Custom-made linspace and logspace in MATLAB - matlab

I decided to take a look at two functions linspace and logspace. Below I give two examples, one using MATLAB's built-in linspace and one for logspace along with their hand made implementation. In the first case both the built-in function linspace and the handmade code give the same results. However, this is not true when examining the logspace function. Could you please help me to found the error in the handmade code?
a = 1; b = 5; n = 7;
y = linspace(1,5,7);
yy = zeros(1,n); yy(1) = a;
for i=2:n
yy(i) = yy(i-1) + (b-a)/(n-1);
x = logspace(1,5,7);
xx = zeros(1,n); xx(1) = 10^a;
for i=2:n
xx(i) = xx(i-1) + (10^b-10^a)/(n-1);
Thank you!

The only difference between linspace and logspace is that they go one step further and take the power of 10 for every element in the linspace array.
As such, you'd simply take your equation for linspace you generated, take the result and raise it to the power of 10. However, with your code, you are relying on the previous result and that is already raised to the power of 10. Therefore, you'll need to take the anti-log to convert the previous result back to a linear form, then use the same logic was used to generate the linspace, then raise it back to the power of 10. Therefore, the relationship is:
xx[n] = 10^(log10(xx[n-1]) + ((b-a)/(n-1)))
You can certainly simplify this, taking advantage of the fact that 10^(log10(z)) = z, as long as z > 0. We can also split up the terms in the power using the property that 10^(m + n) = (10^m) * (10^n). Therefore:
xx[n] = xx[n-1] * (10^((b-a)/(n-1)))
As such, simply take your previous result multiply with 10^((b-a)/(n-1))
a = 1; b = 5; n = 7;
x = logspace(1,5,7);
xx = zeros(1,n); xx(1) = 10^a;
for i=2:n
xx(i) = xx(i-1)*(10^((b-a)/(n-1))); %// Change
We get for both x and xx:
>> format long g;
>> x
x =
Columns 1 through 4
10 46.4158883361278 215.443469003188 1000
Columns 5 through 7
4641.58883361278 21544.3469003189 100000
>> xx
xx =
Columns 1 through 4
10 46.4158883361278 215.443469003188 1000
Columns 5 through 7
4641.58883361278 21544.3469003188 100000


MATLAB code for adding two signals for different time intervals

I have got two sine waves shifted 180 degrees from each other. I would like to create another signal from these two, but for that I have to add separate intervals separately and the resultant should be continuous as well.
Here are two sine waves:
t = 0:0.00001:0.02;
w= 2*pi*50;
ma = 0.8*sin(w*t);
mb = 0.8*sin(w*t-pi);
Now I want to create another signal mcm. For an interval "0 to 0.005 (quarter cycle)" I want mcm = 1 + ma. For interval "0.005 to 0.01" I want mcm = 1 + mb.
And likewise for the other two quarters.
How do we go about doing it?
Edit after the question was changed in the comment below
Given the need to generalise this to multiple cycles (note the addition of the user defined input n = number of cycles), here is what I would suggest.
Firstly, each function has to be explicitly defined. Secondly, for each point along the length of t, the function that needs to be used at that data point needs to be (explicitly) defined.
Thus in the code below, functions and functionOrder are used to set the functions to be used, and the order/frequency in which they are to be used.
In the Calculate mcm section, a variable ind is used to iterate over the output, and select the function to be used at each point.
% User inputs
f = 50;
n = 3; % number of cycles
inc = 0.00001; % increment
% Preliminaries
t_interval = 1/f;
t = 0:inc:t_interval*n;
t = t(1:end-1);
w = 2*pi*f;
ma = 0.8*sin(w*t);
mb = 0.8*sin(w*t-pi);
% Define mcm
f1 = #(ii) -1 - mb(ii);
f2 = #(ii) 1 - ma(ii);
f3 = #(ii) -1 + mb(ii);
f4 = #(ii) 1 - mb(ii);
functions = {f1, f2, f3, f4};
functionOrder = [1 2 3 4];
% Calculate mcm
ind = repmat(functionOrder, round(t_interval/inc)/length(functionOrder), 1);
ind = reshape(ind, numel(ind), 1);
ind = repmat(ind, n, 1);
mcm = zeros(size(ind));
for ii = 1:length(ind)
mcm(ii) = functions{ind(ii)}(ii);
% Plot
figure; plot(t,ma);
hold on; plot(t,mb);
plot(t, mcm);
Previous answer to the simpler question, without the need for generalisability
The way I would approach this would be a compromise between ease of use in the current situation and ease of replication/dynamism as the example changes.
First create a variable that is in indicator of where ma should be used and mb should be used. Note that using 0 and 1 makes future steps easier: if you had more functions to utilise in this piecewise operation, the construction of this indicator would have to be different.
ind = zeros(size(t)); %indicator
ind(t >= 0.000 && t < 0.005) = 1;
ind(t >= 0.010 && t <=0.015) = 1;
Then, the addition of ma and mb is relatively straightforward.
mcm = 1 + ind.*ma + (1-ind).*mb;
[Note that this follows the mathematical formulation described in the text, but the resulting curve is not continuous. I do not see a way to do this so that ma and mb alternate every quarter cycle and the curve is also continuous.]

