Can ANN be tuned to improve classification performance. Can ROC be of any use? - matlab

I am learning Neural Network Toolbox in MATLAB. I have tested it on data from the Machine Learning Repository and drawn a graph from calculating ROC given the data. I calculated ROCs for all parts: train, validation, and test. I understand what ROC curves represent, what a particular cutt-off point corresponds to and why we call it a trade-off between TPR and FPR.
This ROC presents good classifiction but my goal is to have an influence on decision if a classifier provides more TP (with higher TPR) even though I accept more FPR? I can read from the graph that if I expect 90% of TP, I would have to accept slight over 40% of FPR as well. How can this knowledge be of any help to tune current classification performance?
Is there any way, a property in the structure that NN returns (e.g. "patternnet") that would let me tune a classifier according to what ROC shows and then make classifier to give more TRP and FPR? I am not sure if this is possible.

If you want to increase both TRP and FPR, you actually want to increase your recall at expenses of you precision
You could modify your cost function and use recall instead. Here, you have more info about how to use a custom performance function in Matlab NN


When to use PCA for dimensionality reduction?

I am using the Matlab Classification Learner app to test different classifiers over a training set (size = 700). My response variable is a categorical label with 5 possible values. I have 7 numerical features and 2 categorical ones. I found a Cubic SVM to have the highest accuracy of 83%. But the performance goes down considerably when I enable PCA with 95% explained variance (accuracy = 40.5%). I am a student and this is the first time I am using PCA.
Why do I see such a result?
Could it be because of a small / unbalanced data set?
When is it useful to apply PCA? When we say "reduce dimensionality", is there a minimum number of features (dimensionality) in the original set?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I want to share my opinion
I think training set 700 means, your data is < 1k.
I'm even surprised that svm performs 83%.
Even MNIST dataset is considered to be small (60.000 training - 10.000 test). Your data is much-much smaller.
You try to reduce your small data even smaller using pca. So what will svm learns? There is no discriminating samples left?
If I were you I would test using random-forest classifier. Random-forest might even perform better.
Even if you balanced your data, it is small data.
I believe using SMOTE will not improve the result. If your data consist of images then you could use ImageDataGenerator for replicating your data. Though I'm not sure matlab contains ImageDataGenerator.
You will use PCA, when you have lots of samples. Yet the samples are not directly effecting the accuracy but they are the components of data.
For instance: Let's consider handwritten digit classification data.
From above can we say each pixel is directly effecting the accuracy?
The answer is no? Above the black pixels are not important for the accuracy, therefore to remove them we use pca.
If you want a detailed explanation with a python example. Check out my other answer

Support Vector Machine vs K Nearest Neighbours

I have a data set to classify.By using KNN algo i am getting an accuracy of 90% but whereas by using SVM i just able to get over 70%. Is SVM not better than KNN. I know this might be stupid to ask but, what are the parameters for SVM which will give nearly approximate results as KNN algo. I am using libsvm package on matlab R2008
kNN and SVM represent different approaches to learning. Each approach implies different model for the underlying data.
SVM assumes there exist a hyper-plane seperating the data points (quite a restrictive assumption), while kNN attempts to approximate the underlying distribution of the data in a non-parametric fashion (crude approximation of parsen-window estimator).
You'll have to look at the specifics of your scenario to make a better decision as to what algorithm and configuration are best used.
It really depends on the dataset you are using. If you have something like the first line of this image ( ) kNN will work really well and Linear SVM really badly.
If you want SVM to perform better you can use a Kernel based SVM like the one in the picture (it uses a rbf kernel).
If you are using scikit-learn for python you can play a bit with code here to see how to use the Kernel SVM
kNN basically says "if you're close to coordinate x, then the classification will be similar to observed outcomes at x." In SVM, a close analog would be using a high-dimensional kernel with a "small" bandwidth parameter, since this will cause SVM to overfit more. That is, SVM will be closer to "if you're close to coordinate x, then the classification will be similar to those observed at x."
I recommend that you start with a Gaussian kernel and check the results for different parameters. From my own experience (which is, of course, focused on certain types of datasets, so your mileage may vary), tuned SVM outperforms tuned kNN.
Questions for you:
1) How are you selecting k in kNN?
2) What parameters have you tried for SVM?
3) Are you measuring accuracy in-sample or out-of-sample?

Continuously train MATLAB ANN, i.e. online training?

