Updating Entity Framework entity is failing because of relational Entity - entity-framework

I have this structure.
Question ---< Answer
-------- ------
Id Id
Text Value
I am attempting to update the value of Answer by getting it by Id from the DbContext setting the value to something new and then calling SaveChanges.
This is failing stating that question is required. I have the navigational property on Answer virtual.
For some reason EF thinks that I want the question to be null. If I set a breakpoint and lazy load the question in then it all works fine.
I only want to update the value, will I need to eager load the question?
If so this seems odd to me.
There is a [Required] Data Annotation on Question in the Answer entity which seems to be causing the problem.

Yea, that's how it works. If your navigation property is not nullable, save will fail until you load it. You have 2 solutions:
If you have navigation property virtual Question Question { get; set; }
you should also add int QuestionID { get; set; } so when you load your Answer you will have QuestionID value set, and it means your Question can be null, because QuestionID information is enough.
If you don't have context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified; and have context.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true; then when you change something on Answer the save changes will only update changed values, not the other ones, so the null property wont be a problem.


Want Entity Framework 6.1 eager loading to load only first level

I am not sure I am approaching wrong way or it is a default behaviour but it is not working the way I am expecting ...
Here are two sample classes ...
public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public Department Department { get; set; }
Second one is Department
public class Department
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<Person> People { get; set; }
Context Configuration
public MyDbContext() : base("DefaultConnection")
this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
public DbSet<Person> People { get; set; }
public DbSet<Department> Departments { get; set; }
I am try to load people where last name is from 'Smith'
var foundPeople
= context
.Where(p => p.LastName == "Smith");
Above query load foundPeople with just FirstName and LastName no Department object. It is a correct behaviour as my LazyLoading is off. And that was expected as well.
Now in another query with Eager loading Department,
var foundPeople
= context
.Where(p => p.LastName == "Smith")
.Include(p => p.Department);
Above query loads foundPeople with FirstName, LastName, Department with Department->Name as well as Deparment->People (all people in that department, which I dont want, I just want to load first level of the Included property.
I dont know is this an intended behaviour or I have made some mistake.
Is there any way to just load first level of Included property rather then complete graph or all levels of included property.
Using Include() to achieve eager loading only works if lazy loading is enabled on your objects--that is, your navigation properties must be declared as virtual, so that the EF proxies can override them with the lazy-loading behavior. Otherwise, they will eagerly load automatically and the Include() will have no effect.
Once you declare Person.Department and Department.People as virtual properties, your code should work as expected.
Very sorry, my original answer was wholly incorrect in the main. I didn't read your question closely enough and was incorrect in fact on the eager behavior. Not sure what I was thinking (or who upvoted?). Real answer below the fold:
Using the example model you posted (with necessary modifications: keys for the entities and removed "this" from context constructor) I was unable to exactly reproduce your issue. But I don't think it's doing what you think it's doing.
When you eagerly load the Department (or explicitly load, using context.Entry(...).Reference(...).Load()) inspect your results more closely: there are elements in the Department.People collections, but not all the Persons, only the Persons that were loaded in the query itself. I think you'll find, on your last snippet, that !foundPeople.SelectMany(p => p.Department.People).Any(p => p.LastName != "Smith") == true. That is, none of them are not "Smith".
I don't think there's any way around this. Entity Framework isn't explicitly or eagerly loading People collections (you could Include(p => p.Department.People) for that). It's just linking the ones that were loaded to their related object, because of the circular relationship in the model. Further, if there are multiple queries on the same context that load other Persons, they will also be linked into the object graph.
(An aside: in this simplified case, the proxy-creation and lazy-loading configurations are superfluous--neither are enabled on the entities by virtue of the fact that neither have lazy or proxy-able (virtual) properties--the one thing I did get right the first time around.)
By desing, DbContext does what it's called "relationship fix-up". As your model has information on which are the relations between your entities, whenever an entity is attached, or modified, in the context, EF will try to "fix-up" the relations between entities.
For example, if you load in the context an entity with a FK that indicates that it's a children of another entity already attached to the context, it will be added to the children collection of the existing entity. If you make any chages (change FK, delete entity, etc.) the relationships will be automatically fixed up. That's what the other answer explains: even if you load the related entities separatedly, with a different query, they'll be attached to the children collection they belong to.
This functionality cannot be disabled. See other questions related to this:
AsNoTracking and Relationship Fix-Up
Is it possible to enable relationship fixup when change tracking is disabled but proxies are generated
How to get rid of the related entities
I don't know what you need to do, but with the current version of EF you have to detach the entity from the context and manually remove the related entities.
Another option is to map using AutoMapper or ValueInjecter, to get rid of the relationship fix-up.
You could try using a LINQ query so you can select only the fields that you need. I hope that helps.

