How to design REST API for export endpoint? - rest

I am designing a REST API and am running into a design issue. I have alerts that I'd like the user to be able to export to one of a handful of file formats. So we're already getting into actions/commands with export, which feels like RPC and not REST.
Moreover, I don't want to assume a default file format. Instead, I'd like to require it to be provided. I don't know how to design the API to do that, and I also don't know what response code to return if the required parameter isn't provided.
So here's my first crack at it:
POST /api/alerts/export?format=csv
POST /api/alerts/export/csv
Is this endpoint set up the way you would? And is it set up in the right way to require the file format? And if the required file format isn't provided, what's the correct status code to return?

In fact you should consider HTTP content negotiation (or CONNEG) to do this. This leverages the Accept header (see the HTTP specification: that specifies which is the expected media type for the response.
For example, for CSV, you could have something like that:
GET /api/alerts
Accept: text/csv
If you want to specify additional hints (file name, ...), the server could return the Content-Disposition header (see the HTTP specification: in the response, as described below:
GET /api/alerts
Accept: text/csv
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="alerts.csv"
Hope it helps you,


HTTPie returning "Error processing request. All request parts must have the content-type header set."

I'm testing an API with HTTPie. The implementation notes of the method I'm trying to use states that it accepts a multipart query containing a model in JSON format (Content-Type=application/json) and one or several files (Content-Type=application/octet-stream). I'm trying to post a file accompanied by a model in JSON. According to what I understood from the HTPPie documentation the way to do it is passing it as form:
http --form POST documentModel#/path/to/json/file taskfile#/path/to/file\ projectId==xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx
where projectId is a parameter to be sent as query string.
I've tried to set a Content-Type header for each file, however it doesn't seem right, as I expected the --form flag to set content-type as multipart/form-data, according to the documentation.
I'm sure I'm missing something basic, so any ideas on the direction to follow and how to better understand mime types are very welcome.

How to handle error responses in a REST endpoint that accepts different Accept header values.

I'm trying to add a new content type to a REST endpoint. Currently it only returns json but I now need to be able to return also a CSV file.
As far as I know, the best way to do this is by using the Accept header with value text/csv and then add a converter that is able to react to this and convert the returned body to the proper CSV representation.
I've been able to do this but then I have a problem handling exceptions. Up until know, all the errors returned are in json. The frontend expects any 500 status code to contain a specific body with the error. But now, by adding the option to return either application/json or text/csv to my endpoint, in case of an error, the converter to be used to transform the body is going to be either the jackson converter or my custom one depending on the Accept header passed. Moreover, my frontend is going to need to read the content-type returned and parse the value based on the type of representation returned.
Is this the normal approach to handle this situation?
A faster workaround would be to forget about the Accept header and include a url parameter indicating the format expected. Doing it this way, I'd be able to change the content-type of the response and the parsing of the data directly in the controller as the GET request won't include any Accept header and it will be able to accept anything. There are some parts of the code already doing this where the only expected response format is CSV so I'm going to have a difficult time defending the use of the Accept header unless there is a better way of handling this.
my frontend is going to need to read the content-type returned and parse the value based on the type of representation returned.
Is this the normal approach to handle this situation?
For example, RFC 7807 describes a common format for describing problems. So the server would send an application/problem+json or an application/problem+xml representation of the issue in the response, along with the usual meta data in the headers.
Consumers that understand application/problem+json can parse the data with in, and forward a useful description of the problem to the user/logs whatever. Consumers that don't understand that representation are limited to acting on the information in the headers.
A faster workaround would be to forget about the Accept header and include a url parameter indicating the format expected.
That's also fine -- more precisely, you can have a different resource responsible for the each of the different media-types that you support.
It may be useful to review section 3.4 of RFC 7231, which describes the semantics of content negotiation.

