liveness probes for manually created Endpoints - kubernetes

Is this a thing?
I have some legacy services which will never run in Kubernetes that I currently make available to my cluster by defining a service and manually uploading an endpoints object.
However, the service is horizontally sharded and we often need to restart one of the endpoints. My google-fu might be weak, but i can't figure out if Kubernetes is clever enough to prevent the Service from repeatedly trying the dead endpoint?
The ideal behavior is that the proxy should detect the outage, mark the endpoint as failed, and at some point when the endpoint comes back re-admit it into the full list of working endpoints.
BTW, I understand that at present, liveness probes are HTTP only. This would need to be a TCP probe because it's a replicated database service that doesn't grok HTTP.

I think the design is for the thing managing the endpoint addresses to add/remove them based on liveness. For services backed by pods, the pod IPs are added to endpoints based on the pod's readiness check. If a pod's liveness check fails, it is deleted and its IP removed from the endpoint.
If you are manually managing endpoint addresses, the burden is currently on you (or your external health checker) to maintain the addresses/notReadyAddresses in the endpoint.


Kubernetes-services load balancing

I have read this question which is very similar to what I am asking, but still wanted to write a new question since the accepted answer there seems very incomplete and also potentially wrong.
Basically, it seems like there is some missing or contradictory information regarding built in load-balancing for regular Kubernetes Services (I am not talking about LoadBalancer services). For example, the official Cilium documentation states that "Kubernetes doesn't come with an implementation of Load Balancing". In addition, I couldn't find any information in the official Kubernetes documentation about load balancing for internal services (there was only a section discussing this under ingresses).
So my question is - how does load balancing or distribution of requests work when we make a request from within a Kubernetes cluster to the internal address of a Kubernetes service?
I know there's a Kubernetes proxy on each node that creates the DNS records for such services, but what about services that span multiple pods and nodes? There's got to be some form of request distribution or load-balancing, or else this just wouldn't work at all, no?
A standard Kubernetes Service provides basic load-balancing. Even for a ClusterIP-type Service, the Service has its own cluster-internal IP address and DNS name, and forwards requests to the collection of Pods specified by its selector:.
In normal use, it is enough to create a multiple-replica Deployment, set a Service to point at its Pods, and send requests only to the Service. All of the replicas will receive requests.
The documentation discusses the implementation of internal load balancing in more detail than an application developer normally needs. Unless your cluster administrator has done extra setup, you'll probably get round-robin request routing – the first Pod will receive the first request, the second Pod the second, and so on.
... the official Cilium documentation states ...
This is almost certainly a statement about external load balancing. As a cluster administrator (not a programmer) a "plain" Kubernetes installation doesn't include an external load-balancer implementation, and a LoadBalancer-type Service behaves identically to a NodePort-type Service.
There are obvious deficiencies to round-robin scheduling, most notably if you do wind up having individual network requests that take a long time and a lot of resource to service. As an application developer the best way to address this is to make these very-long-running requests run asynchronously; return something like an HTTP 201 Created status with a unique per-job URL, and do the actual work in a separate queue-backed worker.

Using readiness probe to handle graceful shutdown

From Kubernetes document, when readiness probe fails, it removes the Pod's IP address from the endpoints of all services that match the pod.
We are thinking about implementing SIGTERM handler to fail the health check and stop the pod from receiving future traffic. That's what we want, no more Inbound traffic. The question is, if the pod contains requests that depend on backend service which are not reside in the same pod, will the pod still be able to complete those outbound requests?
From the docs (emphasis mine):
Sometimes, applications are temporarily unable to serve traffic. For example, an application might need to load large data or configuration files during startup, or depend on external services after startup. In such cases, you don't want to kill the application, but you don't want to send it requests either. Kubernetes provides readiness probes to detect and mitigate these situations. A pod with containers reporting that they are not ready does not receive traffic through Kubernetes Services.
The pod can't be reached through Kubernetes services. You can still make outbound requests, and anyone using the pod name or IP directly will also still be able to reach it.

dual Kubernetes Readiness probes?

I have a scenario where it is required to 'prepare' Kubernetes towards taking off/terminating/shutdown a container, but allow it to serve some requests till that happens.
For example, lets assume that there are three methods: StartAction, ProcessAction, EndAction. I want to prevent clients from invoking StartAction when a container is about to be shutdown. However they should be able use ProcessAction and EndAction on that same container (after all Actions have been completed, the container will shutdown).
I was thinking that this is some sort of 'dual' readiness probe, where I basically want to indicate a 'not ready' status but continue to serve requests for already started Actions.
I know that there is a PreStop hook but I am not confident that this serves the need because according to the documentation I suspect that during the PreStop the pod is already taken off the load balancer:
(simultaneous with 3) Pod is removed from endpoints list for service, and are no longer considered part of the set of running Pods for replication controllers. Pods that shutdown slowly cannot continue to serve traffic as load balancers (like the service proxy) remove them from their rotations.
Assuming that I must rely on stickiness and must continue serving requests for Actions on containers where those actions were started, is there some recommended practice?
I think you can just implement 2 endpoints in your application:
Custom readiness probe
Shutdown preparation endpointList item
So to make graceful shutdown I think you should firstly call "Shutdown preparation endpoint" which will cause that "Custom readiness probe" will return error so Kubernetes will get out that POD from service load balancer (no new clients will come) but existing TCP connections will be kept (existing clients will operate). After your see in some custom metrics (which your service should provide) that all actions for clients are done you should shutdown containers using standard Kubernetes actions. All those actions should be probably automated somehow using Kubernetes and your application APIs.

