embed javascript inside body using wicket - wicket

There are a few solutions that I have seen but none of them worked for me. I am using Wicket 1.6
my wicket contains the following
WebMarkupContainer scriptLeaflet = new WebMarkupContainer("script_leaflet");
scriptLeaflet.add(new AttributeAppender("src", urlFor(new JavaScriptResourceReference(BasePage.class,"js/leaflet.js"), null).toString()));
my html contains the following
<script wicket:id="script_leaflet"></script>
I am using firefox's inspect element to check the content. I dont see any javascript in the rendered html page. If I replace the script tag with div tag just to see what happens I see the src url on the div tag as <div src="...."> but does not work when using the script tag


How to use t3:// TypoLinks in TYPO3 HTML Content Elements without disabling `parseFunc.htmlSanitize` globally?

Since the release of the security patches in August 2021 that prevents Cross-Site Scripting via Rich-Text Content I noticed that the output of HTML Content Elements suddenly changed in our projects. Some tag attributes and tags got removed by the newly introduced HTML Sanitizer (when the template is modified so that t3:// style TypoLinks get rendered).
So simply overriding the default Html.html Fluid Template, changing the <f:format.raw> to <f:format.html> and adding a html decoding like in the following example is no longer sufficient.
<f:section name="Main">
<f:comment> We use this to render links and other stuff in html elements </f:comment>
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc">
The easiest way to prevent changes in your html codes output provided by HTML Content Elements is to disable the sanitizer globally by adding lib.parseFunc.htmlSanitize = 0 to your TypoScript config, what is not ideal.
How can I disable the parseFunc.htmlSanitize only for this purpose?
Or is there an other solution to render TypoLinks within HTML Content Elements?
Note: You don't need to disable the HTML Sanitizer if you do not override the Html.html template!
Simply make a copy of lib.parseFunc and disable the sanitizer in this copy.
lib.parseHtmlFunc < lib.parseFunc
lib.parseHtmlFunc.htmlSanitize = 0
Then use this lib in your Html.html template.
<f:section name="Main">
<f:comment> We use this to render links and other stuff in html elements </f:comment>
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseHtmlFunc">
Thanks to #OliverHader for bringing me to the right track.

Add custom class to body tag | TYPO3

I want to add custom class to body tag to each page what I want, for example: for Tag pages class <body class="tagClass">, for main page class <body class="mainClass"> and for detailed pages <body class="classDetailed">.
I`m using TYPO3 7.6.0 andi have installed on it Blog extention, this blog extention pages i want this classes.
some examples or link would be very helpful for me.
By the way this post i saw TYPO3 Adding a class to the body tag on a specifc page but it isn`t what i want
Given you are using 'page' as TypoScript ContentObject PAGE and have two different page trees, which starts with page id 10 and 20, you can use following TypoScript setup/configuration:
page.bodyTagAdd = class="foo"
page.bodyTagAdd = class="bar"

disable photos & photoset permalinks tumblr

I'm trying to make all picture posts on my homepage not clickable, so they can't link to the permalinks. (I just want them to stay as miniatures with the hover cycle effect already provided by the theme)
I've tried removing {LinkOpenTag} and {LinkCloseTag} from:
<div class="wide-sizer">
<div class="image">
<img src="{block:PermalinkPage}{PhotoURL-HighRes}{/block:PermalinkPage}{block:IndexPage}{PhotoURL-500}{/block:IndexPage}" alt="{PhotoAlt}"
But photos and photosets are still clickable.
This is my page: http://woodstudiofr.tumblr.com
I'm using the "Spectator Theme".
UPDATE: ok so i tried removing as data-permalink={Permalink}as lharby suggested, but now all the links redirect to /undefined.
Any ideas?
thanks again for your time !
As mentioned in my comment, the data-permalink attribute has been removed, but there is still some custom javascript which is casing the url to be returned undefined.
Go to the bottom of your template, before the closing <body> tag and add this code:
<script type="text/javascript">
(Basically instead of binding the post to a click function which is in the custom javascript we are now attempting to unbind it on click).
I tested it in the browser and it looks to be working (although a couple of other methods I thought would work didn't).
In order to change the cursor on the post element. Remove the clickable class from the .post div from the template (if you can, if it is hard coded in).
Alternatively inside the style tags at the bottom, add the following css:
.post-grid .post.photo.clickable a,
.post.clickable {
cursor: default;