Solve for independent variable between data points in MATLAB

I have many sets of data over the same time period, with a timestep of 300 seconds. Sets that terminate before the end of the observation period (here I've truncated it to 0 to 3000 seconds) have NaNs in the remaining spaces:
x = [0;300;600;900;1200;1500;1800;2100;2400;2700;3000];
y(:,1) = [4.65;3.67;2.92;2.39;2.02;1.67;1.36;1.07;NaN;NaN;NaN];
y(:,2) = [4.65;2.65;2.33;2.18;2.03;1.89;1.75;1.61;1.48;1.36;1.24];
y(:,3) = [4.65;2.73;1.99;1.49;1.05;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN];
I would like to know at what time each dataset would reach the point where y is equal to a specific value, in this case y = 2.5
I first tried finding the nearest y value to 2.5, and then using the associated time, but this isn't very accurate (the dots should all fall on the same horizontal line):
ybreak = 2.5;
for ii = 1:3
[~, index] = min(abs(y(:,ii)-ybreak));
yclosest(ii) = y(index,ii);
xbreak(ii) = x(index);
I then tried doing a linear interpolation between data points, and then solving for x at y=2.5, but wasn't able to make this work:
First I removed the NaNs (which it seems like there must be a simpler way of doing?):
for ii = 1:3
NaNs(:,ii) = isnan(y(:,ii));
for jj = 1:length(x);
if NaNs(jj,ii) == 0;
ycopy(jj,ii) = y(jj,ii);
Then tried fitting:
for ii = 1:3
f(ii) = fit(x(1:length(ycopy(:,ii))),ycopy(:,ii),'linearinterp');
And get the following error message:
Error using cfit/subsasgn (line 7)
Can't assign to an empty FIT.
When I try fitting outside the loop (for just one dataset), it works fine:
f = fit(x(1:length(ycopy(:,1))),ycopy(:,1),'linearinterp');
f =
Linear interpolant:
f(x) = piecewise polynomial computed from p
p = coefficient structure
But I then still can't solve f(x)=2.5 to find the time at which y=2.5
syms x;
xbreak = solve(f(x) == 2.5,x);
Error using cfit/subsref>iParenthesesReference (line 45)
Cannot evaluate CFIT model for some reason.
Error in cfit/subsref (line 15)
out = iParenthesesReference( obj, currsubs );
Any advice or thoughts on other approaches to this would be much appreciated. I need to be able to do it for many many datasets, all of which have different numbers of NaN values.
As you mention y=2.5 is not in your data set so the value of x which corresponds to this depends on the interpolation method you use. For linear interpolation, you could use something like the following
x = [0;300;600;900;1200;1500;1800;2100;2400;2700;3000];
y(:,1) = [4.65;3.67;2.92;2.39;2.02;1.67;1.36;1.07;NaN;NaN;NaN];
y(:,2) = [4.65;2.65;2.33;2.18;2.03;1.89;1.75;1.61;1.48;1.36;1.24];
y(:,3) = [4.65;2.73;1.99;1.49;1.05;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN];
N = size(y, 2);
x_interp = NaN(N, 1);
for i = 1:N
idx = find(y(:,i) >= 2.5, 1, 'last');
x_interp(i) = interp1(y(idx:idx+1, i), x(idx:idx+1), 2.5);
hold on
plot(x, y)
scatter(x_interp, repmat(2.5, N, 1))
hold off
It's worth keeping in mind that the above code is assuming your data is monotonically decreasing (as your data is), but this solution could be adapted for monotonically increasing as well.

