Calendar+ does not automatically update subscribed calendars - owncloud

I'm using ownCloud and its Calendar+ application.
This application is really great as it allows me to include external (ical) calendars. However, it seems as if the subscribed calendars are not refreshed automatically. New events on the subscribed calendars are not automatically visible in Calendar+.
Question 1: is there a way to automatically refresh subscribed calendars?
One of the subscribed calendars is my "Upcoming Events" calendar from Facebook. When creating the ical subscription, all the event have been included pretty flawlessly, but now there are new events in this calendar which won't be synched (as already mentioned in Question 1).
When manually refreshing the calendar, the update fails (Just "Update failed") without any detailed description. Does anyone have the same issues? Is there a workaround?


Flutter: delete calendar events in Gmail

I'm creating some local notifications for my users to remain them different events. I achieved this by using These notifications are scheduled and can be removed easily.
I was thinking in other hand to move this to the private calendar wit Gmail. I have done this in the past and I know how to create them but I was wondering if I could remove also them.
In my app I have different portfolios. These contain rents and each rent has leases. When the user creates a lease an event is created with the different payment days.
If the user deletes either the event, the lease, the rent or the portfolio, I need to remove automatically all the notifications. Right now, since this is created with local_notifications I can do it, but would it be possible by having the events created in Gmail?
Could I created/remove a bunch of events without displaying the Gmail calendar app?

iCalendar (.ics) feed, how to force calendar client to stop the subscription

I have an online service where it lets people subscribe to iCalendar feed.
I'm wondering if there is a way to force the subscriber (their Calendar client) to stop their subscription.
I have one subscriber who is subscribed to a feed that doesn't exist anymore. The annoying part is that this subscriber is fetching the data every 4 seconds!
I looked at iCalendar specification and it doesn't look like this is supported.
I tried few http response codes (404 and 410), but this doesn't stop the client.
The user agent I'm seeing in the log shows "iOS/12.5.4 (16H50) dataaccessd/1.0".
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
The problem is similar to a 'broken' link that keeps trying to fetch a page that no longer exists. How to unpublish an iCal (*.ics) feed?

Synchronize iCalendar Events like theSkimm

My use case is similar to what theSkimm app does which is as follows:
To push events to iCalendar app on iPhone once user opts for Calendar Synchronization in the mobile application (once user subscribes to the calendar).
To delete events pushed by the application to iCalendar app once opts out Calendar Synchronization in the application
If the user subscribes to Calendar Synchronization, each event pushed to the application should have a link to unsubscribe for the event. By clicking the link the event in iCalendar should disappear.
1st use case can be achieved when the user clicks subscribe -> App can fetch events from server and push it into iCalendar using EventKit.
2nd use case can be achieved when user clicks unsubscribe -> App can fetch all events from server that were pushed to iCalendar earlier.
3rd use case is where it is getting a bit tricky to understand the workflow as there is no API provided by apple that I could find online which helps me move into user's iCalendar and delete the requested event.
I request anyone having any idea regarding this or any previous work experience to please help me our guide me in how can things be done.

Office 365 REST API showing Calendar's which are already deleted

I managed to query all the calendars from a user:$top=50
getting up to 50 calendars from the user
Unfortunately, the query also returns deleted calendars from the user as well. I did not find a OData field to indicate deleted calendars ( or similar.
What I did was the following:
I logged in as the user in Microsoft Outlook and deleted a calendar from the user in the client. After closing and reopening Outlook, the calendar was deleted as expected. But when I query for all calendars via the REST API I still get the calendar which I deleted but no way to distinguish what the user can actually see, as all fields returned do not include anything pointing to the fact that it is a deleted calendar.
What can I do to get the same view on the calendars as the user gets with the client, or how do I "really" manage to delete a calendar without the REST API returning it?
If I can chose, I would rather know how to distinguish them properly ;)

Is it possible to access iphone notes, calendar in IOS?

I want to access notes and calendar using native iphone app. I want to know is it possible in new iphone os? Is there any public pi for that?
There is the Event Kit API which is documented in The Event Kit Programming Guide.
As far as I know you cannot access Notes.
The Event Kit and Event Kit UI
frameworks together allow iOS
applications to access event
information from a user’s Calendar
database. You can fetch events based
on a date range or a unique
identifier, receive notifications when
event records change, and allow users
to create and edit events for any of
their calendars. Changes made to
events in a user’s Calendar database
with Event Kit are automatically
synced with the appropriate calendar
(CalDAV, Exchange, and so on). This
document describes Event Kit concepts
and common programming tasks.
Notes are now synchronized to the main IMAP server mail account. So if you can access that somehow then you could access the notes, potentially. However I think you'd probably have to link in your own IMAP client code, and ask the user for their login credentials.