I would like to ask for ideas what options there is for training a MATLAB ANN (artificial neural network) continuously, i.e. not having a pre-prepared training set? The idea is to have an "online" data stream thus, when first creating the network it's completely untrained but as samples flow in the ANN is trained and converges.
The ANN will be used to classify a set of values and the implementation would visualize how the training of the ANN gets improved as samples flows through the system. I.e. each sample is used for training and then also evaluated by the ANN and the response is visualized.
The effect that I expect is that for the very first samples the response of the ANN will be more or less random but as the training progress the accuracy improves.
Any ideas are most welcome.
Regards, Ola
In MATLAB you can use the adapt function instead of train. You can do this incrementally (change weights every time you get a new piece of information) or you can do it every N-samples, batch-style.
This document gives an in-depth run-down on the different styles of training from the perspective of a time-series problem.
I'd really think about what you're trying to do here, because adaptive learning strategies can be difficult. I found that they like to flail all over compared to their batch counterparts. This was especially true in my case where I work with very noisy signals.
Are you sure that you need adaptive learning? You can't periodically re-train your NN? Or build one that generalizes well enough?

Interpretation of MATLAB's NaiveBayses 'posterior' function

After we created a Naive Bayes classifier object nb (say, with multivariate multinomial (mvmn) distribution), we can call posterior function on testing data using nb object. This function has 3 output parameters:
[post,cpre,logp] = posterior(nb,test)
I understand how post is computed and the meaning of that, also cpre is the predicted class, based on the maximum over posterior probabilities for each class.
The question is about logp. It is clear how it is computed (logarithm of the PDF of each pattern in test), but I don't understand the meaning of this measure and how it can be used in the context of Naive Bayes procedure. Any light on this is very much appreciated.
The logp you are referring to is the log likelihood, which is one way to measure how good a model is fitting. We use log probabilities to prevent computers from underflowing on very small floating-point numbers, and also because adding is faster than multiplying.
If you learned your classifier several times with different starting points, you would get different results because the likelihood function is not log-concave, meaning there are local maxima that you would get stuck in. If you computed the likelihood of the posterior on your original data you would get the likelihood of the model. Although the likelihood gives you a good measure of how one set of parameters fits compared to another, you need to be careful that you're not overfitting.
In your case, you are computing the likelihood on some unobserved (test) data, which gives you an idea of how well your learned classifier is fitting on the data. If you were trying to learn this model based on the test set, you would pick the parameters based on the highest test likelihood; however in general when you're doing this it's better to use a validation set. What you are doing here is computing predictive likelihood.
Computing the log likelihood is not limited to Naive Bayes classifiers and can in fact be computed for any Bayesian model (gaussian mixture, latent dirichlet allocation, etc).

Optimization of Neural Network input data

I'm trying to build an app to detect images which are advertisements from the webpages. Once I detect those I`ll not be allowing those to be displayed on the client side.
Basically I'm using Back-propagation algorithm to train the neural network using the dataset given here:
But in that dataset no. of attributes are very high. In fact one of the mentors of the project told me that If you train the Neural Network with that many attributes, it'll take lots of time to get trained. So is there a way to optimize the input dataset? Or I just have to use that many attributes?
1558 is actually a modest number of features/attributes. The # of instances(3279) is also small. The problem is not on the dataset side, but on the training algorithm side.
ANN is slow in training, I'd suggest you to use a logistic regression or svm. Both of them are very fast to train. Especially, svm has a lot of fast algorithms.
In this dataset, you are actually analyzing text, but not image. I think a linear family classifier, i.e. logistic regression or svm, is better for your job.
If you are using for production and you cannot use open source code. Logistic regression is very easy to implement compared to a good ANN and SVM.
If you decide to use logistic regression or SVM, I can future recommend some articles or source code for you to refer.
If you're actually using a backpropagation network with 1558 input nodes and only 3279 samples, then the training time is the least of your problems: Even if you have a very small network with only one hidden layer containing 10 neurons, you have 1558*10 weights between the input layer and the hidden layer. How can you expect to get a good estimate for 15580 degrees of freedom from only 3279 samples? (And that simple calculation doesn't even take the "curse of dimensionality" into account)
You have to analyze your data to find out how to optimize it. Try to understand your input data: Which (tuples of) features are (jointly) statistically significant? (use standard statistical methods for this) Are some features redundant? (Principal component analysis is a good stating point for this.) Don't expect the artificial neural network to do that work for you.
Also: remeber Duda&Hart's famous "no-free-lunch-theorem": No classification algorithm works for every problem. And for any classification algorithm X, there is a problem where flipping a coin leads to better results than X. If you take this into account, deciding what algorithm to use before analyzing your data might not be a smart idea. You might well have picked the algorithm that actually performs worse than blind guessing on your specific problem! (By the way: Duda&Hart&Storks's book about pattern classification is a great starting point to learn about this, if you haven't read it yet.)
aplly a seperate ANN for each category of features
for example
457 inputs 1 output for url terms ( ANN1 )
495 inputs 1 output for origurl ( ANN2 )
then train all of them
use another main ANN to join results