Create a variable number of terms in an anonymous function that outputs a vector

I'd like to create an anonymous function that does something like this:
n = 5;
x = linspace(-4,4,1000);
f = #(x,a,b,n) a(1)*exp(b(1)^2*x.^2) + a(2)*exp(b(2)^2*x.^2) + ... a(n)*exp(b(n)^2*x.^2);
I can do this as such, without passing explicit parameter n:
f1 = #(x,a,b) a(1)*exp(-b(1)^2*x.^2);
for j = 2:n
f1 = #(x,a,b) f1(x,a,b) + a(j)*exp(b(j)^2*x.^2);
but it seems, well, kind of hacky. Does someone have a better solution for this? I'd like to know how someone else would treat this.
Your hacky solution is definitely not the best, as recursive function calls in MATLAB are not very efficient, and you can quickly run into the maximum recursion depth (500 by default).
You can introduce a new dimension along which you can sum up your arrays a and b. Assuming that x, a and b are row vectors:
f = #(x,a,b,n) a(1:n)*exp((b(1:n).^2).'*x.^2)
This will use the first dimension as summing dimension: (b(1:n).^2).' is a column vector, which produces a matrix when multiplied by x (this is a dyadic product, to be precise). The resulting n * length(x) matrix can be multiplied by a(1:n), since the latter is a matrix of size [1,n]. This vector-matrix product will also perform the summation for us.
n = 5;
x = linspace(-4,4,1000);
a = rand(1,10);
b = rand(1,10);
y = 0;
for k=1:n
y = y + a(k)*exp(b(k)^2*x.^2);
y2 = a(1:n)*exp((b(1:n).^2).'*x.^2); %'
The last command returns 1, so the two are essentially identical.