insert html code in TinyMCE document

I want to insert custom html code in document via code button (like this for example taken from bootstrap + some JS code):
<link rel="stylesheet" ref="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha512-dTfge/zgoMYpP7QbHy4gWMEGsbsdZeCXz7irItjcC3sPUFtf0kuFbDz/ixG7ArTxmDjLXDmezHubeNikyKGVyQ==" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha512-K1qjQ+NcF2TYO/eI3M6v8EiNYZfA95pQumfvcVrTHtwQVDG+aHRqLi/ETn2uB+1JqwYqVG3LIvdm9lj6imS/pQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log("Hello world");
I wan't this to be in the source code of the document (not in text) so it can be rendered properly.
I have tried many settings (it would be long list, I spent whole afternoon with this smile) but nothing works, i.e. code is stripped / changed when I close the code window and open again.
for the context, I use TinyMCE as editor for CMS and sometimes there is need to add extra style or javascript library
So I would be very grateful if somebody could post tinymce 4.2 init settings which allows this... or say if it's even possible
You may use the tinymce command mceInsertContent:
my_editor_instance.execCommand('mceInsertContent', ui, '<my>html</my>');

How do i get content into my projectpages? (data-url)

I have an issue getting content inside the projectpages. (I literally tried to figure this out for 4 days now, searching the web - i will give my right arm for solving this)
So I have a simple index.html page with 7 projects (7 thumb images representing each portfolio project). When i click on one of the images i would like to get to the page showing its content - i get to the new page /#/WORK1/ but i can't figure out where/how to insert my content in this new url?
You can see the problem at my site here:
Here is the code i am using for the 7 projects. WORK1, WORK2 etc.
<div id="projectPages">
<div class="project page-project" data-url="/WORK1/" >
<!-- Will be fetched on-demand -->
(So I don't know how I get it to be "fetched on-demand")
And here is the 7 clickable thumbs:
<div id="projectThumbs" >
<div class="wrapper">
<a class="project "href="/WORK1/" >
<div class="project-image"><div class="intrinsic"><div class="content-fill"><img data-src="/img/upcoming.png" data-image="/img/upcoming.png" data-image-dimensions="2500x1401" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" alt="work" data-load="false"/><noscript><img src="/img/upcoming.png"></noscript></div></div><div class="project-item-count">0</div></div>
<div class="project-title">Titel1</div>
Pleaaase help
You need to use write some JavaScript code using JQuery.
There are methods you need:
click() – to add click event handler.
data() – to get value from data attribute.
load() – to load contents from some URL to some element.
There is an example of using these methods. Does it fit your case?
You need to update your HTML code on the server.
Pay attention to data-project-id="1" and id="project-id-1". And update numbers respectively.
In data-url set your relative path. If you want to load WORK1.html file, you should write: data-url='/WORK1.html' (without / at the end).
The connection between blocks are made by data-project-id="1" and id="project-id-1" attributes.
I change the way to get url. I leave it in <a href="..."> and removed from <div class="project page-project">.
But for now I realised that I don't understand why you need many <div class="project page-project"> elements. Why not to use just one?
And you need to know about CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing
You could load contents just from your web site. It'll fail if you will try to load page from external web site.
You could use history.pushState(null, null, link.href); to update the URL of the page.
Updated JSFiddle:
You won't see URL changes at JSFiddle because it runs in a frame.
Try it on your page.
Add link to JQuery library to the <head> of your page but before my script.
Add my script wrapped with $(function() { /* JS code */ }); to execute it properly.
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
/* JS code from JSFiddle */