How to check analog values to see if they have varied more than 1V in the last 5 min? - plc

I have an AB PLC where I am trying to read analog values to see if the values vary more than 1V in 5 minutes? I have 10 sets of values I need to read. What would the easiest way to implement this? I can think of creating arrays to save the values each time I read them but the part I am having trouble with is, how to keep a running average of the values and compare against each time I read them.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!!

If I understand correctly all you want to do is see if your analog input is more or less than 1V from your set value? Just check if your value is greater than (set value + 1V) or less than (set value - 1V) every plc scan then set a bool value to true. That should be it.
I think finding an average of the analog input is not the way to go for this. But if you did want to find an average of an analog input over time you would need 3 things. Sample time, interval time, and total intervals. You would set up a sample time of, lets say 12 seconds. You will get the analog value every 12 seconds. After 60 seconds you would take the total and divide by (60/12 == 5). You would then add that value to the previous value average value that you totaled up and divide by the total number of intervals times (total intervals) you have accumulated. Hope I didn't make that to complicated.

What i understood from you question is you want check whether input voltage changed or not using the analog value you got, in my case i'm using 0 to 10v. Just simple store the analog value at max input i mean at 10v and just do the same for 0v and you can simply calculate the value for 1v. All you have do is compare the value with +/- 1v value you got from the calculation. you can do this dynamically with n-number of analog inputs(n= max analog inputs supported by your PLC.)

Have a look at FFL and FFU. They are First-In-First-Out buffers. You specify the length of the buffer you want and use FFL and FFU in pairs on the same buffer. Running averages are not that difficult to compute, and there are a number of ways to best implement depending on the platform (SLC vs CLX). The simplest method that would work on both platforms is to use a counter.ACC as a value to indirectly reference the element number of the FIFO for an addition function, then divide by the number of elements in your FIFO. This can all be done in a single multi-branch rung.
1. Load your value into FIFO buffer at some timer interval using FFL.
2. If you don't need the FIFO values 'Popped out' for use elsewhere, just set .POS to 0 when the FIFO is full and let it continue to update with new values, the values aren't cleared so they are still readable for your Running Average. But you MUST either use FFU to step the .POS back or use a MOV function to change the .POS once it's full or it will stop taking values.
3. Create a counter with a .PRE equal to the .LEN of your FIFO
4. On a parallel Rung, with each increment of the counter.ACC use an ADD function. Here's an example assuming CLX. If you're using SLC you can do the same thing but obviously you can't use tag names:
Value1: AllValues
Value2: FIFO[IndexCounter.ACC]
Destination: AllValues
5. When your counter.DN bit is set, divide AllValues by FIFO.LEN and store in a RunningAverage Tag, then reset the counter. Have your counter step once for each scan or put it all in a Periodic Function to execute the routine.


Reactive Extensions rate of change detection from normal movement

Given a sequence of numbers that trend overtime, I would like to use Reactive Extensions to give an alert when there is a sudden absolute change spike or drop. i.e 101.2, 102.4, 101.4, 100.9, 95, 93, 85... and then increasing slowly back to 100.
The alert would be triggered on the drop from 100.9 to 95, each would have a timestamp looking for an an alert of the form:
I believe i need to start with Buffer(60, 1) for a 60 sample moving average (of a minute frequency between samples).
Whilst that would give the average value, I can't assign an arbitrary % to trigger the alert since this could vary from signal to signal - one may have more volatility that the other.
To get volatility I would then take a longer historical time frame Buffer(14, 1) (these would be 14 days of daily averages of the same signal).
I would then calculate the difference between each value in the buffer and the 14 day average, square and add all these deviations, and divide by the number of samples.
My questions are please:
How would I perform the above volatility calculation, or is it better to just do this outside of RX and update the new volatility value once daily external to the observable stream calculation (this may make more sense to avoid me having to run 14 days worth of 1 minute samples through it)?
How would we combine the fast moving average and volatility level (updated once per day) to give alerts? I am seeing Scan and DistinctUntilChanged on posts on SO, but cant work out how to put together.
I would start by breaking this down into steps. (For simplicity I'll assume the original data source is an observable called values.)
Convert values into a moving averages observable (we'll call this averages here).
Combine values and averages into an observable that can watch for "extremes".
For step 1, you may be able to use the built-in Window method that Slugart mentioned in a comment or the similar Buffer method. A Select call after the Window or Buffer can be used to process the array into a single average value object. Something like:
averages = values.Buffer(60, 1)
.Select((buffer) => { /* do average and std dev calcuation here */ });
If you need sliding windows, you may have to implement your own operator, but I could easily be unaware of one that does exist. Scan along with a queue seem like a good basis for such an operator if you need to write it.
For step 2, you will probably want to start with CombineLatest followed by a Where clause. Something like:
extremes = values.CombineLatest(averages, (v, a) => new { Current = v, Average = a })
.Where((value) = { /* check if value.Current is out of deviation from value.Average */ });
The nice part of this approach is that you can choose between having averages be computed directly from values in line like we did here or be some other source of volatility information with minimal effect on the rest of the code.
Note that the CombineLatest call may cause two subscriptions to values, one directly and one indirectly via a subscription to averages. If the underlying implementation of values makes this undesirable, use Publish and RefCount to get around this.
Also note that CombineLatest will output a value each time either values or averages outputs a value. This means that you will get two events every time averages updates, one for the values update and one for the averages update triggered by the value.
If you are using sliding windows, that would mean a double update on every value, and it would probably be better to simply include the current value on the Scan output and skip the CombineLatest altogether. You would have something like this instead:
averages = values.Scan((v) => { /* build sliding window and attach current value */ });
extremes = averages.Where((a) => { /* check if current value is out of deviation for the window */ });
Once you have extremes, you can subscribe to it and trigger your alerts.

