCreation.webhookUrl': '',
'autoCreation.webhookMethod': 'POST',
'autoCreation.webhookFilters': ['onParticipantAdded', 'onMessageAdded'],
type: 'sms',
address: '+37256123457'
.then(address_configuration => console.log(address_configuration.sid));
Here's the configuration of the default conversation service
I ran this code
async function _test() {
let service = await'IS4faafa8...').fetch();
console.log(JSON.stringify(service, null, 4));
to get this output (I have removed some characters from the ids for privacy reasons)
"accountSid": null,
"sid": "IS4faafa8.....",
"friendlyName": "Default Conversations Service",
"dateCreated": "2022-03-09T23:29:02.000Z",
"dateUpdated": "2022-07-20T17:49:19.000Z",
"url": "",
"links": {
"users": "",
"roles": "",
"participant_conversations": "",
"conversations": "",
"bindings": "",
"configuration": ""
Picture attached of the GUI Screen

Get real-time comments from videos live Facebook-live-api

I'm setting up an endpoint to receive real-time comments from the live streaming video, I follow the steps in this document smoothly:
There was one person who commented directly on my live streaming video twice, and I also got those 2 comments, but that person's "id" in 2 comments is different. Can anybody explain me on this, and is there any way to fix it.
var source = new EventSource(
source.onmessage = function(event) {
response 1:
{ "from": { name: "Joe Commenter", "id": 126577551217199 },"message":
"I like it!" }
response 2:
{ "from": { name: "Joe Commenter", "id": 23567175551752 },"message":
"Great photo!" }
They're two different accounts, probably a bot building a profile to be used for spam later.

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined on one GET request

working with a MEAN Stack and I have three GET requests for the same URL/Route. One is to get a generalised summary of long-term emotions, the other is to get a summary of emotions by dates entered, and lastly, a summary of emotions related to a user-entered tag associated with individual emotion entries.
My first GET request is throwing no issues but the second GET request throws an error: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
The error points to the following line:
48| each emotion in dateEmotions
Below is the relative code associated with the error:
each emotion in dateEmotions
p.emotion-left= emotion.emotionName
p.pull-right(class= emotion.emotionLevel) (#{emotion.emotionLevel}%)
GET Request
module.exports.emotionsListByDates = function (req, res) {
{ $match :
{ "date" : { $gte: ISODate("2018-04-09T00:00:00.000Z"), $lt: ISODate("2018-04-13T00:00:00.000Z") } }
}, { "$group": {
"_id": null,
"averageHappiness": {"$avg": "$happiness"},
"averageSadness": {"$avg": "$sadness"},
"averageAnger": {"$avg": "$anger"},
"averageSurprise": {"$avg": "$surprise"},
"averageContempt": {"$avg": "$contempt"},
"averageDisgust": {"$avg": "$disgust"},
"averageFear": {"$avg": "$fear"},
], function (e, docs) {
if (e) {
} else {
res.render('dashboard', {
title: "ReacTrack - User Dashboard",
pageHeader: {
title: "User Dashboard",
strapline: "View your emotional data here."
dateEmotions: docs
This question is already getting pretty long, but I have another GET Request pointed to that URL and it is not throwing any errors, and the only difference is that I am not matching the db records by date in that query. I can post the working code if need be.
After some experimenting, I am able to get each of the three routes working individually if I comment out the other two. It's when multiple routes pull in the multiple requests that causes issues. For example, here are the routes at present where the ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByDates is working:
// Dashboard Routes
//router.get(/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListGeneralised);
router.get('/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByDates);
//router.get('/dashboard', ctrlDashboard.emotionsListByTag);
If I comment out two routes and leave one running, and comment out the respective each emotion in emotions each emotion in dateEmotions and each emotion in tagEmotions blocks in the Jade file and leave the correct one uncommented, then that route will work, it seems to be when I am firing multiple routes. Is this bad practice, or incorrect? Should all queries be in the one GET request if on the same URL?
Apologies, new to routing and RESTful APIs but after some researching into the topic, I now understand the fault.
I assumed that the URL used in routing was the URL you wanted the data to populate...which it still kinda is, but I thought if I wanted to populate the dashboard page, I had to use that exact route and I did not realise I could post the data to different URL routes and take the data from those URLs to populate the one page.
Fixed by adding /date and /tag to those routes and using AJAX to perform those requests and populate the main page.
Thanks all.
I have the same problem but I'm using React+Redux+Fetch. So is it not a good practice dispatch more the one request in the same time and from the same page to a specific url?
I would know what causes that problem. I've found some discussions about it could be a mongoose issue.
My code:
MymongooObject.find(query_specifiers, function(err, data) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

Given a URL how can I figure out the Geo where it is likely to originating from?