HTTP Headers to use to specify CSV delimiter and options

I would like my REST service to accept CSV files in addition to JSON and XML.
I would accept an HTTP PUT request such as:
PUT /myservice/user
Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8
I would like to be able to accept different delimiters and other format options for my CSV file. Preferably without using the querystring, which doesn't seem to be the proper tool for that. I understand I could just invent my own headers such as:
PUT /myservice/user
Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8
CSV-Delimiter: ,
CSV-Options: merge-duplicates, no-header-row
Or maybe I could invent my own parameters to Content-Type if that is allowed (after all it is a part of the content-type just like the charset used):
PUT /myservice/user
Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8; delimiter=,; options=no-header-row
What would be the proper way to handle this? Are there any HTTP-headers conventionally used for this?
For "no-header-row" a parameter already exists: [header="present"|"absent"].
As for adding new parameters to the content-type header:
New parameters SHOULD NOT be defined as a way to introduce new
functionality in types registered in the standards tree, although new
parameters MAY be added to convey additional information that does
not otherwise change existing functionality. An example of this
would be a "revision" parameter to indicate a revision level of an
external specification such as JPEG. Similar behavior is encouraged
for media types registered in the vendor or personal trees but is not

Use DTD to describe XML returned in RESTful service?

Given the service:
> GET /hotel
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< <hotel>
< <a>aaa</a>
< <b>aaa</b>
> <c>aaa</c>
< </hotel>
Should one reference a DTD in the XML returned from the server?
Would this better allow a client to validate the response?
Considering the markup you have chosen appears to be custom to your requirements then I would expect to see a media-type such as
in your content-type HTTP header. Based on this content-type, the client will know whether it has the knowledge to process this representation.
The media-type header can help your client know what kind of document to use. It can also help you version the service by having different document types for each version.
The client can also specify which kind of document it would like back in the Accepts header.
It's certainly good practice to reference your DTD/schema, and yes, it will allow clients to validate the response, if they choose to. They often won't.

Is it ok to return application/octet-stream from a REST interface?

Am I breaking any laws in the REST bible by returning application/octet-stream for my responses ? The REST endpoint receives 5 image urls.
{ "image1": "",
"image2": "" }
and it will download these and return them as application/octet-stream.
CLARIFICATION: The client that invokes this REST interface is a mobile app. Every additional network connections made will reduce battery life by a few milliamps. I am forced to use REST because it is a company standard. If not, I will do my own binary protocol.
It is not so good, as the client will not know what to do with such binary data except of storing those bytes somewhere or sending them further to some other process (if this is all you need to do with your data, then it is fine).
You may take a look at multipart content types. IMO, a multipart message containing several image/gif parts would be a better alternative.
From the sounds of this, this sounds much more like an RPC call. Specifically, "here's a list of URLs, send me back an archive".
That process is not particularly RESTful, as REST is not an RPC based system.
What you need to do is treat the archives as reources, and a way to create and then serve them up.
For example you could:
POST /archives
Content-Type: application/json
{ "image1": "",
"image2": "" }
As a result, you would get
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Then, you could make a request to
GET /archives/1234
Accept: multipart/mixed
Here, you will get the actual archive in a single request (like you want), only it's a multipart formatted result. (multipart/x-zip would work too, that's a zip file)
If you did:
GET /archives/1234
Accept: application/json
You would get back the JSON you sent originally (so you could, perhaps, edit and update the archive, something you may not want to support sending up the binary images).
To change it you would simply POST back the update:
PUT /archives/1234
Content-Type: application/json
{ "image1": "",
"image2": "",
"image3": "" }
The resource is /archives/1234, that's its name.
It has two representations in this case: the JSON version, and the actual, binary archive. Your service distinguishes between the two using the content type specified in the Accept header. That header is the client telling you what it wants.
When you're done with the archive, simply DELETE it
DELETE /archives/1234
Or you can have the server expire the resource at some later time.
Why not have five separate REST calls?
Seems cleaner and divides more logically. It will also run the downloads in parallel, 2 or more at a time depending on the browser you are using.
They are called REST principles not laws, but no you are not "breaking" them, IMO. REST is about resources being addressable by a URL, and (where appropriate) available in multiple formats. It doesn't say what the format should be. There's a simple description of what REST means in this article.
However, as #Andrey says there are nicer ways to handle sending multiple data objects than inventing your own adhoc format. The Multipart mimeType / format is one alternative, and another is to send the objects packed up as a tar, zip or a similar archive file format.
IMO. the real problem with using "application/octet-stream" and is that it doesn't tell anyone anything about how the data is actually formatted. Rather your client has "know" how it is formatted, and interpret it accordingly. And the problems with inventing your own format are interoperability and (possibly) having to design, implement and maintain libraries to support it, possibly may times over.