Calculate pseudo random number based on an increasing value

I need to calculate a pseudo random number in a given range (e.g. 0-150) based on another, strictly increasing number. Is there a mathematical way to solve this?
I am given one number x, which increases by 1 every day. Based on this number, I need to - somehow - calculate a number in a given range, which seems to be random.
I have a feeling that there is an easy mathematical solution for this, but sadly I am not able to find it. So any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
One sound way to do that is to hash the number x (either its binary representation or in text form) and then to use the hash to produce the 'random' number in the desired range (say by taking the first 32 bits of the hash and extracting by any known method the desired value). A cryptographic hash can be used like Sha256, but this is not necessary, MurmurHash is possibly a good one for your application.
Normally when you generate a random number, a seed value is used so that the same sequence of psuedorandom numbers isn't repeated. When a seed isn't explicitly given, many systems will use the time as a seed value.
Perhaps you could use x as a seed.
Here's an article explaining seeding:

Is the Rate in the source block a fixed rate?

I have a simple source to sink model and I am merely altering the "Rate" to 6 per hour. I would expect a fixed 6 agents to be generated each hour, but it seems like in the first hour from 0 to 60min, only 3 agents are generated. Similarly in the time 60-120min, only 5 agents were generated.
Is there a warm up period in Anylogic or something like this that explains what is happening?
Another alternative is to just use the interarrival time with a fixed time. This will give you the same results as Felipe's answer, but with one less object, as you will not need the event.
A few important items to note on this approach:
Instead of 6.0, using a parameter would be better. You could call this parameter dArrivalsPerHour. This would make your source block easier to read in the future, and give you some better flexibility. Your interarrival time would be 1.0 / dArrivalsPerHour.
Make sure you divide by at least (1) double. If you did 1/6, java would actually return 0! This is because in Java two integers divided by each other returns an integer, so java just truncates the decimal. If you use a parameter, just set its type to double. Usually to be extra careful against anyone accidentally changing my parameter type to integer in the future, I would still go ahead and use a 1.0.
AnyLogic does not have an arrival at time zero in this approach. The first arrival would be at 0.166 hours. If you want an arrival at time zero, followed by this pattern (it would still be 6 per hour, just shifting when it starts), then you have a couple of options. First, you can use Felipe's approach and set the first occurrence time to zero. An alternative would be to could call an inject On Startup OR after you have finished any initialization code your model has.
Happy Modeling!
The source block doesn't produce exactly 6 agents per hour, it produces agents using a poisson distribution with mean 6 per hour (lambda=6). So the number of agents per hour you get will be random. But the reason why you always get 3 in the first hour and 5 in the second hour is that you have a fixed seed:
You can find that option clicking on your simulation experiment under the randomness tab. If you change to random seed it will produce different agents per hour instead of always 3 and 5.
To produce EXACTLY 6 per hours you need to use an event. But first create a source that generates agents through injection:
And the event running 6 times per hour, adding 1 agent to the source:

change Frequency of coming data

I Have a Sensor (Gyro) that connected to my python program (with socket UDP) and send data to python console in real-time but with 200 Hz frequency.
I want to change this frequency of coming data to my console but could not find a good way to do it.
I was thinking about doing it with filters like Mean an waiting for idea?
If you want to have regular updates, use a windowing mechanism. Take the last n values and store the average. Then, discard the next two values and take the last n values again. This example would yield values with a frequency of 200 Hz/2.
If you only want to see events when changes have occured, store the last value, compare the current value with the last one and emit an event if it has changed, updating the stored value. As you're dealing with sensors (and thus, a little fuzziness), you probably want to implement a hysteresis.
You can even raise the frequency by creating extra values in between the received ones through interpolation. For a steady frequency, you would have to take care about your timing though.

Specified Length Unique ID Generation

I need to create unique and random alphanumeric ID's of a set length. Ideally I would store a counter in my database starting at 0, and every time I need a unique ID I would get the counter value (0), run it through this hashing function giving it a set length (Probably 4-6 characters) [ID = Hash(Counter, 4);], it would return my new ID (ex. 7HU9), and then I would increment my counter (0++ = 1).
I need to keep the ID's short so they can be remembered or shared easily. Security isn't a big issue, so I'm not worried about people trying random ID's, but I don't want the ID's to be predictable, so there can't be an opportunity for a user to notice that the ID's increment by 3 every time allowing them to just work their way backwards through the ID's and download the ID data one-by-one (ex. A5F9, A5F6, A5F3, A5F0 == BAD).
I don't want to just loop through random strings checking for uniqueness since this would increase database load over time as key's are used up. The intention is that hashing a unique incrementing counter would guarantee ID uniqueness up to a certain counter value, at which point the length of the generated ID's would be increased by one and the counter reset, and continue this pattern forever.
Does anybody know of any hashing functions which would suit this need, or have any other ideas?
Edit: I do not need to be able to reverse the function to get the counter value back.
The tough part, as you realize, is getting to a no-collision sequence guaranteed.
If "not obvious" is the standard you need for guessing the algorithm, a simple mixed congruential RNG of full period - or rather a sequence of them with increasing modulus to satisfy the requirement for growth over time - might be what you want. This is not the hash approach you're asking for, but it ought to work.
This presentation covers the basics of MCRNGs and sufficient conditions for full period in a very concise form. There are many others.
You'd first use the lowest modulus MCRNG starting with an arbitrary seed until you've "used up" its cycle and then advance to the next largest modulus.
You will want to "step" the moduli to ensure uniqueness. For example if your first IDs are 12 bits and so you have a modulus M1 <= 2^12 (but not much less than), then you advance to 16 bits, you'd want to pick the second modulus M2 <= 2^16 - M1. So the second tier of id's would be M1+x_i where x_i is the i'th output of the second rng. A 32-bit third tier would have modulus 2^32-M2 and its output would be be M2+y_i, where y_i is its output, etc.
The only persistent storage required will be the last ID generated and the index of the MCRNG in the sequence.
Someone with time on their hands could guess this algorithm without too much trouble. But a casual user would be unlikely to do so.
Let's say that your counter is range from 1 to 10000. Slice [1, 10000] to 10 small unit, each unit contain 1000 number.These small unit will keep track of their last id.
unit-1 unit-2 unit-10
[1 1000], [1001, 2000], ... ,[9000, 10000]
When you need a ID, just random select from unit 1-10, and get the unit's newest ID.
At first, your counter is 1, random selection is unit-2, than you will get the ID=1001;
Second time, your counter is 2, random selection is unit-1, than you will get the ID=1;
Third time, your counter is 3, random selection is unit-2, than you will get the ID=1002;
...and so on.
(This was a while ago but I should write up what I ended up doing...)
The idea I came up with was actually pretty simple. I wanted alphanumeric pins, so that works out to 36 potential characters for each character, and I wanted to start with 4 character pins so that works out to 36^4 = 1,679,616 possible pins. I realized that all I wanted to do was take all of these possible pins and throw away a percentage of them in a random way such that a human being had a low chance of randomly finding one. So I divide 1,679,616 by 100 and then multiply my counter by a random number between 1 and 100 and then encode that number as my alphanumeric pin. Problem solved!
By guessing a random combination of 4 letters and numbers you have a 1 in 100 chance of actually guessing a real in-use pin, which is all I really wanted. In my implementation I increment the pin length once the available pin space is exhausted, and everything worked perfectly! Been running for about 2 years now!