I am working on a certain problem where given a URL I need to map it to a country. Even if I can reliably answer the question "Is this particular URL relevant to United States?" that should be sufficient.
I am happy to have false negatives but never a false positive.
Currently I am considering the following approach.
See if the domain name of the URL is in top 1000 .com domains on Alexa for USA.
Check if the the link was shared by US users on Facebook or twitter.
Has anyone solved this kind of problem before ?
You can use but you need to get the IP address from your URLs domain before you can access the GeoIP database with this address.
There are a lot of interfaces to the GeoIP dataset for different languages:
Have a look at a sample NodeJS project here:
You can also try out the API or javascript library which is free and gets its data from a merge of several geolocation databases for more accuracy.
<script type="text/javascript" href="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
UserInfo.getInfo(function(data) {
// the "data" object contains the info
}, function(err) {
// the "err" object contains useful information in case of an error
The response will look like:
request_date: "2014-09-18T04:11:25.154Z",
ip_address: "",
position: {
latitude: 37.7758,
longitude: -122.4128,
accuracy: 3 // This is the accuracy radius, in kilometers
continent: {
name: "North America",
code: "NA",
country: {
name: "United States",
code: "US",
city: {
name: "San Francisco",
code: "94103"

Using HATEOAS and Backbone.js

I've started experimenting with Backbone.js, and was struck by the documentation for the documentation for the url property on Backbone.Model.
In particular, I'm building out a REST API that uses HATEOAS/hypermedia to drive the client(s).
I can see the usefulness of Backbone's default behaviour of building up URLs itself for items in a collection, but for my case, would prefer to have the model URLs built out of the data that is parsed.
Has anyone extended/built on Backbone to make it do this? Maybe building upon a "standard" like HAL?
For clarification, let's say I have the following:
GET /orders >>
"_links": {
"self": "/orders/123"
"name": "Order #123",
"date": "2012/02/23"
"_links": {
"self": "/orders/6666"
"name": "Order #666",
"date": "2012/03/01"
and I have an Order model like:
var Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
I would like the url property to be automatically pulled out of the "self" reference in the HAL. I think creating a new base model something like (not tested):
var HalModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: function() {
return get("_links").self;
I've extended backbone to do exactly this, the library is available here:
Thanks for the clarification #Pete.
I think I see what your proposing and I suppose it could work. However, in your example, you first had to know the /Orders url before you were able to get the orders. And if you reworked your json to have an id property, you'd be pretty close to the default implementation of backbone.
Now if you just want to use a generic model or base model (e.g. HALModel) and just bootstrap it with data, your approach could be useful and definitely could work. However, I would look at overriding parse to pull the url out and set it on the model:
parse: function(response) {
this.url = response._links.self;
delete response._links;
return response;
I complement here the response of Simon to explain how to easily do it using gomoob/backbone.hateoas.
// Instanciation of an Hal.Model object is done the same way as you're
// used to with a standard Backbone model
var user = new Hal.Model({
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
_links: {
avatar: {
href: "http://localhost/api/users/1/avatar.png"
self: {
href: "http://localhost/api/users/1"
_embedded: {
address: {
"city" : "Paris",
"country" : "France",
"street" : "142 Rue de Rivoli",
"zip" : "75001",
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : "http://localhost/api/addresses/1"
// Now we you can easily get links, those lines are equivalent
var link1 = user.getLink('avatar');
var link2 = user.getLinks().get('avatar');
// So getting self link is simple too
var self = user.getLink('self');
// All the Hal.Link objects returned by backbone.hateoas are in fact
// standard Backbone models so its standard Backbone
// You can do more with shortcut methods if your HAL links
// have more properties
// You can also manipulate embedded resources if you need
Finally we provide an Hal.Model.url() implementation which is more powerful than standard Backbone url() and which is very useful if you use HAL.
// By default url() returns the href of the self link if this self
// link is present
// If the self link is not defined then url() has the same behavior
// as standard Backbone url() method
// My user is link to a user collection having a URL equal to
// 'http://localhost/user1'
user.url(); // http://localhost/users/1
// My user is not link to a user collection in this case the URL is
// generate using the model urlRoot property by default
user.urlRoot = 'http://myserver/users';
user.url(); // http://localhost/users/1
// backbone.hateoas also allows you to define an application wide root
// URL which prevent to use absolute URLs everywhere in your code
Hal.urlRoot = 'http://localhost/api'; // HAL root API URL
var user = new Hal.Model({ id : 1});
user.urlMiddle = 'users';
user.url(); // http://localhost/api/users/1
Hope this helps, don't hesitate to post issues on our github if you need help on this.
You can override the url function on the model to calculate the URL however you want; it's completely extensible.