Expose each pod in a statefulset to the internet without a custom proxy

I have a StatefulSet with pods server-0, server-1, etc. I want to expose them directly to the internet with URLs like or like
I want to be able to scale the StatefulSet and automatically be able to access the new pods from the internet. For example, if I scale it up to include a server-2, I want to route requests to the new pod when it's ready. I don't want to have to also scale some other resource or create another Service to achieve that effect.
I could achieve this with a custom proxy service that just checks the request path and forwards to the correct pod internally, but this seems error-prone and wasteful.
Is there a way to cause an Ingress to automatically route to different pods within a StatefulSet, or some other built-in technique that would avoid custom code?
I don't think you can do it. Being part of the same statefulSet, all pods up to pod-x, are targeted by a service. As you can't define which pod is going to get a request, you can't force "" or "" to be sent to pod-1. It will be sent to the service, and the service might sent it to pod-4.
Even though if you could, you would need to dynamically update your ingress rules, which can cause a downtime of minutes, easily.
With the custom proxy, I see it impossible too. Note that it would need to basically replace the service behind the pods. If your ingress controller knows that it needs to deliver a packet to a service, now you have to force it to deliver to your proxy. But how?
A Kubernetes service is a set of iptables (or IPVS) rules that will redirect a packet with the ServiceIP as a destination address to ONE OF THE PODS that have the same label.
from Kubernetes Services documentation
The service installs iptables rules which select a backend Pod. By default, the choice of backend is random.
Which refers to the fact that a service is not able to distinguish between different pods in the same set.
If you want to force the selection of a specific Pod out of the set by changing the iprules (fairly simple), or by adding any type of proxy is problematic:
let's say you configured pod-1 and pod-2 ( and respectively), and you configured iptables rules to DNAT requests with destination to and same for pod-2. (you may ask why the IP, and it's simply because it's the only way to distinguish between these pods)
This approach will fail whenever a pod restarts, let's say pod-1 failed, Kubernetes won't recreate the same pod with same IP and name, instead will create pod-3 with a different IP and updates the iptables accordingly. As a result, all the packets going toward will be dropped until you update the proxy or iptables again.
In fact, that's one of the reasons why we use service to access pods instead of accessing them directly since the Pod IP can change however the service IP won't.
However, since this very specific part of kubernetes was my work for the last 4 months, I have developed a python script to edit the iptables and to choose a specific pod, my conclusion of that work was it's costy and time-consuming and will impose the server to go offline for a couple of seconds when the pods are changed, you can take a look at the code, it definitely works but its not recommended.
This problem is a kubernetes problem and the solution is changing the source code of Kube-proxy, which is my current work.
I suggest you read my answer explaining how kubernetes services exactly work in this question: Which service is doing load balancing between kubernetes nodes?

Where do services live in Kubernetes?

I am learning Kubernetes and currently deep diving into high availability and while I understand that I can set up a highly available control plane (API-server, controllers, scheduler) with local (or with remote) etcds as well as a highly available set of minions (through Kubernetes itself), I am still not sure where in this concept services are located.
If they live in the control plane: Good I can set them up to be highly available.
If they live on a certain node: Ok, but what happens if the node goes down or becomes unavailable in any other way?
As I understand it, services are needed to expose my pods to the internet as well as for loadbalancing. So no HA service, I risk that my application won't be reachable (even though it might be super highly available for any other aspect of the system).
Kubernetes Service is another REST Object in the k8s Cluster. There are following types are services. Each one of them serves a different purpose in the cluster.
fundamental Purpose of Services
Providing a single point of gateway to the pods
Load balancing the pods
Inter Pods communication
Provide Stability as pods can die and restart with different Ip
These Objects are stored in etcd as it is the single source of truth in the cluster.
Kube-proxy is the responsible for creating these objects. It uses selectors and labels.
For instance, each pod object has labels therefore service object has selectors to match these labels. Furthermore, Each Pod has endpoints, so basically kube-proxy assign these endpoints (IP:Port) with service (IP:Port).Kube-proxy use IP-Tables rules to do this magic.
Kube-Proxy is deployed as DaemonSet in each cluster nodes so they are aware of each other by using etcd.
You can think of a service as an internal (and in some cases external) loadbalancer. The definition is stored in Kubernetes API server, yet the fact thayt it exists there means nothing if something does not implement it. Most common component that works with services is kube-proxy that implements services on nodes using iptables (meaning that every node has every service implemented in it's local iptables rules), but there are also ie. Ingress Controller implementations that use Service concept from API to find endpoints and direct traffic to them, effectively skipping iptables implementation. Finaly there are service mesh solutions like linkerd or istio that can leverage Service definitions on their own.
Services loadbalance between pods in most of implementations, meaning that as long as you have one backing pod alive (and with enough capacity) your "service" will respond (so you get HA as well, specially if you implement readiness/liveness probes that among other things will remove unhealthy pods from services)
Kubernetes Service documentation provides pretty good insight on that