Get binomial coefficients

In an attempt to vectorize a particular piece of Matlab code, I could not find a straightforward function to generate a list of the binomial coefficients. The best I could find was nchoosek, but for some inexplicable reason this function only accepts integers (not vectors of integers). My current solution looks like this:
mybinom = #(n) arrayfun(#nchoosek, n*ones(1,n), 1:n)
This generates the set of binomial coefficients for a given value of n. However, since the binomial coefficients are always symmetric, I know that I am doing twice as much work as necessary. I'm sure that I could create a solution that exploits the symmetry, but I'm sure that it would be at the expense of readability.
Is there a more elegant solution than this, perhaps using a Matlab function that I am not aware of? Note that I am not interested in using the symbolic toolbox.
If you want to minimize operations you can go along these lines:
n = 6;
k = 1:n;
result = [1 cumprod((n-k+1)./k)]
>> result
result =
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
This requires very few operations per coefficient, because each cofficient is obtained exploiting the previously computed one.
You can reduce the number of operations by approximately half if you take into account the symmetry:
m1 = floor(n/2);
m2 = ceil(n/2);
k = 1:m2;
result = [1 cumprod((n-k+1)./k)];
result(n+1:-1:m1+2) = result(1:m2);
What about a modified version of Luis Mendo's solution - but in logarithms:
n = 1e4;
m1 = floor(n/2);
m2 = ceil(n/2);
k = 1:m2;
% Attempt to compute real value
out0 = [1 cumprod((n-k+1)./k)];
out0(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out0(1:m2);
% In logarithms
out1 = [0 cumsum((log(n-k+1)) - log(k))];
out1(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out1(1:m2);
plot(log(out0) - out1, 'o-')
The advantage of working with logarithms is that you can set n = 1e4; and still obtain a good approximation of the real value (nchoosek(1e4, 5e3) returns Inf and this is not a good approximation at all!).
EDIT following horchler's comment
You can use the gammaln function to obtain the same result but it's not faster. The two approximations seem to be quite different:
n = 1e7;
m1 = floor(n/2);
m2 = ceil(n/2);
k = 1:m2;
% In logarithms
out1 = [0 cumsum((log(n-k+1)) - log(k))];
out1(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out1(1:m2);
% Elapsed time is 0.912649 seconds.
k = 0:m2;
out2 = gammaln(n + 1) - gammaln(k + 1) - gammaln(n - k + 1);
out2(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out2(1:m2);
% Elapsed time is 1.020188 seconds.
tmp = out2 - out1;
plot(tmp, '.')
prctile(tmp, [0 2.5 25 50 75 97.5 100])
% 1.0e-006 *
% -0.2217 -0.1462 -0.0373 0.0363 0.1225 0.2943 0.3846
Is adding three gammaln worse than adding n logarithms? Or viceversa?
This works for Octave only
You can use bincoeff function.
Example: bincoeff(5, 0:5)
Only improvement I can think of goes like this. Maybe you already thought this trivial solution and didn't like it.
# Calculate only the first half
mybinomhalf = #(n) arrayfun(#nchoosek, n*ones(1,n/2+1), 0:n/2)
# pad your array symmetrically
mybinom = #(n) padarray(mybinomhalf(n), [0 n/2], 'symmetric', 'post')
# I couldn't test it and this line may not work

Writen Convolution function in matlab giving trouble

Hey there, I've been having difficulty writing the matlab equivalent of the conv(x,y) function. I cant figure out why this gives the incorrect output. For the arrays
x1 = [1 2 1] and x2 = [3 1 1].
Here's what I have
x1 = [1 2 1];
x2 = [3 1 1];
x1len = leng(x1);
x2len = leng(x2);
len = x1len + x2len - 1;
x1 = zeros(1,len);
x2 = zeros(1,len);
buffer = zeros(1,len);
answer = zeros(1,len);
for n = 1:len
buffer(n) = x(n);
answer(n) = 0;
for i = 1:len
answer(n) = answer(n) + x(i) * buffer(i);
The matlab conv(x1,x2) gives 3 7 6 3 1 as the output but this is giving me 3 5 6 6 6 for answer.
Where have I gone wrong?
Also, sorry for the formatting I am on opera mini.
Aside from not having x defined, and having all zeroes for your variables x1, x2, buffer, and answer, I'm not certain why you have your nested loops set up like they are. I don't know why you need to reproduce the behavior of CONV this way, but here's how I would set up a nested for-loop solution:
X = [1 2 1];
Y = [3 1 1];
nX = length(X);
nY = length(Y);
nOutput = nX+nY-1;
output = zeros(1,nOutput);
for indexY = 1:nY
for indexX = 1:nX
indexOutput = indexY+indexX-1;
output(indexOutput) = output(indexOutput) + X(indexX)*Y(indexY);
However, since this is MATLAB, there are vectorized alternatives to looping in this way. One such solution is the following, which uses the functions SUM, SPDIAGS, and FLIPUD:
output = sum(spdiags(flipud(X(:))*Y));
In the code as given, all vectors are zeroed out before you start, except for x which is never defined. So it's hard to see exactly what you're getting at. But a couple of things to note:
In your inner for loop you are using values of buffer which have not yet been set by your outer loop.
The inner loop always covers the full range 1:len rather than shifting one vector relative to the other.
You might also want to think about "vectorizing" some of this rather than nesting for loops -- eg, your inner loop is just calculating a dot product, for which a perfectly good Matlab function already exists.
(Of course the same can be said for conv -- but I guess you're reimplementing either as homework or to understand how it works?)