Breeze is trying to update a computed database column

A friend reported a problem with a computed column, Entity Framework, and Breeze
We have a table with a "FullName" column computed by the database. When creating a new Person, Breeze sends the FullName property value to the server, even though it’s not being set at all, and that triggers an error when trying to insert the new Person instance. The database throws this exception:
The column "FullName" cannot be modified because it is either a computed column or is the result of a UNION operator.
Here is the relevant portion of the SQL Table definition:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person](
[ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] [varchar](100) NULL,
[MiddleName] [varchar](100) NULL,
[LastName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL,
[FullName] AS ((([Patient].[LastName]+',') + isnull(' '+[Patient].[FirstName],'')) + isnull(' '+[Patient].[MiddleName],'')),
My friend tells me the corresponding "Code First" class looks something like this:
public class Person {
public int ID {get; set;}
public string FirstName {get; set;}
public string MiddleName {get; set;}
public string LastName {get; set;}
public string FullName {get; set;}
The answer to this question explains the problem and offers a solution.
Design issues
Everyone looking at this wonders why there is a computed column for FullName and, secondarily, why this property is exposed to the client.
Let's just assume there is a good reason for the computed column, a good reason for the model to get the value from the table instead of calculating the value itself, and a good reason to send it to the client rather than have the client calculate it. Here's what he told me about that;
"We need to include the FullName in queries"
Life works out this way sometimes.
Notice that the FullName property has a public setter. The EF metadata generator for the Person class cannot tell that this is a read-only property. FullName looks just like LastName. The metadata say "this is normal read/write property."
Breeze doesn't see a difference either. The client app may not touch this property, but Breeze has to send a value for it when creating a new Person. Back on the server, the Breeze EFContextProvider thinks it should pass that value along when creating the EF entity. The stage is set for disaster.
What can you do if (a) you can't change the table and (b) you can't change the model's FullName property definition?
A Solution
EF needs your help. You should tell EF that this is actually a database computed property. You could use the EF fluent interface or use the attribute as shown here:
public String FullName { get; set; }
Add this attribute and EF knows this property is read-only. It will generate the appropriate metadata and you can save a new Person cleanly. Omit it and you'll get the exception.
Note that this is only necessary for Code First. If he'd generated the model Database First, EF knows that the column is computed and doesn’t try to set it.
Be aware of a similar issue with store-generated keys. The default for an integer key is "store-generated" but the default for a Guid key is "client generated". If, in your table, the database actually sets the Guid, you must mark the ID property with [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]

Selectively updating (and not updating) fields

Is there a way to tell EF 4.3+ not to update some fields?
We have a standard in the DB where each table has a 'CreatedBy' column. I would like to make sure that it is impossible to update that column.
The safest I see it would be to tell EF not to map the corresponding properties but just for the update.
Is there a way to do that?
If you are using code first you can use the DatabaseGenerated attribute to configure the property as Computed.
public string Foo { get; set; }

EF code-first foreign key

I have a class Question
CompareItems store CurrentQuestion-to-OtherQuestion compare information.
public class Question
public virtual ICollection<QuestionMark> CompareItems { get; set; }
public class QuestionMark
[Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Question { get; set; } //Store ID of OtherQuestion
public decimal Mark { get; set; }
When I delete some question A I need that all QuestionMark where QuestionMark.Question == A.Id also deleted, because it's no need to have compare information if question not exist. How it possible to do that without making QuestionMark.Question an entity? Maybe EF have some rule in Fluent-API to set that QuestionMark.Question is foreign key on Question entity?
I don't wont to make QuestionMark.Question as entity because it will need to change current solution lot - is a first. Also, question is a quite heavy entity, and to load it multiple time to assign value or delete or something else will be press on performance
I think it's possible to change app to use Entities instead of id, because EF use lazy loading by default and it will not caused performance problems. And I think that using just id instead of entity possible with some fluent API settings or attribute.
If you do not want to make a navigational property Question in QuestionMark class then you need to manually create a foreign key with "cascade delete". Then when every a question is deleted the database will delete the related QuestionMark records.
However this approach has a problem with EF. Because EF does not know there is a "cascade delete" relationship among these entities. So there can be inconsistencies within the locally tracked entities in EF.
You have not given a reason as to why you do not want to map the relationship in EF but I highly advice you against it.

Entity Framework/.Net 4.0: POCO and saving many to one relationships

How do I have to set up a property so that when using SaveChanges, the many to one relationship is saved and I don't get the: INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint... error.
Pretty simple, I have an Ad and an AdType where there are many Ads to one AdType. There is a property on Ad:
public class Ad
public Int32 AdTypeId { get; set; }
public virtual AdType AdType { get; set; }
To cover this relationship.
When I do this:
someAd.AdType = someAdType;
The property is set just fine, but the AdTypeId is not. No worries though since I would assume this would be ok to save.
Problem is at this point it is trying to save the 0 value in the AdTypeId column (Causing a foreign key issue) instead of using the object assigned AdType property to figure out what it should insert into the AdTypeId column.
Things I know:
At this point someAdType is
persisted/has an id.
The AdType property is set correctly.
The AdTypeId is 0.
There is a foreign key relationshipin the database.
AdTypeId is a primary key.
I have deferred/lazy loading set to true
I haven't really tried changing the AdType since it is set up to allow lazy loading.
Ok looks like because I am using the non proxied (Made that word up... Yah) "Snapshot based Change Tracking" approach, the system has no real idea that it's changed.
In this example, Customer is a pure
POCO type. Unlike with EntityObject or
IPOCO based entities, making changes
to the entity doesn’t automatically
keep the state manager in sync because
there is no automatic notification
between your pure POCO entities and
the Entity Framework. Therefore, upon
querying the state manager, it thinks
that the customer object state is
Unchanged even though we have
explicitly made a change to one of the
properties on the entity.
Got that from here
So in order to make sure it knows to check to see if there has been a change I have to use the AcceptAllChangesAfterSave option with the SaveChanges method.
And it works. Hopefully I understand it correctly...